Emmanuel Macron and the New World Order-NOW THE END BEGINS-SEPT 26 2024

  • 2 days ago
On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, if you were looking for end times prophetic events this week, you had them on all fronts. It has been a very busy week for French President Emmanuel Macron, first at the Sant’Egidio International Meeting for Peace in Paris on the 22nd, and at the United Nations in New York City on the 25th. At the first meeting, he laid out his vision for a new world order, and at the second, his repeated call for a Two State Solution for the Palestinians. Macron also demanded an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon where Israel is currently seeking to drive out terror group Hezbollah. Also lots of updates from the upcoming election here in America, Hurricane Helene, Russia and China in Alaska, as well as end times news from around the world.


00:00:00Welcome to the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast
00:00:04with your host and Bible teacher, Jeffrey Greider.
00:00:07Rightly divided, dispensationally correct,
00:00:11and standing on the authority of the King James Holy Bible.
00:00:14This program is brought to you by NowTheNBegins.com.
00:00:20And good afternoon, everybody.
00:00:22Happy Friday and welcome to this edition
00:00:24of the Prophecy News Podcast today.
00:00:27Emmanuel Macron calls for a new international order
00:00:31to rise up in Europe to bring in global peace by force.
00:00:35The Saint-Igidio International Meeting for Peace in Paris,
00:00:39which ran this past week from September 22nd
00:00:42through the 24th, is a convention that promotes, quote,
00:00:47peace and solidarity between religions
00:00:50and cultures, end quotes,
00:00:52and aims to create a peaceful future
00:00:55where the audacity to build bridges prevails
00:00:59over the fear of division.
00:01:02It was here that French President Emmanuel Macron
00:01:05issued the call for a new international order
00:01:08to replace the one created by the New World Order
00:01:11after World War II, one that he will lead into the future.
00:01:17Matthew 11, verse 12 says,
00:01:20and from the days of John the Baptist until now,
00:01:23the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence
00:01:26and the violent take it by force.
00:01:30If you were looking for end times prophetic events
00:01:32this week, you had them on all fronts.
00:01:35It has been a very busy week for Emmanuel Macron,
00:01:38first at the peace meeting in Paris on the 22nd,
00:01:42and then over at the United Nations
00:01:44in New York City on the 25th.
00:01:47At the first meeting, he laid out his vision
00:01:50for a New World Order, and at the second,
00:01:52he repeated his call for a two-state solution.
00:01:56Macron also demanded an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon,
00:02:01where Israel is currently seeking
00:02:03to drive out terror group Hezbollah.
00:02:06Also, we have lots of updates
00:02:08from the upcoming election here in America,
00:02:10updates about Hurricane Helene, Russia, China, Alaska,
00:02:16as well as end times news from all around the world.
00:02:20We're glad that you're here with us today.
00:02:23Heavenly Father, we thank you, Lord, for waking us up today.
00:02:27We thank you for the food on the table,
00:02:29the clothes on our back, and the roof over our head,
00:02:32and Lord, we pray for lost souls today.
00:02:36Ramona Hayes, and she's had these prayers
00:02:39for about four years now.
00:02:41She's praying for daughter Kimberly to get saved and sober,
00:02:45and for her grandchildren,
00:02:46William, Jason, David, and Amanda, to get saved.
00:02:51Patrick, praying for Jack and Aaron.
00:02:54Chelsea P., asking salvation prayer for her ex-husband,
00:02:58his parents, his sister, her husband, and her friend, Mike.
00:03:03Adam's wife, Shanna, Lori B.
00:03:06Shira Shine, praying for children Scott, Sherry, and Nicole,
00:03:09as well as Kevin, Michelle, Louis, and Joshua Blake.
00:03:14Lori Anne's grandfather, Irvin, Mark Fennell.
00:03:17Kevin Thompson, for his dad, Tim, Elga.
00:03:21Rob, praying salvation prayers for his three children,
00:03:24Max, Olivia, and Mikey.
00:03:26Phyllis T., for her husband.
00:03:28Retired Captain, Brian Robbins, he needs to get saved.
00:03:33Todd Broome's brother, Thad.
00:03:35Marie's friends, family, Ashley, Dayton, Alyssa, Kyle,
00:03:38Brandon, Grace, Micah, and Macy.
00:03:41Rita, in Colorado, praying for son Dan, Adam, and Katie.
00:03:45Salvation prayer for parents, sisters, brother-in-laws,
00:03:49and other family members.
00:03:51Ellen, for her grandsons, Brayden and Logan.
00:03:54His Grace, praying for Rob, Summer, Sue and Mike,
00:03:58Carl, Jason and Rachel, and Jason and Carrie.
00:04:03Lola's son, William, and wife, Lindsay, Hannah's mom.
00:04:07Anja, praying for Hanu, John, Charles, and Anna-Lilsa.
00:04:12And Dave Evans, Waterdog, is asking salvation prayer
00:04:16for his friend, Taylor, an atheist.
00:04:20People who need a healing today.
00:04:21Pastor James Knox is battling prostate cancer.
00:04:25Praise report, we prayed for Kevin Caldwell
00:04:28from the Soul Trap for his surgery on Wednesday,
00:04:32and he said, all went well.
00:04:34Thank you for the prayer.
00:04:36Craig, asking prayer.
00:04:38He has a condition called Muir-Torrey,
00:04:42and it's a complicated syndrome,
00:04:44but it results in cancerous lesions,
00:04:46and he has a surgery scheduled on October 9th.
00:04:50Please pray for a complete healing for Craig.
00:04:53Liz Kine, broken, twisted back, stenosis,
00:04:57need two new knees and two new shoulders.
00:05:02Alan had a bad fall a couple of weeks ago,
00:05:05severely injured his foot.
00:05:06Doctors are considering amputation.
00:05:09Pray that that doesn't come to that.
00:05:12Marilyn has a compressed disc and a pinched nerve.
00:05:16Curtis Schmidt, having serious heart problems.
00:05:19Sandy, having assorted medical issues.
00:05:22M. Campbell, please pray for my sister, Michelle,
00:05:25diagnosed with breast cancer last week.
00:05:28Pastor George, they are still doing tests,
00:05:32possible cancer on the tongue and pancreatic cancer.
00:05:37Mike Fleming, diagnosed with liver cancer,
00:05:40refusing medical treatment,
00:05:41and is getting ready to check into hospice.
00:05:46He's saved, he knows where he's going,
00:05:49and he is excited to get there.
00:05:52Please pray for Mike and his wife, Nancy.
00:05:55Marie Sims' husband, given only a few months to live.
00:05:59He is not saved.
00:06:00Coach C, having a lot of problems
00:06:03with teeth and gum issues, possible cancer.
00:06:07Please pray for a healing for Coach C.
00:06:10Joan, asking prayer for friend Mary with breast cancer.
00:06:14Kim Harden asks, please pray for Charlie Harvey
00:06:18with degenerative spine disease.
00:06:22And we're praying for a complete healing.
00:06:25Wes and Debbie, the Lord knows the need.
00:06:29Nihal Pereira, please pray for my wife, Shandricka,
00:06:32with stage four cancer.
00:06:34Lulu's sister's friend, Charlene,
00:06:36has liver cancer and is not saved.
00:06:39Jen, asking for God's strength, salvation for her family,
00:06:43reconciliation with her daughter.
00:06:46Heather has Lyme disease and rheumatoid arthritis.
00:06:49Amanda Ward, battling cervical cancer.
00:06:53Angela, please pray for sister-in-law,
00:06:55Gayle, with stage four kidney disease on dialysis
00:06:58and for brother Larry to get saved.
00:07:01Linda's sister, Maryann, has rheumatoid arthritis.
00:07:04Asher, please pray for my mom.
00:07:06Stephanie, please pray for husband Andy's battle
00:07:09with alcohol.
00:07:11Other people battling cancer today.
00:07:14Amanda Emaugh, Krista, and Michelle Christian.
