FTS 16:30 08-06 University Professors call for national strike in Argentina

  • 3 months ago
*Israeli attack on Gaza’s Nuseirat camp kills 210 Palestinian civilians
*Italians vote for their 76 representatives to the European Parliament. TeleSur


00:03 In Argentina, the Federation of University Educators
00:11 called for a new four-hour national strike.
00:13 In Palestine, Israeli occupation troops
00:19 killed over 210 civilians after shelling the Nusra right camp.
00:26 In Italy, citizens go to the poll to elect their 76
00:30 representatives to the European Parliament.
00:32 Hello, welcome from the south.
00:44 I'm Luis Alberto Matos from the Lesus Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:48 We begin with the news.
00:50 The Argentine University Educators Union
00:52 calls for a new 48-hour national strike because
00:55 of the lack of response by the Javier Mele's government
00:58 about the full salaries in the education area.
01:01 The Federation of University Educators
01:03 explained that the strike will begin this Tuesday
01:06 and will culminate on Wednesday, June 12,
01:09 with a march through the National Congress.
01:11 It's expected that teachers unions will demand the senators
01:14 to vote against the law of basis, a project that
01:16 will be debated in Congress.
01:18 Teachers announced that the policies implemented
01:20 by Javier Mele's administration have had a negative impact,
01:24 causing up to 60% loss of purchasing power for educators.
01:27 The Brazilian government announced
01:35 that it imported more than 260,000 tons of rice
01:38 to supply the domestic demand due to the impact of the storms
01:41 in the Rio Grande do Sul.
01:43 The government's plan was opposed
01:44 by Rio Grande do Sul's growers, who
01:46 supply about 20% of Brazil's production,
01:49 and by the national agricultural lobbies.
01:51 The administration emphasized that the purchase
01:53 will influence traders to bring prices down
01:55 by selling at lower prices to the population
01:58 the imported amount.
01:59 According to the government, the rice
02:01 is expected to be ready to be sold to the population
02:04 within 45 to 60 days.
02:06 The government also informed that mercantile countries
02:09 are priority for the purchase of the grain.
02:11 On Friday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro
02:18 signed important energy agreements with Turkey.
02:21 The joint endeavors will be led by the working class that
02:24 achieved the recovery of the state-owned petrochemical
02:26 company.
02:27 The move comes amid the far-right's privatization
02:29 attempts.
02:30 President Maduro signed these cooperation agreements
02:33 that consolidate the alliance between Caracas and Canada
02:36 to strengthen the development of the natural gas value chain.
02:39 In addition to agreements for decarbonization of minerals,
02:42 with emphasis on the respect for nature,
02:46 another of the agreements signed foresees
02:47 the construction of a plant for the production of ammonia.
02:50 We are signing these documents for the construction
03:00 of a large petrochemical plant for the production of ammonia.
03:04 We have fully recovered Pequiven.
03:06 It is a public company, a socialist company
03:09 in the hands of the working class.
03:11 And Pequiven with the power they have
03:13 makes a first world strategic alliance,
03:16 to build with state-of-the-art technology a new plant.
03:20 The government of China strengthens relations
03:24 with Latin America through meetings
03:25 with senior officials from Brazil, Venezuela, and Cuba.
03:28 During the meeting with Brazilian Vice President
03:34 Geraldo Aguin, Chinese President Xi Jinping
03:36 highlighted the importance of Brazil
03:38 on the international stage, and reaffirmed his friendship
03:42 with the South American giant.
03:48 China and Brazil are good like-minded friends,
03:50 good partners sharing good moments and bad moments,
03:53 and good brothers moving forward hand in hand.
03:56 This year marks the 50th anniversary
03:58 of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations.
04:01 Throughout these 50 years, the two sides
04:03 have carried out exchanges and cooperation,
04:05 and deepened their friendship with the aim
04:07 of building a community with a shared future.
04:12 In this regard, the Vice President of Brazil,
04:14 Gerardo Aguin, indicated that President Luis Inácio Lula
04:17 da Silva has committed himself to making sustainable
04:21 development a reality in Brazil, following the example
04:25 of the Chinese government.
04:28 In this context, China's top political advisor,
04:31 Wang Huning, received the Venezuelan Foreign Minister
04:35 Ivan Gil as part of the new historic period
04:37 between the two nations.
04:43 The Venezuelan diplomat said that the Latin American country
04:46 fully supports the global initiatives proposed
04:49 by the Chinese President Xi Jinping.
04:51 Meanwhile, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez
05:00 met with political bureau standing committee member Li
05:03 Xi in an effort to consolidate bilateral inter-party ties.
05:12 China continues to support Cuba in the search
05:14 for a socialist path that suits its national conditions
05:19 and defends of its sovereignty.
05:20 The Chinese government seeks to enhance its strategic interests
05:27 with Latin American countries as part of a strategy
05:30 to confront Western threats to destabilize the global economy.
05:40 In the context of relations between China and Latin
05:42 America, Cuba received three full-type parts provided
05:45 by China to strengthen its energy matrix.
