仅29%退休后有养老金 安华: 老年人更易陷入贫困

  • 3 months ago
新闻报报看 | 首相安华今天在2024年国际社会福利会议上致开幕词时说,公积金局允许一次性提款的性质,导致许多马来西亚人无法在退休后,维持合理的生活水平。这也导致,与我国平均人口相比,老年人口更容易陷入贫困,只有29%大马人在退休期间,还拥有养老金或类似养老金的收入。(主播:梁宝仪、庄文杰)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:05In order to help the people save pension money, the government requires more than 10 million employees to pay public funds to the EPF every month.
00:14Once the legal retirement age reaches 55, retirees can choose to raise their fixed income every month as their retirement.
00:25Or you can also choose to raise it all at once.
00:29According to EPF data, one-fourth of retirees choose to raise their fixed income at once when they reach the age of 55.
00:40Five years later, they spend all their savings.
00:44The Minister of Finance, An Hua, said at the International Social Welfare Conference in 2024 that
00:50the EPF allows one-off remittances, which means that many Malaysians cannot maintain a reasonable living standard after retirement.
00:58At the same time, compared with the average population in our country, the elderly population is more likely to fall into poverty.
01:05According to An Hua, only 29% of Malaysians can still receive pension or similar pension-related income during their retirement.
01:14An Hua also said that due to insufficient pension, a recent survey found that 26% of people over the age of 60 choose to continue working
01:24in order to meet all kinds of living expenses after retirement, until their health deteriorates, they stop working.
01:30Therefore, An Hua believes that our country needs to actively reform the framework of pension,
01:35to ensure that every generation can have dignified retirement.
01:38This includes expanding the coverage of public funds in stages,
01:42so that more people of working age can receive public funds,
01:46to ensure that more people can accumulate enough pension at the end of the year.
01:50Okay, so how should we ensure that Chinese people have a dignified retirement after retirement?
01:57As An Hua mentioned, as you may know,
01:59the aging rate of Malaysians has already exceeded many more developed economies.
02:05And it is expected that Malaysia will become an aging country in 2043, 19 years later.
02:12At that time, 14% of the population in the country are people over the age of 65.
02:17Because of this trend, the country is now more desperate,
02:21so it needs to prioritize investment to stimulate the economy,
02:23build infrastructure to inspire innovation in the field of artificial intelligence and robots,
02:28to achieve a positive and healthy aging society.