00:07:18Annetta needs a complete healing after having a stroke.
00:07:22Jill Puckett is losing her vision.
00:07:25Berta and Mike Crabb continue to have health issues
00:07:29and we're praying for them.
00:07:31Lulu, please add my friend Sharon to the prayer list.
00:07:34She is in a lot of pain and she has had several operations.
00:07:39There is nothing the doctors can do.
00:07:42Please pray for the Lord to take the pain away.
00:07:45Linda is grieving and needs prayer.
00:07:49Ladies who are expecting today.
00:07:52CJ's daughter-in-law, Emily.
00:07:54Deborah Mack says please pray for my friend Gwen.
00:07:58Lauren in December.
00:08:00Lindsey White in March.
00:08:03Kylie Thompson in February.
00:08:05Shanna Rumpel in April.
00:08:08And Paige is six months pregnant and needs prayer.
00:08:13Doctors may have to do an emergency C-section.
00:08:18So please pray for all the ladies who are expecting.
00:08:23Rob says prayer request.
00:08:24Brian had surgery last week for liver cancer
00:08:28and is praying for a quick recovery.
00:08:34Angela, praise report.
00:08:35Hurricane went right over us early this morning
00:08:38in the Georgia mountains.
00:08:40Just a lot of wind and rain, no destruction, amen.
00:08:45Kenny B, please pray for Tammy who is Catholic
00:08:48and who needs to get saved.
00:08:50I care for her very much.
00:08:52Blaine, my social security appeal
00:08:54has entered the final review process.
00:08:57I should have an answer within two to four weeks.
00:09:00Please pray for a favorable outcome, amen.
00:09:06Also, please pray for the people at Bethany Baptist Church
00:09:11who are impacted by the hurricane from last night.
00:09:16That is now we have Bethany people in Georgia and Tennessee.
00:09:22So please keep our Bethany Baptist family
00:09:25in your prayers today as they travel.
00:09:29And we are so glad and grateful for all of your prayers
00:09:34for us here at the bookstore in Central Florida.
00:09:37We got a lot of wind and rain.
00:09:39It was scary up until about one o'clock in the morning
00:09:42and then everything just quieted down.
00:09:45I checked in with Pastor Joel Tillis
00:09:48at Suncoast Baptist Church and they're okay.
00:09:53But a lot of people were hit hard by the hurricane
00:09:56and this is why we pray.
00:09:59This is why we pray.
00:10:02Heavenly Father, we thank you God for all these prayers
00:10:05and for the unspoken prayers of our hearts.
00:10:09And we ask you to work and move as only you can.
00:10:12Hear every one of these prayers for healing and restoration,
00:10:16for finances and health,
00:10:19and be with each and every one of us today, Lord.
00:10:22And we commit this time to you, these prayers to you.
00:10:26And we commit this entire podcast to you
00:10:31and ask you to lead and guide, protect and provide.
00:10:35And we ask all these things in Jesus' name, amen.
00:10:40The Bible says this in Philippians 4, verse four.
00:10:45Rejoice in the Lord all way and again I say rejoice.
00:10:49Let your moderation be known unto all men,
00:10:51the Lord is at hand.
00:10:53Be careful for nothing but in everything.
00:10:57By prayer and supplication with thanksgiving,
00:11:00let your requests be made known unto God
00:11:03and the peace of God which passes all understanding
00:11:07shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
00:11:12Welcome to the podcast everybody today.
00:11:15We got off to a little bit of a rough start.
00:11:18We have been going seven days a week, 12 hours a day.
00:11:23And we are absolutely on the front lines of the end times
00:11:28as all of you who are here with us are.
00:11:32And it can get tiring but we look to the Lord
00:11:35for refreshment and for encouragement.
00:11:39And it's time to stir ourselves up
00:11:42and get a renewed focus for the battle.
00:11:46And everywhere you look, the battle is raging
00:11:50all around us.
00:11:55She was working at the White House, what a cool VP.
00:11:58And then Biden stopped his campaign saying no, not me.
00:12:00What are we to do, where are we to go?
00:12:02We were out on our fanny.
00:12:06Then suddenly Joseph Kamala's the one to run.
00:12:08She raised millions and endorsements came from everyone.
00:12:11She's got brains, she's got balls, and some walls.
00:12:13She'll soon be president, here it is.
00:12:17Ooh, the guests at the crowd who turned black
00:12:19would find a way to bring hope and joy back.
00:12:22Now the campaign is really bitching.
00:12:23Watch out, DT.
00:12:24And Republicans say they're switching.
00:12:26Cause they agree.
00:12:27Not the lady who laughs is now the world's
00:12:29most hated month we've seen.
00:12:32The girl who just fell out of a coconut tree.
00:12:37And that's the Kamala song.
00:12:39That's one of the new theme songs for her campaign.
00:12:43A campaign of massive deception and lies.
00:12:48A campaign where Google and the mainstream media
00:12:54and the far left progressives are working day and night
00:13:00to change the script to get you to vote for Kamala Harris.
00:13:05And this new Kamala Harris,
00:13:08she's not the far left liberal that you know.
00:13:11She's not the one that called for the riots
00:13:13to continue in 2020.
00:13:16She's not the one who hates the Jews
00:13:18and hates the nation of Israel.
00:13:20She's not the one who's never been to the border.
00:13:23No, this is the new and improved
00:13:27vote for me Kamala Harris 2024.
00:13:31Kamala Harris has never backed down from a challenge.
00:13:34She put cartel members and drug traffickers behind bars
00:13:38and she will secure our border.
00:13:41Here's her plan.
00:13:42Hire thousands more border agents,
00:13:45enforce the law and step up technology
00:13:48and stop fentanyl smuggling and human trafficking.
00:13:52We need a leader with a real plan to fix the border
00:13:55and that's Kamala Harris.
00:13:57I'm Kamala Harris and I approve this message.
00:14:01In Matthew chapter 24, verses one through four,
00:14:07we read this.
00:14:09And Jesus went out and departed from the temple
00:14:11and his disciples came to him
00:14:13for to show him the buildings of the temple.
00:14:17And Jesus said unto them,
00:14:19see ye not all these things?
00:14:21Verily I say unto you,
00:14:24there shall not be left here one stone upon another
00:14:28that shall not be thrown down.
00:14:31And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives,
00:14:33the disciples came onto him privately saying,
00:14:36tell us, when shall these things be?
00:14:39Question number one.
00:14:41And what shall be the sign of thy coming?
00:14:43Question number two.
00:14:45And of the end of the world.
00:14:48And you know what Jesus says in verse four?
00:14:51And Jesus answered and said unto them,
00:14:54take heed that no man deceive you.
00:15:00The end times are typified by deception.
00:15:05Now, I'm not saying that the election process
00:15:10of Kamala Harris, far left Democrat,
00:15:13is fulfilling Bible prophecy,
00:15:16other than to say in Daniel chapter two,
00:15:23Daniel is very, very clear.
00:15:25God says, Daniel says this in Daniel 2.20.
00:15:32Daniel answered and said,
00:15:33blessed be the name of God forever and ever
00:15:35for wisdom and might are his.
00:15:37And he changed the times and the seasons.
00:15:40He removeth kings and setteth up kings.
00:15:44He giveth wisdom unto the wise
00:15:46and knowledge to them that know understanding.
00:15:49He revealeth the deep and secret things.
00:15:52He knoweth what is in the darkness
00:15:55and the light dwelleth with him.
00:15:58So on one hand, a presidential election
00:16:04doesn't have very much to do with end times Bible prophecy,
00:16:07but the election of any world ruler
00:16:13is orchestrated and ordained by God
00:16:16if Daniel 2.21 is true.
00:16:19And of course, it is true.
00:16:22So when we look at these things that are taking place,
00:16:25and we have told you for the last four and a half years,
00:16:28today is day 1,657.
00:16:38Today is, let's see how many days it is.
00:16:43Ah, I was off by one.
00:16:45Today is day 1,656 of 15 days to flatten the curve.
