Salute, Giovagnoni (Sirm): “Grazie ad Ai incrementa sicurezza e precisione diagnostica per immagini”

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Le nuove tecnologie, in particolare i tools di intelligenza artificiale, stanno dando una grossa mano al radiologo in termini di incremento della possibilità di ottenere immagini sempre più precise e più sicure con dosi al paziente sempre inferiori”. Così, Andrea Giovagnoni, presidente nazionale Sirm - Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica e Interventistica, in occasione della seconda giornata del 51° Congresso Nazionale Sirm che si svolge a Milano fino a domenica 23 giugno e a cui partecipano le principano le 3 principali società dell’area radiologica.


00:00The new technologies, in particular the artificial intelligence tools, are giving a big hand
00:10to the radiologist in terms of increasing the possibility of obtaining increasingly more precise,
00:20increasingly more secure images and with doses to the patient always lower, this is leading
00:26to an increase in the security, in the meantime, of the diagnostic procedures for images towards
00:32the patient and has opened an unthinkable diagnostic front until a few years ago, which is the
00:39exploration of the digital data.
00:41Any information that derives from TAC images and magnetic resonance actually has a numerical
00:50data with it that is absolutely inexplicable to the human eye.
00:55The computer, in particular the artificial intelligence techniques, allow us to identify
01:01new parameters that are extremely useful for diagnosis, a diagnosis that is increasingly
01:07more precocious and precise and above all to give new criteria for the assessment of the effectiveness
01:14of the therapy increasingly more precociously.
01:17In other words, it is therefore possible to anticipate the diagnosis, but above all to identify
01:24the patients who respond precociously to the therapies in action or, on the contrary, to identify
01:31those patients who are not responding to the therapies and therefore it is necessary to change them
01:36without waiting a few months according to the traditional techniques.
