Le quotidien des bourses - 10/07/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Le quotidien des bourses - 10/07/2024


00:00It is time for the stock market, the time to make the point of the main African stock markets.
00:11Hello everyone. In Morocco, the MAZI closes very close to the equilibrium, but still in the red.
00:16The MAZI lost 0.07% to 13,349 points, with a low volume of about 47 million dirhams.
00:24The Agdital title, with a volume of 29 million dirhams, dominated the exchanges, but it is limited to a slight increase of 0.05%.
00:33Atijari Wafa Bank particularly shone on the session, with an increase of 1.14% to reach a new higher historical at 532 dirhams.
00:43But we note that the drop was mainly justified by the return of Maghrebai, which loses 5.97% or CDM, which loses 5%. Maghreb Oxygen also loses 4.56%.
00:58The Tunis boost ends almost unchanged. Now the variation of its index, the Tunindex, to minus 0.07%, which closes at 9,723 points.
01:0826 values record returns. BIAT abandons minus 2.18%, followed by ICF, which loses minus 2.04%.
01:16Two values strongly animated the exchanges. These are the Tunisian company-made actions and the One Tech Holding actions.
01:24SFBT loses minus 0.55%, but drains a volume of 1,826,000 dirhams.
01:30And the One Tech action returns minus 1.07%, after its remarkable fall from the day before, where the stock had lost minus 10.51%.
01:41And for this second session of the week, the BRVM Composite index on the UMOA market accuses a very slight return of minus 0.09%.
01:49Closing close to the equilibrium at 229.73 points. Orange Côte d'Ivoire has folded the market with a decline of minus 2%.
01:56The stock negotiates around 11,700 francs CFA. Total Senegal abandons minus 2.22%. The BOA Mali stock has lost minus 1.84%.
02:07The best dynamic is carried by Oura Group Togo, which adjudges an increase of plus 5.59%.
02:13Or the SOGC agro-industrial stock, which rises a little and gains plus 3.33%.
02:19The Société Générale stock remains unchanged three days after the officialization of Patrick Blass as CEO.
02:28That's it for the most recent stock news on the continent.
02:32See you soon to see together the indices that carry Africa's economy in full growth.