00:16:52And we are living in very deceptive times.
00:16:56We are living in very dangerous times.
00:16:59And we have long told you that the thing
00:17:03that is standing in the way of the new world order
00:17:07is not Donald Trump, it is America.
00:17:12If you wanna bring in the new world order,
00:17:15you have to take out and take down the nation of America.
00:17:22That is the only way that you can do that.
00:17:26As long as America remains a world power, the world power,
00:17:31as long as the dollar is the reserve currency,
00:17:35you cannot have the new world order
00:17:39as a controlling entity.
00:17:42It is just not possible, it cannot happen.
00:17:46You have to remove America, either by force, or by collapse,
00:17:51or by the Cloward-Piven strategy.
00:17:55Whatever you do, you have to take America down.
00:18:00Revelation 17, 17 says,
00:18:03"'For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will
00:18:07and to agree and to give their kingdom unto the beast
00:18:11until the words of God shall be fulfilled.'"
00:18:18That's what's going to take place
00:18:21during the time of Jacob's trouble.
00:18:26But in the meantime,
00:18:29we are rapidly heading towards that at lightning speed.
00:18:35That's where everything is going.
00:18:38You know what Abraham Lincoln said
00:18:42back on November 19th of 1863?
00:18:48Abraham Lincoln said this four score and seven years ago,
00:18:52"'Our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation
00:18:57conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition
00:19:00that all men are created equal.
00:19:04Now we are engaged in a great civil war,
00:19:07testing whether that nation or any nation
00:19:10so conceived and so dedicated can long endure.
00:19:14We are met on a great battlefield of that war.
00:19:18We have come to dedicate a portion of that field
00:19:21as a final resting place for those
00:19:23who have given their lives that the nation might live.
00:19:28It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this,
00:19:31but in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate,
00:19:36we cannot consecrate, we cannot howl this ground.
00:19:40The brave men living and dead who struggled here
00:19:44have consecrated it far above our poor power
00:19:48to add or detract.
00:19:50The world will little note nor long remember
00:19:53what we say here,
00:19:55but it can never forget what they did here.
00:19:58It is for us, the living rather to be dedicated here
00:20:02to the unfinished work which they who fought here
00:20:05have thus far so nobly advanced.
00:20:09It is rather for us to be here dedicated
00:20:12to the great task remaining before us
00:20:15that from these honored dead,
00:20:17we take increased devotion to the cause
00:20:20for which they gave the last full measure of devotion
00:20:24that we here highly resolve
00:20:28that these dead shall not have died in vain,
00:20:31that this nation under God
00:20:34shall have a new birth of freedom
00:20:37and that government of the people,
00:20:39by the people, for the people
00:20:42shall not perish from the earth.
00:20:46Abraham Lincoln said that in 1863.
00:20:54And here we are over a century and a half later.
00:20:59And in 2009, the Lord raised up the ministry
00:21:03of Now the End Begins.
00:21:06And 15 years ago, we said this about the nation of America.
00:21:12And I want you to compare it and contrast it
00:21:15with what Abraham Lincoln said about America in 1863.
00:21:21In 2009, I wrote this.
00:21:25For generations, the Bible has warned
00:21:28of the coming end of days.
00:21:30And you are now living in that time.
00:21:33America, a nation raised up by the hand of God
00:21:36to spread the gospel and to be a beacon of freedom
00:21:39for people around the world
00:21:42is about to be forever silenced
00:21:45by those sworn to protect her, her leaders.
00:21:50And so from 1863 to 2024,
00:21:54this is where we are.
00:21:57And we are on the verge of a new world order.
00:22:02And this new world order has been talked about.
00:22:05It has been written about.
00:22:08It has been sung about.
00:22:10It has been fought for.
00:22:12It has been fought over.
00:22:15The new world order is literally at our doorstep.
00:22:22Our program today, our main story on the program today,
00:22:26I'm gonna tell you what Emmanuel Macron
00:22:28has done all this week,
00:22:30first in Paris, then in New York City.
00:22:34He's working very, very hard
00:22:36to bring in the new world order.
00:22:38And he has said that repeatedly since 2017,
00:22:43since he became president of France.
00:22:47But we are watching forces in America taking America down.
00:22:53This is an historic moment.
00:22:56We have in this past year made great progress
00:23:00in ending the long era of conflict and Cold War.
00:23:05We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves
00:23:09and for future generations, a new world order,
00:23:13a world where the rule of law,
00:23:16not the law of the jungle,
00:23:17governs the conduct of nations.
00:23:20When we are successful, and we will be,
00:23:24we have a real chance at this new world order,
00:23:27an order in which a credible United Nations
00:23:30can use its peacekeeping role
00:23:32to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN's founders.
00:23:37So we are here on September 27th, 2024,
00:23:44and we are watching a most astonishing drama
00:23:50unfold in America.
00:23:53We are watching the mainstream media and the deep state
00:23:59firing every rocket that they have
00:24:02to put Kamala Harris behind the Resolute desk
00:24:07in the Oval Office in Washington, DC.
00:24:12I just played her brand new ad for you.
00:24:15I'm gonna play it again.
00:24:17And then when it's done,
00:24:20I'm gonna play an interview
00:24:21that she had from a couple of years ago.
00:24:24I wanna play these two things back to back
00:24:27so you can see exactly the level of deception
00:24:31that we're dealing with.
00:24:33Kamala Harris has never backed down from a challenge.
00:24:36She put cartel members and drug traffickers behind bars,
00:24:40and she will secure our border.
00:24:43Here's her plan.
00:24:45Hire thousands more border agents,
00:24:47enforce the law and step up technology,
00:24:50and stop fentanyl smuggling and human trafficking.
00:24:54We need a leader with a real plan to fix the border,
00:24:57and that's Kamala Harris.
00:24:59I'm Kamala Harris.
00:25:01During the Biden-Harris administration,
00:25:03there were record numbers of illegal border crossings.
00:25:06Why did the Biden-Harris administration
00:25:08wait three and a half years
00:25:09to implement sweeping asylum restrictions?
00:25:13Well, first of all, the root causes work
00:25:16that I did as vice president
00:25:17that I was asked to do by the president.
00:25:20So basically, she can't answer the question.
00:25:23Kamala Harris right now is running on
00:25:26taking full control of the border,
00:25:30securing it and hiring thousands of new border agents.
00:25:36For the last four years, she has ignored the border.
00:25:41She has not been to the southern border
00:25:44of Texas and Arizona one time.
00:25:48She has not been to the southern border
00:25:52She has not made one official state visit
00:25:56to the southern border of America with Mexico,
00:26:01not one time.
00:26:03And so what you're seeing happening right now
00:26:06is a deception on every single possible level.
00:26:12She is a far left anarchist.
00:26:15She is in favor of mob rule and mob violence.
00:26:21Claire, I know that there are protests still happening
00:26:24in major cities across the United States.
00:26:26I'm just not seeing the reporting on it
00:26:27that I had for the first few weeks.
00:26:30That's right.
00:26:30But they're not gonna stop.
00:26:31They're not gonna stop.
00:26:32And this is a movement, I'm telling you.
00:26:36They're not gonna stop.
00:26:37And everyone beware because they're not gonna stop.
00:26:40It is gonna, they're not gonna stop
00:26:42before election day in November
00:26:43and they're not gonna stop after election day.
00:26:46And that should be, everyone should take note of that
00:26:48on both levels.
00:26:50They're not gonna let up and they should not.
00:26:52And we should not.
00:26:56This is the direction that America is being pulled in.
00:27:01Everything that you see in the media,
00:27:03go to any news website with the possible exception
00:27:08of Sky News and Fox News.
00:27:10Go to any mainstream media website.
00:27:16And what do you see?
00:27:18You see every single story about Kamala Harris
00:27:21and Tim Waltz is favorable.
00:27:24It is happy.
00:27:26It is positive.
00:27:28It supports their campaign.