05:48 Installations provided by the Chinese Agency
05:50 for International Cooperation and Development
05:52 represent a significant investment
05:54 since the three parts generate 12 megawatts of energy
05:57 and are synchronized to the national electric system.
06:00 The landmark marks the beginning of an investment offensive
06:02 aimed at adding 1,000 megawatts to Cuba's energy matrix,
06:06 in addition to reducing fuel consumption
06:08 and electricity congeneration.
06:10 Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us
06:18 on TikTok at Telegram.
06:19 Patients could save their lives if they
06:20 managed to leave the enclave to be treated abroad.
06:23 Health authorities detailed that more than 11,000 wounded,
06:26 10,000 patients with cancer, and another 2,000
06:29 with seropathologies are unable to access the necessary care
06:33 because of the incursion of the Israeli occupation
06:35 army into the city of Rafah last May.
06:37 In other news, the 27th St. Petersburg International
06:45 Economic Forum, which began on Wednesday, June 5,
06:48 concluded in Russia.
06:49 From St. Petersburg, our colleague Oleg Yasinsky
06:52 has all the details.
06:57 Greetings from St. Petersburg, dear friends.
07:00 Here we have just concluded the 27th International Economic
07:03 Forum, which was held from June 5 to 8.
07:08 Its main mission was defined as the search for economic measures
07:11 to maintain the global balance of power
07:14 and build a multipolar international system.
07:19 The forum was attended by representatives
07:21 from 136 countries and high-level politicians
07:24 from more than 45 countries.
07:27 Among them were the presidents of Bolivia, Zimbabwe, Serbia,
07:31 the prime minister of the Central American Republic,
07:34 the foreign minister of Hungary, and several others.
07:38 The number of participants of only the first day
07:41 of this forum has exceeded the number
07:43 of attendees of the four days of this forum in 2019.
07:49 That is, more than 19,000 people attended.
07:55 It has already become evident that the level of business
07:57 activity at the forum has far exceeded indicators
08:00 of all previous years despite the sanctions.
08:05 Let's remember that more than 20,000
08:08 Western economic and technological sanctions
08:10 were applied against Russia.
08:12 It is a total record.
08:13 The program also included about 200 thematic debates
08:19 and a number of bilateral and multilateral business dialogues.
08:25 And as one of the results of the event,
08:27 more than 1,000 commercial agreements
08:29 are expected to be signed.
08:33 I believe that in the next few hours
08:35 we will have the official data on the results.
08:38 But the most important thing is that this event
08:40 was a great meeting between Russia and the global South,
08:43 and not only economically, but also culturally and politically.
08:49 Countries and their peoples who will
08:50 continue to work for a more humane and just future
08:53 together.
09:00 We now have a short break coming up.
09:02 But before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
09:04 for our English-speaking audience,
09:05 you can scan the QR code on screen.
09:35 Welcome back.
09:36 In Italy, citizens participate in elections
09:38 to choose their 76 representatives out of the 720
09:41 that make up the European Parliament.
09:43 Ballot boxes in Italy for the European parliamentary
09:45 elections open their first day this Saturday, June 8.
09:49 The second day is scheduled to take place on Sunday,
09:51 after which the results will be announced.
09:53 Experts estimate that these elections will
09:55 be marked by abstentionism and the growth
09:58 of the influence of the extreme right-wing parties
10:00 in the European Parliament.
10:02 On their part, the citizens of the Czech Republic
10:07 finish the voting day after two consecutive days
10:09 to decide the members of the European Parliament.
10:12 674 candidates from 30 political formations
10:14 were presented to the consultation.
10:16 Also, Ireland and the Netherlands
10:18 finish the parliamentary elections.
10:19 And the results of the elections are
10:21 expected to be announced on Sunday, June 9,
10:23 in an ambience marked by low voter turnout.
10:25 Elections to the European Parliament
10:32 are taking place as we speak.
10:34 They will run through the weekend.
10:35 Our correspondent, Andres Flores, has more.
10:40 In the European elections, citizens
10:42 of the countries that make up the European Union
10:44 choose their representatives to the European Parliament.
10:47 It is the largest multinational election in the world,
10:50 enrolling some 373 million voters.
10:54 This time, these elections are taking
10:56 place amid conflicts that directly or indirectly
10:59 involve Europe.
11:03 These elections are taking place in an international
11:05 context marked by the start of the war in Ukraine,
11:09 an ongoing genocide in Palestine by the state of Israel.
11:12 According to many analysts, the far right
11:17 is expected to gain strength in these European elections.
11:22 According to the polls, there will
11:24 be a very significant increase of votes
11:26 for different extreme right and populist right parties.
11:29 In general, the extreme right is expected
11:31 to double its number of seats.
11:34 Same goes for the reskeptic right.
11:36 Therefore, the two combined could make up to 25%
11:40 of the European Parliament.
11:41 Meanwhile, extreme centrist parties are expected to lose.
11:46 For Sergi Roca, chief international news editor
11:49 at Catalonia Radio, the new European Parliament
11:52 will have to deal with shifting world powers.
11:54 Internationally speaking, the European Parliament
12:00 and the European Commission coming out of these elections
12:02 will have to negotiate with the usual players.
