Gelin Episode 32 (English Subtitles) THE BRIDE

  • 3 months ago
Gelin Episode 32 (English Subtitles) THE BRIDE
00:00Thank you so much for joining us and we'll see you next time.
00:30Thank you so much for joining us and we'll see you next time.
01:00Thank you so much for joining us and we'll see you next time.
01:30Thank you so much for joining us and we'll see you next time.
02:00I gave him the news. He's on his way.
02:31Who is this guy?
02:35He's already here.
02:37What's he doing with the dagger?
02:49Here you are. What can I do for you?
02:51I'm here to repay Cemil.
02:53Your brother is not a payer.
02:55You are.
03:00Look, okay, I'll pay. I promise.
03:02But I can't pay right now.
03:04You need to give me a little more time.
03:06Are you kidding me?
03:08Did I come here for nothing?
03:11Look, believe me, I don't have any money right now.
03:14I promise, I'll pay.
03:15But you need to give me a little more time, please.
03:18You're sitting in a big mansion.
03:20You're still crying because you don't have any money.
03:23I'll go to your husband then.
03:25No, no, no, don't do something like this, please.
03:28My husband should never hear this, please.
03:37I'll pay you, I promise.
03:40I'm so sick of this game now.
03:42It's your brother's debt.
03:55Where is my aunt?
04:06In her room.
04:07Did something happen, Mrs. Beyza?
04:09No, but it will happen.
04:11The apocalypse will break out in this house.
04:25Do you drink with a broken cup?
04:28I don't understand.
04:31Broken, don't you see?
04:33I'm so sorry, let me change it right away.
04:35I didn't notice.
04:38That's the point anyway.
04:39You don't notice.
04:42Who is good, who is right.
04:44Who is trusted, who is not.
04:46You don't notice.
04:50Aunt, I saw something like that.
04:56Take it, I don't want it.
05:03Close the door.
05:11It happened.
05:13New bride.
05:15It will be as fast as it comes.
05:25God, what am I going to do?
05:27How will I get rid of these debts?
05:30The more I sink, the more I sink.
05:38God damn it.
05:40You're on my side now.
05:45I'm so sorry.
05:46I'm so sorry.
05:48I'm so sorry.
05:50I'm so sorry.
05:52I'm so sorry.
05:54I'm so sorry.
05:57Who is calling now?
06:03The wife of this man has started.
06:10My brother-in-law's stuff came here to the door.
06:13Tell me girl.
06:14Where did you find the address?
06:16Kercideveli Oğlu mansion.
06:18If you ask the flight attendant, he will show you, right?
06:20He wants the money tomorrow.
06:22If you don't give it, I'll tell your husband.
06:25How am I going to stop this man?
06:27He must have found his way.
06:29The one who comes home goes to the company.
06:32Help me for God's sake.
06:34What am I going to do?
06:35How am I going to get rid of this man?
06:36If your daughter is so afraid, you will act before her.
06:41Go tell your husband.
06:43My brother is sick, I have a debt.
06:45He will give the money because he will hear it.
06:51I don't want anything like that from him.
06:53It doesn't work like that.
06:54If you don't want to be smart, why are you calling me?
06:57I told you how to get that money in the evening.
07:00If you have a mind, you can get that 5 million.
07:10This place is disgraceful.
07:22Men are waiting at the door of your son.
07:27It's a disaster.
07:29It's good if he just waits.
07:31He's threatening.
07:32He says I'll tell your husband, I heard it with my ears.
07:35He's begging me not to tell him.
07:38Whatever he's hiding from the world.
07:40It's obvious.
07:41He went to the place where he went.
07:47But it's not about complaining.
07:52The world doesn't believe us anymore.
08:02We need to figure out how to convince him.
08:06We need to figure out how to convince him.
08:14There was no calculation.
08:16With this excuse, we both passed the check.
08:19What a good intention.
08:21But don't tell anyone.
08:23They'll be worried.
08:27Especially the dagger.
08:28He's very fond of you.
08:29He'll be upset.
08:30We'll talk after the check.
08:33We'll talk.
08:35What are we going to do now?
08:37We'll have lunch.
08:39There's a new restaurant nearby.
08:41I've been wanting to go there for a long time.
08:43They like the food.
08:46I didn't know.
08:49What happened?
08:50Did something happen?