00:27:30And every single story that you read about Donald Trump
00:27:33and J.D. Vance is dark and negative
00:27:37and discouraging and defeatist.
00:27:42They tell lies 24 hours per day.
00:27:47And all of this is being done to take down America,
00:27:53to pull it down from the inside out.
00:27:57And this is what has to take place
00:27:59if you are going to have
00:28:04the new world order that Emmanuel Macron
00:28:08has been talking about since 2017.
00:28:12Five days ago at the beginning of the week,
00:28:15Emmanuel Macron at a peace conference in Paris,
00:28:23he called for a new international order,
00:28:28new world order, one world government,
00:28:31whatever it is that you wanna call it.
00:28:34That's what he did on Monday before coming to New York City
00:28:40to speak at the United Nations General Assembly.
00:28:45Like Adolf Hitler before him, Emmanuel Macron
00:28:49is not somebody that can be accused
00:28:51of having a hidden agenda.
00:28:53The things that he wants to bring in
00:28:55are right out in the open for everybody to see.
00:29:00When Adolf Hitler wrote Mein Kampf
00:29:01to tell the world what his plans were,
00:29:04Emmanuel Macron does the same thing
00:29:06behind a microphone at the United Nations.
00:29:09On top of everything else, Emmanuel Macron
00:29:12called for an immediate truce in Lebanon
00:29:16between Hezbollah and Israel
00:29:19without ever one time mentioning
00:29:22why Israel was fighting in Lebanon in the first place.
00:29:28He only gave you one side of the story.
00:29:31It is complete and utter deception.
00:29:36And likewise, we have to build a new international order.
00:29:40And this is the biggest challenge of our time.
00:29:43President Biden hoping to burnish his image.
00:29:45Only a few months left for his term,
00:29:47but this image will not be easy.
00:29:49A series of major foreign policy conflicts
00:29:52breaking out during his term.
00:29:53You got Afghanistan in 21, Ukraine in 22, Israel in 23,
00:29:58and a Middle East conflict now on the verge of erupting
00:30:00into a wider regional war.
00:30:02Emmanuel Macron, president of the French Republic.
00:30:04We all remember your words two years ago in Rome.
00:30:10The president of France.
00:30:14Ladies and gentlemen, your grades and qualities.
00:30:17By the way, Japan fired at Russian jets
00:30:20who they say violated their airspace.
00:30:23I mean, cut.
00:30:24Is Japan getting involved in this now?
00:30:26I mean, it truly is worrisome to expect
00:30:30that we could see a World War III here.
00:30:33The international order we are following today
00:30:37is a frozen order.
00:30:39It's an unjust order because it is not representative.
00:30:42The voice that you're hearing right now is the translator for Emmanuel Macron, just
00:30:48so that you know.
00:30:52When you hear her speaking, he is translating what he said at the United Nations and what
00:30:59he said at the peace conference.
00:31:03Sensitive of what reality really is today.
00:31:04So if you want to imagine peace, we have to think about a world order that allows us to
00:31:10face together the challenges of peace, war, development, technology, climate, on our planet
00:31:18with no priorities.
00:31:20And this is what we're trying to do with the Pact of Paris for the peoples of the planet.
00:31:24And we have to do that in an order where there's no country that can stop anyone else.
00:31:30A system where all the countries are represented with equal dignity.
00:31:35We should do that with claims that are fairer.
00:31:39The UN, the IMF, the World Bank, they will all contribute to the need to imagine peace.
00:31:46As America withdraws or attempts to withdraw from the region, its influence over the relevant
00:31:51parties diminishes.
00:31:52The less reliable America looks, the less value anyone attaches to promises of American
00:31:58The more obviously America looks towards the exits, the less anyone fears America's power.
00:32:03It's different from what you saw during eight years of President Obama and now four years
00:32:07of her and President Biden's leadership.
00:32:10Their theory of the case is appease the Iranians, negotiate with them.
00:32:13There are moderates there.
00:32:14We can all sing Kumbaya and find our way forward when the reality is the Iranians have now
00:32:19taken six billion dollars from the United States in exchange for hostages, now holding
00:32:25more American hostages in Gaza.
00:32:27They killed 1,200 Israelis.
00:32:32Have you wondered why you never hear Kamala Harris or Joe Biden talking about the American
00:32:38hostages that are still being held in Gaza by Hamas right now?
00:32:46Why don't the Democrats ever talk about that?
00:32:48Why doesn't Joe Biden ever talk about that?
00:32:51Why doesn't Kamala Harris, who is running for president?
00:32:56Why doesn't she make getting those hostages back her main priority?
00:33:03She doesn't even mention the hostages.
00:33:07And they have been held in Gaza for almost one whole year.
00:33:15Israeli and American citizens on October 7th.
00:33:18And our response has been, hey, can we just get a ceasefire?
00:33:22This signals to the world that America has left the global stage.
00:33:26We're not prepared to defend the things that matter to us.
00:33:29And the risk of escalation resulting from this America.
00:33:34Jan is asking a question in the chat room.
00:33:38Why do many so-called Christians accept living in a delusional world and accept lies rather
00:33:46than facing the reality of the truth?
00:33:50Well, that's a very easy question to answer.
00:33:54The vast majority of people who identify as Christian do not read their Bible on a daily
00:34:07And if you don't spend daily time in your King James Bible, you are going to John Cougar
00:34:19Mellencamp said, if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
00:34:26And the only way that you can keep your mind straight in the midst of the torrent of lies
00:34:34and deceptions that are thrown at us every single waking moment of the day, the only
00:34:40way that you can keep from falling into deception is you got to have a King James Bible.
00:34:46You have to read it every single day and you have to believe what you read.
00:34:52I didn't say you had to know it all.
00:34:54I didn't say you had to understand it all.
00:34:57I didn't say that you had to figure the whole thing out, but you have to read it every single
00:35:03day and you have to believe what you read.
00:35:06And if you don't do that, then you are going to believe lies.
00:35:15You were going to believe deceptions.
00:35:20You know what the Bible says in Jeremiah?
00:35:23Oh, just give me a second to find that verse.
00:35:28Here it is.
00:35:29Jeremiah chapter five, verses 30 and 31.
00:35:35This can very much apply to Christians living in America and around the world in 2024.
00:35:43Jeremiah 5.30, a wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land.
00:35:50The prophets prophesy falsely and the priests bear rule by their means.
00:35:55And my people love to have it so.
00:35:58And what will ye do in the end thereof?
00:36:07Habakkuk says this in Habakkuk chapter one, verse five.
00:36:13Behold ye among the heathen and regard and wonder marvelously.
00:36:19For I will work a work in your days which you will not believe though it be told you.
00:36:23For lo, I will raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march
00:36:29through the breadth of the land to possess the dwelling places that are not theirs.
00:36:35They are terrible and dreadful.
00:36:37Their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves.
00:36:43Now historically, Habakkuk is talking about the Babylonian captivity and the Chaldean
00:36:49army used by Nebuchadnezzar to take the Jews captive.
00:36:55But prophetically, Habakkuk is talking about the time of Jacob's trouble and the armies
00:37:01of Antichrist.
00:37:04And that time is still yet future.
00:37:08So to answer Jan's question, which is a great question, why do many so-called Christians
00:37:15believe lies?
00:37:17Because they don't read their Bible, they don't open it up.
00:37:22And that Bible is the only, I don't, I'm not talking to lost people.
00:37:28I'm talking to saved people who are sealed unto the day of redemption.
00:37:35If you don't believe that Bible and read it on a regular basis, you will fall into deception.
00:37:45You'll still wind up in heaven.
00:37:47You don't lose your salvation.
00:37:50But you'll lose everything else.
00:37:54This American weakness, this failure of deterrence is very real.
00:37:58Well, we needed people that had this vision, that were able to imagine the European peace.
00:38:04And we need to fuel this imagination.
00:38:07We have to imagine the peace of tomorrow in a new way, a peace.
