مسلسل ولد الغلابة 24 احمد السقا و مى عمر

  • 3 ay önce
مسلسل ولد الغلابة 24 احمد السقا و مى عمر
00:30They said there were poems in it.
00:32And because of her friend and her husband, I agreed to meet you.
00:35It's not easy for me to meet any client like this and that's it.
00:38What's wrong with you?
00:39Don't repeat what you're saying.
00:40You cut right and left and me and Jamal and Leib and her friend and her husband.
00:45What's wrong?
00:46Talk like a man.
00:48Okay, calm down.
00:49I'm calm.
00:50Calm down.
00:51Calm down.
00:52Calm down, Mr. Isa.
00:53Calm down.
00:54Her friend and her husband?
00:56By the way, you're nervous.
00:59Because you're afraid.
01:00There is no God but Allah.
01:01Afraid of someone asking you where you got the money to get her father out.
01:08That's why I did this association thing.
01:11Like my problems, I'll do other things a lot next time.
01:18You have the right man, Mr. Isa.
01:20Her friend and her husband love you.
01:23And it's not a normal love.
01:24That's why they sent you to me.
01:26And why?
01:27Because I'm Jamal Leib.
01:29I have to be loved.
01:31But you're afraid and nervous.
01:33I'm not afraid or nervous.
01:34Tell me the story.
01:35She was married to a millionaire.
01:37He died and left her.
01:38He didn't die.
01:40Her husband didn't leave her a penny.
01:44I asked you, Omri.
01:46I asked you.
01:47And he knew he didn't leave her a penny.
01:50I said, don't leave them.
01:51He'll come to you and tell you everything.
01:55But you're afraid.
01:58Mr. Isa.
01:59You're sitting with your lawyer.
02:02Not in the department or the prosecutor's office.
02:05Your lawyer acted like your doctor.
02:08You can't lie to him.
02:10What do you mean, Mr. Isa?
02:12A patient goes to the doctor and tells him, my study hurts me.
02:15And the bruises are what hurt me.
02:17He's hurting himself.
02:19And the doctor will prescribe the wrong medicine.
02:21And the bruises won't heal.
02:23Shut up.
02:24Shut up.
02:25You're talking nonsense.
02:26Get out of here.
02:27I didn't mean that.
02:28I mean, you have to be comfortable with me.
02:31Tell me everything.
02:32So I can help you.
02:35And then,
02:36as long as you pay me what I want,
02:40I don't care if you stole,
02:43or even killed him.
02:46I don't care how I protect you.
02:50So, in the name of God,
02:52let's start a new chapter.
02:55And tell me everything,
02:57with love.
02:58And whoever lies to the doctor,
03:00will never get out.
03:03Even if they put me in jail,
03:05I won't do it.
03:07Tell him to kill me, Mr. Doctor.
03:10We're here today,
03:11to kill the doctor.
03:13Mr. Farah's father.
03:15And to build trust between us,
03:18I'm going to get your father out,
03:20with less than what he owes me.
03:26Even if I don't like questions,
03:28and I don't like you asking questions,
03:30I'm going to tell you.
03:33If there's someone who owes someone,
03:35and he's in jail,
03:36then that's it.
03:38He's lost hope that his money can be returned to him.
03:42So, when he finds his money on the table,
03:44a piece or two missing,
03:46he's going to agree,
03:47and he's going to make up his mind.
03:49Do you understand?
03:52That's what he looks like,
03:53when Farah isn't behind bars.
03:55That's what he looks like.
03:56Look what's on your mind,
03:57Mr. Isa,
03:58and you'll be fine.
04:01And after the father gets out,
04:03we'll have another meeting.
04:05We'll call it,
04:07Fatfada's meeting.
04:14Okay, son.
04:32I love you, father.
04:34I love you too.
04:42Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?
04:45What happened?
04:46I don't understand anything.
04:48Who's the lawyer that showed up all of a sudden?
04:50And where did you get the money from?
04:51Did you inherit it or what?
04:53And then,
04:54who killed Izzat?
04:56I have a hundred questions, Farah.
05:00It's okay, father.
05:02I'll answer everything later.
05:04The important thing now is that I want you to rest,
05:06and forget everything that happened to you.
05:09After that, I'll understand everything.
05:17Thank you very much, Mr. Mohandas.
05:20Thank you, sir.
05:21You're welcome.