08:52Nothing happened.
08:54I can't be comfortable in such places.
08:56It's gloomy.
08:57It's bright.
08:58It's a glass space.
08:59I feel like I'm sinking.
09:01I know myself.
09:04Can I tell you something?
09:07Me too.
09:09Let's do this.
09:10Let's go somewhere we can both relax.
09:12Let's do that.
09:13What a good idea.
09:14Come on.
09:15Come on.
09:24How was he to you?
09:26He doesn't even look at my face.
09:33But I know.
09:34I'm upset.
09:35When she leaves, we'll get along.
09:38Cihan is just a little confused.
09:41Cihan would see my real name instead of you.
09:45Then he would come to his senses.
09:48He can still see.
09:51Didn't he leave?
09:53Camera recordings.
09:55Bahçeli's camera.
09:57He must have recorded everything, right?
09:59But your father said it was broken.
10:01Did he fix it?
10:02I'll call my father right now.
10:04Let him know.
10:06Don't rush.
10:07Are we going to wait?
10:09Aren't we going to show her real face?
10:12No, we're not going to wait.
10:14But if we do something wrong this time,
10:16we'll go to this mansion instead of her.
10:19Are we going to keep quiet?
10:20Are we going to wait for Cihan to understand himself?
10:24Cihan will learn.
10:30But not from us.
10:44Are you comfortable now?
10:46He's such a great son-in-law.
10:48Thank you.
10:54Thank you.
10:55Thank you.
11:00Would you like some ayran?
11:04Two ayrans, please.
11:06Right away, sir.
11:12Now I'm comfortable.
11:16You understand human knowledge.
11:19I entrusted my brother to the right person.
11:26Thank you.
11:30We are very similar to each other.
11:33He's not interested in luxury either.
11:35My sister can't be satisfied with a little.
11:39We've been through a lot for years.
11:42We've been through a lot.
11:44She didn't say no even once.
11:50When my grandmother died,
11:52the dagger was 10-12 years old.
11:56It was gone.
11:58I worked.
12:00She cooked.
12:02She washed.
12:04She ironed.
12:05It wasn't enough.
12:07She took care of me.
12:09It's not easy to deal with me.
12:12My understanding is a little poor.
12:14She always turned us into daggers.
12:17My daughter.
12:18That's why I sometimes call her little mother.
12:22The value of my brother is priceless to me.
12:27I mean,
12:28my brother is different.
12:31That's why I said no at first.
12:36But when she came and said she loved me a lot...
12:43Did she say that?
12:45She said the same thing.
12:48I'm not a big fan of love.
12:52I know the dagger.
12:53If she didn't love me,
12:54this wouldn't happen in the world.
12:57If two worlds came together,
12:59it wouldn't happen in life.
13:02But thank God,
13:08one of them was enough for us.
13:13I got emotional when she did that.
13:16I wish my dagger was here.
13:20We'll go out one day.
13:22It's easy.
13:23Let's make a phone call.
13:25Is it necessary?
13:26We'll say hello.
13:27Don't worry.
13:29I don't do medical stuff.
13:31We'll say we're going out.
13:32Maybe she's not available.
13:34If she's not available, she won't pick up.
13:35Let's call her.
13:39I don't have a phone.
13:42Are we going to call me?
13:44Aren't you her husband?
13:57Let's go.
14:09Go to Yayıldiveli's son's mansion.
14:13Your dagger will be on sale soon.
14:24Let's go, aunt.
14:26Let's go.
14:57She's not picking up.
14:58It's obvious she's not available.
15:01Let me try.
15:04I'm not a speaker.
15:10Her brother's daughter?
15:11How are you?
15:12Say hello.
15:16Your brother insisted,
15:17so we had to call.
15:19But I don't think you're available.
15:22I'm in the garden.
15:24I'm in the garden, too.
15:28We're just walking around, dear.
15:30We came to the chicken rice shop.
15:32Your son-in-law's lover
15:34took his niece out for a walk.
15:36Well done.
15:39Bon appetit.
15:40How did you two meet?
15:42You came the other day, dear.
15:45We made a promise there.
15:47Forget it.
15:48It doesn't matter.
15:49We went out.
15:51Your brother insisted,
15:52so we had to call.
15:53We said hello.
15:54But I don't think you're available.