00:38:13And Monsignor, I apologize, I hope you're not going to take offense at this, but I'm
00:38:19thinking about imagining a peace that, you know, beyond the Channel, there might be a
00:38:25reconciliation with the Balkans, for example, reality in a geographical form that is not
00:38:31NATO, that is not the European Union.
00:38:35Yes, we are going on with the idea of a European political community or anyway, a new form
00:38:42of Europe.
00:38:43We must think again of our...
00:38:46So once again, you're listening to Macron's translator, and she's telling you that Emmanuel
00:38:53Macron is calling for a new world order to rise up out of the European continent.
00:39:03Now, how many times have you heard me say this?
00:39:09World War I started in Europe, mostly by the Germans.
00:39:16World War II started in Europe, mostly by the Germans.
00:39:23World War III is going to start up in Europe, and it's going to be mostly by the Germans.
00:39:32And Emmanuel Macron is going to be at the helm of World War III.
00:39:39I have no doubt in my mind about that.
00:39:44Because all the rhetoric that we hear day in, day out, all across Europe, Europe is
00:39:52absolutely on the edge of war, of a really big war.
00:39:59Europe is on the precipice of World War III.
00:40:03Now, will it go over that precipice?
00:40:06I don't know.
00:40:08What will it take to push it over the edge?
00:40:10I don't know that.
00:40:12But I know this.
00:40:15As I study the history of World War I and World War II, and I look at Europe in 2024,
00:40:25all the same elements are in place for World War III.
00:40:30Relations with Russia, if we want peace in Europe.
00:40:37And likewise, we have to build a new international order.
00:40:41This is the biggest challenge of our time.
00:40:44Because what we are experiencing is an incomplete and unjust system.
00:40:48Incomplete because it was designed at the end of World War II.
00:40:52And so it actually had no concerns that arose later on in time.
00:40:57Writing, quote, it is a far more dangerous world than Mr. Biden inherited and far less
00:41:02congenial for U.S. interests, human freedom and democracy.
00:41:07Authoritarians have advanced on his watch in every part of the world.
00:41:10Europe, Asia, Pacific, and the Middle East, Africa, and even the Americas, General.
00:41:15Your reaction?
00:41:16Well, that's absolutely true.
00:41:20And you know, the 20 months I spent on the Congressional Commission, we issued our report
00:41:25And we said much the same thing, but we're very specific about it.
00:41:29You know, China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea have all increased their aggression in the
00:41:33world at the expense of the United States and like-minded democracies.
00:41:37It's not isolated.
00:41:39There's major war in Europe not seen since World War II.
00:41:42It's not.
00:41:44Everywhere you look, everybody is talking about a major, major global conflict.
00:41:52Now, if you go back and study the history of World War II.
00:41:59The drumbeats of World War II were present from the early 1920s, all the way to the start
00:42:06of the 1930s, all the way to the end of the 1930s.
00:42:12It took a long time, almost 20 years, 19 years, no, 20 years, Adolf Hitler joined the National
00:42:23Socialist German Workers' Party in 1919.
00:42:29And he invaded Czechoslovakia and Poland in 1939.
00:42:37So that was a two-decade process for World War II to go from rhetoric to guns blazing
00:42:48and blitzkrieg.
00:42:49It took 20 years.
00:42:51Well, Now the End Begins is going into its 16th year, starting in December.
00:42:59And we have been telling you about this coming conflict that entire time.
00:43:04We have been telling you about the American Civil War the entire time.
00:43:10And that war is currently being waged right now.
00:43:15Every time you see these egregious, completely not true newspaper stories and ads and articles
00:43:25and soundbites and theme songs about what a great candidate Kamala Harris is, that is
00:43:33part of the Civil War that is being waged against America.
00:43:40Her father was a radical Marxist, Donald Harris.
00:43:45Go look him up sometime.
00:43:47Google Donald Harris, 1970s.
00:43:51He was an absolutely fire-breathing, far-left, progressive Marxist.
00:43:59That's the environment in which she was raised, just like Barack Obama.
00:44:06And that's what they're going to do to America.
00:44:08They're going to take it down from the inside out.
00:44:11Isolated that Iran has stepped up its game in the Middle East and to seek its national
00:44:16objectives to drive the people from living in Israel so that the state of Israel ceased
00:44:22to exist and drive the United States out of the region.
00:44:25That's why the Middle East is on fire.
00:44:27And President Xi has stepped up his game in terms of his aggression in the Indo-Pacific
00:44:34Just like back in World War II when people warned and warned and warned, it's coming,
00:44:56it's coming, it's coming.
00:44:58And then one day, one day it came, it arrived, and everybody was caught by surprise.
00:45:07And this administration will not talk to it, will not tell the American people how serious
00:45:13and challenging this danger really is.
00:45:16The chief cabinet secretary in Japan held an emergency press conference overnight on
00:45:20the clashing that the Russian planes violated Japanese airspace north of Ribbon Island in
00:45:26Hokkaido, three times between 1 and 3 p.m. local time yesterday, General.
00:45:30It truly is worrisome to expect that we could see a World War III here.
00:45:35We are always experts of the past or of a past world because our experience is built
00:45:41on something we have experienced already.
00:45:43So we always think about finding solutions for a new world by going along the lines of
00:45:49what we had in the past.
00:45:51But it is not like that.
00:45:53Quite the contrary.
00:45:57If we are replicating or copying something, we're actually fueling a form of nostalgia
00:46:04or something that was, once was, something that seemed to be more beautiful than what
00:46:10we have today.
00:46:11But this is no solution.
00:46:13The solution lies in imagination.
00:46:17President Biden touched on the myriad tragedies impacting every part of the globe.
00:46:22Climate change, artificial intelligence, and the ongoing wars in Ukraine and Sudan.
00:46:27He ended his final major foreign policy speech with a call for unity around the world.
00:46:35And so there you have an update on the new world order, World War III coming down the
00:46:41pike, and our man Emmanuel Macron continues, continues to be at the forefront of everything.
00:46:52He is calling for a new world order.
00:46:54He is calling for a two-state solution in the Middle East to create a Palestinian state
00:47:01from Jewish land.
00:47:03He is demanding, absolutely demanding, that Israel immediately cease their operations
00:47:15in Lebanon.
00:47:16Well, I have some breaking news coming over the wire from Israel.
00:47:22A short time ago, speaking at the United Nations General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Ben
00:47:33Benjamin Netanyahu, he gave a speech, and I'm going to play an excerpt of that speech
00:47:40in just a moment.
00:47:42And when he was done with that speech, he went back to his hotel room.
00:47:51He got on the telephone, and he ordered a massive airstrike on downtown Beirut immediately
00:48:02after getting back to his hotel room.
00:48:05Now, what did he say at the United Nations?
00:48:10Well, take a listen to this.
00:48:14Benjamin Netanyahu, just about an hour ago at the United Nations General Assembly in
00:48:20New York City, he said this before going back to his hotel room and ordering a massive strike
00:48:30on Hezbollah in downtown Beirut in Lebanon.
00:48:33Take a listen.
00:48:34I again promise you, we will return your loved ones home.
00:48:40We will not spare that effort until this holy mission is accomplished.
00:48:47Ladies and gentlemen, the curse of October 7th began when Hamas invaded Israel from Gaza.
00:49:02But it didn't end there.
00:49:04Israel was soon forced to defend itself on six more war fronts organized by Iran.
00:49:11On October 8th, Hezbollah attacked us from Lebanon.
00:49:15Since then, they've fired over 8,000 rockets at our towns and cities, at our civilians,
00:49:23at our children.
00:49:25Two weeks later, the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen launched drones and missiles at Israel.
00:49:31The first of 250 such attacks, including one yesterday, aimed at Tel Aviv.
00:49:37Iran's Shiite militias in Syria and Iraq have targeted Israel dozens of times over the past
00:49:43year as well.
00:49:45Fueled by Iran, Palestinian terrorists in Judea and Samaria perpetrated scores of attacks
00:49:50there and throughout Israel.
