Ehsaas Telethon - Qurbani Appeal - 2 June 2024 - Part 2 - ARY Qtv

  • 4 months ago
Ehsaas Telethon - Qurbani Appeal

Fund raising from international community.

Cow Share in Pak || 80$
Goat Share in Pak || 175$
Cow Share in IND || 37$
Goat Share in IND || 160$
Cow Share in JAMMU & KASHMIR || 82$

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Account Name: Ehsaas Foundation
Bank Name: Chase Bank
Account Number: 202535861
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#EhsaasTelethon #QurbaniAppeal #ARYQtv
00:00 There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
00:07 Welcome back to the Aisaas Qurbani Appeal.
00:09 The live broadcast of the Aisaas Qurbani Appeal is going on live.
00:14 For the last two hours,
00:17 we have been appealing to the rich and powerful people
00:24 and the elite to come and participate in this event.
00:28 This time too, the Aisaas platform is going to host a grand gathering of sacrifice.
00:36 If possible, all those people whom Allah has made worthy of worship,
00:42 then with the grace of Allah, whatever is possible,
00:47 please contribute to this gathering of sacrifice.
00:52 We never ask you to make all the sacrifices with Aisaas.
00:59 Nor do we make any big demands.
01:01 There is a pain, a pain that there is a group who really needs you.
01:10 And believe me,
01:12 if, I am saying this from the depths of my heart,
01:16 I am saying this from the depths of my heart,
01:19 that if Allah Almighty makes you a means of hope for someone,
01:28 then this is a great blessing of Allah.
01:31 Try, if someone has hope in you,
01:35 and Allah has given you so much blessing that you can fulfill his hope,
01:40 then don't back out.
01:42 Never stop yourself.
01:44 Because remember, that today, after Allah,
01:49 someone has given you hope, knowing you as a means.
01:53 One day, it will come that the centre and the centre of all our hopes
01:58 will be someone else.
02:00 If today we think that we have all the blessings of the world,
02:04 we have so much wealth and we have no shortage of anything,
02:07 remember that tomorrow, on the day of judgement,
02:11 you will have to leave all these things in this world.
02:14 If you want your bank balance to be useful in the hereafter,
02:20 you must have heard, "Doctor, it is often said,
02:26 and I am admitting this for the very first time,
02:32 I am making an amendment to this, I am modifying it."
02:36 It is said, "While saving money,
02:42 you must leave all this here,
02:46 because there is no pocket in the shroud.
02:49 But you must believe, you must see with your spiritual thinking and spiritual vision.
02:54 This is my claim, as a Tifl-e-Muqtab,
02:58 that there is a pocket in every shroud.
03:02 You just need a spiritual vision.
03:05 This is the pocket that you are using to serve the poor,
03:09 to spend money in the way of Allah.
03:11 Remember, this is the pocket in the shroud,
03:13 which is not visible, it is a spiritual pocket.
03:14 All this is being collected in this.
03:16 And God willing, this will be useful for you tomorrow.
03:19 Some people think that the bank balance is only up to the level of the world.
03:22 No, there is a bank balance that is up to the level of the world,
03:25 and there is a bank balance that is in the hereafter.
03:29 If today you consider yourself the richest person in the world,
03:33 and if today you are talking about the suffering of the poor,
03:36 and if you don't have a single rupee from your pocket,
03:38 then there is no one poorer than you.
03:40 And the poorest person who thinks he is the richest person,
03:45 that is, in his humility, in his humility,
03:48 remember, if you go through all this,
03:53 and if you succeed in the way of Allah,
03:56 then he is the richest person.
04:00 He is the richest person.
04:01 So, what is the standard of success?
04:05 What is the standard of success that we have set?
04:08 The standard of success of every believer is that
04:11 as the world's life passes through its ups and downs,
04:15 happiness and sorrow, darkness and light,
04:19 wealth and poverty, wealth and happiness,
04:22 as this boat crosses the shore,
04:24 when it does, then our Lord will be pleased with us.
04:27 And the happiness of the hereafter,
04:29 if we find that, then everything is in order.
04:33 If you rule the world,
04:35 the world's happiness and sorrow,
04:37 what is your last destination?
04:38 The grave of Daigus.
04:39 And after that, if we do not do Allah,
04:42 "If Allah does not do, we will be in a state of misery,
04:44 we will be in a state of satanic delusions,
04:46 we will be in the delusion of our souls,
04:48 and if we understand the world as our own,
04:50 then there is destruction,
04:52 there is destruction,
04:53 why not worry about that life,
04:56 which is eternal life, Allah is great.
04:58 Who will not want that Allah, the Lord of Glory,
05:02 the Beloved of the Holy Prophet (saw)
05:06 is saved from the curse of death and is admitted to heaven?
05:09 But tomorrow everyone will wish
05:12 that when the ticket for heaven is being given,
05:14 people will rush to heaven,
05:19 who will not want that I am the first in this,
05:22 that I should be admitted to heaven first.
