Salute, Gandolfo (Sirm): “Italiani poco sportivi, importante favorire cultura allo sport”

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Gli italiani sono un popolo poco sportivo: solo il 26% degli italiani pratica sport e, in particolare, le donne nel 2022 erano meno del 30% rispetto agli uomini. Per questo è importante favorire la cultura allo sport”. Così Nicoletta Gandolfo, presidente eletta di Sirm, Società italiana di radiologia medica e interventistica, intervenendo in occasione della prima giornata del 51° Congresso nazionale della Società scientifica in corso al Mico di Milano fino a domenica 23 che riunisce, per la prima voltale 3 società scientifiche dia rea radiologica: medici radiologi (Sirm), medici nucleari (Ainm) e radioterapisti (Airo), durante la quale è stato annunciato l’avvio del primo progetto, fra la Sirm e il Coni e che porterà ad un accordo quadro di cooperazione operativo in vista delle olimpiadi Milano-Cortina 2026 che vede l’attivazione di una collaborazione a favore degli atleti olimpici attraverso promuovendo la formazione e la preparazione dei medici nell'affrontare i traumi sportivi.


00:00Italians are not very sporty people, they follow sports a lot, but they have a very low sport activity.
00:12Only 26% of Italians practice sports, and if we look at women, in 2022, less than 30%, and men 40%.
00:25This is important, it is important to promote culture in sports, but in order to do this, we need to be helpful to these people,
00:36knowing not only the pathology, and this is where the clinicians help us.
00:44We radiologists learn a lot from them, because we understand which are the best answers, from a diagnostic point of view,
00:54the answers for an early diagnosis, to cure at best, but also the answers for a more effective rehabilitation therapy.
01:02And this is important. In the context of this project, we contribute to spread the culture of sports,
01:13but also of physical activity, which is part of primary prevention and healthy lifestyles.
01:18But in order to do a correct sport, you also need to know what you are going against, what you should not do, and if something happens, what you should do.
01:27First of all, sports activity must be calibrated with respect to age, to physical conditions, to the degree of training you have.
01:37You can't think about being sedentary all week and then go and do a black track, the most difficult there is, in the first beat.
01:47So physical activity is important, gradual, constant, obviously also followed by competent people,
01:57who can be personal trainers, physiatrists, physiotherapists, sports doctors, and even radiologists to whom you can turn in case of an accident.
