Salute: Epatite C, Fagiuoli (UniMiB): "Abbiamo terapie efficaci ampliare fascia età test"

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "È necessario allargare la fascia di età a cui è rivolto lo screening per l’epatite C e fare in modo che il sommerso emerga in quanto, a oggi, disponiamo di terapie efficaci, tollerate e non esiste un paziente che non possa essere trattato senza rischi e con un successo che sfiora il 98%”. Così, Stefano Fagiuoli, direttore dell’Unità complessa di Gastroenterologia, epatologia e trapiantologia dell’Asst Papa Giovanni XXIII di Bergamo e professore di Gastroenterologia presso il dipartimento di Medicina e chirurgia dell’università Milano Bicocca, intervenendo alla presentazione della campagna, promossa da Gilead Sciences con il patrocinio di associazioni pazienti, società scientifiche e della Città Metropolitana di Milano, che attraverso il ‘Tram della sensibilizzazione’ porta nelle vie del centro lombardo materiali informativi sull’epatite C per sensibilizzare la popolazione sull’infezione e promuovere il test di screening, strumento fondamentale per l’emersione del sommerso e raggiungere l’obiettivo 2030 posto dall’Oms per l’eradicazione dell'epatite C.


00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 Italy was one of the first countries to plan and implement a screening program,
00:12 which obviously started in a not-so-happy period,
00:15 like the pandemic, and therefore started a little slow.
00:19 There were some regions that immediately prepared themselves
00:25 to implement an active program,
00:28 and Lombardy is one of them,
00:31 and many other regions, unfortunately,
00:34 either did not implement a program,
00:37 or, even if they did, they did not put it on the ground yet
00:40 and, in practice, organized the screenings.
00:43 So this is the first problem, the capillarity
00:46 and the spread throughout the national territory of a screening program.
00:51 The other limit, which was foreseen from the beginning,
00:56 is the age range to which this screening is aimed,
01:00 which, for the nationals from 1969 to 1989,
01:05 was a correct assessment of an initial starting range
01:11 for a matter of cost-effectiveness of the screening
01:14 with the prospect, in the future, of expanding the age range.
01:19 What has been confirmed is that in this range,
01:25 most patients or positive individuals are in charge of CERDs,
01:32 in the field of drug addiction, or in prison facilities.
01:38 In the field of the general population,
01:41 the prevalence of cases identified by the screening
01:45 is actually very low, a little lower than expected.
01:50 And this is the second absolutely necessary step
01:53 to avoid the organizational effort of those who have already started the screening
01:58 and, therefore, to expand the age range
02:01 and make the submergence emerge.
02:05 Because today we have absolutely effective therapies,
02:09 absolutely tolerated, and, in fact, there is no patient
02:12 that cannot be treated without risks and with a success that exceeds 98%.
02:19 So it is an unmissable opportunity.
02:22 perdibile.
