Presentati i Laboratori di Quartiere di Roma

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Presentati durante l’incontro “Comunità Intraprendenti. Persone e luoghi di rigenerazione a Roma – L’esperienza dei Laboratori di Quartiere” i laboratori di Corviale, Tor Bella Monaca, Santa Maria della Pietà, Centocelle-Mistica, Quarticciolo e Bastogi. I Laboratori, promossi da Roma Capitale e coordinati dalle Università Sapienza, Roma Tre e Luiss Guido Carli, hanno lo scopo di contribuire alla rigenerazione urbana del territorio cittadino attraverso un modello di governance condivisa tra strutture centrali, dipartimenti e Municipi. L’obiettivo è fare scelte non solo condivise e accettate ma sentite proprie e difese da chi abita i quartieri. L’incontro, organizzato con il contributo di Next Economia, è partito con una prima sessione introduttiva aperta da Maurizio Veloccia, Assessore all’Urbanistica di Roma Capitale che ha visto la partecipazione dell’Assessora ai Lavori pubblici e Infrastrutture Ornella Segnalini e del Vice Direttore Generale Vicario di Roma Capitale Pierpaola D'Alessandro. Il Sindaco di Roma Roberto Gualtieri ha portato il suo saluto e aperto la sessione dedicata al racconto delle esperienze dei singoli Laboratori.


00:00During the meeting, people, entrepreneurs and places of regeneration in Rome were presented
00:07the experience of the local laboratories, the six active laboratories on the territory of Rome.
00:13Corviale, Turbella Monaca, Santa Maria della Pietà, Centocelle Mistica, Quarticciolo and Bastoggi.
00:20The laboratories promoted by Roma Capitale and coordinated by the Università Sapienza, Roma 3 and Luis Eguido Carli
00:27are born with the aim of contributing to the urban regeneration of the citizen territory
00:33through a model of shared governance between central structures, departments and municipalities.
00:39Today we discover what is behind so many sites of Rome,
00:42that is, a new pact of collaboration between citizenship and territories,
00:46through the birth of neighborhood laboratories that allowed us to build together
00:52the projectuality of the PNRR and many other moments of urban regeneration that we are activating in the city.
00:58For us, participation is an indispensable thing, it is indispensable anyway.
01:05In fact, the projects we are doing in the city are participated by the citizens,
01:12they are made known, we explain them, we collect their observations.
01:17In the case of examinations, it is not only important to have participation,
01:23but above all some actions, such as the transfer of inhabitants,
01:28cannot be carried out without the consent of those who live, occupy and live in that neighborhood,
01:39especially if there is also social discomfort in that neighborhood.
01:43The city of Corviale laboratory opened in 2018 in Corviale
01:48and it is a research project of the department of architecture of Roma 3.
01:53It is part of a third mission project and it is an innovative tool in the field of urban regeneration
02:03because it implements actions and projects useful to involve those who do not feel part of the renewal process.