05:25 So the test is today,
05:27 if you are going to be more and more involved in good deeds,
05:32 for example, if someone is in pain,
05:34 if someone is in grief,
05:36 if someone is going through some trouble and grief,
05:39 and Allah has given you the ability,
05:42 Allah has given you the ability,
05:43 that you want to make the pain of this Muslim brother easier,
05:48 I will give this thirsty person water,
05:49 I will give this hungry person food,
05:51 if you have these emotions
05:53 and you do this with the help of Allah,
05:56 then remember,
05:58 that day, no matter how rich you are today,
06:00 that day when the world of hunger is told by the scholars,
06:04 the world of thirst is told by the scholars,
06:06 if today you cannot see the troubles and troubles of others,
06:11 and you prove with your deeds that you are always ready,
06:15 that I will continue to serve these poor people,
06:18 then remember,
06:20 that my Lord, who is the Lord of the worlds,
06:22 who is the One who will take care of the worlds,
06:23 tomorrow He will not leave you alone,
06:27 tomorrow His mercy will be useful for you,
06:29 that today, the efforts you make,
06:33 the service you do,
06:35 the ability that Allah has given you,
06:36 it will not be wasted by you,
06:39 I am sure that today,
06:43 the one who quenches the thirst and hunger of others,
06:46 will be so fortunate,
06:47 that if today he does all these good deeds for the sake of Allah,
06:52 then tomorrow the biggest credit,
06:55 the biggest award,
06:56 the biggest gift and reward for him will be,
06:58 that the beloved hands of the Prophet,
07:03 the blessed hands of the Prophet,
07:04 will be blessed with water.
07:06 And the saying that today,
07:08 the one who feeds the hungry,
07:09 the thirsty,
07:11 tomorrow he will be given such water and such food,
07:16 that he will not be hungry,
07:17 nor will he be thirsty,
07:19 till he enters paradise.
07:21 Allah Hu Akbar.
07:23 So, all these emotions,
07:27 I am saying this with great responsibility,
07:29 all these emotions are for those poor people.
07:31 You see these pictures,
07:33 you are shown these faces in the footages.
07:35 Believe me,
07:36 when I ask myself this question again and again,
07:39 you should also ask,
07:40 it creates a lot of worry, it is strong.
07:43 Do you know what it is?
07:44 That today, if someone,
07:46 if our child comes and says to us,
07:47 "Baba, I want food, I want water."
07:50 We give up all our efforts,
07:52 we put all our efforts in this.
07:54 Just somehow feed our child,
07:56 give him water,
07:57 till he is hungry and thirsty,
07:58 and he is looking at you,
07:59 with such a look,
08:00 and is looking at you with such a look,
08:02 you become more anxious and worried.
08:06 My child is asking for water,
08:08 and I am not giving him water,
08:09 and he is asking for food,
08:11 he is hungry.
08:13 Ask that father's heart,
08:14 ask that mother's heart,
08:17 that because of Allah's wisdom,
08:18 he is poor,
08:20 but think about the state of the heart,
08:23 when the child holds his father's hand and says,
08:25 "Baba, I want to eat chocolate."
08:27 But the father does not have any money,
08:30 what feelings must he be going through?
08:32 Why can't we think?
08:34 Just think once,
08:35 by God, tears will fall in your eyes.
08:39 If a child asks his father,
08:41 "Baba, please give me this and that."
08:43 And the father cannot give it.
08:45 Allah is great.
08:46 But still,
08:47 I am seeing people like this,
08:50 who are given such a hand,
08:53 who tolerate everything,
08:55 and go through all these situations,
08:57 and even after that,
08:58 they hold on to the promise of "There is no god but Allah."
09:02 Iqbal said for these people,
09:04 "This wealth and wealth of the world,
09:06 this relationship and relationship,
09:07 is a fountain of delusion and delusion.
09:09 There is no god but Allah."
09:11 God willing,
09:12 these people will be the richest people in the hereafter.
09:14 But,
09:16 the one who can remove these difficulties,
09:19 who can light the way for these people,
09:22 who can feed these hungry people,
09:23 who can feed these thirsty people,
09:25 he has to be accountable.
09:27 The reward you were given,
09:28 is not because you came to this world to enjoy,
09:31 and the rest you came to stock and deposit for your children.
09:35 Rather, it is because,
09:36 the one who was given less,
09:38 you gave them out of the wealth you gave me,
09:40 or you didn't.
09:41 The Prophet (pbuh) said,
09:43 "My wealth, my wealth, my wealth."
09:45 The Prophet (pbuh) said,
09:46 "Wealth is of three types.
09:48 One, that which he ate and digested.
09:50 The second, that which he wore and made it plain.
09:52 And the third,
09:53 that which he spent in the way of Allah,
09:57 and saved for the hereafter."
09:58 Allah Hu Akbar.
09:59 I want, Doctor,
10:00 if this is what you want to convey to people,
10:03 it will motivate them,
10:05 that the love of wealth is in its place.
10:07 But, the Prophet (pbuh) said,
10:09 "The real wealth that you are saving,
10:11 is that which is spent in the way of Allah."
10:13 What do you say?
10:14 The Prophet (pbuh) said,
10:17 "Ibn Adam says, 'My wealth, my wealth, my wealth.'"
10:20 The Prophet (pbuh) said,
10:21 "La yam la ufahu illa turab."
10:24 "That his stomach will be filled with nothing but mud."
10:28 So, the real thing is the love of the hereafter.
10:33 That we should give preference to the life of the hereafter.
10:35 I remember the beautiful statement of Sayyiduna Ali (ra).
10:39 Imam Bukhari narrated this Hadith in the book of Al-Riqaq.
10:44 He said,
10:45 "Do not be of the children of this world,
10:47 but be of the children of the hereafter."
10:50 Do not love the world,
10:52 but love the hereafter.
10:56 "Today is the day of action, and tomorrow is the day of reckoning."
11:02 And tomorrow will be the day of reckoning, not the day of action.
11:05 So, the world is the house of action,
11:07 the hereafter is the house of reward.
11:08 "And the world is the field of the hereafter."
11:10 The world is the field of the hereafter.
11:12 "Today, you will sow the seed of virtue in this world,
11:16 and tomorrow you will reap the same harvest in the hereafter."
11:19 So, today is a good time to prepare for the hereafter in this short life.