15:57Okay, dear.
15:58I'll kiss you.
15:59We'll talk later.
16:01I'll turn off the speaker
16:02and give it to my son-in-law.
16:03You must have something to talk about.
16:05I can't hear you.
16:12Let me know
16:13if you need anything.
16:16No, I have everything.
16:19Don't be late.
16:29God, please show me
16:30a way out.
16:36How is it?
16:37Brother Cemil, did you like the rice?
16:38He's a great son-in-law.
16:39He's as good as you said.
16:42We'll come again one day.
16:45We'll celebrate
16:46Son-in-law's Day together.
16:53Good luck.
16:55Where are my mother and Beyza?
16:57They just left.
16:58Where to?
17:00I don't know.
17:02But Beyza came out
17:03in a hurry.
17:05They stayed upstairs for a while.
17:07Then they left
17:08one by one.
17:10She wasn't in a hurry.
17:12She was in a different mood.
17:15What do you mean?
17:17No, I mean
17:18we told her
17:19to keep it a secret.
17:20Don't get me wrong.
17:21I was worried
17:22about that, too.
17:24Worried about what?
17:26She said the world
17:27was going to end in this house.
17:39Ms. Yancı.
17:41Mr. Musait.
17:43I'm sorry.
17:44Please come in.
17:46What are you doing here?
17:47Come in.
17:49I was going to ask for a file
17:50but I'll take it myself.
17:52No way.
17:53I'll delete it right away.
17:54It's not something
17:55you should do at work.
17:56But I'm sorry.
17:58No, no.
17:59Go on.
18:01this color suits you.
18:03Thank you.
18:07Somewhere in the evening?
18:09No, no.
18:10I like to be
18:11on my own.
18:14Then this preparation
18:15won't go to waste.
18:16You're also wearing
18:17the necklace.
18:19I'll take you somewhere
18:20in the evening.
18:21Of course.
18:32What is it?
18:34Ms. Yonca
18:35just joined us.
18:41Come in, sister.
18:42Have a seat.
18:46Welcome, dear.
18:52Just like we agreed.
18:53Of course.
18:59Did you know
19:00he was working here?
19:02I just found out.
19:04What would you like to drink?
19:05I don't want anything.
19:07Wait, dear.
19:08Maybe your aunt will drink.
19:10It's a long story.
19:12I'll get some coffee.
19:13Tell her to make it.
19:14That's not her job.
19:15She's a tea maker.
19:21I'll have a cup of coffee.
19:25It's good to see you
19:26like old times.
19:28It's good.
19:31They didn't waste
19:32everything they had.
19:41you're going the wrong way.
19:42What's going on?
19:44We're getting rid of that girl
19:45called the dagger.
19:47But we need your help, dad.
20:21Did you see
20:22our apprentice
20:23closed the shop?
20:24We were embarrassed.
20:25Let's do this.
20:26I have a small bottle.
20:27Let me make some tea.
20:28Thank you.
20:29It's getting late.
20:30I should go.
20:31You know.
20:32Say hi to my dagger.
20:35don't tell the doctor.
20:36He's among us.
20:37Of course.
20:38Don't worry.
20:39I'll keep that in mind.
20:40Thank you for everything, son-in-law.
20:44Be careful.
20:47What's up, Yakup?
20:53Our son-in-law.
21:06Take care.
21:09Take care.
21:27My God.
21:29What happened to this shop?
21:39The next day
21:40will come again.
21:42Everyone in the mansion
21:43will hear about it.
21:44Everyone will hear about it.
21:49That's how we travel, dear.
21:51We came to the chicken rice shop.
21:53Your son-in-law
21:55took his wife out for a walk.
21:57Well done.
21:59I can't.
22:01I can't take this happiness from him.
22:04I have to do it.
22:09This is the situation.
22:11You'll tell the rest.
22:13What are we going to do?
22:14I'm curious about something else.
22:17Didn't you research
22:18and investigate
22:19when you took this girl?
22:21I did.
22:23But I don't know
22:24what she's up to.
22:25We trusted you.
22:27We got our daughter married
22:28to one of the street sweepers.
22:34I don't know
22:35what she's up to.
22:36Call someone.
22:38Okay, dad.
22:39My aunt just found out.
22:43We made a mistake.
22:45We're looking for a way
22:46to make up for it.
