Rangers FC vs. Royal Antwerp 2020/21 - 1.Half

  • 3 months ago
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00:00very very comfortable with the ball and he's a little bit like Haji in the respects that he'll
00:04take the ball in tight areas and forward areas and he can make things happen. And battling it right
00:09back again the manager spoke about him in his interview, he can do both sides of the game can't he Ali?
00:13Absolutely, I mean clearly very very difficult boots to fill in terms of the skipper Tavernier
00:18but at the same time he's come in and he's got himself forward, he's defended well, another
00:23big night for him tonight but he's certainly not looked out of place in that right back position.
00:27And finally do you like what the manager has been saying about the approach tonight?
00:30Oh very much so. Don't sit back he says. No very much so and he's quite right we saw him in the
00:34interview there Daryl he said have a look at my team, I've picked a team that's going to go
00:38and attempt to win the game and attack and I think that's exactly what they'll do.
00:42The music's on Ali, that's usually our cue to be quiet and go to the match commentator so here we go
00:47Stephen Cregan, Alex Ray and Rory Hamilton. Well thank you very much Daryl, good evening everybody
00:53we've all had a week to reflect and absorb and let the pulse rates return to normal and now
01:00it's time for more, following an absolute thriller at the Bosch Isles Stadium last Thursday night
01:06it was a game that had the lot, seven goals, three penalties, a red card, plenty of controversy and
01:12a late comeback that sees Rangers hold a one goal advantage coming into this second leg
01:19a place in the UEFA Europa League last 16 is up for grabs at Eibroch Stadium in Glasgow
01:29Stephen Gerrard will certainly be hoping it's a somewhat less
01:34dramatic night than seven nights ago in Antwerp
02:19before coming from behind twice to edge what was a remarkable encounter
02:24James Tavernier, their captain Ankimar Roof picked up injuries in Belgium though while
02:28Ryan Jack incurred a calf problem on Sunday, Leon Balligan, Yanis Hadji and Ryan Kent all played
02:34from the start and Rangers got a lot of success didn't they certainly in the final third Ryan Kent
02:40Alfredo Morelos and Yanis Hadji will have a huge part to play tonight as they look to put this game
02:46to bed early on
02:53officials all come from Poland, Pavel Rutskoski who did Scotland's game in Israel in November and
03:03Belgium's victory over Iceland in September but this is his first game in charge of either Scottish
03:10or Belgian club
03:15well Royal Antwerp are without Abdullahi Seck after his red card last week the four changes
03:20see the return of Jeremy Gellar and Birgit Verstappen while striker Didier Lamkel-Zee
03:26is back from suspension, Otwin de Vaux is in goals yeah it'll be interesting to see the approach from
03:32Royal Antwerp at some stage they're gonna have to open up they're gonna have to chase the game
03:37that could just leave gaps for Rangers to go and exploit
03:47back on the bench for Rangers this evening are Calvin Bassi,
03:51Rangani Zungu and Nathan Patterson after they were part of a group of five players
03:56who breached Covid regulations they've made their apologies
04:00and have been accepted back into the group this week
04:13a near perfect set of results at Ibrox unbeaten in Europe this season
04:20maintain those two records and Rangers will book their place in the UEFA Europa League last 16
04:28but if last week taught us anything nothing is certain in this tie
04:32the first leg whets the appetite as Rangers and Royal Antwerp fight it out
04:37to a conclusion this evening in Glasgow and we are underway
04:44after a thrilling 90 minutes a week ago what will this evening bring
05:12Steven Gerrard looking to emulate the achievement of reaching the last 16 which he managed last
05:18season before being halted by an excellent player Leverkusen side
05:32Statt gets the header on to Rafailov and Didier Lampelzé looking to get involved in the box but
05:40they flag up against the Cameroonian striker
05:44it's an early warning for Rafailov just in that number 10 position Stephen Davis gets caught in
05:49the wrong position and it almost breaks to the striker just offside yeah it's just interesting
05:56to see where Rafailov is playing last week he played a little bit deeper it looks like he's
06:00playing as a second striker Lampelzé will be the target man Rafailov and Gerkels will be the two
06:05players who will look to play round about and pick up second balls Lampelzé replacing Philippe
06:13Amanati up front scored that header to equalize right on the stroke of halftime