11:25 We should give charity and charity.
11:27 "Lan tanalul birra hatta tunfiqu mimma tuhibbun."
11:30 Subhanallah.
11:31 The thing that you love more,
11:34 you should spend it.
11:36 There is a beautiful narration of Hazrat Talha Ansari.
11:40 Subhanallah.
11:41 When a person came to the house of Hazrat Kareem (as)
11:46 and said, "O Messenger of Allah, there is nothing in the house."
11:49 So, Hazrat Kareem (as) said, "Go and ask the wives of the Mutaharas,
11:53 the Ummahatul Mumineen, if there is anything to eat."
11:56 So, he went and said, "There is nothing."
11:59 Then, Hazrat Kareem (as) said,
12:02 "Man yadummu haidhash shakhs."
12:04 "Who will be their guest?"
12:07 So, in the presence of the Prophet (pbuh),
12:08 a very dear companion, Hazrat Abu Talha Ansari (ra)
12:12 stood up and said, "O Messenger of Allah, I will be their guest."
12:16 "He is the guest of the Messenger of Allah, I will be their guest."
12:20 He went immediately and found out at home.
12:22 His wife said, "There is nothing.
12:25 There is only food and that is also for the children."
12:30 "But since he is the guest of the Messenger of Allah, how can we refuse him?"
12:34 When he was called,
12:36 Hazrat Abu Talha Ansari (ra) and his wife agreed
12:41 that when the guests arrive,
12:43 they will do this and we will put out the light.
12:46 And after putting out the light,
12:48 we will show that we are eating so that they do not feel that we are not eating.
12:53 And it so happened that the children's food was kept there.
12:57 As soon as the guests arrived,
12:59 when the food started, they put out the light.
13:04 When the guests arrived,
13:07 they put out the light of the grave.
13:09 You said a very good thing.
13:11 So, they lit up the light of the grave.
13:14 Now, when the next day, when the companions came to the house of the Prophet (pbuh),
13:18 the Prophet (pbuh) said,
13:21 "We will not do the literal meaning here."
13:27 "Because when we say 'to Allah' in relation to 'to laugh',
13:30 it means 'to be content'.
13:32 "If we look at the meaning of 'to laugh' in Arabic, it means 'to laugh'.
13:35 "But Allah is free of these things."
13:38 "So, what does it mean?" The Prophet (pbuh) said,
13:40 "May Allah be pleased with you and may He be pleased with you."
13:45 The next day, when the companions came to the house of the Prophet (pbuh),
13:48 the Prophet (pbuh) said, "May Allah be pleased with you."
13:53 So, this is the passion of Ishaar.
13:55 And what you are seeing,
13:58 listen to this passion of Ishaar and awaken this passion within you
14:05 that we too, who are poor today,
14:10 especially the poor in 2024,
14:15 especially those who do not have meat on the occasion of Bakra Eid,
14:19 we should increase this passion of Ishaar and join this movement.
14:26 The summary of the speech that Dr. Sahib gave to the audience
14:33 is that he is inviting you to come
14:39 and join this movement of love to illuminate the light of your hereafter.
14:47 This is the truth.
14:49 There are other efforts, like the effort of the collective sacrifice in 2024.
14:56 You should join this love.
14:58 May your love reach the poor.
15:00 May the poor be blessed with a heart of prayer.
15:02 And may you reach from one place to another.
15:05 Then, this is a special arrangement,
15:07 that all the conditions are met.
15:10 Now, you understand,
15:13 that the heart-felt words have an impact.
15:17 When this impact is felt on the heart,
15:21 then the result is that,
15:24 one of our brothers,
15:27 MashaAllah, Mohammad Irfan,
15:30 is from the United States of America.
15:34 He wants that the sacrifices that are being made by Aisaaz in India,
15:37 three parts should be included.
15:40 Our brother, Chaudhry Afzal,
15:42 is from the UK,
15:44 United Kingdom, and seven shares in cow in India.
15:47 He wants that seven parts of the sacrifices in India,
15:51 that is, he wants to include one cow.
15:56 Similarly, our sister, Mrs. Wasim,
15:59 from USA, United States of America,
16:01 she wants that three parts of the sacrifices in India,
16:04 should be included in the charity given to her by Allah.
16:12 So, this is the journey of love,
16:14 and it is ongoing.
16:15 And Allah, who grants the opportunity,
16:18 and who is blessed with this happiness,
16:20 he joins the journey of serving the people of Allah.
16:24 And this is our job, to call out,
16:28 to call out,
16:29 to call out,
16:30 who comes to offer prayers,
16:32 this is the matter of his fate.
16:34 So, when for the sake of Allah,
16:37 any effort is made,
16:39 and if the intention is based on sincerity,
16:44 and if there are true emotions,
16:46 and if the effort is done as it should be,
16:49 it is not that we invite you to the platform of feeling,
16:54 that we are doing this for a good cause.
16:56 Look, in today's world, the world has changed.
16:59 If there is an organization that wants to serve the people of the world,
17:04 that they should help them and do a good deed,
17:07 not just because of this,
17:09 but also because, Alhamdulillah, we understand that
17:12 the mechanism of feeling,
17:15 the portfolio of feeling,
17:17 the team of feeling,
17:19 and the efficiency,
17:22 the transparency,
17:24 the credibility,
17:27 if we consider all these elements, all these factors,
17:31 then even if I am a viewer,
17:33 and I see and hear,
17:35 I will love to donate something in Ahsan.
17:38 I would like to see an organization that deserves
17:43 such a well-organized system for the poor,
17:45 so this should be a part of it.
17:47 And it has made it easier, especially for our brothers and sisters abroad,
17:51 it is very easy for them.
