Kenaikan Tarif CHT Membebani Industri Rokok

  • 3 months ago
Gabungan Produsen Rokok Putih Indonesia (GAPRINDO) meminta, kenaikan Cukai Hasil Tembakau pada tahun 2025 tidak membebani industri rokok nasional. Ketua Gabungan Produsen Rokok Putih Indonesia (Gaprindo) Benny Wahyudi mengatakan, kenaikan Cukai Hasil Tembakau sangat berdampak terhadap produktivitas industri rokok nasional.


00:00Indonesia's white cigarette business association, Gaprindo,
00:03asked for an increase in tobacco prices in 2025
00:07without burdening the national cigarette industry.
00:09Gaprindo's general chairman, Benny Wahyudi, said
00:12the increase in tobacco prices
00:15had a great impact on the productivity of the national cigarette industry.
00:19In 2019, cigarette production was recorded at 357 billion pieces
00:24and in 2023 it was recorded to be down to 320 billion pieces.
00:29Benny added that the decline in production
00:32also had an impact on the country's acceptance of CHT.
00:36This is shown by the trend of APBN acceptance
00:40that has been declining since the previous period.
00:42The country's acceptance of CHT in 2023
00:46was recorded at 213.48 trillion.
00:50The figure only reached 97.78% of the APBN target.
00:56However, the acceptance of CHT from cigarettes
00:58has always been around 100%.
01:01From the target, it will exceed in previous years.
01:06The tobacco industry continues to decline.
01:09In total, for example,
01:12before COVID,
01:16our production was almost 350 billion pieces.
01:23Now, our production is around 320 billion pieces.
01:29Especially white tobacco,
01:31before COVID,
01:33its production was still above 15 billion pieces.
01:37Now, its production is below 10 billion pieces.
01:40And per year, the decline is 10%, almost 10%.
