Art et designTranscription
00:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
00:30Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
01:01Hey there, check out this number.
01:02Fifty-pound bags of brussel fish livers are now on sale in I-15.
01:11You know, while I get this, would you be a couple of sweeties and get me some paper towels?
01:14Sure. Come on, Scott.
01:17Except, I have no idea where it is.
01:21The nose knows. Follow me.
01:31Hey! Hey! Hey!
01:38Voilà! Ne jamais sous-estimer la puissance du nez!
01:42Tu es bien.
01:43Bien? Je suis fantastique!
01:45Un goût sombre est 40 fois plus agréable que celui des humains.
01:48Nous sommes les éléphants du vieux monde fabriqué.
01:50Nous n'oublions jamais le goût.
01:53Je ne sais pas où est ce vieux monde fabriqué,
01:55mais être l'éléphant de tout n'est pas bien.
02:01Oh mon dieu, regarde le temps!
02:02Leonard, mon amour, ouvre un sac de nourriture pour Scott.
02:04Je ne vois pas de nourriture.
02:06C'est dans la pâterie, à côté des kippers et derrière les olives remplies de jalapeno.
02:45Un nouveau goût.
02:48Est-ce qu'il y a quelque chose d'autre que regarder un chien manger?
02:51Oh, je ne sais pas. Peut-être regarder un oiseau piquer sa pâterie.
02:56Excusez-moi, mais je préfère être un pique-piqueur que un chien qui pique sa pâterie.
03:01Je préfère piquer ma pâterie que la laver dans la même eau qu'il faut boire.
03:05Hey, quand est-ce que ça devient personnel?
03:07Je pensais qu'on parlait de la pâterie.
03:10Ah oui, tu as raison. Les habitudes de chien sont si dégueulasses.
03:14Fantasmes de chien, je vais être en retard pour l'école aussi.
03:19Positivement en retard.
03:26Ah, le déjeuner. Mon déjeuner préféré du jour.
03:33Eww, qu'est-ce que c'est?
03:35C'est une surprise pour l'anniversaire.
03:38Une surprise pour l'anniversaire.
03:40C'est une surprise pour l'anniversaire.
03:42C'est une surprise pour l'anniversaire.
03:45Surprise pour l'anniversaire.
03:47Cafeteria de nourriture approuvée par le gouvernement nourrit 200.
03:50Attention, évitez le contact avec les yeux ou la peau.
04:00Ça sent familier.
04:05Voyons voir.
04:07Fort, arôme doux.
04:09Scent de sage, goût de poivre.
04:11Oui, j'ai compris.
04:12Hey, Leonard, tu veux entendre quelque chose de drôle?
04:14C'est exactement la même chose que tu m'as fournie ce matin.
04:17Tu ne veux pas dire.
04:18Je veux dire.
04:20Une surprise pour l'anniversaire, c'est la nourriture pour les chiens.
04:23Quoi? La nourriture pour les chiens?
04:24Pas possible.
04:25Une surprise pour l'anniversaire, c'est la nourriture pour les chiens.
04:26Eww, la nourriture pour les chiens, c'est la nourriture pour les chiens.
04:28T'as entendu?
04:29C'est la nourriture pour les chiens.
04:38Wow, regarde ce que tu as commencé.
04:40Et maintenant?
04:43Qu'est-ce que tu m'as dit de ma nourriture pour l'anniversaire?
04:46S'il vous plaît, je veux en avoir plus.
04:48Est-ce que tu m'as dit qu'elle ressemblait à la nourriture pour les chiens?
04:51Non, madame.
04:54J'ai dit que c'était la nourriture pour les chiens.
04:57Très bien.
04:58Tu t'es juste rendu visite à l'office du principal.
05:00Je ne dis pas que c'était de la nourriture pour les chiens.
05:03La nourriture pour les chiens.
05:07Depuis le début de l'Histoire, M. Ledreddy,
05:09les enfants ont-ils compliqué sur la nourriture pour les chiens?
05:16Mais jamais dans l'histoire de l'école d'East Westland Elementary School
05:19n'a-t-il eu l'audacité de dire que
05:22notre nourriture fédéralement approuvée et nutritionnellement balancée
05:26est la nourriture pour les chiens.