17:53 I think that this is not just the responsibility of Ahsan, of ARYQ TV,
17:57 from all nations, from the UK, USA, UAE,
18:00 from any corner of the world,
18:02 any Muslim brother or sister is watching us,
18:04 and if they have trust in this organization,
18:07 and they have seen the services and efforts of our organization over the years,
18:11 they have seen the footage,
18:12 they have seen the visuals,
18:13 then it is your responsibility to convey this opportunity
18:16 in your circle of influence,
18:18 that this charity is going to be done.
18:21 Social sacrifice is done on a very good scale,
18:23 in India, in Pakistan, in Jammu and Kashmir,
18:26 and the meat obtained from it
18:28 is distributed to the deserving in a very well-organized manner.
18:32 So I think that,
18:33 the collective efforts that will be made,
18:36 the work that is collected,
18:38 the blessings will automatically return.
18:40 And we have seen these services with our own eyes.
18:43 You have done it,
18:44 and our scholars,
18:46 the Sahibaan-e-Ilm-udanish, who are involved with us in this noble cause,
18:51 they have certainly seen all these things.
18:54 Nafeez Bhai, you have also seen all these things.
18:57 The result that you see,
19:00 Mashallah, this thing is increasing every year.
19:02 And there are so many special arrangements,
19:05 then it is increased in the areas,
19:07 the number of the poor who deliver meat,
19:10 it is increased in them.
19:11 You see these blessings.
19:12 What do you say?
19:14 Doctor Sahib spoke very well about passion.
19:17 I remember that couplet,
19:19 "O passion, my heart is hot,
19:21 "everything should be equal."
19:22 "O passion, my heart is hot,
19:24 "everything should be equal."
19:26 "For the destination, two steps,
19:27 "and the destination should be in front of you."
19:29 What do you have to say?
19:30 The destination is easy,
19:32 the first thing that the doctor did was with intention.
19:34 I have controlled the things that you have said,
19:36 otherwise, I would have said it.
19:38 What a beautiful thing,
19:40 you thought well, and that happened.
19:43 The world is a four-day world,
19:46 what is there in it?
19:47 Our real life is that.
19:50 After death, the life that is forever,
19:53 we have to live there forever.
19:54 And this is for four days.
19:55 Whatever good we do,
19:57 that will be useful for us.
19:59 Whatever we serve,
20:01 that will be useful for us.
20:02 If we help a brother,
20:04 that you show mercy to the people of the earth,
20:06 the heavens will show mercy to you.
20:08 So, Allah invites His servants,
20:11 that you serve My servants,
20:13 I will serve you.
20:14 So, you take a step for Me,
20:15 I will run and come.
20:16 There is no greater king in the world,
20:18 there is no such king in the whole world,
20:20 who says for his prophet,
20:23 that I recite Durood for him,
20:24 you also recite Durood.
20:26 The angels and Allah,
20:27 the prophet for whom Durood is recited,
20:29 the biggest blessing,
20:30 the biggest reward,
20:32 there is no change in it.
20:35 There is no change in reciting Durood.
20:37 So, for the prophet,
20:40 Allah recites Durood.
20:42 So, it is a great reward for us,
20:43 that these sacrifices,
20:44 all the prophets,
20:45 they made sacrifices.
20:47 They made sacrifices at every moment.
20:48 One hundred and twenty four thousand prophets came,
20:50 and in every era,
20:52 they made sacrifices.
20:53 So, today we are worthy,
20:54 that we try to do good by seeing them.
20:57 So, good was thought and written.
20:59 If you do a sin, it will be written.
21:01 So, where will you get such a religion?
21:03 Allah o Akbar.
21:03 Today you are making sacrifices,
21:04 tomorrow you will get its reward.
21:06 And Nafeez Bhai,
21:07 these good deeds have also been written.
21:09 We have a sister from the UK,
21:11 Mrs. Akram.
21:12 She has made two shares,
21:15 two parts of the sacrifices in Pakistan.
21:18 What a thing!
21:19 And,
21:20 we have a brother from the USA,
21:24 from the United States of America,
21:26 his name is Osama Khan.
21:27 He has made a sacrifice in Pakistan,
21:29 he wants that in the way of Allah,
21:32 a sacrifice should be made from his side,
21:33 and the meat that is obtained,
21:35 should be delivered to the deserving.
21:37 And surely,
21:38 it will be delivered.
21:39 This is the work of feeling.
21:41 That your feeling,
21:42 in the form of love,
21:44 the bag of meat,
21:45 is a love from you.
21:47 That the poor should reach the deserving.
21:50 Every year,
21:51 you believe that such areas,
21:53 today, Alhamdulillah,
21:53 there are countless,
21:54 that every year,
21:55 the poor,
21:56 the beggars,
21:57 the locals,
21:58 who are,
21:59 you can say,
22:00 such a poor class,
22:01 who are deprived of such a blessing like meat,
22:04 are waiting,
22:05 regularly.
22:06 That here,
22:07 the people of feeling are sacrificed,
22:08 and Alhamdulillah,
22:09 we have it.
22:10 And a great self-respect,
22:12 no one should be ashamed,
22:13 no one should feel that,
22:15 someone is coming and helping them.
22:17 They were very good,
22:18 with a great protocol,
22:20 taking care of their self-respect,
22:23 and their ego should not be hurt,
22:24 and their self-respect should not be challenged,
22:26 this love is conveyed to them.
22:27 In such areas,
22:28 where we saw the signboards,
22:31 that the volunteers are preparing the food,
22:33 and putting it on the signboards.
