Barney and Friends Barney and Friends S08 E020 At Home in the Park

  • il y a 3 mois
00:00...Shades to fit more naturally.
00:30After school they need to play and sing with happy faces.
00:34Barney shows us lots of things like how to play pretend.
00:38ABC's and 1-2-3's and how to be a friend.
00:42Barney comes to play with us whenever we may need him.
00:46Barney can be our friend too if you just make believe him.
00:50C'est parti!
01:20There are so many birds in the park who need a new home.
01:22Well, Nick is looking for some right now. See?
01:24Oh, hi Nick!
01:26Any birds yet, Nick?
01:28Not yet.
01:32These binoculars make Barney look really big!
01:40You are really big!
01:42Hi everybody!
01:44What are the binoculars for?
01:46Sarah and I made a birdhouse.
01:48I'm sure there are lots of birds who'd like to live in a birdhouse.
01:52Very nice.
01:54And I think they'd like living in the park too.
01:56After all, lots of animals have homes here.
02:02For animals, the great outdoors is a great place to live.
02:18They groped in the sand in the sun.
02:24Over in the meadow in the stream so blue
02:26Lived an old mother fish and her little fishies too.
02:30Swim, said the mother. We swim, said the two.
02:34So they swam and they swam in the stream so blue.
02:38Bye-bye, fishies!
02:40Over in the meadow on the branch of a tree
02:43Lived an old mother bird and her little birdies three.
02:47Sing, said the mother. We sing, said the three.
02:50So they sang and they sang on the branch of the tree.
02:59That sounds like a bird!
03:02I think we must be very close to someone's home.
03:05You're right! Look!
03:07Wow! It's a dove!
03:09And she's sitting in her nest.
03:11The nest is her home.
03:13She built it herself out of twigs, grass and pieces of string.
03:17Why does she want to live in a tree?
03:19Being way up high helps her feel safe.
03:22Look! Over there! A rabbit!
03:25A rabbit?
03:27Where's the rabbit?
03:28I don't see a rabbit.
03:29He was just there, but he hopped away.
03:32Rabbits are very fast.
03:35Look! There he is!
03:37Now I see it!
03:39Me too!
03:40I like his cute ears and fluffy tail.
03:43Uh-oh! I think he's seen us.
03:51Where did he go?
03:53I think he hurried home.
03:55I don't see any home.
03:58But we will if we look very closely.
04:03Look! It's a hole!
04:05Right! A special kind of hole called a burrow.
04:09Et quand le rabbit veut être chaud, sain et sec,
04:13il peut juste hopper à la maison.
04:16Il hoppe très vite!
04:19Bien sûr, beaucoup d'animaux hoppent.
04:21C'est une bonne façon de passer de place à place.
04:25Et c'est très amusant!
04:27Tu as raison, Camille! C'est très amusant!
04:39Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
05:09Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
05:39Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
06:09Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
06:39Sally aime ça ici.
06:41Bien sûr qu'elle l'aime.
06:43C'est parce qu'un pont est le bon endroit pour un oiseau.
06:46Les oiseaux aiment flotter sur l'eau et pédaler avec leurs pieds.
06:50Et dans un pont, les oiseaux peuvent trouver ce qu'ils aiment manger.
06:54Je pense que Sally a tout ce qu'elle a besoin.
06:57N'a-t-elle pas besoin d'autres oiseaux pour jouer?
06:59Non, je n'y avais pas pensé.
07:02Peut-être que d'autres oiseaux viendront la visiter.
07:05Jusqu'alors, nous pouvons la rendre à la maison en prétendant être des oiseaux.
07:09Elle aura aussi l'impression d'avoir des amis.
07:35Sally, je pense que tu devrais dire bonjour à tous tes amis.
08:05Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack
08:35I'd like to see an owl, but I can't stay out at night. I'd rather I eat an owl.
08:41Oh, I know a way we can see some owls in the daytime.
08:45Oh, and I can show you in the caboose.
08:48Well, that sounds like fun, but I'd better put this away first, so I'll see you later.
08:53Bye-bye, everyone! See you later!
09:24First, we cut out two triangle shapes for the top of the head.