12:06 But in the case of the United States, for instance,
12:09 it may again be Joe Biden or it may be Trump,
12:13 which would make a difference.
12:14 But also there is China and Latin America.
12:17 The Mercosur agenda has been stuck for many years.
12:21 So it will be very interesting to see how that evolves.
12:26 Historian Irene González-Ello highlights the main challenges
12:30 that next European Parliament will have to face.
12:36 During the next five years, the European Union
12:39 will have to face issues such as the climate crisis,
12:43 having two wars very close to our borders,
12:46 one in our continent.
12:48 Also the challenge of achieving gender equality,
12:51 continuing to fight for human rights
12:53 that meet European standards.
12:57 But there is concern about low turnout predictions.
13:02 I hope such predictions remain just that,
13:05 and people turn out massively to vote, especially young people.
13:09 I think many people are very much aware of these
13:11 being important elections and what
13:14 is at stake of the challenges for the next five years.
13:18 And I think this can mobilize young people.
13:24 The European Parliament is the only multinational
13:26 parliamentary assembly in the world elected by direct vote.
13:30 And this Sunday, it will be restructured.
13:35 The government of Slovakia assured
13:36 that it would not be led by Western countries
13:38 into a military adventure promoting
13:40 war against Russia.
13:41 This was stated by the Slovak prime minister,
13:43 Robert Fico, referring to the consent given
13:45 by the Western countries to Ukraine
13:46 to allow it to use Western weapons to attack
13:49 targets on Russian territory.
13:51 Fico denounced that this is only proof
13:53 that the great Western democracies do not
13:55 want peace, but rather an escalation of tension
13:57 with Russia and a continuation of a senseless war.
14:00 The Russian authorities warned that this policy will
14:03 inevitably have its consequences.
14:08 In the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
14:12 more than 50 people lost their lives as a result of attacks
14:14 during the last three days attributed to travel links
14:17 to the Daesh group.
14:18 According to authorities, about 13 people
14:21 were killed on Thursday in an attack perpetrated
14:23 by the Allied Democratic Forces in North Kivu province.
14:26 39 people were also killed in armed attacks
14:28 on Tuesday in three other villages in that province.
14:30 According to local sources, this figure
14:32 could increase as the search for the missing people continues.
14:36 Meanwhile, the population is fleeing to supposedly safe
14:38 areas amid these attacks.
14:40 The FDA has had a 30-year presence in eastern DRC,
14:44 where it has killed thousands of civilians.
14:52 In Ivory Coast, the development of renewable energy sources
14:54 is one of the main tasks of the Ministry of Energy.
14:56 It is since the African nations promoting
14:58 the use of solar power plants to contribute to the development
15:01 of the energy mix.
15:02 Let's find out about the first solar plant
15:04 connected to the national grid.
15:07 Inaugurated in June 2023, Ivory Coast's first solar power plant
15:12 is located in the city of Boundi Ali
15:14 in the north of the country and is the first
15:16 to be connected to the national grid as part
15:19 of the West African country's commitment to clean energy
15:21 without fossil fuels, with the aim of improving electricity
15:25 supply to more than 430,000 households,
15:28 according to the Ministry of Energy.
15:32 On the other hand, in Boundi Ali,
15:34 the northern part of the country, irradiance is very high.
15:38 Irradiance is the quantity of light
15:39 that the sky sends, that the forgiving sun sends
15:42 to the earth.
15:44 So we have a lot more of this quantity
15:46 of light in the northern part of the country.
15:48 So the most appropriate place to build solar photovoltaic power
15:51 plants is really in the northern part of the country.
15:55 Unlike the more humid and cloudy south,
15:57 the northern climate is warm and dry for much of the year,
16:00 which makes it very suitable for solar energy.
16:05 If we have several solar photovoltaic power stations,
16:08 what will that do?
16:09 Relieve the transit of energy that
16:11 passes through these lines from the south
16:13 to the north of the country.
16:15 So that's the importance of having.
16:17 And it contributes to the energy mix.
16:20 We're going to use water, gas, but also the sun.
16:24 We're going to make sure that wherever we invest,
16:26 we have the maximum amount of electricity.
16:30 In this region of some 92,000 inhabitants,
16:33 some 350 people have been hired since the plant's construction
16:36 began.
16:37 Most were hired on a short-term basis
16:39 to install solar panels or perform maintenance tasks.
16:44 I like working here at the plant because I get paid well.
16:46 I can feed my family and look after people at home.
16:50 Well, I'd prefer the job to last a bit longer.
16:52 But if it does, I'll really enjoy it.
16:56 Ivory Coast already exports about 10%
16:58 of its electricity to neighboring countries
17:00 and aims to generate almost half of its power
17:03 from renewable sources by 2030 in a continent
17:06 that, although it has doubled its capacity to produce
17:08 clean energy, still account for only 2% of global capacity.
17:11 We have come to the end of this news brief.
17:16 You can find these and many other stories
17:17 on our website at Tesser English.
17:19 You can also find us on social media, Facebook,
17:21 Instagram, Telegram, and TikTok.
17:24 For Tesser English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
17:26 Thanks for watching.