06:23Rangers are disappointed at that so that they know that in the eight minutes of stoppage time
06:29there will be a penalty awarded to Royal Antwerp as well
06:34Rafailov into his stride early and here goes Jordan Lukaku
06:39he's taken up some very good positions
06:42Rafailov just at number 10 Rangers have to be mindful trying to nullify that
06:49he is their star player Stephen yeah I think what Antwerp were trying to do is draw Conor
06:54Golsan or Philippe Haalander towards them then use the pace of Lampelzé down the side so we
07:00just just have to be careful of that drops nicely for Ryan Kent who came on to devastating effect
07:08in the first leg he's got it back from Borna Barisic the man who netted two penalties
07:18Kent now into Davis Barisic
07:24spot kick saved by Benjamin Seagrist on Sunday
07:29he takes over the duties from the skipper James Tavernier it's looking like
07:35maybe three weeks out for the Rangers captain similar for Kamara Roof now Morelos helps it
07:43on to Kamara gets it back Morelos and now Kent oh he's dragged it just wide but an opportunity
07:51early on as Rangers look to stretch their lead here's good play down the right hand side Morelos
07:57picks it up finds Kent the left hand side he just drags his shot wide of the target
08:02yeah plenty of encouragement early on for Rangers wasn't it it all came from because Lukaku ran 30
08:08yards to Tramplez Balogun the ball was down the side Hadji found himself in space certainly
08:14encouraged Rangers
08:16certainly encouraged Rangers
08:20Uncle Zay
08:25fending off Philippa Lander
08:37Duta and Uncle Zay
08:39he's a bit more mobile isn't he Uncle Zay compared to Avenatti he's quite prepared to
08:51run down the side he doesn't mind stretching the game just a another little problem for
08:56Philippa Lander and Connor Ghosn to deal with
09:01and Royal Antwerp didn't have a corner in the first leg
09:11Rafailov to take this one and out Swinger looks for De Laat at the front post
09:18comes off Alfredo Morelos last yeah De Laat should have got a touch on this it's good
09:23defending the first post Morelos manages to get all important header
09:39five minutes on the clock and Rafailov again looks front post a poor connection that Stephen
09:45Davis is able to knock away and then the touch comes off Duta for a Rangers throw
09:52plenty of bodies in the box here Stephen clearly showing intent here Antwerp
10:11Goldson and Kamara
10:14to get down well Morelos now just drifting out from the center forward position to try and help
10:23out his teammate that's the second time that the Kakus went pressing and it was a huge gap on that
10:29left hand side the Martial doesn't really want to go into as a left back first time it was Haji
10:34bursting into the space now it's Glen Kamara so that's something to keep an eye on certainly
10:38doing that right hand side for Rangers Bara sits forward Erivo he's trying to hold off his man
10:45Kent now gets the run from Haji decides not to pull the trigger on that occasion
10:54which is ball out to Balagoon and now Rangers will have a corner
11:01and it's time for Franky Verkouteren to get his thoughts into early on in this just his 12th game in charge
11:13highly experienced head coach
11:14so Rangers with their first opportunity from a set plate
11:33similar result though to what was happening up the other end Davis will come to Kent he might fancy
11:42this one and De Wolff called into action to tip it wide ball comes to the edge of the box
11:51Ryan Kent's got only one thing in his mind across the goalkeeper it's an important touch by De Wolff
11:58it's creeping in wasn't it we're right behind it takes a little bounce just before and he does
12:03enough to get it right for a corner Davis again that's a better delivery and up goes Richie De
12:10and that's the collision in the box yeah it was an important header there yeah important header
12:18from Lukaku big chance isn't it best chance of the game so far just about does enough
12:26stretches his body out Erivo kept it in play well
12:41it's important for Rangers early in the game Alex just to show their intent yes you want to try and
12:48play but they got a lot of success last week by long straight balls in behind the back three so
12:54don't disappoint them there's an opportunity here for Kent who pulls it back for Alfredo Morelos
13:01Rangers get started early they've got a two goal cushion for the first time in the tie
13:08and they punish Royal Antwerp's mistake Alfredo Morelos gets in on the act yeah this is all about
13:16Ryan Kent for me presses the ball high up the pitch puts pressure on the defender
13:24picks his pocket perfectly weighted pass from Morelos the start that Steven Gerrard was looking
13:29for and it's a simple long ball over the top against them facing their own goal Rangers can
