• last year
Discover the interview with Claudia Santoso, performer at the BMVA, winner of The Voice of Germany 2019!

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Credits :
Interview and edit by Sebastian Sheath and Yannick Solandt (unsigned Berlin): https://www.youtube.com/@unsignedberlin

Do you want to be part of the Berlin Music Video Awards as well? Submit your video here: https://www.berlinmva.com/submit/ We are now taking submissions.


00:00Hey, what's your name, where are you from?
00:19Hi I'm Claudia Santosu and I'm actually from Indonesia but I've been living in Berlin since
00:24four years ago.
00:27What brings you to the Berlin Music Video Awards today?
00:29Good music and good videos and cool people, of course, and I'm presenting my upcoming
00:36single Better Alone.
00:38I just heard you actually, you sounded beautiful.
00:47What would you say, like, what is it like to be on stage?
00:49Now, I mean, you've performed also for The Voice and what's it like to be you when you're
00:54on stage out there performing, in your head?
00:58In my head, I feel like stage is honestly like my home, yeah, I always have the feeling
01:04that I feel like the safest, the most me on the stage, so I kind of feel like the stage
01:11is my home actually.
01:19What role do music videos have in your life?
01:22As a musician, I'm an auditory person, so music video is a visual form of your imagination
01:34and sometimes it's harder for me to formulate it because I'm such an audio person, but of
01:42course it's very fascinating for me to see how music videos are done, how different themes
01:49are being planned, you know?
01:53What do you think about social media and short form content seemingly taking over the kind
01:59of space also that music videos used to have?
02:02What's your opinion on that?
02:03I mean, I'm also a content creator, so I do a lot of free deals, a lot of, you know, actually
02:13portrait format, but I have the feeling that it's just like something else with music video
02:19and the landscape format.
02:21I think it's more like, I don't know, I feel like it's more pure in a way.
02:31It's more, I don't know, like it's objective, but it's more like pure and you're kind of
02:40like, oh, with like this landscape format, you can do like a 10 minutes music video or
02:45a 20 minutes music video or whatever.
02:47Meanwhile, like social media content is like really, really short, like 30 seconds until
02:53like 60 seconds is for like people whose time span is like very short, right?
02:59And yeah, you're kind of like more serious if you go to music, like music video or landscape
03:05Mel, you won the Voice of Germany back in 2019.
03:20What's it like to build a, try to build a sustainable career from that?
03:25What's it like?
03:26What are the struggles that you face?
03:28I feel like the struggles is from a competition.
03:34People kind of know like that you're covering people's song, other artists' song.
03:39And when you want to like do your fit, do your own music, it's kind of like, oh, she's
03:44not singing that song again.
03:47And I feel like there's like a little adjustment from that, like Claudia who sings this, this,
03:52this, and this song to like Claudia who sings like her song.
03:56It kind of like needs a lot of adjustment, but nowadays there's like social media, there's
04:02also like e-mails like this, you know, like I feel like it's more accessible.
04:07Mel, you also presented one of the singles that's going to be on your upcoming EP.
04:12Do you want to tell us a bit more about the EP and maybe also when it's coming out?
04:17I can, I can say the EP is coming out really soon, maybe like end of August or in the beginning
04:24of September.
04:25But the song that I sang today, Better Alone, it's going to come out in three weeks actually.
04:30This Sunday, me and my team are going to shoot the music video, actually, yes.
04:36And I can say that it's kind of like cinematic.
04:40If you know the director, like the Chinese American director, Wong Kar-wai, it's like
04:44in that style.
04:45So it's more like vintage, like Hong Kong nineties.
04:50And I'm very excited for that actually.
04:52Don't forget to follow my social media for more information.
04:57Yeah, it's a shame we didn't get to see it yet.
05:01Maybe on the next Berlin Music Award video, you can add it in.
05:04Thank you so much.
05:05Thank you.
