• 4 months ago
Tú quieres stolen art from Taco Bell?! Well, it just so happens there's some available on the black market ... for a hefty price tag.


00:00I've been aware of the theft of my artwork at Taco Bell for about five years, I guess,
00:09was like the first time I heard about it.
00:11And it's just been, it seems like it's gathering steam.
00:15And it's been a really interesting thing to follow, you know, because I think when I first
00:21heard about it, it was a one off that was written in a local paper.
00:26And it's just sort of been snowballing since then.
00:28So it's, it's kind of interesting how it's evolving.
00:32It's amazing.
00:33I mean, the price point is pretty shocking, you know, because it's, it's accelerating
00:37and getting close to, you know, it's within a multiple of my originals, which is kind
00:41of bananas, which I, I guess I need to raise prices on my originals clearly.
00:44But yeah, it's kind of shocking how much it's going for.
00:48But I have, you know, I've experienced that type of collector before in my career, I've
00:53done an absolute vodka campaign.
00:54And those collectors are also very, they're very aggressive about getting materials from
01:00that campaign.
01:01So, you know, they contacted me right away and started buying up all the preliminary
01:04sketches and all that stuff.
01:06So I've experienced that kind of fandom before, you know, for lack of a better word, or that
01:12sort of collector mentality.
01:14And but this is, this is like another level, because this is, there's almost like a, like
01:19a guerrilla campaign, you know, it's, it's a little it's a little different.
01:24And it's kind of flattering in a way, because it's, it's something I did 20 years ago.
01:28And so it's really nice to, you know, it's nice to hear that hit song again on the radio
01:33as it were, you know.