05:29On ne ferait jamais ça.
05:31Mais, principal Strickler...
05:32Sir, your honor, it's true.
05:34It is dog food.
05:35How do you know it's dog food, Mr. Ledreddy?
05:37Have you ever tasted dog food?
05:41I refuse to answer on the grounds that you might kick me out of school
05:44and I'll miss this afternoon's spelling test
05:46for which I've already memorized the bonus words.
05:49Then I order you to appear before the special school board
05:51and community assembly I am assembling as we speak.
05:56In front of an assembly?
05:59Either prove our school cafeteria served dog food
06:02or there will be no spelling bee for you ever.
06:13What to do? What to do?
06:15The special assembly's going to start in half an hour.
06:18There's got to be a way to prove I'm right
06:20without exposing my secret identity.
06:22Think, man. Think!
06:24Wait. I've got it!
06:26Cover for me at the assembly.
06:27I'll be back as fast as I can.
06:29Cover for him at the assembly?
06:35Great Jesus Ghost!
06:37It's empty.
06:38Where's the trash?
06:39The trash? Don't look at me.
06:41I haven't touched trash in years.
06:43Though it does bring back fond memories.
06:45Ah, good times.
06:47It's Thursday, dummy.
06:49I know it's Thursday because they serve dog food in the cafeteria.
06:52But where's the trash?
06:57Sweet mother of recyclables!
06:58There goes my evidence!
07:00I think the strain of living a double life
07:02is finally getting to him.
07:11Why couldn't I have been born a greyhound?
07:20Thank you!
07:27And then the rope says,
07:29I'm afraid not.
07:34Get it?
07:35Afraid not?
07:37Is this thing on?
07:38That's enough, Mr. Helperman.
07:41You've wasted enough of our time.
07:43It's obvious that Scott Letterady II
07:45has no proof that our cafeteria serves dog food
07:48and he has obviously skipped town.
07:50So as punishment for aiding and abetting his vicious lies,
07:54you suffer the same punishment I've prepared for him.
07:57My poor baby!
08:03Stop this inquisition!
08:05I've got my proof!
08:07This can was used to feed Leonard's dog this morning.
08:09Its contents are identical to what is in this can of Thursday's surprise.
08:17You forget that I worked as a supermarket stock boy
08:19during the last teacher's strike.
08:21I can read barcodes.
08:24This isn't dog food!
08:26It's corned beef hash, also known as Thursday's surprise.
08:30All this proves is that Leonard Helperman
08:33feeds his dog corned beef hash.
08:36Huh? Oopsie.
08:38Leonard Amadeus Helperman,
08:40you fat spot our good corned beef hash?
08:42I did?
08:43You did?
08:51I guess I grabbed the wrong can by mistake.
08:54My bad.
08:55No, Scott's bad.
08:57And now he must pay the price for slandering our Thursday's surprise.
09:01Wait! Don't punish Scott for standing up for what he thought was right.
09:04He was brave. He was courageous.
09:07Okay, he was wrong about Thursday's surprise being dog food,
09:10but he was right about it being the same thing
09:12that I fed my dog Spot this morning.
09:14If I might interrupt, a handsome or smart approach you've never seen.
09:17I'll take it from here.
09:19Nay, good people, mine was a sin of arrogance,
09:22of jumping to a conclusion before I had conclusive proof.
09:26I guess all I'm trying to say is
09:28I'm sorry for besmirching Clancy's cuisine
09:31and for any undue grief I have caused
09:33the faculty of Fallon D. Roosevelt Elementary School.
09:37Very impressive, Mr. Ledreddy.
09:39But you're still going to have to pay for your irresponsible actions.
09:42I understand, sir, and I'm ready to accept my punishment like a man.
09:45I mean, dog. I mean, boy.
09:47Very well, then. Clancy?
09:58And so, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,
10:01in order to prove to you that our fine, upstanding, federally funded
10:05and parent-donation-assisted school cafeteria
10:07does not serve dog food on Thursdays,
10:10Scott Ledreddy II will now eat a giant bowl full of Thursday's surprise.