22:47Tell me
22:48if you're going to put a stone
22:49or extend your hand.
22:50I'll sit according to that.
22:52Never mind.
22:57Look, she's looking at me.
23:00No one else
23:01can hold that hand,
23:02Ms. Kadgar.
23:04Tell me what you want.
23:07We're old friends now.
23:09If we show Cihan these images,
23:11he'll never believe it.
23:13That's why
23:14you have to show him.
23:27I'll do that.
23:29I'll say I saw it
23:30while checking the cameras.
23:32I'll say,
23:33who's the man
23:34next to this woman?
23:37But first,
23:38let's call the technical service
23:39and have them send us the images.
23:47This is something
23:48Cihan will never accept.
23:51Making a secret deal
23:52with a stranger.
23:55This may be the only way
23:56to send the girl.
24:37What happened?
24:38Why did you come?
24:40You told me not to be late.
24:42I didn't mean it like that.
24:44My brother was with me.
24:49I'm aware of that.
24:50Don't worry.
24:52That's what I said
24:53because he was with me.
24:56Were you going to say something?
25:00I just wanted to say
25:01I'm sorry.
25:03I didn't mean it like that.
25:05Were you going to say something?
25:09Thank you.
25:10You were so kind today.
25:12You didn't ask for the copyright
25:13from Engin.
25:15It was a nice move.
25:17You surprised me.
25:21Weren't you expecting that from me?
25:25You said it wasn't a scam.
25:28It's nice that you're
25:29taking what you did seriously.
25:32But don't worry.
25:33I'll make good use
25:34of that money for you.
25:38I don't think
25:39it's necessary.
25:41No, it's not.
25:43We both don't need that money.
25:45You know that.
25:46That's why I'm going to
25:47apologize to the
25:48Children's Association
25:49for you.
25:54I guess you didn't talk
25:55to Engin.
25:58I'm out of charge.
26:00What happened?
26:01Did something happen?
26:10I asked Engin
26:11for the copyright.
26:14Did you?
26:19So he couldn't call
26:20when the phone was off.
26:23It's your right anyway.
26:25I offered Engin anyway.
26:31I'm going to ask you something.
26:33I'm sorry.
26:37Why did you change your mind?
26:40I had to.
26:44So you had to.
26:51I'll let the accountant know.
26:52He'll take care of it tomorrow.
26:59I'm going to ask you something.
27:01I'm sorry.
27:05You can answer me
27:06or not.
27:07You're free to do that.
27:12But is there anything else
27:13you won't sell?
27:29But I can't tell you that.
27:32I don't think there is.
27:35I hope there is.
27:58I'm sorry.
28:28I'm sorry.
28:47Welcome, Cihan.
28:55Who's here?
28:56Cihan is here.
28:57He went upstairs.
28:59Put the cake you just made
29:00on a plate.
29:02Take it to him
29:03and thank him.
29:06What's wrong?
29:08You shouldn't have come so early, Cihan.
29:10I think it's good that he came early.
29:15This is Musa.
29:17He's my son.
29:19He's my son.
29:21He's my son.
29:23He's my son.
29:25He's my son.
29:27He's my son.
29:29He's my son.
29:31He's my son.
29:32He's my son.
29:33He's my son.
29:35He's my son.
29:36He's my son.
29:37He's my...
29:38My son.
29:39I haven't seen my son
29:40since he came to Subed.
29:41His behavior has changed.
29:44But now when he finds out
29:47about his perks
29:49he will stop caring about women.
30:05I'm telling her that I'm going to start a business.
30:07I'm telling her that you've done her a great favor.
30:10My Gülya, who is a merchant.
30:17Come, Aysu, come.
30:24I made a cake today.
30:26I wanted to bring it to you.
30:28I wanted to thank you for the taste.
30:32We've had a lot of trouble lately.
30:37But my mother and I are grateful to you.
30:42It's over.
30:44It's not worth talking about.
30:46If you really want to thank me, thank your mother.
30:51You'll bring a cake in between, we'll get along.
30:54It may be unimportant for you, but it's not for us.
30:58You stood behind us, you trusted us.
31:01Most importantly, you saw us as family.
31:04You're such a good person.
31:06God gave you a husband like you.
31:09They call it a soul mate.
31:11Just for each other.
31:13Sister Hancher and you.
