Saham Emiten Rokok Terbakar Kenaikan Tarif Cukai

  • 3 months ago
Terdampak pernyataan terbaru pemerintah terkait kenaikan tarif cukai hasil tembakau, saham-saham emiten rokok terpantau terkoreksi pada perdagangan Rabu sesi I (12/06). Analis pasar modal menilai, sentimen negatif terkait kenaikan cukai rokok masih akan terus mempengaruhi gerak saham-saham rokok pada tahun 2024 ini.


00:00The election is still in IDX season closing, and next we will invite you to discuss the results of the election collected by our production team.
00:08The impact of the government's latest announcement on the increase in tobacco tax rates.
00:12The tobacco emissions are monitored and corrected in the first trading session on June 12, 2024.
00:18More on the analysis of the market capital, the negative sentiment on the increase in tobacco taxes will continue to affect the movement of tobacco this year.
00:31The Ministry of Finance admitted that it has accepted an agreement to increase the tobacco tax rate in 2025.
00:39The matter was immediately conveyed to the Directorate General of Taxation and Taxation, Askolani.
00:43Just for the sake of increasing the rate, the Tax Administration said the matter would be discussed in the 2025 budget and state budget.
00:52Askolani has not yet been able to ensure whether the government will set a multi-year tobacco tax rate
00:59such as in 2023-2024.
01:02Through the documents of the Macro Economic Framework and the 2025 fiscal policy principles,
01:07the government stated that the intensification of the tobacco tax rate was implemented as one of the policies to support state subsidies.
01:15In this regard, the government plans to re-raise the tobacco tax rate with the multi-year or multi-year mechanism.
01:23Meanwhile, related to the statement of the increase in the tobacco tax rate, the speed of the tobacco procurement shares was immediately affected.
01:29Until the closing of the first session on June 12, a number of tobacco procurement shares were monitored and corrected.
01:35HM Sampurna shares were corrected by 2.82%, followed by Wismilak Intimakmur shares weakened by 2.53% and Gudang Garam shares weakened by 2.13%.
01:46Nearly year-to-date, HMSP shares, Wismilak shares and Gudang Garam shares also showed negative performance.
01:55Regarding the prospect of tobacco emissions, previously Indonesia's security chief equity research analyst Miftahul Khair
02:01considered that tobacco emissions were still affected by negative sentiment regarding the increase in the tobacco tax rate.
02:06The increase in the tobacco tax rate will also increase the price of sales,
02:10so there will be a cheaper smuggling of tobacco from the consumer side.
02:14Thus, he recommended to wait for the tobacco emissions first.
