社交平台决定是否删贴 法米: 张念群没滥权撤帖文

  • 3 months ago
八点最热报 | 前天一名律师桑瑟星指控,他评论雪州巴生谷电召客货车DRT系统合约的贴文,被面子书屏蔽,并质疑通讯部副部长张念群是幕后黑手。对于这项指责,通讯部长法米今天出面为张念群喊冤,表示桑瑟星律师的指控不属实,要他道歉。(主播:庄文杰)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:05 (translated from Chinese)
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00:15 and was blocked by the Facebook page "Mian Zi Shu"
00:16 He questioned that the Deputy Minister of Communications, Zhang Nianqun, was the mastermind behind it
00:21 That Zhang Nianqun was just a MCMC to defend Yang Qiaoshuang.
00:26 For this accusation, the Minister of Communications, Fa Mi, appeared to defend Zhang Nianqun today
00:31 He said that the accusation of Mr. Sang Sexing was not true
00:34 He made Zhang Nianqun become the victim of slander, and he wants to apologize to Sang Sexing.
00:39 Fa Mi explained that deleting any content on social media is based on the rules of the platform
00:45 If these platforms find that there are violations in the post, then deleting is also the platform's own decision.
00:52 In addition, there is a report on the Peninsula TV station that said that a semiconductor manufacturing company in China was sanctioned by the United States.
00:58 Fa Mi also made a special response. Let's watch a group of domestic news.
01:02 The Minister of Communications and the government spokesman Fa Mi said that China will not admit the sanctions taken by the United States unilaterally or without the recognition of the United Nations.
01:13 He made this response to the issue of sanctions on a semiconductor manufacturer in China because it is suspected of having contact with Russian military suppliers.
01:22 Fa Mi reiterated that the relevant company is engaged in trade and is not a semiconductor manufacturer.
01:27 The tourist building was hit by a bomb this afternoon. The police immediately rushed to the scene to evacuate the staff and tourists in the building.
01:36 According to Astro Avani, the police have already started an investigation into the incident and have sent a staff member to the scene.
01:44 The son of the opposition leader of the Congress, Mohammed Faisal, was suspected of receiving a bribe of 100,000 ringgit.
01:51 He was taken to the local court in Kuala Lumpur this morning to be tried, but he denied the charges.
01:57 The judge finally allowed him to be tried for bribery with a bribe of 25,000 ringgit and a name of a guarantor.
02:03 For more UN videos visit: www.un.org/webcast