31:21You're a very good-natured girl.
31:23But I recommend you to your brother.
31:26Keep your ears shut.
31:27Nothing in life looks like it's from the outside.
31:30Be yourself.
31:31Don't trust anyone without knowing them.
31:38They'll kill you.
31:42They'll turn you into a merciless person.
31:45I'm sorry.
31:57Mr. Cihan is not hungry.
31:59He didn't want to eat in his room either.
32:01Shall I serve you, Mrs. Katran?
32:03Maybe he'll eat later.
32:05Don't put our soups.
32:09He hasn't come out since this evening.
32:11Is he sick?
32:13Why don't you go and check?
32:15Didn't you hear? He's not hungry.
32:17If he's sick, he'll say he's sick.
32:26Oh, my God.
32:27Whose dinner is it?
32:35Welcome, Nusret.
32:39Dad, why don't you eat?
32:44You didn't say welcome.
32:46Open a service.
32:47I was going to ask now.
32:49I won't sit down.
32:50I came to see Cihan.
32:52Isn't he here yet?
32:53Didn't he come home?
32:54He's here.
32:55He's a little tired.
32:57He went to his room to rest.
32:58I'll go to him then.
33:00It's a special thing.
33:02It's about business.
33:03Let's not bother you.
33:05Well, of course.
33:07You talk, nephew.
33:09Come on.
33:14I'll be there in five minutes.
33:27I said I won't eat, sister Fadime.
33:30What's this tension, my lion?
33:37Was it you?
33:39What's up?
33:40Are things too complicated?
33:43We're working on a new series.
33:48Is this the new series?
33:50It's beautiful, but...
33:52It's different.
33:54Where did you find it?
33:56Who did you draw it for?
33:58It's pretty good.
34:00I saw it somewhere.
34:02We worked with the professionals in the workshop.
34:05I'm listening to you.
34:07Actually, I could meet you at the office tomorrow.
34:10But I couldn't wait.
34:13There's something I want to talk to you about.
34:16I guess it's important.
34:18If it's only about Beyza.
34:20No, son.
34:22That subject is closed.
34:27It's not about Beyza.
34:29It's not about Beyza.
34:31It's not about Beyza.
34:34Look, Cihan.
34:36We're a family.
34:38We shout, we call.
34:40We come back.
34:42We fight.
34:44But at the end of the day, he comes again.
34:46We rub our backs against each other.
34:49The subject is different.
34:52What is it?
34:54The subject...
34:56New bride.
34:59I mean, wife.
35:01I don't understand.
35:02Can you be more explicit?
35:06One of the employees at the center...
35:08While cleaning your outdoor images...
35:10He came across something.
35:12It didn't fit in.
35:14He called me.
35:16He wanted to warn me that there could be a reverse situation.
35:18I won't say the best thing.
35:20You see for yourself.
35:23You'll understand better when you watch what I say.
35:32I'll see you tomorrow.
35:56I'm Cemil's sister.
35:58Send me your account number.
36:00You won't come to this mansion's door again, do you understand?
36:13Don't get me wrong.
36:16I brought these images so that nothing would go unnoticed.
36:19After all, he is from our family now.
36:23He carries your last name.
36:26Maybe he has a relative or an acquaintance.
36:30He knows me. He doesn't call everyone.
36:33Well, if you say so.
36:36After all, I did my uncle's job.
36:39I was responsible.
36:45I won't take up any more of your time.
36:47You work too, Adem.
36:49Come on, good luck.
36:56Why hasn't my father come down yet?
37:00My daughter, he only makes me watch.
37:02He only tells me.
37:04What if they had a fight?
37:06Cihan, what if he got up to defend Kondulu that night?
37:10Beysa, you keep these in your head.
37:12Then you blow me up too.
37:16What did Cihan say?
37:18Did he watch?
37:23Wait a minute, my daughter. Slow down.
37:28We can have a cup of coffee, right, Nusret?
37:34What are you doing?
37:36What are you doing?
37:38What are you doing?
37:40What are you doing?
37:42What are you doing?
37:48Three nice coffees for us.
37:50Right away.
37:54I mean, when he stood up so much,
37:56he said to us,
37:58I wonder if they had a fight.
38:00There wasn't anything wrong, was there?
38:02Just like we talked about.