05:29I need to know
05:30why you bought 28 million pounds.
05:32Don't talk like that.
05:33The driver is coming.
05:34He's not the driver, father.
05:35He's Isa.
05:38Who's Isa?
05:39Isa Kamal Al-Gharib.
05:41The first teacher in history.
05:42He's the one who gave me the 28 million pounds, father.
05:47This guy?
05:48Yes, this guy.
05:49What's wrong with him?
05:50Is he an alien?
05:51Is he standing in front of you?
05:52Or is he coming to kill you?
05:55Thank you very much, Mr. Mohandas.
05:57Thank you very much.
05:58I didn't mean to, sir.
05:59But I don't understand anything.
06:00You'll understand.
06:01Come on.
06:02Get in.
06:03Get in.
06:04You deserve it.
06:05You deserve the asphalt
06:06that you haven't seen in years.
06:07I've been waiting for you for two years.
06:08Come on.
06:10Get in, Farah.
06:11Get in.
06:12Say hello to Mr. Mohandas.
06:13God bless you.
06:37Thank God you're safe, Bashmanz.
06:43God bless you.
06:44Let's go?
06:45Let's go.
06:46What are we going to do here, girl?
06:51No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
07:02no, no, no.
07:03No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
07:10no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
07:15no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
07:20no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
07:25no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
07:30no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
07:35no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
07:40no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
07:45no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
08:15are we going to pay him, or what?
08:21we are going to do nothing
08:24what is it that makes Ali and Hafez nail people like Liba?
08:29what makes them connect us with her
08:34if they are sure that we need her
08:37maybe, even if they doubt the are capable of doing that
08:40I think that's it
08:44Farah, do you see the millions, Farah?
08:50The millions that are running the world.
08:52These millions are humiliating people.
08:55Think about it.
08:56A long time ago, I never dreamed of holding a single coin.
09:00I didn't know what it looked like.
09:04When I was setting up the association,
09:06I was so happy, I almost fainted.
09:10Now, millions are throwing themselves at me.
09:14I can't even reach it.
09:16I can't even touch it.
09:19I think everything we did was wrong.
09:21I never thought about the value of money.
09:24My father had a lot of money.
09:27I never thought about the value of money.
09:30I thought about the value of my mother.
09:33We used to talk about it, but we didn't know how to spend it.
09:35We didn't know how to buy it.
09:36We didn't know how to make a project.
09:39Now, we need someone like him.
09:41It's an important day for all of us.
09:43I'm worried about you.
09:44Tomorrow morning, the police will ask you,
09:47where did you get the millions from?
09:51It's not far.
09:52Go down and you'll find the money in the box.
09:56It's okay. I'll tell them.
09:58Don't do that.
10:01I'm a teacher.
10:02I'm a government employee.
10:06Do you want to imprison me?
10:08What are we going to do?
10:10What are we going to do?
10:14We'll depend on God.
10:16We'll sleep in the door.
10:21This is a sign that my father is back from Switzerland, Mrs. Farah.
10:25Yes, Farah.
10:26With the prison.
10:27They call it Switzerland.
10:29I have a question.
10:30Should we leave the door locked or open it?
10:34If you're here to thank me,
10:37then open it.
10:39I'm sure it won't take long.
10:42But if you're here to thank me,
10:46then leave it locked.
10:48We'll cancel all my appointments today.
10:52Because today will be yours.
10:55I swear, this is the weirdest man I've ever seen.
10:57Why are you whispering?
10:58Do you think I'm going to be upset?
11:00Do you think I don't know he's a foreigner?
11:04Locked. Leave it locked, Mr. Limba.
11:06May God bless you.
11:08Enough, Zahar.
11:11Let's see what we can do in this mess.
11:14What mess?
11:17You're the only one who knows how to make me happy.
11:20Make you happy?
11:22Are you crazy?
11:24Are you happy that the government gave us an answer
11:26that Hamza is going to be executed?
11:28Enough, Safiya.
11:29We're all in this together.
11:31We'll hold on to each other.
11:33You can count on yourself.
11:34You're Kamal.
11:35Hamza is her brother.
11:36Like Majamar, she's her sister.
11:41Why are we surprised?
11:43We know this day will come.
11:45And it will happen.
11:48Where's your husband?
11:49Let him tell Issa what happened.
11:51Kill the teacher, Issa.
11:53I don't know.