13:35go and press they do they expect the mistake they force them into it and I'll tell you what
13:40that's a lovely first time finish from Alfredo Morelos Ryan Kent he came on just before halftime
13:47last week he lit the game up in the second half he's the man that helps Alfredo Morelos get off
13:54the mark tonight and it looks already a long way back for Antwerp 23 now for Morelos for Rangers
14:01in Europe breaker breaker roaring pulling clear of Ali I don't know if he's got a response in him
14:10I'm just looking down he's got his hands his head down there below his the stand
14:23the fifth goal in Europe this season for Alfredo Morelos
14:40there he is Ali McCoy
14:48I can hear him saying you know champions league getting it up mate there
14:53one kills eight and there's Rafael off with the header over the top
15:02and Royal Antwerp trying to bounce back that's a hammer blow when you go away from home
15:07you know you've got to get gold you know you're chasing the tide to give up
15:10a cheap goal get caught in possession in your own bottom third of the pitch it's a long way back
15:16for them Stephen you said that I think we were over in Belgium talking about it last week the
15:21balls down the side that's when Rangers started getting momentum when the two centre halves the
15:25wide ones were chasing down the the flanks they struggled to cope with them
15:32they're stuck
15:36and you can imagine the game plan of Antwerp would have been come tonight be compact be hard
15:41to play against try and go deep into the game and then try and put a little bit of pressure
15:45on Rangers but fair play to Ryan Kent pressed high won the ball then had the awareness to
15:51peck at Alfredo Morelos well Antwerp knew they would have to come here and score more than once
15:59anyway it's now three that they need
16:03Jeremy Jellam with the big mistake coming into the side with
16:08Abdoulaye Seck suspended after his red card at the end of last week's game
16:25actually will chase that the lats was just clipped by the Romanian
16:34now it's an easy decision for the referee there's a little clip of the ankle there
16:44then Kamara to try one on the left foot to sit Morelos on its way through
16:56Lukaku under pressure only lost out initially to Balogun
17:02terrific feat by Kamara the edge of the box there Steven a little drive back
17:10don't think Alfredo Morelos will be thanking him too much for that shot
17:14great power in it haven't they I think Kamara's been absolutely terrific
17:18since he came to the club he's getting better and better and I really like the balance in midfield
17:22with a reboot he's got the energy to get beyond Kamara's an all-round player and Steve Davis
17:26just that assurance behind the ball to back everything up and tick the game over
17:30he's started all the games Kamara 10 so far when you look at that Steven it shows a lot of confidence
17:36particularly at this level Steven Gerrard has hinted about getting up the levels as you go through
17:42the group stages onto the knockout
17:50Onglat finds Gerkins
17:54Duta Gerkins
18:00he's so strong Steven he uses his body really well
18:04buys that free kick from Peter Gerkins well there's a bit of debate of whether Joe Rebo is better in the front three
18:10or he's better as a midfield player Alec what do you think personally I like him running onto the ball
18:14deeper Steven because he's so rangy he can ghost pass people
18:18even though he can use his body further up the pitch I just think it's better suited coming from this
18:22particular part of the pitch here's a reboot
18:26dancing with the ball on his left foot
18:32bounces across the surface into the hands of De Wolff
18:36a bit ambitious there by Hadji he didn't quite connect
18:40and Alfredo Morales his reaction told you he wasn't happy either he was a little bit disgusted
18:46shall we say he's just a typical striker
18:50firm but fair from Barisic the final touch coming off Peter Gerkins
18:58just on Joe Rebo I think you're spot on Alex I think he's a better player he's more impactful
19:04coming deeper he sees the game better he can tie in his runs going forward he's a very good ball carrier
19:08although he can't play in the front three I think he'll get the best out of him playing there
19:12Hillander with the ball forward Morelos trying to catch it out comes De Wolff
19:18I can't believe the amount of times that Rangers are getting in from straight balls over the top
19:24they're so flat footed holding a high line very dangerous game to play from Antwerp
19:30Davis Kent wonderful turn from him Morelos again still Alfredo Morelos
19:36it was won legally by Maxime Lemarchand
19:42had to be as well Rory
19:52the second ball is being removed