10:17And you better make it look like you enjoy it.
10:20Yes, sir.
10:24All this and I still get to go to school.
10:40Oui, oui!
11:10Please, please, stay with you all the time.
11:13Since my invisible friend Notar left, I've got nobody.
11:17Oh, Notar! Why did you have to leave?
11:26So do you think you and me have a symbiotic relationship?
11:29It's you and I, and yes, I do.
11:31You feed me, clothe me and provide me with shelter,
11:34and I guard your house, shower you with affection and correct your grammar.
11:38It's a mutually beneficial relationship between two disparate organisms,
11:41if ever there was one.
11:43I guess we're a pretty good match.
11:45Yes, we are.
11:46Now, do you want to stand here yakking all day,
11:48or shall we partake in the much-loved and time-honored
11:50symbiotic boy-dog tradition of fetch?
11:53Right. Fetch the ball, Scott!
12:08Hey, Leonard, are you itchy?
12:11No, I'm sleeping.
12:13Well, wake up! All of a sudden, I'm itching like crazy!
12:17Is Mrs. H buying those cheap synthetic blend sheets again?
12:20Nope, it says 100% Egyptian cotton.
12:23Oh, great! You know what this means?
12:25You're going to keep us up all night with your whining?
12:28Maybe you have fleas.
12:30Bite your tongue, sir!
12:32Good dogs don't get fleas, and I'm as good as they come.
12:35Besides, if I had fleas, I'd be able to brush back my fur
12:38and see them crawling around like...
12:43You probably picked them up in the park.
12:45You see, this is why I avoid public facilities.
12:49Ah, I gotcha!
12:51Lunchtime is over, and now it's time to pay the bill.
12:54Please, Monsieur Doggy, allow me to reintroduce myself.
12:57I am Larue, and this is my brother, Étienne.
13:00And all we ask for is an occasional meal and a place to call home.
13:04Talk to the paw! You're nothing but lowly doggy!
13:07I'm not a doggy!
13:09I'm a doggy!
13:11I'm a doggy!
13:13I'm a doggy!
13:15I'm a doggy!
13:17You're nothing but lowly parasites that just want to suck my blood
13:20and give nothing back in return.
13:22Oh, no, no, Monsieur.
13:24If you let us stay, we can give you something in return.
13:28We will be your servants and do anything your heart desires.
13:31Hey, like a symbiotic relationship.
13:33That's crazy talk!
13:35Yeah, so crazy it just might work.
13:38Imagine dog and flea living in peaceful coexistence,
13:41a shining example for the whole world to follow.
13:44And so I say, yes, yes, my tiny blood-sucking friends,
13:49let the symbiosis begin!
13:52Oh, oui, Monsieur!
13:54Who wants action on how long this lasts?
13:56I'm in.
13:57Me too.
14:02Oh, boys, my pulp is settling.
14:09Flea overboard!
14:15Change the channel!
14:17I'm missing genius dogs of the 19th century.
14:24Can we pick up the pace a little?
14:26This plaque isn't going to clean itself.
14:28Excuse us, Master.
14:31We'd like to bring this to you.
14:33We tried our hardest.
14:34Honest, we did, but it is too big.
14:36We are, after all, fleas, not ants.
14:40Oh, what's the use?
14:41This symbiotic thing just isn't working out like I imagined.
14:44Please, Monsieur, give us another chance.
14:47Maybe there is something we are better at, n'est-ce pas?
14:49Like what?
14:50Well, we can bite.
14:53Oh, yes, we're very good at biting.
15:01And how, pray tell, in keeping with the definition
15:04of a symbiotic relationship, does that benefit me?
15:08Well, doesn't knowing that your generosity gives us life
15:12make you feel all warm and tingly inside?
15:15And isn't that a benefit?
15:16Mostly, it just makes me feel all itchy and crawly outside.
15:19I'm sorry, boys.
15:21I just can't fight nature any longer.
15:25Run for your lives!
15:26Save yourself!
15:27Oh, my gosh, oh, golly, what's wrong, fella?