09:29Triangles have three sides.
09:31Right, Nick.
09:32Now, we cut out a beak.
09:34I think it looks great.
09:36I'm cutting yellow circles for the eyes.
09:39And I'm using these cupcake liners for the eyes.
09:44I think everyone's doing a great job.
09:47Next, we glue everything onto the bag.
09:51Now, you can color in the owl's eyes.
09:54Oh, and last, the wings.
09:58Great job.
10:03Oh, boy! Your owls look tee-rippy.
10:07And I know a game we can play with them.
10:09Oh, okay.
10:13He looks so tired.
10:21A little boy went into a barn and lay down on some hay.
10:26An owl came out and flew about and the little boy ran away.
10:31Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, the little boy ran away.
10:36Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, the little boy ran away.
10:41One, two, three.
10:44A little boy went into a barn and lay down on some hay.
10:49An owl came out and flew about and the little boy ran away.
10:54Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, the little boy ran away.
10:59Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, the little boy ran away.
11:05Where did he go?
11:06I don't know.
11:08I don't know.
11:10I'm up here.
11:12Oh, there you are.
11:16Oh, thanks, Nick.
11:19There, everything's cleaned up.
11:21Oh, great.
11:22Barney, where do you think the real owl lives in the park?
11:25Well, it could be almost anywhere.
11:28Some owls live in trees and others make their homes in buildings, like barns.
11:34Hey, I just found another animal's home right here in the caboose.
11:38You did?
11:39Let's go see.
11:40I wonder what it is.
11:41So do I.
11:43It's the aquarium.
11:46That's a home for fish, right Barney?
11:48Oh, right.
11:50The aquarium is full of water for these little fish to swim in.
11:54And bigger fish make their homes in ponds and lakes and even great big oceans.
12:00I think it looks like fun to live underwater.
12:02You can swim everywhere you go.
12:05Well, we can't really live underwater.
12:08But with imagination, we can pretend to visit some fishy friends who do.
12:19If I lived under the sea, sea, sea
12:22I think it would be neat as it could be, be, be
12:25I could visit all the fish anytime I wish
12:29If I lived under the sea
12:32I could ride on the tail of a great big whale
12:35Wow, that would be great!
12:38I could count the legs on an octopus
12:411, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
12:44If I lived under the sea, sea, sea
12:48I think it would be neat as it could be, be, be
12:51I could visit all the fish anytime I wish
12:54If I lived under the sea
12:57It would be so new to watch a tuna
13:01Talking with an itty bitty snail
13:03Or to see the pretty fin on the back of a fish
13:07Who carries his very own sail
13:10If I lived under the sea, sea, sea
13:13I think it would be neat as it could be, be, be
13:16I could visit all the fish anytime I wish
13:19If I lived under the sea
13:22I could visit all the fish anytime I wish
13:26If I lived under, if I lived under
13:29If I lived under the sea
13:56If I lived under the sea
13:59If I lived under the sea
14:02If I lived under the sea
14:05If I lived under the sea
14:08If I lived under the sea
14:11If I lived under the sea
14:14If I lived under the sea
14:17If I lived under the sea
14:20If I lived under the sea
14:24It's the Itsy Bitsy Spider
14:27And her home is a bee-utiful web
14:30That she makes herself
14:32Is that another spider?
14:34It's a hermit crab
14:36He finds a shell that no one else is using
14:38And makes it his home
14:40There he goes
14:41Those are some busy bees
14:43Their home is called a hive
14:45And bees often make their hive in a hollow tree
14:49That's a baby kangaroo
14:51Oh, right
14:52He's called a joey
14:53And while he's little
14:54His home is his mother's soft, warm pouch
14:57Look, there's a bear catching a fish
15:00And he's taking it into a cave
15:03Bears live in caves because they need much bigger homes
15:07Oh, and there you have it
15:09Those are some animal homes
15:11Barney, if our park had a cave
15:13Do you think a bear would move in?
15:15It just might
15:16I've got a fun idea how we can find out
15:20Any fun ideas?
15:23How do you like our cave, Barney?
15:25We made it out of a tent and crumpled paper
15:28Oh, I think it's stu-u-pendous
15:31But where, oh, where is the bear?