22:34 All these loves,
22:36 all these sacrifices,
22:37 all these services,
22:38 I once again,
22:39 in the presence of Allah,
22:40 I pray,
22:42 that you,
22:43 all these loves,
22:43 these donations,
22:45 these sacrifices,
22:46 may Allah accept them in His presence.
22:48 And I want to request once again,
22:50 that you should fulfill your duty,
22:53 but in the name of the Prophet,
22:55 if Allah has given you,
22:57 then to feel your sacrifice,
23:00 that in this,
23:00 the name of the Prophet is attached,
23:02 Allah, the Lord of Glory,
23:03 Inshallah,
23:03 will not reject my good deed,
23:05 this sacrifice,
23:06 this worship,
23:07 because the name of His Beloved is attached.
23:09 Try,
23:09 in the name of the Prophet,
23:11 that this sacrifice is presented to you.
23:13 Whatever is there today,
23:14 it is all a charity at their feet.
23:16 For them,
23:17 the more you do,
23:17 the less it is.
23:19 And believe me,
23:19 what will be less,
23:20 for those who do it for them,
23:22 nothing is less.
23:23 It increases.
23:25 You can do anything.
23:26 Whoever does it in their name,
23:28 then Allah, the Lord of Glory,
23:30 gives such blessings.
23:31 Ask people,
23:33 who,
23:34 whenever,
23:35 become,
23:36 the passengers of this path,
23:37 then how their fate shines.
23:39 And surely,
23:40 it shines in this world,
23:41 and Inshallah,
23:42 it shines in the hereafter.
23:43 Come,
23:43 come once again,
23:44 let's go to their court.
23:45 And I,
23:46 Qari Sahib,
23:46 a request,
23:47 sorry,
23:48 I apologize,
23:48 I used the word request.
23:50 I want to request you again,
23:52 there is a poem,
23:53 by Hala Hazrat,
23:55 "Raise the veil,
23:56 "show your face."
23:57 If you have some words for it.
24:00 In the name of Allah.
24:01 "Raise the veil,
24:10 "show your face,
24:18 "that the light of the world is in the veil,
24:27 "that the light of the world is in the veil,
24:49 "that the light of the world is in the veil,
24:58 "Raise the veil,
25:03 "show your face."
25:11 "Standing at the doorstep,
25:37 "there is no one to protect you,
25:46 "there is no one to protect you,
25:54 "O my Prophet,
25:58 "O my Prophet,
26:03 "O my Prophet,
26:08 "O my Prophet,
26:12 "that the most difficult of all is the answer,
26:20 "O my Prophet,
26:24 "O my Prophet,
26:28 "that the most difficult of all is the answer,
26:36 "Raise the veil,
26:40 "show your face."
26:47 "Their face is like the moon,
27:09 "their face is like the moon,
27:18 "their face is like the moon,
27:26 "their face is like the moon,
27:35 "their face is like the moon,
27:42 "their face is like the moon,
27:51 "their face is like the moon,
27:59 "Raise the veil,
28:03 "show your face."
28:09 "The best of your kind is the one who is true to his deeds."
28:38 "The best of your kind is the one who is true to his deeds."
28:48 "There is no one who is not ashamed."
28:55 "There is no one who is not ashamed."
29:03 "You and your consent are the only ones who can judge."
29:11 "You and your consent are the only ones who can judge."
29:20 "There is no one who is not ashamed."
29:28 "You and your consent are the only ones who can judge."
29:36 "There is no one who is not ashamed."
29:44 "Raise the veil,
29:48 "show your face."
29:53 "The eyes of love and passion are the same."
29:58 "They are the first and the last."
30:03 "They are the first and the last."
30:10 "They are the first and the last."
30:16 "Raise the veil,
30:20 "show your face."
30:25 "The light of the world is in the veil."
30:32 "The world is getting dark."
30:41 "The light of the world is in the veil."
30:49 "Raise the veil,
30:54 "show your face."
31:01 Khari Sahab, how did we come back to the programme?
31:10 You have taken us somewhere else.
31:12 What to say?
31:13 Doctor, what to say about Allah?
31:18 This Misrah, it is said that someone has hurt his heart.
31:23 "You and your consent are the only ones who can judge."
31:26 There is no one who can judge.
31:28 Very beautiful.
31:29 May Allah make us like Izzo and Kisari.
31:34 Amazing.
31:35 How did Allah write this?
31:38 "You and your consent are the only ones who can judge."
31:40 The consent of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
31:42 What a blessing.
31:44 A person says that the consent is also a part of the judgment.
31:48 What is our worth?
31:49 What is our worth?
31:50 No doubt.
31:52 We are great people.
31:53 We say that we pray, "O Allah, grant us a paradise without judgment."
31:59 The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has described the scene of giving us a paradise without judgment.
32:06 That is why he says, "O Allah, grant us a paradise without judgment."
32:10 This is Ahmed Raza, this is the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
32:15 This is Allah Akbar.
32:19 The situation is such that you have really done a great job.
32:23 You have given us a message.
32:25 The Holy Prophet (PBUH) wants to say that
32:29 he is not worthy of you judging him.
32:33 You have to judge him according to his worth.
32:36 He is not worthy of us judging him.
32:39 He has already surrendered.
32:42 He is not worthy of being judged.
32:44 There is nothing to be presented.
32:46 And the other thing that I felt, Javed Doc,
32:50 is that your glory is so great.
32:52 You are so great that he is using the word "laheen"
32:57 as a pun.
32:59 What is the value of this?
33:02 What is the glory of Wahab and our worth?
33:04 Forget about our value, we are not even in the equation.
33:07 You are great people.
33:09 May Allah accept you.
33:11 Khair sahib, may Allah grant you safety.
