Le quotidien des bourses - 13/06/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Le quotidien des bourses - 13/06/2024


00:00It's time for the stock market, time to take stock of the main African stock markets.
00:11Hello everyone.
00:12On the Casablanca stock market, we note a slightly difficult session for the MAZI.
00:16After a good start to the session, the MAZI ended up withdrawing after the first hour
00:20and this until the closure.
00:21The index thus lost minus 0.18%, to 13,163 points.
00:26The distributor Label Vie accuses a decline of minus 3.02%.
00:31Snep loses minus 3.64%.
00:33The strongest drops are accused by Salafin and Promofam.
00:37Promofam loses minus 5.08% and Salafin abandons minus 6.18%.
00:42The leisure and hotel sector, led by the REISMA title, progresses by plus 1.25%.
00:47In a context where the Kingdom of Morocco experienced an increase of plus 15% in arrivals
00:52of tourists in the kingdom at the end of May 2024.
00:57And the Tunisian stock market closes this third session on a decline.
01:01The Tunis index loses minus 0.29%, to 9,638 points.
01:06The market records a flow of 11,967,000 dinars.
01:10The Tunisian car company STA accuses the strongest decline, losing minus 6%.
01:16OneTech Holding continues to lose ground and today abandons about minus 5%.
01:20With a volume negotiated of nearly 9,622,000 dinars.
01:25Something to heavily weigh on the general trend of the Tunis index.
01:28The Tunisian company Profilé Aluminium saw the course of its share abandoned minus 2.54%
01:34after the publication of the results of its General Assembly held on May 28.
01:39Monoprix abandons minus 3.05% and Somoser abandons minus 3.92%.
01:47The regional stock exchange of Abidjan plunges a little more into the red.
01:51The BRVM Composite loses minus 0.04%, to 225.85 points.
01:56And the BRVM Prestige, it loses minus 0.48%, to 106.76 points.
02:03Oragroup Togo is for the second consecutive session the most affected value, with a loss of minus 7.31%.
02:10General Society of Kaohsiung abandons minus 6.56%, while the price of rubber on the world market has increased by plus 30.4%.
02:19Corisbank International and CETAO Côte d'Ivoire participate in this drop.
02:23CETAO abandons minus 3.90% and Corisbank replaces it with minus 3.12%.
02:29Notably, Orange Côte d'Ivoire gains plus 0.22% and Sonatel plus 0.52%.
02:38That's it for the most recent stock news on the continent.
02:41See you soon to take a look at the indices that carry Africa's economy in full growth.