• 2 months ago
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup ke zona merah pada sesi terakhir perdagangan. IHSG hari ini melemah 15,76 poin atau 0,22 persen ke 7.064,59.

Pada penutupan perdagangan, Kamis (9/1/2025), terdapat 263 saham menguat, 366 saham melemah dan 323 saham stagnan. Transaksi perdagangan mencapai Rp7,8 triliun dari 16,2 miliar saham yang diperdagangkan.


00:00In the end, Samkabungan was closed in the red zone,
00:08weakened quite deep at 0.22% and closed at level 7,004.588.
00:14Intraday today was opened in the green zone at 7,080,
00:18then it was able to touch the highest intraday today at 7,106,
00:22then it was more likely to move flat and at 30 minutes back in the red zone,
00:27it was able to touch the lowest intraday today at 7,062,095.
00:31Let's go straight to the first graph,
00:33we will try to see what the closing of several other indexes is like in the second session today,
00:38such as MNC36, Jakarta Islamic Index and also LQ45.
00:43MNC36 experienced a weakening at 0.16%,
00:47Jakarta Islamic Index strengthened at 0.02%,
00:49LQ45 weakened slightly at 0.05%.
00:53We move on to the next sectoral movement rotation graph,
00:57the industry still leads the strengthening at 0.49%,
01:00property strengthened at 0.17%,
01:03energy weakened at 1.01% and non-primary consumption weakened at 0.92%.
01:10Moving on to the next graph,
01:11we move on to the stocks that experienced significant strengthening today,
01:15there is PTRO, PANI,
01:17and it looks like we have reviewed these two stocks,
01:21PTRO strengthened at 3,090, PANI strengthened at 18,175,
01:26HGEI, the new emitter of pentang, today was closed significantly at 212,
01:32ICE also strengthened at 4,930, it has not been able to return to the 5,000s.
01:36Next, we will look at SAMSAM, which today became a heavyweight that weakened quite deeply,
01:40BRMS was stressed, leaving the 400 level at 382,
01:44CUAN also weakened after the all-time high at 13,100,
01:48RAJA also weakened after the all-time high at 3,160,
01:52and BREN also weakened, but still held above the 10,000 level.
01:57This is the end of the trading update for the second session today,
02:00and I hope it can be a reference for you,
02:01especially in dealing with trading for the next day of the Agribekan holiday.