19:56I've got to say the front three look sharp don't they link up play
20:00how quickly Kent get round the corners pass into Morelos
20:04Morelos looking sharper and sharper
20:08Hadji has switched with Kent for the last few moments
20:30Delatte at her back it's now Davis
20:34Kent overstat to has it back again
20:42the Belgian international once more boot up
20:54Rangers 5-3 up on aggregate
20:58Delatte Kerkens
21:08Delatte desperately looking for more options further forward now
21:12Lamkelzee has it that's a nice ball for Bouta
21:16Golosan gets the touch Hillander too and Davis
21:20might be able to spark another counter attack because Kent and Morelos are running at pace
21:25Hadji finds the Colombian
21:31Barisic always keen to go up a gear and bomb beyond the ball
21:37left by Kent Hadji
21:41his pass is blocked off by Delatte
21:45Kent steps over the ball just through to Hadji doesn't quite get the return
21:49right idea though
21:53You can't help but think Antwerp are going to have to mix it up and change something
21:57you know the way the pattern of the game is going they're passing the ball no end product
22:01Rangers are in good shape and quite happy to play counter attack because as you can see
22:05they're leaving Alfredo Morelos 1v1 against Yelang all they've got to do
22:09is win the ball and get it put forward and Alfredo Morelos is in on goal
22:17Kerkens Morelos
22:22Delatte but it does find Yelang
22:30for Ongla
22:38clears off his man
22:42Antwerp player Lior Rafailov
22:46Morelos has got an injury in the middle of the park here
22:52He didn't quite catch
22:56but he got a knock
23:00Rangers lost James Tavenier and Kemar Ruf
23:04in the first leg and they determined that
23:08Alfredo Morelos their main marksman
23:12doesn't follow them out of the tie
23:16I think it's simply to do with his anchor
23:21trying to get a bit of movement in it
23:25I don't know whether he rolled his ankle or pressed just in front of the dugout
23:29a couple of minutes ago and he lunged forward I don't know if he landed awkwardly
23:33this would be a better blow because the way he started the game tonight
23:37his hold up play his link up play he's got a real appetite for the game
23:41not just tonight but moving forward as well
23:45between now and the end of the season
23:50he's made the difference tonight in the opening 21 minutes
23:54his 23rd goal in European competition
23:58for the club coming in his 43rd game
24:02club record for European goals for Alfredo Morelos
24:06Cedric Itten
24:10the only option should he need to
24:14come off in this one but Steven Gerrard will be desperate for
24:18his main man to continue adding to those goals
24:22six goals in his last nine games for Morelos
24:26he's in a good spell some good goals in amongst that as well
24:30he'll be hungry to get back on the pitch because he will
24:34generally feel from the opening part of this game there's more goals here for him tonight
24:38the way that Antwerp are playing the way they're defending the space they're getting in that
24:42final third certainly feel there's more opportunities waiting for them
24:46his goals return may not have been quite as devastating as
24:50it has been in recent seasons for Rangers
24:54it's still not bad at all though 13 for Morelos this season
24:58I'm sure there's more to come as well
25:02Steven Gerrard has topped up
25:06how his overall game has improved
25:10he's had a good start to the season
25:14he's topped up how his overall game has improved
25:18offers more to the club involved in all four goals over in Belgium
25:22I think that was missed a little bit
25:26with Morelos but you're right his hold-up play his link-up play
25:30his back-to-goal shortness for the first goal for a reboot
25:34very impressive
25:38stats being closed down by Morelos and Kent it was the Englishman
25:42who got the touch on to Hadji Kamara outside him Rangers
25:46have four forward in this attack Hadji and it's cut out
25:50by Buta again just as they look for that final pass
25:54Steven Gerrard showed his frustration that Rangers didn't make the chance
25:58count. Yeah I think the frustration comes from I feel as if
26:02you should pull the trigger the edge of the box get out of your feet get a shot off this is an
26:06inexperienced goalkeeper as well De Wulf
26:10there's two other starts Ottwin De Wulf came in the Belgian
26:14Cup he then made his European debut coming off the bench
26:18last Thursday night so this is his first start in any
26:22competition other than the Belgian Cup for Royal Antwerp
26:26number one Jean Bute
26:40out long-term injury
26:44reboot Kent
26:50and then Weitz battling him forward Davis
27:00control about Rangers
27:04back it up with a pass