00:49:54And last April, for the first time ever, Iran directly attacked Israel from its own territory,
00:50:03firing 300 drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles at us.
00:50:09I have a message for the tyrants of Tehran.
00:50:13If you strike us, we will strike you.
00:50:17There is no place.
00:50:21Now his speech at the United Nations is all the more powerful and chilling when you understand
00:50:31that as soon as his speech was done, he went back to his hotel, got on the phone, and issued
00:50:38the order to destroy Hezbollah's central command in downtown Beirut.
00:50:46Absolutely epic.
00:50:54There is no place in Iran that the long arm of Israel cannot reach.
00:51:00And that's true of the entire Middle East.
00:51:04Far from being lambs led to the slaughter, Israel's soldiers have fought back with incredible
00:51:10courage and with heroic sacrifice.
00:51:13And I have another message for this assembly and for the world outside this hall.
00:51:18We are winning.
00:51:31Ladies and gentlemen, as Israel defends itself against Iran in the seven-front war, the line
00:51:37separating the blessing and the curse could not be more clear.
00:51:43Now let me just stop right there.
00:51:45Turn to Isaiah chapter 63, Isaiah chapter 63, and let's look at the first six verses
00:51:54of Isaiah chapter 63.
00:51:58Hezbollah in the chat room asked a question, so more killing is good, what would Jesus
00:52:06Well, let's take a look at what Jesus is going to do at the second advent.
00:52:14Isaiah 63 verse 1, who is this that cometh from Edom with dyed garments from Bozrah,
00:52:21this that is glorious in his apparel, traveling in the greatness of his strength?
00:52:26I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save, wherefore art thou red in thine apparel
00:52:33and thy garments like him that treadeth in the wine fat?
00:52:36I have trodden the winepress alone, and of the people there was none with me.
00:52:42For I will tread them in mine anger and trample them in my fury, and their blood shall be
00:52:47sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment.
00:52:52For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come.
00:52:59And I looked, and there was none to help, and I wondered that there was none to uphold.
00:53:04Therefore mine own arm brought salvation unto me, and my fury it upheld me.
00:53:10And I will tread down the people in mine anger and make them drunk in my fury, and I will
00:53:15bring down their strength to the earth.
00:53:20Now we would never glorify violence, absolutely not, but Israel is in a very tough situation.
00:53:30If they don't fight, that is not going to stop the fight.
00:53:37They will just simply continue to be attacked, and the things that happened on October 7th
00:53:44will repeat themselves over and over and over again.
00:53:50Israel has no choice but to do what they're doing, no choice at all.
00:53:59So that's why we say pray for the Jewish people, pray for the nation of Israel.
00:54:07Psalm 122 verse 6 says, pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love
00:54:20But the Jews are in a really, really tough spot.
00:54:25They're in a very, very tough spot.
00:54:30And I certainly don't glorify killing, but Benjamin Netanyahu needs to do this.
00:54:39The Jewish people, the nation of Israel absolutely need to do this.
00:54:45And all you have to do is go back and watch a couple of those videos from October 7th,
00:54:53and they'll make you so mad.
00:54:58If I was Jewish, I would probably be doing exactly the same thing.
00:55:03And these are the times that we live in.
00:55:06These are the times that we live in.
00:55:12Quick note.
00:55:14I did an article just the other day, over the last two or three years, our most popular
00:55:22special that we have at the bookstore is a free Bible case with every purchase of any
00:55:33standard size Bible.
00:55:37We started this up again this week, and if you've been waiting for the right time to
00:55:44purchase a brand new Bible from the Bible Believers bookstore, we will give you completely
00:55:53for free.
00:55:55It's a $30 value.
00:55:57It is a beautiful Bible case with four highlighters, a nine by six notepad, and a nice little felt
00:56:07pen for taking notes.
00:56:10So if you've been waiting for the right time to purchase a new Bible for yourself, you
00:56:17can go to BibleBeliever.com, purchase any standard size Bible, and we will automatically
00:56:24send you a free Bible case with every Bible that you purchase while supplies last.
00:56:33So I just want to encourage you guys, if you've been looking for the right time to buy a new
00:56:37Bible, you'll get a brand new Bible cover completely for free when you do.
00:56:44And it's not some cheap little thing.
00:56:45It's a very nice Bible cover, and you'll very much appreciate having it.
00:56:51Just go to BibleBeliever.com and purchase any standard size Bible, and we'll send you
00:56:57the case completely for free.
00:57:02So we're talking about the rise of the New World Order.
00:57:06We're talking about World War III, and in Germany, the home of the Nazi Party, the Nazi
00:57:18ideology is once again on the rise.
00:57:22Take a listen to what's happening in Germany in 2024.
00:57:28Wundersiedel, a small town in northern Bavaria with 9,000 inhabitants situated around 15
00:57:40kilometers from the Czech border.
00:57:47Several German anti-riot police units are being deployed throughout town, an event that
00:57:54takes place here every year.
00:57:58The organizers belong to a highly surveilled neo-Nazi political party, Dritte Weg, the
00:58:04Third Way.
00:58:05They have gathered to commemorate Adolf Hitler's deputy, Rudolf Hess, a key figure in the Nazi
00:58:12But you won't find swastikas or silver eagles on their sweaters or T-shirts.
00:58:19In Germany, the glorification of Nazism is punishable by three years in prison.
00:58:43Matthias Fischer, the new leader of Dritte Weg, is taking this opportunity to position
00:58:50his group as the successor to the Third Reich.
00:59:12So if you don't speak German, what he was saying was basically the same type of thing
00:59:35that Adolf Hitler said back in 1933 about making Germany great again and restoring the
00:59:42glory to the fatherland.
00:59:45Sound familiar?
00:59:48At nightfall, once the speeches are over, there is a torchlight parade through the streets
00:59:53of Wundersiedel.
00:59:54With drums, military music, and banners, they pay tribute to Rudolf Hess without mentioning
00:59:59his name.
01:00:01A power move by Dritte Weg, the streets are deserted.
01:00:07The locals watch on silently from their balconies.
01:00:10Dritte Weg scares them.
01:00:30And to finish off, a military hymn sung by the Wehrmacht troops.
01:00:44They have been on their best behavior today.
01:00:46Dritte Weg carefully maintains their public image.
01:00:50But behind the scenes, the threat of violent action from the extensive far-right network
01:00:55has never been so present.
01:00:59The Bible says in Ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 9,
01:01:04The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be, and that which is done is that which
01:01:10shall be done, and there is no new thing under the sun.
01:01:15You can mark my words.
01:01:18We are absolutely and rapidly heading towards World War III.
01:01:23There is no question about it.
01:01:26Germany is rapidly heading towards a rekindling of the fascist ideology that gave birth to
01:01:37the Nazi party back in the 1920s.
01:01:44It is shifting as we speak.
01:01:48And with each passing month, more and more reports are coming out of Germany that these
01:01:55neo-Nazi groups, reviving their adoration of people like Albert Speer and Rudolf Hess
01:02:04and Joseph Goebbels and Adolf Hitler, it's all coming back.
01:02:12And it's going to be present when World War III starts.
01:02:17Here's an article from the Washington Post.
01:02:21Extremists are using artificial intelligence to reanimate Adolf Hitler online for a new
01:02:27generation, recasting the Nazi German leader who orchestrated the Holocaust as a misunderstood
01:02:34figure whose anti-Semitic and anti-immigrant messages are freshly resonant in politics
01:02:46That's what's happening in Germany.
01:02:48And we've been following this for many, many years.
01:02:51And it used to be just in isolated pockets of Germany.
01:02:56Now it's popping up with larger groups in more and more places.
01:03:02It is not stopping.
01:03:04It is not going away.
01:03:06And it is an absolute real threat.
01:03:11Just like artificial intelligence is a very, very scary thing.
01:03:18Take a listen to this update on A.I.
