Pixel Pinkie Pixel Pinkie S01 E011 Blinded with Science

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00My plans were kind of blown
00:03But everything is so fun now
00:05I never wanna be without
00:08Like a teeny weeny pixel genie
00:11Teeny weeny pixel genie
00:13Teeny weeny pixel genie
00:16Teeny weeny teeny weeny pixel pinky
00:20Annie and I have decided to enter in Planet Peach.
00:23It's a chance to present ideas for saving the planet to celebrity judges at the Plenty Mall.
00:28Planet Peach? I have a feeling you could be in demand on this one, Nina.
00:31Why's that, Annie?
00:32Everyone knows your family is into saving the planet.
00:35Your mum's homemade recipes, your dad's compost-powered van...
00:38Uh, yeah. Don't remind me.
00:40My old van is kinda cool
00:43Uses compost for its fuel
00:45Might smell strange
00:52So what?
00:53Everyone has an embarrassing high school moment.
00:55Moment? Embarrassing decade more like it!
00:58There's no way anyone's going to want to do a Planet Peach project with me!
01:08Um, don't mind them, Suzie.
01:10They're all just excited about that ball thingy.
01:12It's not a ball. It's a planet. I think.
01:15But anyway, it's on this weekend. We should do something.
01:18Forget saving some planet, Max.
01:20Not when coolest Luke is in town.
01:23My sources tell me he'll be signing and styling at the music store.
01:26Cool! That's where we'll be!
01:43Fire your sources, Suzie.
01:45Says here on the homepage that coolest Luke himself
01:48is one of the celebrity judges for Planet Peach.
01:51Oh. My. Dog.
01:53I say everyone enter into Planet Peach.
01:55Great idea, Suzie!
01:57What shall we do?
01:58I know the perfect person to help us.
02:02So you told them all no, right?
02:04Well, not exactly.
02:06What? You said yes to everyone?
02:09Oh, it's for a good cause, Annie.
02:12You guys are so popular and I didn't have to lift a pixel!
02:17See? Suzie and her gang are outside!
02:22We're here for a Planet Peach brainstorm.
02:25You two are on our team.
02:27Oh, are we?
02:30Do come in.
02:31Nikki, start capturing ideas.
02:33Emily, lights. Max, visuals.
02:36I'll start.
02:40Improving the world starts with image.
02:42We all know coolest Luke...
02:44Coolest Luke!
02:48We all know that coolest Luke is cool.
02:52But not everyone is blessed with his gorgeous locks.
02:55I can say that again.
02:58Don't mind me. I'm Nina's mum, Fern.
03:00Can I get you something? Perhaps a green tea?
03:03Green is so last season.
03:05Do you have any azure blue? It's in right now.
03:09I'll check.
03:10Anyway, what those people need is a fantastic hair product that holds tight
03:15and that's what our project needs to be.
03:17Go, Suzie!
03:18Go, Suzie!
03:22So this product will reduce power use and therefore greenhouse gases how?
03:26What is it with you people and green?
03:29It's not about the colour.
03:31If I used product, which I don't,
03:34but if I did, I suppose I'd blow-dry my hair a little less.
03:38But I don't blow-dry my hair now,
03:40so I don't think I'd blow-dry it less ever, I think.
03:45So what you're saying, Max, is less hair-drying means less power consumption.
03:50Oh, yeah.
03:51You know, Nina, I don't have any blue tea,
03:54but I do have a recipe for homemade organic hair gel.
03:57Thanks, Mum. I can see the label now.
03:59Make sure the label says Suzie's Sticky Wiki.
04:02That's what it's called.
04:03So, Nina, by tomorrow we'll need it made, packaged and ready to show at Plenty Mall.
04:08Till then.
04:09I can see Coolest Luke loving that name.
04:11He's so going to love us.
04:13I mean, you, Suzie.
04:17So much for being popular.
04:19We've spent the entire night working on everyone else's projects.
04:23It's not over yet.
04:24This hair gel recipe of Fern's sure is complicated.
04:27Aunt Spelly, what's in it?
04:29A lot of stuff. Do you even have half of it?
04:32Er, Pixel Pinky, a little help with the gel?
04:37Wow, cool!
04:39Hairspray pixel style.
04:41Thanks, Pixel Pinky.
04:42Hey, I use it every day.
04:44How else do I look like this?
04:46Hit me with it.
04:53Thanks for the ride, Dad. We're so late.
04:55It's cool, Neans.
04:57So, drop you two blocks from the rehearsal like usual.
05:00I know how embarrassed you feel about my van.
05:02Not this time, Dad.
05:08That's my better side.
05:10No, that one is.
05:11They're both so good, I can't decide.
05:22Thanks, Pixel Pinky.
