Joa Savage from Cats Protection Swale

  • 3 months ago
Joa Savage from Cats Protection Swale
00:00We cover the Swale area which is quite a large area. We cover all the way down to Faversham
00:06and all the way back up all over the island and into Newington. So that's kind of our mapped area.
00:15We do go out of those areas if there's welfare needed and the other local branches don't have
00:23the volunteers to do welfare. We tend to cover them for that as well so we help Redhurst.
00:28We also help Midkent down Maidstone, Tunbridge that way.
00:36What do we do? So we do welfare which covers a whole remit of work involving microchip checking
00:43a stray cat, unfortunately picking up ones that have maybe been injured. I started a long time
00:51ago and then when I moved here I just got chatting to somebody and I got talked into it
01:00as with a lot of people. You just kind of, oh yeah I can help you out with that. It's only an hour
01:06and then all of a sudden it just becomes, it's now just my life. I have a big passion for animal
01:14welfare but I absolutely love cats. I love all animals but cats especially. They're just great
01:25and I want to see them treated a lot better than they are and especially the welfare standards.
01:34We have so many people who have cats because, oh my neighbour had a cat and that had kittens
01:43so I took them but they don't neuter them and then they become poorly and or they have kittens
01:50and then all of a sudden it's, oh my goodness I've got eight kittens and how am I going to feed them
01:55and that's when they call us, normally when it's too late.