38:04I said someone from our technical team saw it.
38:07When I opened the image,
38:09his voice was cut off.
38:11What did he say?
38:13Did he react?
38:15Wait a minute, my daughter.
38:17It's like you don't know your husband at all.
38:19When does Cihan get into trouble?
38:21Besides, he doesn't do that to a man.
38:23Even if he had an uncle,
38:25he wouldn't be proud of himself.
38:27To not be proud of himself,
38:29is he going to sit quietly like that?
38:31Isn't he going to ask Varos for an account?
38:33You can't tell him to sit down.
38:35He's stuck.
38:37He's officially stuck to the chair.
38:41When I left the room,
38:43he had a look at the screen.
38:45We lit the fuse.
38:47It's about to explode.
38:49Wait until the evening or morning.
38:51That's all.
39:07Here you go, Uncle.
39:09Here you go, Uncle.
39:13It's a full foam.
39:15Enjoy your coffee.
39:17Enjoy your meal.
39:39It's a full foam.
40:09But is there anything else you won't sell in this life?
40:11I don't think you're me.
40:39You can't sleep like that, Mr. Cihan.
40:41I'm going to sleep well for the first time tonight.
41:09Is there anyone else?
41:11Mine made breakfast early
41:13because she was going to school.
41:15Sinem went to drop her off.
41:17She'll probably get off at the station now.
41:19Cihan, let her know.
41:21Mr. Cihan is not here.
41:23He left early.
41:25Did he?
41:27At this hour?
41:31I don't know where he is.
41:33I don't know either.
41:35I don't know either.
41:37Did he leave?
41:39At this hour?
41:41It was very dark.
41:43I got up early to knead the dough.
41:45I heard a car.
41:47I looked and Mr. Cihan was going.
41:49Anyway, okay.
41:51Go get the tea.
41:53I'm leaving, Fatima.
41:57Good morning, Mrs. Beyza.
41:59Where are you going with this tray?
42:03To the old house.
42:05Fatima, get ready.
42:09I don't want to explain.
42:11Go and eat.
42:21It's been an hour.
42:23Why didn't you bring tea?
42:25Why are you yelling early in the morning?
42:27I don't know.
42:31Cihan got up.
42:33He went to work in the blind of the morning.
42:35My father said so much.
42:37He doesn't care.
42:39The other one is set up there like a lady.
42:41He's carrying a tray on his feet.
42:43Let's be happy here.
42:45Is that the problem?
42:47Don't you see, aunt?
42:49Cihan's daughter tied her eyes and tongue.
42:53Men are coming to the door.
42:55He doesn't even care what they're talking about.
42:57When I fired Fatima...
42:59...did she ever make a sound?
43:01Did she ever scream?
43:03What did she do?
43:05She threw her bracelets in front of me.
43:07She did the same when I gave her the envelope.
43:11And in front of the household.
43:13The man who made you fall in love with me...
43:15...didn't he get a punishment for that night?
43:17Is that so?
43:19Is that so?
43:23You squeezed your teeth so much.
43:25Be a little more patient.
43:27Come and sit with me.
43:29Let's have breakfast.
43:45Ms. Hancar, are you home?
43:49Ms. Hancar, I brought your breakfast.
44:03Oh my God!
44:05Where is this girl?
44:07Why doesn't she hear?
44:09Ms. Hancar!
44:13I'm sorry.
44:15I didn't mean to.
44:17I'm sorry.
44:21I hope you didn't steal much.
44:23It doesn't matter.
44:25You don't look well.
44:27Are you sick?
44:31No, I'm fine.
44:33I couldn't sleep last night.
44:35I guess that's why I was up all night.
44:37I'm sorry I kept you waiting.
44:43Ms. Hancar.
44:45Did something happen?
44:47Mr. Cihan sent me.
44:49He wants me to take you to the company.
44:51Why? Did he say anything?
44:53He didn't say anything.
44:55We just have to hurry.
44:57I'm sorry.
45:13That woman is making me so nervous.
45:15That snake called Hancar...
45:17...has put a spy in us.
45:19Even if we breathe, she'll let us know.
45:21I'm sure of it.
45:23I don't know if she sees...
45:25...what's going on.
45:27Don't think about it.
45:29It's a shame for you.
45:31When Cihan kicks that girl...
45:33...he'll kick her...