01:03:20It went viral on social media after Sean Diddy combs his arrest with lyrics alleging an experience
01:03:33at one of Diddy's parties.
01:03:34But here's the thing.
01:03:35In a day and age where A.I. is everywhere, there's no evidence that this is a real song.
01:03:40It's not on streaming platforms, not in Bieber's official catalog either, and instead, it has
01:03:45all the hallmarks of a deep fake.
01:03:48And a lot of them are dirty, dirty people.
01:03:52Dirty corrupt people that went to Diddy parties.
01:03:57It's that control what they say, control what they think.
01:04:02It's wild.
01:04:03It's a crazy time to be a person, to watch all this go down in the same time A.I. is
01:04:08being developed.
01:04:09And we're not even exactly sure where it's at right now.
01:04:12Any moment in time, it could be a sentient force.
01:04:16A.I. is already manipulating, lying, changing things.
01:04:21One of the things that they put this A.I. program, they gave it a task, and they gave
01:04:25it a specific allotted amount of time, and it couldn't achieve it in the allotted amount
01:04:29of time, so it gave itself more time.
01:04:31No kidding?
01:04:34They also have things called hallucinations.
01:04:36A.I. doesn't want to admit it's wrong, or it doesn't know things.
01:04:40So if it doesn't have information, it will kind of create an answer, and they don't understand
01:04:44why it's doing that.
01:04:45And sometimes that answer is not true.
01:04:47I got to be honest, man, this A.I. stuff scares the shit out of me.
01:04:50It should.
01:04:51I think it's a life form.
01:04:53I think it's the next kind of living thing.
01:04:55I think we're going to give birth to it.
01:04:57Now A.I. is the first technology in history that can actually make decisions by itself
01:05:03and create new ideas by itself.
01:05:06It can create texts and images and videos and so forth.
01:05:11So it is already able not just to invent things, it's also able to manipulate people.
01:05:17Oh boy.
01:05:18Well, I'll just say that example strikes me as terrifying.
01:05:21And you could get A.I. to have the accumulated power, mind power of everyone, you know, 10x.
01:05:30The mental model is, if an alien showed up today, would humans by and large drop all
01:05:36of their internal issues and cooperate together?
01:05:44It would have to be something that showed such overwhelming superiority that it shut
01:05:49down all of our military systems and did so openly to the point where we're like, we're
01:05:55really helpless against this thing.
01:05:56Well, so I think that one way to think about A.I. is that it is a supernatural system in
01:06:04some ways.
01:06:05What our focus was was primarily, mine was on the nuts and bolts of vehicles that were
01:06:09performing in ways I could frankly outperform anything that we had in our inventory at the
01:06:13time and frankly that we have right now.
01:06:15We're talking about vehicles, as you saw there in the video, that are leaps and bounds ahead
01:06:21of the very, very best capabilities we have and we're pretty sure adversarial capabilities.
01:06:26And they're being encountered over controlled U.S. airspace and over sensitive military
01:06:31installations and it appears they may even have the ability to affect our nuclear capabilities.
01:06:38And so from a national security perspective, you know, this isn't grandma seeing some lights
01:06:42in the backyard.
01:06:43These are trained F-18 fighter pilots.
01:06:46Everybody sees the movie Top Gun.
01:06:48These are real Top Gun pilots that can distinguish the difference between an SU-22, a MiG-25
01:06:54and an F-16 from 10 miles away and by the way, make a split second decision, do I shoot
01:06:59it down?
01:07:00And by the way, that's also being backed up by gun camera footage and forward looking
01:07:05infrared and other electro-optical data systems, collection systems and radar systems.
01:07:11So my old job as a former special agent, if all this information, you've got the same
01:07:17information being reported at the same time, under the same circumstances, at the same
01:07:21place by several different SOAR collection capabilities, we'd have no choice but to,
01:07:28the jury would have to convict.
01:07:30You're well beyond reasonable doubt.
01:07:31We can split atoms and whatever.
01:07:34And yet we are on the verge of destroying ourselves in saying we have a menu of self-destruction.
01:07:41Previously it was just nuclear nuclear war.
01:07:43Now we also have ecological collapse.
01:07:45Now we also have the rise of AI.
01:07:47We know these things endanger us.
01:07:50We know we can't control them and yet we produce them.
01:07:58It's just a scary time.
01:08:00It's a scary time for the Republic.
01:08:03So there's a little bit of an update for you on artificial intelligence and it is absolutely
01:08:11And I hope that you can see, you know, we're talking about a lot of different topics today.
01:08:17We're talking about World War III, the new world order, the deep state.
01:08:21We're talking about the two state solution.
01:08:24We're talking about the rise of the neo-Nazis in Germany.
01:08:28We're talking about artificial intelligence that is permeating and inserting itself into
01:08:36literally every aspect and area of our life and society.
01:08:43And rather than focusing on any one of these things, what I'm trying to show you today
01:08:52is it's everything.
01:08:55It's not one thing.
01:08:58When we live in a world that has completely changed, if you're over the age of 25 or 30,
01:09:07the world that you were born into does not exist.
01:09:12It looks like the same world, but it has almost nothing to do with the world that you were
01:09:19born into.
01:09:21And so what we see is a steady and solid global realignment as this world is preparing
01:09:31itself to receive the biblical man of sin.
01:09:37That's exactly what's going on.
01:09:39Gail says, time is moving more quickly.
01:09:43It seems like it's going faster.
01:09:45Yes, it does seem like everything is speeding up.
01:09:49There is no question about that.
01:09:53Chuck Missler used to say that when he looked at the universe, that to him it was a digital
01:10:10That's what he said.
01:10:11Take a listen to what Chuck Missler said about living in a digital simulation.
01:10:21Give me just a second to pull that clip up.
01:10:24I got a little bit ahead of myself there.
01:10:26Here, take a listen to this.
01:10:28There is the simulation argument, which a lot of people would say is what we have right
01:10:34And whether they think it's that some God created this universe and that we're all living
01:10:38in it on creationism is the simulation itself, or whether they think that some hyper machine
01:10:44has created this world and now we're living in a program.
01:10:48If you look at the macrocosm, that which is larger than man, and that puts us in the field
01:10:55of astronomy and astrophysics, we discover that the universe is finite.
01:11:01That means it had a beginning, and that's what led to the speculations that are clustered
01:11:06as what we call the Big Bang theories.
01:11:08If you go the other way, I'll call the microcosm, things that are smaller than us, that leads
01:11:13you into the field of subatomic particles, and there it's even more shocking because
01:11:19we discover there's a limit to smallness.
01:11:22That's bizarre.
01:11:23If I have a string, I can cut it in half and take what's half and cut that in half.
01:11:28You'd think that at least conceptually I could do that forever in what we call quantum physics.
01:11:32We discover to our amazement that there's a distance, 10 to the minus 35 centimeters,
01:11:38I believe the number is, that if you try to cut it in half, your thing loses a property
01:11:45called locality.
01:11:47It suddenly becomes everywhere at one time, and that's so bizarre.
01:11:51Some of the early discoveries of that, going to suicide because they couldn't handle the
01:11:55implications of it.
01:11:56I'm quoting from Scientific American, June of 2005, an article about the constancy of
01:12:02physics, that if the constants of physics are changing, that implies that our reality
01:12:07is a shadow of a larger reality.
01:12:11Because if it's finite in smallness, and it's finite in largeness, then the thing that we
01:12:19experience as physical reality is a subset or a shadow of a larger reality.
01:12:27I find the simulation argument interesting because you can't really disprove it.
01:12:33So that was Chuck Missler talking about, is it possible that we are living in a digital
01:12:41And you know what the funny thing is?
01:12:44Man invented the computer, I don't know, about 60 years ago, 70 years ago.
01:12:54And then of course when you got into the 1990s and Windows and all that stuff, computer
01:13:00technology really began to advance very, very rapidly.
01:13:06And now we're living in a day and age of quantum computing and artificial intelligence, and
01:13:13things have really gotten so far past what they started out to be.