33:13 MashaAllah.
33:15 These are the emotions and feelings
33:20 that again lead us to this service and this feeling.
33:26 Doctor, you can say whatever you want.
33:30 In the Hadeeth, it is mentioned that
33:34 when a person takes one step towards Allah,
33:38 in the Hadeeth it is mentioned that
33:41 the literal meaning is that he runs.
33:44 If a person takes one step towards Allah,
33:47 the literal meaning is that he runs.
33:50 But the Muhaddithin have said something very beautiful.
33:54 Allah is pure of running. What does this mean?
33:57 It means that when a person does a little bit of work,
34:01 the Creator of the Universe will give him a great reward.
34:05 What a great thing.
34:07 And "shakoor" is one of the names of Allah.
34:11 What does "shakoor" mean?
34:13 The scholars say,
34:15 "Who gives the great reward for the little work."
34:21 It means that the one who gives the greater reward for the little work.
34:25 Wow, wow, wow.
34:27 What a beautiful thing. Repeat it once.
34:30 "Shakoor" is one of the names of Allah.
34:33 And all the names of Allah are temporary.
34:36 What does this mean?
34:38 It means that if I like a name, I can give it to Allah.
34:42 This is not allowed.
34:43 In fact, the names that have been given in the Shariah,
34:47 Allah can call each one of them.
34:51 The ones that have reached us.
34:52 The names that have been given in the Shariah.
34:54 Despite the fact that we have seen those qualities.
34:56 Even if you like a name, you can't call it for Allah.
35:01 These names are temporary.
35:03 So for Allah, "Wa lillahi lasmahu al-husna, fad'uhu biha."
35:08 For Allah, the beautiful names, call Allah with them.
35:12 I am asking you for my knowledge.
35:15 The 99 names that we get.
35:19 And it is so popular that even if the children don't have the ability,
35:25 they will tell you by hearing the names that it is one of the 99 names.
35:29 Like "Data" is the one who gives the name of Allah.
35:35 Can we take this name?
35:37 In the real sense, "Data" is the word of Persian.
35:42 I want to say that in other languages,
35:45 when we see Allah in prayer,
35:48 we say a lot of things that are not in accordance with Sharia.
35:53 So that we don't get into a misunderstanding.
35:55 Because Allah is the one who gives.
35:58 And the meaning of "Data" is also the one who gives.
36:01 So in the real sense,
36:03 the names that have been given in Arabic,
36:06 and the names that have been given in the Shariah,
36:09 we call them by that name.
36:11 It is not that I like the name and I call it by it.
36:15 Because we should pay attention to this.
36:18 "Wa tharillatheena yulhiduna fee asma'ihi"
36:21 "The names that the atheists call Allah by,
36:25 leave them and don't call them by those names."
36:28 So what does "Shakoor" mean?
36:31 "Alladhee yu'ti al thawab al azeem alal amalil qaleel"
36:36 "That even if it is a small work,
36:39 but on this small work,
36:41 the Creator of the universe bestows great rewards."
36:44 So this is the meaning of "Shakoor".
36:45 It is not a labor, but Allah is the Greatest.
36:49 It is getting unparalleled.
36:50 Just try a little bit.
36:52 And this is, Alhamdulillah,
36:54 we are sitting in this night time,
36:56 you will just call,
36:59 you will do a little bit,
37:00 or you will type a message,
37:03 or you will go to a mobile application,
37:05 or your bank account,
37:07 or whatever application you are using,
37:09 or whatever resources you are using,
37:11 you will click, you will do a little bit,
37:14 but this little bit of work,
37:15 will be a great reward for you on the Day of Judgment.
37:18 Subhanallah, Subhanallah.
37:20 Brother Nafeez,
37:22 this sacrifice,
37:24 the "Pas-e-Mandar",
37:26 the reality of it,
37:27 and where it starts,
37:29 it is required by the Lord of Glory
37:33 to sacrifice the little Ismail,
37:36 who is the light of his heart and soul,
37:39 in the way of Allah.
37:40 So, such a great sacrifice was asked for,
37:43 and when he was ready to give,
37:45 because he is a Khalil,
37:46 a friend does not forbid a friend,
37:48 no matter what the command is.
37:50 Khalilullah is not made like this.
37:51 Now Allah's command has come,
37:53 "Susr taslim-e-kham",
37:54 it is the turn of the child,
37:56 Hazrat Zabihullah,
37:58 of Ismail,
37:59 he also came to the world with a head full of praise,
38:02 and the father was ready to sacrifice,
38:04 and the son was ready to be sacrificed.
38:06 And then Allah did this miracle,
38:08 and accepted the Ismaili and Ibrahimi way,
38:14 that now the Lord wants,
38:15 till the Day of Judgment,
38:16 these people of my Beloved's nation,
38:20 to keep making these sacrifices,
38:22 the Ibrahimi way,
38:24 that is the way the Lord wants,
38:25 that his glory should be repeated.
38:29 What do you say?
38:30 Brother Sumair, you said earlier that,
38:32 Hazrat Ibrahim (as) gave the address of Khalilullah,
38:37 and he gave so many tests,
38:39 and he passed all the tests,
38:41 that the world's highest fire was set,
38:45 and you are ready to go there.
38:47 From fire, from wealth, from children,
38:49 he was tested in every way.
38:50 He was tested at every step,
38:52 and Allah made him complete,
38:54 and that is why Allah gave him the address of Khalilullah,
38:56 that he is a friend of Allah.
38:58 So his sacrifice is such that,
39:00 Huzoor (pbuh) said that,
39:01 till the Day of Judgment,
39:02 this chain will continue.
