Manifesto per la Nuova Economia, presenti a Perugia anche Jeffrey Sachs e Leonardo Becchetti

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Grande successo di pubblico per la prima giornata del convegno internazionale “Manifesto e frontiere della ricerca per un Rinascimento economico”, in corso al Dipartimento di Economia dell’Università di Perugia. Alla sessione plenaria per la presentazione dei contenuti del Manifesto per la Nuova Economia erano presenti anche Jeffrey Sachs (Columbia University) e Leonardo Becchetti (Direttore Festival Nazionale Economia Civile e Co-fondatore NeXt Economia). La Conferenza – organizzata da Dipartimento di Economia dell'Università di Perugia, Federcasse BCC, Confcooperative e NeXt Economia, con il sostegno di Fondosviluppo e il contributo di Assimoco, Fondazione Giorgio Fuà, Fondazione Perugia e Gioosto e con il patrocinio di Sites, Sied, Siecon, Aissec – sarà una tappa fondamentale di avvicinamento alla 6ª edizione del Festival Nazionale dell’Economia Civile, in programma a Firenze dal 3 al 6 ottobre 2024.


00:00In the Department of Economics of the University of Perugia the Manifesto for a New Economy has been presented,
00:06already signed by more than 300 economists of national and international fame.
00:12The Convention, Manifesto and Frontier of Research for an Economic Renaissance
00:17addresses the issues that are putting the future of our civilization at risk.
00:22Among the names of the speakers who took part in the Perugian fair is that of Jeffrey Sachs.
00:28The Manifesto for a New Economy is extremely important.
00:32It is a huge initiative for the Italian economy, but not only, but also worldwide.
00:38We need a new economy for the 21st century,
00:42to bring prosperity, well-being, to face the environmental crisis,
00:47to bring social justice and peace to the world.
00:50The current economic model does not work, so we need a new model.
00:56The Academy, the Civil Society and the citizens meet today
00:59around the vision of a different economy,
01:02an economy that looks not only at profit, but also at the social and environmental impact,
01:07which is centered on a vision of a person capable of relational and emotional intelligence
01:13to create the conditions for personal and collective happiness.
01:18Now it is something that already exists,
01:20it must emerge better and, above all, it must be included in what is culture and the teaching of economics.
01:27The conference is organized by the Department of Economics of the University of Perugia,
01:32Federcasse BCC, Conf Cooperative and Nex Economia,
01:36with the support of the Development Fund and the contribution of Assi Moco,
01:40Fondazione Giorgio Fuà, Fondazione Perugia e Giosto
01:44and with the sponsorship of CITES, CIED, CIECON and AIESEC.