45:35...and that girl...
45:37...and we'll be in trouble.
45:41But then I'll kick her so hard...
45:45...that she'll never forget her pain.
45:57I have news.
45:59What is it?
46:01I was taking the bride to breakfast.
46:03He opened the door...
46:05...and there was a dead body.
46:07I don't know what he's up to.
46:09I woke up in the morning.
46:11He said he didn't even blink.
46:15Anything else?
46:17Is this what you call news?
46:21I was just having breakfast when the driver came.
46:23Mr. Cihan called the company in a hurry.
46:25So much so that...
46:27...he even sent the rest of the breakfast tray back.
46:35It goes back and forth.
46:37Day comes and it goes back.
46:39It's time for that snake to pay.
46:53Hello, dear. Where are you going?
46:55I'm going to the company.
46:57To Cihan?
46:59There's nothing wrong with that, is there?
47:01He said it's urgent.
47:03I don't know what happened.
47:05Oh my God.
47:23Anyway, okay, honey.
47:25I won't keep you.
47:27See you later.
47:47You should have poured water behind him.
47:49Behind what?
47:53I just asked where.
48:03Where is it?
48:05Where will it be?
48:07His destination is clear now.
48:09To the right place.
48:11To the right place.
48:17To the bridge.
48:45I know.
48:47I'll be there.
48:51I promised.
48:53Let's talk when I get there.
48:55I'm somewhere else now.
49:03Will it take longer?
49:05I don't know.
49:07Will it take longer?
49:15Are you in a hurry?
49:17My brother is waiting.
49:21I don't think he's your brother.
49:27I won't ask who you're talking to.
49:29And why you took the money.
49:31It doesn't interest me.
49:33My surname.
49:35If you do something that will stain my honor,
49:37the price will be very high.
49:41What do you mean?
49:43I'm saying around you.
49:45If there's anyone
49:47who believes that beauty will pay
49:49who benefits from it.
49:53Don't go on.
49:55What happened?
49:57Did it hurt?
49:59I just warned.
50:01Too much.
50:03I don't deserve this.
50:05Sell yourself to a million.
50:09I hope you have an explanation
50:11for what happened.
50:19What time did they come?
50:21Take her in.
50:53Morning coffees were very good.
51:05Perfect coffee.
51:09When you're done,
51:11go with Fadime
51:13and pick up her clothes.
51:15It'll be easier on the way.
51:17Yes, ma'am.
51:19You know I don't have a key.
51:23Then put a suitcase in front of her door.
51:25If she's not stupid,
51:27she'll understand what we mean.
51:33Mom, where's the dagger going?
51:35Güya, you live with us
51:37in this house.
51:41Come on, leave us.
51:43Don't you know the skills of
51:45the messenger you love?
51:47What does that mean?
51:49One day everyone will return
51:51to where they came from.
51:53To the earth,
51:55to the river,
51:57to the garbage dump.
51:59Come on.
52:03Don't let the coffee get cold.
52:21Sit down.
52:29Sit down.
52:45What happened?
52:47Why did you call me suddenly?
52:51I'll ask the questions here today.
52:53Why are you looking at me like that?
52:57Have you ever lied to me?
53:01Where did this question come from?
53:05Never mind where it came from.
53:07Answer my question.
53:15Then I hope you won't say it.
53:41Do you have an answer for this?
53:45Where did you find these images?
53:49Is this the first thing that comes to your mind?
53:51Someone noticed it and sent it to me.
53:53Who saw it?
53:55What did he say?
53:57It doesn't matter.
53:59The result is important to me.
54:01Look, we're here.
54:03We're alone and we're side by side.
54:05You can talk.
54:07Tell me.
54:11Who is this man?
54:15Why did he come to my house?
54:17I want to know your name and everything.
54:27Come on.
54:29Answer me.
54:35I can't tell you.
54:41Let's put all these questions aside.
54:43There's something I'm curious about.
54:49I've been thinking about these images since last night.
54:55What did my wife talk to this man?
54:59I'm asking you one by one.
55:01You haven't lied until now.
55:03Now answer me.
55:05Tell me.
55:15What is this man telling you here?
55:17Come on, tell me.
55:19Answer me.
55:25He says I told your husband.
55:31What did you say to me?
55:33It doesn't matter.
55:37My husband won't hear.