39:04 And the prayers we offer,
39:06 we offer the Ibrahimi way,
39:08 till the Day of Judgment.
39:10 Now see, there are so many prophets,
39:13 but Huzoor's nation has a special arrangement,
39:16 that when they offer prayers,
39:17 then there will be no prayer without the Ibrahimi way.
39:20 What a thing, what a thing.
39:22 He expressed his desire,
39:23 that he should be the last prophet of my generation,
39:25 and Allah accepted that too.
39:27 His sacrifices are so many,
39:28 that Allah accepted his every sacrifice,
39:30 at every moment.
39:32 And what a great reward it is,
39:35 that till the Day of Judgment,
39:37 this chain will continue.
39:39 So this is a message to all of us,
39:42 that sacrifice is such that,
39:45 if today we are only sacrificing animals,
39:48 you are sacrificing your son,
39:50 and the children of old age.
39:51 What a thing, for that a person cannot even think.
39:54 And you accepted that,
39:56 that it is Allah's will.
39:58 So we are all fortunate,
39:59 that we are sacrificing animals.
40:02 As Doctor Sahib said,
40:04 that the animals should be such,
40:05 that they are acceptable.
40:08 Just like we want to buy something,
40:10 we buy the best thing of our choice.
40:12 So the sacrifice should be such,
40:14 that it is healthy,
40:16 and there is no defect in it.
40:18 Doctor Sahib also told us about the defects.
40:20 So such a sacrifice,
40:21 Allah accepts it before it is even shed.
40:25 Such a great sacrifice.
40:26 Allah has given us this reward.
40:28 So today Allah has given us this opportunity,
40:30 that we should make this sacrifice,
40:34 an example for our brothers and our relatives,
40:36 which will be useful to us on the Day of Judgment.
40:38 It will be useful, and believe me,
40:41 in the presence of Allah,
40:43 we see this strange arrangement,
40:47 that Allah, the Lord of Glory,
40:49 He says, to test someone's ability,
40:52 what do you test?
40:54 But the Lord is limitless,
40:56 what can we say about His Glory?
40:58 He tests according to one's ability.
41:01 Absolutely.
41:02 Now, the ability,
41:05 the quality, the quality of Ibrahim (as) is such,
41:08 that when I command my Khalil,
41:11 to sacrifice his own calf,
41:13 he will not back down from sacrificing it.
41:16 And then Zabiullah,
41:17 even our own Zabiullah, is known by Allah,
41:20 that his ability is such,
41:21 that when the father says,
41:23 it is Allah's command that I sacrifice you,
41:25 then he will say,
41:26 Baba Jaan, if your Lord wants this,
41:29 then you are the one who gives me great patience.
41:31 Inshallah, you are the one who gives me great patience.
41:34 You will find me among those who are patient.
41:37 And then, see,
41:39 this is being tested according to one's ability.
41:43 And then this process went on and on,
41:45 and then, what Raukh Sahib said,
41:46 and what he said in the beginning of the program,
41:48 the point came there,
41:50 that this was the ability of me, you, all of us,
41:54 Hazrat Hussain (as) that,
41:58 the test was not only for himself,
42:01 but for his family, children,
42:03 even the six-month-old child,
42:07 in the way of Allah,
42:08 he was seen sacrificing.
42:09 And remember, this was that sacrifice,
42:11 that when it was being presented,
42:13 it was not a head of a frog,
42:17 but in reality, it was the head of those innocent children,
42:22 who were being shot with swords.
42:23 But then, the point is that today,
42:26 this blood was shed on that land,
42:30 because of which, today, when you see the spring of Islam,
42:34 when you see this flowing field,
42:36 then we should not forget those sacrifices.
42:38 The reason I am being polite is because,
42:40 what is being demanded of us today?
42:42 Is it being said to us,
42:44 that sacrifice your children?
42:45 Is it being demanded of us,
42:47 that we should sacrifice everything in the court of our Lord?
42:51 No.
42:52 I mean, you can understand,
42:54 for us, it is a cheap deal,
42:56 that if you want to go to heaven,
42:57 then this is the time to sacrifice.
42:59 So, the demands of the court of the Lord,
43:01 the demands made by the great people,
43:04 they were carried out in great deeds,
43:05 they went there, by pleasing the Lord.
43:07 For us, it is that,
43:08 that whatever you have been given by the Lord,
43:10 take something out of it,
43:12 and spend it for the poor.
43:13 Allah will provide you with its provisions in the hereafter.
43:17 He will take you to heaven.
43:18 Think for yourself,
43:20 for us, this is a test, not a test.
43:22 And still, if a believer does not understand,
43:24 then Iqbal should pick up the right pen,
43:26 and write,
43:27 that there is no pain in the heart,
43:28 there is no feeling in the soul,
43:30 you do not have any message of Muhammad.
43:33 Today, we see that,
43:34 our hearts have become hard somewhere.
43:37 So, let us all make a pledge,
43:39 that with the help of Allah,
43:42 whatever Allah has given us,
43:43 we will try our best to do good deeds.
43:47 The devil may spread whispers,
43:49 that ten people have stopped us,
43:50 but we will not leave the path of goodness.
43:52 And especially, where we arrange for other worship,
43:56 there, especially,
43:57 it should become a necessary part of our lives,
44:00 that we do something or the other,
44:01 on a daily basis,
44:02 for the poor,
44:04 and for the service of God in the hereafter.
44:06 Because if we are capable of this,
44:07 it means that Allah has chosen us for this work.
44:09 So, it will be Allah's blessing on him,
44:11 that he spends on the people of Allah,
44:14 for the pleasure of Allah,
44:16 so that his world and the hereafter,
44:17 continue to progress.