27:08and they have the game exactly where they want it Rangers
27:12when they win the ball they're able to make 5, 6, 7 passes
27:16very open we spoke about the frustration of Steven Gerrard
27:20Rory he wants that second goal he knows a second goal will probably kill the
27:24tie completely and they wanted ASAP
27:32well dealt with by Connor Goldson he came back for a bit more
27:36the striker
27:40controversial figure
27:43he's been terrific Alex Hasson to Connor Goldson when you consider last season
27:47making a few individual errors bad choices poor pass choice
27:51giving up cheap goals I remember the game here against Celtic he's just got better and better
27:55makes better decisions he's played in all 42 games as well this season and Steven when you factor
27:59that in Steven Gerrard speaks about the leadership qualities and you can clearly see
28:03that in his performances
28:07started every game this season plus every single European game
28:11under Steven Gerrard here goes Morelos from
28:15range and well over the top
28:19well lots of games this evening
28:23but featuring Manchester United against Real
28:27Sociedad it's a 4-0 lead for Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's side that's on
28:312 HD and ultimate and also
28:35Leicester City against Slavia Prague that one a little
28:39closer to call 0-0 from the first leg in the Czech Republic that's on
28:43730 on ESPN HD
28:57and he nicked it so too did Morelos
29:03uses his upper body strength to hold off Martin
29:07Ongla Kamara
29:11back after initially bypassing the
29:15one from Cameroon
29:23Haji in space Morelos in the middle
29:27Haji goes for goal and he found the power
29:31and it's De Vulf who can bat it away
29:35a terrific play by Haji again
29:39picks up a little area here I'm not sure
29:43across the goal Steven Fartost is gaping
29:51such a clever footballer
29:55Yanis Haji you can see why Steven Gerrard started him tonight he loves
29:59picking little pockets just in behind midfield players in front of
30:03centre-halves poses and problems two or three times tonight he's really
30:07been clever with his movement
30:11comes from Balagun
30:15Dillat stays composed
30:25Buta back to his skipper Richie Dillat
30:29I have to say Royal Antwerp have disappointed me a little bit
30:33so far in the first leg and even here for a team here sitting second in the league in Belgium
30:37I expected them to be more aggressive in their approach
30:41carry more of a threat more penetration I think they're labouring a little bit tonight
30:45which is mainly down to Rangers also but expected a little bit more from them
30:49I just feel as if Rangers have been on the front foot
30:53from the off will they take the game to the Belgians
30:57just decelerated a little after a very fast start
31:01under Frankie Bercowter
31:05no wins in the last three games two draws domestically have just allowed
31:09Club Bruges to open up a pretty healthy
31:13lead in the Dupleur Pro League not as healthy as Rangers
31:17should add an 18 point cushion
31:21just a few games away from wrapping up
31:25the title
31:29Raphael Ob
31:33Amkelzee gets help from Lukaku
31:37ball into the back post for Buta who met it on the volley
31:41just couldn't quite control it and guide it in to Alan McGregor's far post
31:45good play by
31:49Antwerp down the left hand side lovely ball by Lukaku
31:53Buta the other wing back just can't wrap his left foot round that
31:57just goes wide
32:01that's the first time they've really committed men forward the problem was
32:05Amkelzee went to link up the play they didn't really have a centre forward
32:09flexed their muscles a little bit but comfortable in the end
32:13there's moments like that in the first leg
32:17the ball just always seems to end up in the back of the net in this type
32:27just tried to pull it off Kamara
32:31ahead of the game I thought that the manager might have went with
32:35Avanazzi up beside Amkelzee two out and out centre forwards
32:39be a bit more direct because they got some success last week didn't they also by going
32:43through Rangers but no it wasn't quite the case
32:47Lukaku just had to check back to wait for
32:51support in the middle
32:55had to go back
32:59to Lemarchand and Verstappen
33:03four previous
33:07occasions Rangers have hosted Belgian opposition four victories
33:11in Ibrox stadium including this season
33:153-2 win against Standard Liège
33:23Ongar finds Lukaku
33:27checks back onto his left foot Lukaku's
33:31done well here and Royal Antwerp are
33:35level on the night they've got one back and it's Lior
33:39Rafailo who celebrates his second goal of the tie
33:43and maybe this one is not done yet
33:47yeah they can see Joy down the left hand side of Lukaku
33:51ball round the face a lovely finish by Rafailo
