Taco Bell Art Designer Says He Would Love To Do Commission Work With Them Again

  • 3 months ago
The dude has not worked with TB since the campaign two decades ago ... but he wouldn't be shocked if the fast food joint somehow found a way to lean into the bizarre situation and create a social media marketing opportunity.


00:02Don't own those materials. They're they're Taco Bell's materials. You know what I mean? So
00:06If anybody should be upset about it would be the Taco Bell franchisees and Taco Bell HQ
00:13But for me, it's like it's it's not my possession. So it would be a weird thing to be possessive over it
00:19Does that make sense?
00:19you know like the image itself is is mine for sure, but the the actual application and and this
00:27These pizza pieces of art that hang in the stores or something different
00:31the one thing I would say that I feel good about is that when we were working together collaboratively with the team that
00:37Designed all the new store experiences and all that stuff back 20 years ago. The idea was to make these materials look
00:44Look like real art. And so in from that degree, I feel like we were a hundred percent successful
00:50You know, we these things feel like real art. They were designed they went to great expense
00:55Great expense to print them
00:57And so like I think the quality that that they put into that work is it certainly has been noticed at the very least
01:03I have not heard from them yet, but I but I'd love to work with them again. It was a really challenging
01:10Commission when I had it it was it was really it was fairly elaborate from a from a brief perspective
01:15And so it took it took a great deal of effort to create the work. And so yeah, I'd love to work with them again
01:21You know, we I can just envision like a tick-tock campaign of people's you know of sort of camping this whole thing up a little bit
01:27You know, like putting them in funny places and stealing from different areas or whatever. But yeah, not yet
01:32I haven't been contacted from them, but I'm I'm constantly doing
01:35Commercial work as it were with a lot of different clients. So I just you know
01:39I've just finished a huge commission for a for a mural
01:42So it's um, you know, it's it just sort of feeds into whatever I'm doing at the moment
01:46But yeah, I'd love to work with them again. They were great the first time and certainly do it again