44:18 Aisaas Qurbani Appeal 2024,
44:21 this journey is not dependent on this transmission alone,
44:24 this journey of love is going on 24/7.
44:28 It is your job to motivate other people,
44:30 your circle of influence,
44:32 and to make this collective sacrifice,
44:33 more than last year,
44:35 and to do it on a larger scale,
44:37 support Aisaas,
44:38 and keep giving.
44:39 The more your love,
44:40 your donations,
44:41 your sacrifices will be included,
44:42 God willing,
44:43 in as many numbers,
44:45 the servants of God,
44:46 the creation of God,
44:47 who is a poor class,
44:50 a poor class,
44:51 and you can understand,
44:52 the class that is living in deprivation,
44:54 in their life,
44:56 there will be moments of happiness,
44:57 there will be smiles on sad faces,
44:59 someone will satisfy their hunger,
45:02 someone will be happy on a sad face,
45:03 so we will understand,
45:04 the hard work and effort of the whole team,
45:08 of Aisaas,
45:10 and our organization,
45:11 has been accepted.
45:12 I thank you very much, Doctor.
45:15 And this is not a formality,
45:16 with the passion,
45:19 the passion and the love,
45:21 you have motivated and motivated people,
45:24 God is giving you whatever service,
45:26 whatever donation,
45:27 whatever sacrifice,
45:28 and He is giving His service,
45:30 and you, God,
45:31 in His reward,
45:32 you too,
45:33 may you be full of blessings and rewards,
45:35 Nafeez Bhai,
45:35 thank you very much,
45:37 and you are our elder,
45:38 we have great respect for you,
45:39 at this time of the night,
45:40 and the poor,
45:41 the help that is being given,
45:43 the service that is being given,
45:44 the way you are a partner in that,
45:46 may God keep your shadow safe on us,
45:48 and may you be blessed with health,
45:50 and I want to say a special thanks,
45:53 Qari Sahib,
45:53 to the IYQ TV,
45:55 and to myself,
45:57 and the host,
45:58 is the representative of the viewers,
46:00 and is the representative,
46:02 so on their behalf,
46:04 thank you very much,
46:05 for being here with us,
46:06 it was very nice,
46:08 and the way you,
46:09 Alhamdulillah,
46:10 have taken us from the program,
46:12 and presented us in Darbar-e-Mustafa,
46:14 and the feelings and the emotions,
46:16 for that,
46:17 there are no words for it,
46:18 JazakAllah,
46:19 so nice of you,
46:20 and viewers,
46:21 you will be very happy to know,
46:23 that once again,
46:24 with this voice,
46:25 that beautiful voice,
46:26 that has repeatedly,
46:27 given us a lot of peace,
46:29 Qari Muhammad Mubeez Ahad,
46:31 with the beautiful voice of Naeemi Sahib,
46:33 I am your host,
46:34 with these beautiful poetry,
46:36 that have always,
46:38 my dear,
46:39 given a lot of strength to my heart,
46:41 and have made my heart strong,
46:43 that if I don't know how to write,
46:44 then my life,
46:45 by reading,
46:46 will be difficult,
46:48 by reading your Aasan,
46:50 if you don't get anything to read,
46:53 by reading the headlines of the pain written on your faces,
46:56 your soul will be at peace,
47:00 by reading the Quran in the moments of your pain,
47:03 you will be blessed,
47:04 you will be blessed with a life,
47:06 by reading the words of the master of the two worlds,
47:08 Qari Muhammad Mubeez,
47:09 I am your host,
47:10 Sumair Ahmed,
47:11 if you allow me,
47:12 Assalam-o-Alaikum,
47:12 and the blessings of Allah be upon you.
47:15 This poem,
47:17 is being presented by Ahsans Transmissions,
47:20 in the presence of the Huzoor,
47:22 may Allah accept it.
47:24 Bismillah.
47:27 Teri Rahmaton Ka Dariya
47:36 Sare Aam Chal Raha Hai
47:44 Teri Rahmaton Ka Dariya
47:51 Sare Aam Chal Raha Hai
47:59 Mujhe Bhi Ke Mil Rahi Hai
48:06 Mera Kaam Chal Raha Hai
48:13 Mujhe Bhi Ke Mil Rahi Hai
48:22 Meri Dhad, Meri Dil Ki Dhad
48:29 Kano Mein Hai Sharik
48:37 Naam Tera
48:43 Meri Dil Ki Dhad
48:47 Kano Mein Hai Sharik
48:56 Naam Tera
49:00 Isi Naam Ki Badolat
49:06 Mera Naam Chal Raha Hai
49:13 Isi Naam Ki Badolat
49:20 Mera Naam Chal Raha Hai
49:28 Sar Arsh Naam Tera
49:37 Sar Harsh Bad Teri
49:45 Sar Arsh Naam Tera
49:55 Sar Harsh Bad Teri
50:02 Kahin Baat Chal Rahi Hai
50:08 Kahin Naam Chal Raha Hai
50:15 Kahin Baat Chal Rahi Hai
50:22 Kahin Naam Chal Raha Hai
50:30 Yeh Karam Hai Khaas Tera
50:39 Ke Safina Zindagi Ka
50:49 Yeh Karam Hai Khaas Tera
50:59 Ke Safina Zindagi Ka
51:06 Kahin Sobh Chal Raha Hai
51:13 Kahin Shaam Chal Raha Hai
51:20 Kahin Sobh Chal Raha Hai
51:26 Kahin Shaam Chal Raha Hai
51:33 Mere Daamne Gadaai
51:42 Mere Bheek Mustafa Ki
51:49 Isi Bheek Par To Qasim