33:55could they possibly be offside Steven
33:59I'm not sure if there's a VAR
34:03check or not just from the angle we looked at
34:07another referee who started the game he looked as if he was just
34:11beyond the Rangers players but it's a cheap goal to give up isn't it
34:15Balogun doesn't defend well enough in that right back area
34:19it's a simple ball across goal it's game back on tonight
34:23it's never
34:27straightforward this game
34:39Lukaku did really well down the left hand side
34:43Rafailo for that type of space in the box
34:47he's had a very good career
34:51now there might just be
34:55a bit of doubt creeping into the Rangers players minds
34:59it was Lior and Rafailo who scored the winner
35:03against Tottenham Hotspur in the group stages
35:07yeah it's good play by Lukaku
35:11only a couple of minutes ago he went down that left hand side he fizzed the ball across goal
35:15to Buta and now the body language of Liège
35:19Antwerp has changed
35:23they knew they needed to come here tonight and get themselves a few goals it was a disappointment going behind
35:27certainly giving them a lift
35:31I'm surprised they got so much space at that first post there Steven you'd expect one of the centre-halves to take up that position
35:35for the ball round the face so they can intercept it just wasn't there
35:39Kierkegaard finds Buta
35:43back to Peter Kierkegaard
35:47he just flipped up off Alan McGregor's boot
35:51but he was able to catch it before Rafailo could influence it
35:55that's why Peter Kierkegaard is in there as well
35:59picking up the luck pockets behind the striker
36:13just have given the Belgians a bit of belief
36:17in their best spell of the game that's for sure
36:21heading for the byline
36:25gets the cross in but it's overhead and the ball had drifted out of play
36:29you have to say it's a real good spell for Antwerp
36:33getting down the sides getting the full backs
36:37getting the full backs advanced
36:41yeah we just wondered was he offside
36:45but as you can see not absolutely not
36:49it was a bit tricky that camera one we had from the halfway line but no it's very good movement
36:53he gets across corner goal so a little bit flat footed
36:57that's all about just regaining your composure getting hold of the game again for Rangers
37:11Rangers will certainly fancy themselves to
37:15score more against this side
37:27Connor Goldson
37:31Barisic the intended target
37:35they lost their way a little bit
37:43Antwerp were actually on the front foot five minutes previous to the goal
37:47they were getting Lakaku down the left hand side and Bouta down the right hand side
37:51just starting to get a head of steam
37:55here's Hadji though and Morelos
37:59looks for Kent straight up the lap
38:07with the lion's share of possession
38:11Amkelzeh caught by Leon Balligan
38:15it is a yellow card for the Nigerian and
38:19if Rangers are to get through to the last 16
38:23Leon Balligan would miss the first leg
38:27it's clearly late isn't it Amkelzeh is sharp
38:31I think he's made a little bit of a difference to them tonight his movement
38:35his link up plays better than Avanatis
38:39he's most certainly a different option Stephen he's moving down the sides he's always looking to get in behind
38:43the two centre halves which causes more problems
38:47than Avanatis and more of a focal point
38:51with Balligan missing when the next round of Rangers get through
38:55they'll hope that James Tavernier can get himself fit and available
38:59if that is indeed the case
39:03it's a couple of weeks away
39:07Stephen Gerrard talking about 3 weeks possibly for James Tavernier
39:11that will be something to worry about nearer the time he hopes
39:19Dillard and Bouta
39:29Djela with the long diagonal
39:33that's there for Lukaku to chase and Balligan
39:37to be mindful of his timing there
39:41he's brought down near the corner flag as well
39:53it's clever by Balligan isn't it he initially wins the first ball
39:57does really well good recovery pace
40:01just a little hand from Lukaku
40:05relieves the pressure
40:09you have to see the Belgians have actually responded well Stephen
40:13showing a lot of intent now
40:17the offside flag is up against Lamkelzee here
40:21the referee will let him send it wide
40:25I don't think Alan McGregor knew that
40:29I think they have to let it play to the finish
40:33is that what it is
40:37because the attack has to come to an end
40:41before the referee blows his whistle for offside
40:45he's convinced and he was right
40:49it was the right decision
40:55James Tavernier the Rangers captain
40:59looking on from the main stand
41:03wishing he was a part of this
41:07it's clear there Phil
41:11he gets on the wrong side and runs out the back of him