05:24This planet pitch is going to be awesome.
05:26No problem.
05:27There is one thing I've forgotten to tell you.
05:30Oh, it's on the tip of my tongue.
05:42Pixel Pinky, no!
05:51Oh, no!
05:53My phone's busted!
05:55Can't text, can't think!
05:57Turn on, now!
05:59Scientifically speaking, Mr. Pinky,
06:01I'm not a scientist.
06:03I'm not a scientist!
06:05I'm not a scientist!
06:07I'm not a scientist!
06:09I'm not a scientist!
06:10Scientifically speaking, Mr. Hutchins,
06:12it was a freak electromagnetic pulse,
06:14EMP for short.
06:15Save it, I'm the sports teacher.
06:17Just make sure it doesn't happen tonight, OK?
06:19It's not working!
06:21I saw Pixel Pinky disappear!
06:23I don't know where she could be!
06:25About time.
06:29Quick, give me your SIM card.
06:30Hopefully it will still work,
06:31and you can contact Pixel Pinky.
06:33I hope she's OK.
06:35Where are you?
06:37Am I OK?
06:38Call me.
06:40What kind of text is that?
06:42Yeah, shouldn't you be apologizing right now?
06:44Suzy's got nothing to show Call Us Luke tonight.
06:47I didn't text you, Suzy.
06:48Yeah, right.
06:49What's this, then?
06:53Oh, no!
06:55Pixel Pinky!
06:57Oh, no, Pixel Pinky is all she can say?
07:00I've had enough talk about the environment or whatever.
07:03Come on, everyone, let's head to the core.
07:05Did you see that, Annie?
07:06Pixel Pinky's on Suzy's phone!
07:08She's so pale and weak!
07:10What are we going to do?
07:12Look, on your shoes.
07:14Is that a pixel?
07:17It is!
07:18There's another!
07:21They're everywhere!
07:25Perhaps if we collect them and get them back to her...
07:28We can give Pixel Pinky the energy to come back.
07:34I say, let's watch a Call Us Luke video to make us feel better.
07:48Okay, that's all of them.
07:50So now what?
07:51We send them to Pixel Pinky.
07:52What about Suzy? Won't she get suspicious?
07:55She already thinks we're weird.
07:57Look, there she is!
07:59She's seen Pixel Pinky! Quick, send!
08:02Quoi? 148 messages?
08:05C'est tous des messages d'Annie?
08:07Et c'est tout en blanc!
08:08Elle se sent clairement mal à cause de notre projet.
08:11Eh bien, cette chose de Planet Pitch est une blague.
08:13J'aimerais qu'il y ait un autre moyen pour que Call Us Luke m'aperceve.
08:18Mon cheveux a l'air terrible!
08:20Il sera toujours ici, à la malle, ce soir.
08:22Pourquoi ne pas vous deux m'envoyer au salon pour une réparation rapide?
08:25Ordre pour Suzy.
08:26Juste après que vous preniez nos boissons.
08:29Je les prendrai pour vous, Suzy.
08:30Non, moi! Mon tour!
08:31J'ai dit que je les prendrais d'abord!
08:34À peu près à l'heure, j'ai besoin de mes cheveux réparés, comme hier.
08:39Pourquoi ne pas revenir à mon téléphone?
08:42Je peux y aller seulement si Suzy me souhaite de partir.
08:45Plus de discussion, plus de styling!
08:50Alors, nouveau style, que pensez-vous?
08:55Si je reçois seulement la moitié de la réaction de Call Us Luke, ma mission sera terminée.
08:59Alors, qu'est-ce que vous deux voulez?
09:01Euh, j'admirais juste le personnage sur votre téléphone.
09:05Oh, moi aussi.
09:07Quoi? Ce n'est pas pour moi!
09:08Très rétro.
09:09Le costume en rose et le gros cheveu.
09:11Ma mère l'aimerait.
09:14Eww! C'est dégueulasse!
09:16Comment je dégage ce truc?
09:17Non! Je veux dire, non.
09:20Je l'aurai.
09:21C'est si vous ne le voulez pas vraiment.
09:25Pas tout de suite, Nina.
09:26Il y a quelque chose que je veux que vous fassiez pour moi.
09:28D'accord, Suzy. Qu'est-ce que c'est?
09:31Alors, ça marche?
09:33Bien sûr.
09:34Voyons sur notre mannequin.
09:44Je suis de retour!
09:45Vous m'avez manqué?
09:46Oui, j'ai.
09:47Pouvez-vous m'aider avec mon cheveu?
09:49J'aimerais que ça revienne au normal.
09:51Hmm, je ne sais pas.
09:53Je n'aime pas ça.
09:54Très rétro.
09:56Pixel Pinky!
