Indeks Pariwisata RI Naik ke Posisi 22 di Dunia

  • 3 months ago
Prestasi membanggakan kembali ditorehkan Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif. Peringkat pencapaian Travel and Tourism Index (TTDI) 2024 Indonesia berhasil naik ke posisi 22 dari total 119 negara.

Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Sandiaga Uno mengatakan, pencapaian gemilang ini tentunya tidak terlepas dari upaya dan kerja keras Kemenparekraf dalam melakukan kolaborasi dengan stakeholders, kementerian/lembaga, dan industri terkait.


00:00Indonesia's ranking in the Travel Tourism Development Index
00:05has increased and became the second highest in Southeast Asia in 2024.
00:10Indonesia is considered superior in a number of pillars,
00:13including travel priorities and tourism, natural resources, as well as social and economic impacts.
00:23Indonesia's ranking in the Travel Tourism Development Index
00:28has increased and became the second highest in Southeast Asia in 2024.
00:33Based on the TTDI released by the World Economic Forum,
00:37Indonesia ranks 22nd out of 119 countries,
00:41which is a tenfold increase from the TTDI in 2021.
00:46On top of this increase, Indonesia is the second country
00:49with the best tourism development index in Southeast Asia.
00:53Indonesia is superior in five pillars that are assessed in the TTDI,
00:57namely travel priorities and tourism, demand continuation, natural resources,
01:03social and economic impacts, and cultural resources.
01:07Despite this, Indonesia is lagging behind in the safety and security pillars,
01:11priority, openness, air transportation infrastructure,
01:15tourism services and infrastructure, and expatriate resources.
01:19Meanwhile, Indonesia's nearest neighbor, Malaysia,
01:23only ranks 35th globally, while Thailand ranks 47th globally.
01:29There is only one country in ASEAN that is superior to Indonesia in the TTDI 2024,
01:34which is Singapore, which ranks 13th.
