Adobe: ‘AI is not going to replace people, but people that use AI may be replacing those that don't’

  • 3 months ago
Are you a creative and wondering how AI will change the way you work? From individual tasks to transformative production, Adobe’s Eric Hall explains how marketers can leverage AI’s exploding potential.


00:0090% of executives that you speak with would say,
00:03look, AI is going to fundamentally change marketing
00:06and creative.
00:07But only 24% have developed a real roadmap
00:10for their business of how that's going to happen.
00:13Our focus right now is how do you take AI
00:16out of the playground and into production?
00:19How do you get real value, impact, productivity
00:22out of the AI tools versus just being something
00:26to mess around with?
00:27Marketing is ultimately about growth.
00:30Marketing is about how companies create
00:32relevant connections between the brand and the consumer.
00:37And what marketing is going to be able to do
00:40more effectively as we move forward
00:42is be a real growth engine with a lot less guesswork
00:47around is any of this marketing working?
00:50So if you think about how most marketing
00:52and creative teams are structured today,
00:55it's structured a lot around very specific functions,
00:59very specific expertise,
01:01and often very specific technology know-how,
01:04how to use individual technology tools.
01:07In the future, you won't need to be nearly
01:10so siloed as a marketer.
01:12You will have the ability to operate
01:15many more of these tools
01:17because the AI will create a layer of,
01:21I can work with the AI to say,
01:22this is what I'm trying to accomplish.
01:25And so now I can be an end-to-end marketer
01:27in a way that's very difficult for any individual today
01:30in any kind of large company.
01:32I think if you're not experimenting
01:33and you're on the sidelines,
01:35you should probably start experimenting.
01:37AI, I think like many things,
01:39there's one aspect which is learning how to incorporate it.
01:43I think another aspect,
01:44and this is a big focus for us at Adobe,
01:46is how do you put the AI into the applications
01:50that people use already?
01:51Because the more the AI can serve you
01:53inside of application workflows,
01:56the more productivity and effectiveness you're gonna get
01:59without having to invent a new way of doing things.
02:02We'd like to say at Adobe
02:03that AI is not gonna replace people,
02:06but people that use AI
02:07may be replacing the people that don't use AI.
02:10And so being familiar with the capabilities,
02:13the skillsets, how do you write a prompt effectively?
02:16Like these are things that you can learn.
02:18So most of us should be out there learning
02:21how to be pretty strong on our prompt engineering skills.
02:24And so in that way,
02:25I think marketing teams are unlikely to shrink.
02:27I think they're more likely to become larger
02:30as marketing can become a bigger growth engine
02:32for companies.