11:54No, Hania, you know.
11:56I'm not responsible for these things.
11:58And then what, Safiya?
11:59Why do you have to get involved in all this?
12:01Because you're the only one who knows
12:03that your husband is leaving,
12:04and he's coming back with his family and Issa.
12:06Believe me, he doesn't talk to me.
12:08Believe me, he doesn't talk to anyone but you, Hania.
12:10What happened to Issa now?
12:12Don't leave us in Hamza, God.
12:14Are you a woman of your own?
12:15Are you still defending Issa after everything he did to you?
12:18I'm telling you, stay in Hamza now.
12:20And in the answer that was sent.
12:22And worry about your enemy, Issa.
12:24Until we see how he reacts when he finds out.
14:35Because your money isn't enough.
14:39Do you like it or not?
14:41I like it.
14:42What do you mean?
14:44I like it.
14:45What do you mean you like it?
14:46I like it.
14:48As long as you like it,
14:50give me 48 hours
14:53so I can make the right show for you.
14:58Just so I can make the show,
15:00you have to tell me how much money we're going to lose.
15:07200 million.
15:10209 million pounds.
15:56That voice for life.
16:10Did you sleep well?
16:12We had a good time.
16:13I was afraid you'd turn your back on me after that.
16:14I know.
16:15Ever since you were a little girl, whenever you wanted to run away from a subject I was
16:22discussing with you, you'd say anything.
16:25I don't run away from anything.
16:28You're the one who wants me to tell you a whole year in a few hours.
16:36I want to know from you what happened in the last few days of this year.
16:43I want to know what you're hiding from me.
16:46You mean what I got for you?
16:49I don't want anything.
16:50I want to understand what happened.
16:53It's been unfair on you.
16:55And you.
16:56After everything that happened and the prison you were imprisoned in.
17:00And I don't have any rights left, not even my right to ask.
17:05I want to end it.
17:06I will think too this way.
17:08God forgive you.
17:09I won't be upset by you because you're judging me.
17:12I don't want to be alone, but I don't want to fight with you.
17:19I'll take you to the restaurant when you're ready.
17:21I'm ready, Farah.
17:23I'll also let you rest when you feel better.
18:08Did you bring the safety kit?
18:10It's in my car.
18:14How? Are you crazy?
18:16I'm sorry.
18:19Because I'm beautiful.
18:25Give me the safety kit.
18:27Yes, sir.
18:40I'm sorry.
19:06Thank God.
19:08Shut up!
19:09Don't let him talk!
19:38Take him to the car.
19:40Thank you, sir.
19:42Thank you.
19:44Thank you.
19:46You're welcome.
19:48You're not a coward.
19:50You're a hero.
19:58Thank you.
20:08Thank you.
20:16I told you not to say anything.
20:19You're lying, Farah.
20:21You're a fraud.
20:23You gave me money.
20:25I gave you all this money and millions.
20:27How can you call this a taxi?
20:29You're lying, Farah.
20:32Can you leave me alone?
20:34I want to talk to you.
20:36Why are you talking to me now?
20:38Why don't you smile?
20:40Why don't you forget what happened?
20:42What does it have to do with what you're supposed to talk to me about?
20:46Farah, you did something wrong.
20:49Are you afraid to talk to me?
20:51Talk to me, girl.
20:53Tell me.
20:55How do you want to be locked up?
20:57Who is this man?
20:59Who is this man?
21:01Where did you get all this money from?
21:03Did he work for you?
21:09He's a history teacher.
21:11Glory be to God.
21:13Is he a history teacher or a taxi driver?
21:15How did you know?
21:17He's from here.
21:19From Elmenia.
21:21I met him by chance.
21:23He helped me and gave me the money.
21:25Why did he give you all this money?
21:27I don't know.
21:33I'm sorry.
21:35Don't be mad at me.
21:37I'll tell you everything.
21:39But can you leave me alone so I can talk to you?
21:43I know you're afraid of me and you want to talk to me.
21:47Don't be afraid.
21:49I'm fine.
21:51I can't imagine how happy I am that you left.
21:57I'm tired of living like this.
21:59You don't want me to be happy either.
22:03You can try to smile a little and forget everything.
22:07We can think about what to do together.
22:09We can think about work, not about people.
22:21I'm sorry.
22:41Open the door.
22:43I don't know how to open the door.
22:45Open the door.