15:29You got a little itch?
15:35What's going on?
15:37Spot is positively infested.
15:39Come on, boy, I'm putting you out on the back porch
15:41till I can get you to the groomer for a flea bath.
15:43Three hours and 17 minutes.
15:46Pay up, boys!
15:54Sorry, Spot, but you'll have to stay out here
15:56till after your flea bath.
15:59So, what happened to dog and flea living in harmony?
16:02Blah, blah, blah.
16:04I'm sorry, fellas, I can't help it.
16:06You're fleas, I'm a dog, it's nature.
16:08I don't hate you, but I can't have you living on me.
16:12It's okay, mon ami.
16:14Don't feel bad.
16:15You were right.
16:16We are parasites.
16:17We can't help it.
16:18It's just how we are made.
16:20But at least we don't kill what we eat,
16:22like lions and tigers and bears.
16:24Oh, my.
16:25I never thought of it that way.
16:26We only ask for a nibble here, a bite there.
16:29Is that so wrong?
16:30No, no, it isn't.
16:32After all, you're only doing
16:33what every other species on the planet is trying to do,
16:36Unfortunately, Leonard's mother has a plan of her own,
16:38and it doesn't include you.
16:40Sometimes, life is cruel, no?
17:04To find a place where we belong.
17:07Oui, oui.
17:08A bird and cat can coexist as happy as you please.
17:11So why can't I, a noble hound, live with a pair of fleas?
17:15Can't we get along?
17:17Get along.
17:18Gotta, gotta get along.
17:19Work together.
17:20To find a place where we belong.
17:23Where do we belong?
17:26Here's a thought, a small idea to help the fleas we'll be in.
17:29Let's take them where they'll have a home.
17:31Of course, they'll live with Ian.
17:33Come, my friends, let's don't delay.
17:34There is no time to lose-ski.
17:36I hope, I swear, you'll like it there with me and Wazaluski.
17:40Oh, yes, we swear.
17:41Yes, we swear.
17:42You'll like it there.
17:43We love it there with me and Wazaluski.
17:54Oh, hello, Leonard.
17:55Did you come over to play with my collection of molds and fungi?
17:59Uh, not exactly.
18:00See, I got to thinking about how lonely you said you were.
18:03And then I remembered that during the movie about parasites and stuff,
18:06you kind of perked up when they talked about fleas.
18:08Well, duh.
18:10Fleas are only like the perfect pet.
18:12I mean, come on, they go everywhere with you.
18:15You never have to buy them food.
18:17And they're cute as bugs.
18:19Although, technically, they fall under the order of Cyphernoptra.
18:22Well, then I don't suppose you'd want some of Spot's fleas, would you?
18:26Would I?
18:28Well, hot diggity zoom-a-zoom-a, yippee-ki-yay!
18:31Sure, why not.
18:33Well, I guess this is it.
18:35I can't believe I'm saying this to fleas, but I'm going to miss you guys.
18:40And we will miss you too, Monsieur Spot.
18:43We had some good times, though, didn't we?
18:45No, not really.
18:46But still, you tried, and for that, we are eternally grateful.
18:50I did the best I could.
18:52For in the words of the renowned humanitarian and darn good organ player Albert Schweitzer,
18:56« A man is ethical only when life has such is sacred to him,
19:00that of plants and animals, as well as that of his fellow man. »
19:03Hey! Am I going to get my fleas or what?
19:06Come on, let's get this over with before I start bawling.
19:12Here, little flea fleas, come to daddy.
19:27Oh, this is great!
19:29Now, I can finally start the world-famous Wazza-Lucy free circuit.
19:34I get to be the ringmaster and the fleas get as much of my blood as they can drink.
19:39It is a symbiotic relationship, you know.
19:42I know, I saw the movie too.
19:45Oh, my gosh.
19:50It's no time!
19:52He's come home!
19:53Come on fleas, I want you to meet Notar,
19:56the greatest invisible guy in the world.
20:03That is one kooky kid.
20:05He sure is.
20:07Hey, do you think the fleas will get along with Notar?
20:22Subtitling TITRAFILM