• last year
Discover the interview with Tomonori Horie - editor of the music video "SPECIALZ - King Gnu" in the "Best Editor" category! They won the second place! He shares interesting moments in the editing of this video but also on his future video projects.

Check the full music video "SPECIALZ - King Gnu":

Follow them:
Tomonori Horie: @XOR.VFX
Production: @premiertron
Label: @ariolajapan

Credits :
Interview and edit by Sebastian Sheath and Yannick Solandt (unsigned Berlin): https://www.youtube.com/@unsignedberlin

Do you want to be part of the Berlin Music Video Awards as well? Submit your video here: https://www.berlinmva.com/submit/ We are now taking submissions.


00:00Can you introduce yourselves?
00:13What are your names and where are you from?
00:15His name is Foriyu Tomonori and he came from Japan and I translate him.
00:25And what are you here for?
00:28What video are you nominated for?
00:30Nominated by the best editor.
00:34Could you maybe describe the event in three words?
00:38Great, fantastic, fabulous and special.
00:46Nice thank you.
00:48Were there any moments in the editing of the video that were very difficult to achieve
00:52with the editing?
01:22The most difficult part for me was to make the eyes go round and round.
01:28It was very difficult to make the eyes go round and round even for a very small person.
01:34The overall theme of the video was chaotic.
01:40I had to think about how to balance the strong live action and CG images with the chaotic editing.
01:50I worked very hard on the compositing and VFX.
01:54The video was made for a theme song for an anime.
02:11Did you feel any pressure to make the visuals very close to the anime or did you want to
02:15do something completely new?
02:18I was in the editing category.
02:26The director, Othlin, was very involved in the editing process.
02:33His talent and skills influenced how quickly and chaotically the video was edited.
02:42I had to think about how to balance the chaotic editing and how to make the final product.
03:06I had a lot of trouble with that.
03:08I also had a lot of trouble with the balance.
03:12I had a lot of trouble with the balance.
03:28And the last question, is there any other videos you're working on or projects you're
03:34working on that you would like to shine more light on, that you want more people to know about?
04:01Thank you very much.
04:04Thank you.