22:47Hamza, your sister ran away.
22:49Do you know anything about him?
22:51We don't know that he ran away.
22:53We've been looking for him for hours.
22:57We've been looking for him for hours.
22:59I'm not looking for him.
23:01Hamza, where are you?
23:13There's no one here.
23:15He's not here.
23:17Yes, dad.
23:19If he calls you or sends you a message and you don't answer, you're free.
23:23Yes, dad.
23:25Let's go, guys.
23:33God forbid something happens to him while he's in prison.
23:37And you're here to do your job.
23:39I'm not going to make a scene.
23:41I'm going to go to space.
23:43I'm going to the Human Rights Organization.
23:45You're being difficult.
23:47Why am I being difficult?
23:49I don't understand what you're saying.
23:51How can Hamza run away?
23:53Ask the spirit.
23:55I asked him.
23:57She said it's impossible for a man sentenced to death to run away.
24:01We're both fighting about how Hamza can run away.
24:03He can't run away by mistake.
24:05How can he run away by mistake?
24:07Tell me, sir.
24:09You're saying he ran away from the caravan and she was taking him from one cell to the next.
24:13She wanted to get rid of her man and they got rid of Hamza by mistake.
24:17And when they found out that Hamza wasn't their man, they would send him back.
24:21I'm telling you, Isa.
24:23Before I came here, I worked in literature for eight years.
24:25Do you understand who I was working with?
24:27Eight years? That's a long time, sir.
24:29But don't worry.
24:31I didn't understand the second part of the sentence.
24:33Who you were working with and literature.
24:35I was working with bad people.
24:37People with little literature.
24:39They're lying.
24:41The judge will speak to us in court.
24:43Do you understand what it means for someone who is accused of murder to run away?
24:45Of course I understand, sir.
24:47And can you imagine if he ran away and didn't get caught?
24:49People have done a lot of things by mistake, sir.
24:53And they didn't get caught.
24:55Anyway, I want you to rest assured.
24:57If I found him and found out anything about him,
24:59he would be sentenced to life imprisonment.
25:01He's a killer.
25:03And he's a curse on any citizen who comes to the law.
25:05Because he's a thug.
25:07And I, as a teacher and a teacher, would never accept that he's a thug.
25:09You killed him and I bought him.
25:11I swear, sir, I bought him. I didn't buy him.
25:13I said to myself, I want you to rest assured.
25:15If you're not comfortable, lock us up.
25:17We're right in front of you.
25:19And the prosecution will separate.
25:21Do we have a hand or don't we have a hand?
25:23No, Isa, I'll take you home.
25:25But we're on God's side now.
25:27Everything is on God.
25:29Everything is on God and everything is in the will of God.
25:31But I'm asking you for a favor.
25:33Your father's life, sir.
25:35If I find out anything about Hamza,
25:37Come on, brother.
25:39Peace be upon you.
25:49That's what I'm talking about, sir.
25:51These kids will stay under our nose.
25:53As you wish.
25:57What about the clothes?
25:59And the atmosphere?
26:01And this place?
26:03And this beautiful TV?
26:05I'm over there.
26:11In here.
26:35What are you doing?
26:37How dare you?
26:39We don't know anything.
26:41We're just following orders.
26:43Who's orders?
26:45Mr. Isa and Mr. Siddiq.
26:47Who's Mr. Isa and Mr. Siddiq?
26:49My brothers are still teachers.
26:53This is a history teacher.
26:55And this is a car driver.
26:57How are they still teachers?
26:59Look, we're here to serve you.
27:01What do you want from us, Mr. Hamza?
27:03Tell me, Mr. Hamza,
27:05What do you want from us?
27:07I don't like this place.
27:09I hate this TV.
27:11It's beautiful, honestly.
27:13Hey, go make me some tea.
27:15Yes, sir.
27:17Hey, go make me some coffee.
27:19Yes, sir.
27:33Isa lives happily in an apartment in Egypt.
27:35I just took her and she just left.
27:37She's going to a lawyer named Jamal Libba.
27:39It's good that you're following my brother,
27:41but tell me, Walid,
27:43what about Siddiq?
27:45He's sitting at a coffee shop,
27:47and the teacher has a house in the mill.
27:49And his parents don't know anything about the house.
27:51What are we waiting for?
27:53They must be hiding him there.
27:55Just a minute.
27:57I got the address of the house.
