Le quotidien des bourses - 09/07/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Le quotidien des bourses - 09/07/2024


00:00It is time for the stock market, the time to make the point of the main African stock markets.
00:11Hello everyone. In Morocco, the MAZI closing a slight drop this session.
00:15The index loses 0.07% to 13,358 points.
00:20The market is limited to only 48 million dirhams.
00:23This drop is justified by the declines of the M2M Group, SM Monetik and Stockvice North Africa.
00:29M2M Group yields 5.89%, SM Monetik yields 3.95% and Stockvice North Africa yields 3.56%.
00:40The MAZI remains close to balance, especially thanks to the performance of Atijari Wafa Bank,
00:45which progresses by 1.30% and drains a volume of 25 million dirhams.
00:50BCP remains balanced, channeling a volume of 5 million dirhams.
00:56The Tunisian stock market starts this new week with a very slight drop.
00:59The Tunindex remains difficult to balance and yields 0.06% to close at 9,730 points.
01:0622 values remained unchanged, 17 values ended in a drop and 15 values ended in an increase.
01:12We expected an increase, but in the end, the OneTech Holding title was pressured by the sellers
01:17and the stock lost 10.51% and channeled a volume of 2,412,000 dirhams, the most important volume of the day.
01:25SFBT falls by minus 1.50%, SPDIT abandons minus 3.63% and UIB returns minus 0.85%.
01:35Tunisia's central bank has just circulated 3 new coins, namely the 2 dinars, 200 millim and 50 millim coins.
01:46And the month of July, which confirms the good shape of the Lyon market.
01:50The regional stock exchange sees its flagship index, the BRVM Composite, gain 0.20% to 229.93 points.
01:59The BRVM30 gains plus 0.27%, but the BRVM Prestige returns minus 0.58%.
02:07The market has been very lively with a global volume of nearly 2.9 billion francs.
02:12Biowa Burkina Faso progresses by plus 3.10% on the eve of the announcements of the AES and CEDAO summits.
02:20Onatel Burkina Faso also progresses by plus 2.70%.
02:25The Abidjan Server title continues its progression and gains plus 3.61%.
02:30This increase is also carried by Sonatel, which is now negotiating at 19,500 francs CFA l'Action, following an increase of plus 0.54%.
02:40The bulk of the market was driven by mandatory products, including this public exchange offer operation initiated by the state of Côte d'Ivoire.
02:48We will come back to this in more detail in our next edition.
02:52That's it for the most recent stock news on the continent.
02:55See you soon to see together the indices that carry Africa's economy in full growth.