41:15I don't know why he's complaining about that one
41:19just a versatile isn't he
41:23he played left centre half last week
41:27playing right centre half this week
41:35it's important for Barisic to take the free kick
41:39he's curling towards that back post
41:43one back by Stephen Davis
41:47the Rangers still have the numbers forward
41:51it's just a little high for him
41:55can now collect
41:59that will be a Rangers corner
42:03good first touch
42:07easy to get a corner
42:11this would be the ideal time
42:15for Rangers to strike back
42:19there's enough aggression in that box for them to go and get after this ball
42:27Barisic wants more
42:31nine goals between them in this tie
42:35it goes all the way across
42:39doesn't have to jump does he
42:43just manages to create that little bit of space
42:47I think against Standard Liège he scored from a similar area of the pitch
42:51didn't he just looked in to the corner
42:59he's got an excellent record going forward
43:01eight goals this season for Connor Goldson
43:03he's a real threat
43:11Balogun who partnered him for the majority of the group stages
43:17he's a real threat
43:25safely back to Alan McGregor
43:29Lamar Chon
43:45Maxime Lamar Chon
43:49Jordan Lukaku
43:53blocked off by Kamara
43:57and he's caught by Lukaku
44:07Steven Gerrard was throwing his arms about because I think he's asking the question for a card
44:11Lukaku had the foul in Balogun a few minutes ago
44:15he's now had another quick one
44:19we can catch all the highlights of the second legs in the round of 32 in the UEFA Europa League tonight
44:23that's at 10.30 on 2HD
44:27and of course the big draw is tomorrow
44:31in Nyon for the round of 16
44:35that's from midday on Tuesday
44:39that's from midday on 2HD
44:43Van der Sietch up the line
44:47it's Delatte that comes out to beat Morelos to the ball
44:51but Rangers throat
44:55there's definitely been a different dynamic to the game since Antwerp got themselves back into it
44:59Rangers lost their way
45:03haven't been able to retain possession as well
45:07cheaply by Morelos and Rafailo
45:11Didier Lankelzee
45:15sliding in is Kamara but Ongle
45:19trying to keep it alive it's Hellander
45:23Kent and Morelos link
45:27Kent back to Morelos, nice combination
45:31Davis got there quickly, Kamara
45:37there's a little
45:41urgency about Rangers there
45:45to hold the ball in very tight situations but they've given it away now
45:53as we approach the end of the first half
45:57it's giving you the danger period for Rangers a week ago
46:07Ongle, Rafailo
46:11fizzed into Gerkins
46:15and now it's Lukaku who cuts back
46:19Lukaku, it's just the side netting that ripples
46:23and a major warning for Rangers
46:27there's good play again by Lukaku
46:31feats to shoot, you have to say Golsan does well to get out
46:35another warning shot for Rangers
46:39there's an overload on that left hand side
46:43Lukaku is being brave, he's the wing back
46:47outnumbered at the back post, he commits himself for the lunge
46:51Lukaku who I thought was quite quiet last week
46:55has grown into this game the longer it goes on
47:05Bouta to Gerkins
47:0930 seconds left of normal time
47:13we understand there will be another minute as now Hadji tries to
47:17release Morelos, he holds off Gellat, now awaiting support
47:21and Gellat is off injured
47:25Morelos very sportingly
47:29holds up the play
47:33Gellat can be stopped
47:37although it was his choice
47:41I think one of his teammates has given him a bit of stick for stopping the play
47:45he comes in for criticism, Alfredo Morelos, but you've got to say sportsmanship
47:49that is out of the top draw, he could easily have went for goal or passed someone else in
47:53so you've got to hold your hand up and say credit Alfredo Morelos
47:57I'm not too sure I'd have done it myself, it's not as if it's a serious injury
48:01I would have most certainly been going for a second goal there
48:05Well Rangers were in a fantastic position
48:09They had bodies actually piling into the box as well
48:13Hadji was most certainly there and Ryan Kent was there
48:17Are you playing on there Stephen?
48:21Yeah, probably, absolutely, you've got the overload, you've got the man advantage
48:25but Alfredo Morelos, I have to say it was unexpected from him
48:29I'm not too sure, his fellow teammates are appreciative of it
48:33but well played to him
48:59Frank Boya, I don't think it is unable to get on before the break
49:11but the goals have continued to flow in this tie
49:15Alfredo Morelos got Rangers going early
49:19and at that stage they look comfortable but this tie
49:23has got a way of coming back and surprising you
49:27and Leo Raphailov equalised for Royal Antwerp
49:31so at the break it's Rangers 1, Royal Antwerp 1
