槟城双溪峇甲补选 绿潮是否延续的"试金石"?

  • 3 months ago
八点最热报 | 槟城双溪峇甲州议席即将迎来补选,伊党精神领袖哈欣耶新告诉《前锋报》,希盟难以在这场补选中阻挡‘绿潮’再度崛起,因为人民已经对团结政府不抱有希望,因此国盟将在补选中占有优势。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the hotline.
00:05 The election of Zhou Yixi, the double-waged and quadruple-waged leader of the Bincheng government, is coming.
00:08 Some analysts think that the green tide caused by the Nationalist Party in the last general election may not be able to continue.
00:14 This election will be a turning point.
00:17 The former party leader, Hassan Yixin, told Qianfeng News that it is difficult for the West to stop the green tide from rising again in this election.
00:24 Because the people have no hope of a united government, the Nationalist Party will have an advantage in the election.
00:31 As for the West, An Hua was also asked about the progress of the double-waged and quadruple-waged election.
00:37 Zhou Yixi, the double-waged and quadruple-waged leader of the Bincheng government, is coming.
00:42 As the head of the West, An Hua was asked about the progress of the double-waged and quadruple-waged election.
00:50 But the final candidate will be decided after the members of the Unity Camp have held a meeting.
00:55 We have selected a few candidates who are qualified and we will announce the results next week.
01:05 We have discussed the process with the party leaders and we are aware of the differences.
01:14 An Hua said that she has instructed the chairman of the Nationalist Party, Lafez, to select an appropriate day next week to announce the candidates representing the Nationalist Party.
01:23 Thank you.
01:26 The End
01:29 The Nationalist Party of China