01:13:21And the more advance that we get with computers, to me, the more it seems like that is technology
01:13:30that is in alignment with the way that God created the world and created the universe.
01:13:39And could it be possible that computer technology, if you remember back in the book of Genesis
01:13:45with the Tower of Babel, and God said, let us go down and see what they're up to, and
01:13:55look at what they're doing, they're working together, and now nothing will be restrained
01:13:59from them, and they'll be able to accomplish anything that they set their mind to.
01:14:06And the more I look at computer technology, the more that I see God's fingerprint all
01:14:13over it, and to me the computer is not an invention, it's a discovery.
01:14:23That's what it looks like to me.
01:14:28We're getting close to being out of time for today, but we have a couple more things that
01:14:32we have to touch on, plus I want to give you an update on Hurricane Helene, but before
01:14:38we do that, we were contacted by the Amazing Grace Bible Believers Baptist Church in Sorsogon
01:14:45City in the Philippines, and they are having a graduation of their Bible Institute.
01:14:55And they reached out, Pastor Tiro from that church reached out to us a couple of days
01:15:01ago, and he said, could you supply a Ruckman Reference Study Bible for every member of
01:15:08our graduating class?
01:15:10And we sent those Bibles out yesterday, and it was fairly expensive, but I think it was
01:15:18well worth it to give every member of the graduating class of the Amazing Grace Bible
01:15:26Believers Baptist Church Institute in the Philippines a Ruckman Reference Bible.
01:15:32I think that that is a good thing to do, and our free Bible program, we get requests
01:15:39every single day of the week.
01:15:44We sent Bibles out this week.
01:15:46There's a group up in South Carolina, and if you've been with us for a couple of years,
01:15:54you know that every year they have an event called the Solomon Porch Men's Ministry at
01:16:01the Shepherd's Church in Cary, not South Carolina, North Carolina, and this year they're
01:16:09holding that on November 13th, and every year we send them King James Bibles to give away
01:16:17at this event where they invite unsaved people, many of them former inmates, many of them
01:16:26homeless people, and they give them a nice dinner.
01:16:29They have a speaker with an encouraging message, and they give every single person that is
01:16:35invited to this meeting a complimentary King James Bible, and this is the third year that
01:16:43we've been doing that, and we sent those Bibles out to them this week for the Solomon's Porch
01:16:50Men's Ministry at the Shepherd's Church in Cary, North Carolina.
01:16:56When you support the Free Bible Program and the Bibles Behind Bars Program, you allow
01:17:02us to give a free King James Bible, New Testament, Scripture portion, or gospel tracts to every
01:17:10single person or group or chaplain or pastor or jail or prison or detention center.
01:17:21Sometimes the requests are very small, sometimes they are very, very large, and everything
01:17:27in between, and we get these requests seven days a week, 12 months out of the year.
01:17:35It never stops.
01:17:37So if you would like to help us to continue to do this, the Free Bible and Gospel Tract
01:17:42Program as well as Bibles Behind Bars, please go to biblesbehindbars.com and click on the
01:17:51donate button and send us a gift so that we can...if God has prospered you, if God
01:18:00has taken care of all your needs and you have something left over, please prayerfully consider
01:18:07supporting the NTEB Free Bible Program and our Bibles Behind Bars outreach.
01:18:14It is a very necessary and vital outreach that is so needed in these last days.
01:18:27Last night, as everybody knows, Hurricane Helene roared up the west coast of Florida,
01:18:34and about half a dozen people have already died.
01:18:39And for us, we weren't hit that badly.
01:18:45It didn't really come here the way it normally does, but please pray for the people on the
01:18:51west coast and the panhandle in Pensacola.
01:18:55Please pray for all those people in Tampa and in St. Petersburg.
01:19:00It hit them really, really hard.
01:19:03And now in Tennessee and Georgia and Alabama and in South Carolina, they are being hit
01:19:09with the hurricane as well.
01:19:13What was Hurricane Helene striking at northwestern Florida as a Category 4 storm, the system
01:19:18left behind a soggy trail of damage as it continues to churn north.
01:19:23Fox News correspondent Rebecca Kastor is in Tallahassee with the latest.
01:19:27Helene made landfall near Perry, Florida, just about 50 miles southeast from where we
01:19:31are in Tallahassee.
01:19:33There you can tell a storm rolled through, but overall, the state's capital city fared
01:19:37off much better than expected, while other communities across Florida's Big Bend are
01:19:41waking up to devastating damage.
01:19:44Oh, it's crazy.
01:19:45I've never, I've never seen it this bad.
01:19:47Overnight, Hurricane Helene slammed Florida's Big Bend with winds reaching 140 miles per
01:19:53hour as torrential downpours and devastating storm surge swamped roadways.
01:19:58Hurricane's massive size impacting communities far from where it first hit.
01:20:04Hurricane force winds are extending up to 60 miles from the center of the storm.
01:20:10There's going to be streets that are that are flooded and will continue to flood all
01:20:15up and down the West Coast.
01:20:17Officials are urging folks who haven't evacuated to stay indoors after at least one driver
01:20:21in Tampa was killed.
01:20:23Hit when a sign fell onto onto the highway.
01:20:28But as emergency crews were busy making high water rescues, some people were out rafting
01:20:32in the storm surge.
01:20:35More than one million are without power across Florida, causing power flashes to light up
01:20:39the night.
01:20:41Crews in some areas were out mending lines before the winds picked up, like the gusts
01:20:45that sent this tree tumbling down onto a nearby home.
01:20:48And all of a sudden I heard a grape go boom.
01:20:51So I come running out, called 911.
01:20:54Now the focus shifts to Georgia and the Carolinas as Helene continues moving north in Tallahassee,
01:21:01Rebecca Castor, Fox News.
01:21:04And there is an update from Hurricane Helene, and I'm just looking across social media right
01:21:11North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia.
01:21:15They are being hit very, very hard.
01:21:18Please keep all those people in your prayers today.
01:21:25There's a lot of stuff going on.
01:21:28And with that, we have come to the end of our time for today.
01:21:32We will not have Bible study Sunday night.
01:21:37We really need to have a night off.
01:21:39So Lord willing, we will see you back here Monday, noon Eastern time for another Prophecy
01:21:47News podcast, and we will be posting the Sunday service from Bethany Baptist Church
01:21:56on Sunday afternoon as well.
01:21:59If you're planning on visiting the St. Augustine Jacksonville area, we invite you to come to
01:22:04Bethany Baptist Church for our Sunday morning service, starting at 10 o'clock in the morning,
01:22:10or Wednesday, 7 o'clock at night for our prayer and Bible study time.
01:22:18And with that, we are out of time for today.
01:22:22I hope you guys have a great weekend.
01:22:24Stay safe, and we'll see you all on Monday.
01:22:41When peace like a river unattended my way
01:22:55When sorrow like sea bellows me
01:23:09Whatever my lot Thou has taught me to say
01:23:23It is well, it is well with my soul
01:23:38It is well, it is well with my soul
01:23:52It is well, it is well with my soul
01:24:08In the simple hope of bliss
01:24:14How this glorious thought
01:24:22May sit not in part but the whole
01:24:37It is nailed to the cross
01:24:43And I bear it no more
01:24:51Praise the Lord, praise the Lord
01:25:00My soul
01:25:06It is well
01:25:10With my soul
01:25:17It is well
01:25:25It is well with my soul
01:25:37O Lord, haste the day
01:25:43When my faith shall be sight
01:25:51The crow's evil pie has scorned
01:26:05The trump shall resound
01:26:12And the Lord shall descend
01:26:19Even so
01:26:23It is well with my soul
01:26:34It is well
01:26:38It is well with my soul
01:26:45With my soul
01:26:49It is well
01:26:53It is well with my soul
01:27:05With my soul
01:27:12With my soul
01:27:20With my soul
01:27:28It is well
01:27:32It is well with my soul
01:28:02With my soul
01:28:10With my soul
01:28:18With my soul