15:34I'm right here
15:36Oh, my
15:40The other day I met a bear
15:43A great big bear
15:45Away up there
15:47The other day I met a bear
15:50A great big bear
15:52Away up there
15:54She said to me
15:56Why don't you run?
15:58A game of tag
16:00Will be such fun
16:02She said to me
16:03Why don't you run?
16:05A game of tag will be such fun
16:09And so I ran
16:11Away from there
16:13But right behind
16:15He was that bear
16:16He was that bear
16:17And so I ran
16:18Away from there
16:20But right behind me
16:22Was that bear
16:24That's all there is
16:25That's all there is
16:26There is no more
16:27There is no more
16:28Unless I see
16:29Unless I see
16:30That bear wants more
16:31That bear wants more
16:32That's all there is
16:33There is no more
16:35Unless I see
16:36That bear wants more
16:43I barely recognized you
16:46Hi, everybody
16:48Hi, Mr. Boyd
16:49Say, did I see a bear
16:51Wandering around here
16:52A little while ago?
16:53That wasn't a bear
16:54That was me
16:56Is Sally the duck
16:57Still enjoying her new home?
17:00She's wandering around right now
17:02Taking a look at everything
17:03And by the way
17:05I found another animal home
17:08Can we please see it?
17:09Well, of course
17:10See, I saw it right over here
17:12And then I saw it over here
17:14Over there, OK
17:15And I think I saw it over here
17:18How many animal homes did you see?
17:20Well, just one
17:21But it was moving
17:23And there it is
17:28It's a turtle
17:30And he carries his home
17:31Right on his back
17:33The turtle has a hard shell
17:35He can pull his legs and his head in
17:37Anytime he wants to feel safe
17:38Can we touch him?
17:39Oh, I'm glad you asked
17:41Just to be safe
17:42You shouldn't touch any animal
17:44Who lives outdoors
17:47That's a very important rule
17:49Remember the story
17:50About the little snapping turtle?
17:53Yeah, I remember
17:54There was a little turtle
17:55He lived in a box
17:57He swam in a puddle
17:58He climbed on the rocks
18:00Yes, he did
18:03He snapped at a mosquito
18:04He snapped at a flea
18:06He snapped at a minnow
18:07And he snapped at me
18:09Oh no!
18:12He caught the mosquito
18:13He caught the flea
18:15He caught the minnow
18:16But he didn't catch me
18:18You were too quick for him
18:21There was a little turtle
18:22He lived in a box
18:24He swam in a puddle
18:25He climbed on the rocks
18:27Sounds like fun
18:30He snapped at a mosquito
18:31He snapped at a flea
18:32He snapped at a minnow
18:34And he snapped at me
18:36Watch out!
18:39He caught the mosquito
18:40He caught the flea
18:42He caught the minnow
18:43But he didn't catch me
18:45Oh no!
18:48That was fun!
18:50Well, I've got some work to do
18:52So I'll see you later
18:54Bye, Mr. Boyd
18:56That turtle really gets around
18:58Remember when Mr. Boyd said
19:00He saw an animal home
19:01There and there and there?
19:06Though now that you mention it
19:08There really is an animal home
19:10Where you're pointing
19:11There is!
19:15It's an ant hill
19:17And if you look closely
19:18You may even see the ants
19:20Look! There they are
19:22And they're all moving in a line
19:25The ants carry dirt out of their tunnels
19:27And carry in food to share
19:29I wonder if ants like crawling
19:31In and out of tunnels
19:32I wonder too
19:33Well, I think the best way to find out
19:35Is to give it a try
19:39All right, little ants
19:43Ready, set, march!
19:46The ants go marching one by one
19:48Hoorah, hoorah
19:50The ants go marching two by two
19:52Hoorah, hoorah
19:54The ants go marching three by three
19:56The little one stops to climb a tree
19:59And the young go marching
20:01Down to the ground
20:03To get out of the rain
20:06Boom, boom, boom, boom
20:09The ants go marching four by four
20:11Hoorah, hoorah
20:13The ants go marching five by five
20:15Hoorah, hoorah
20:16The ants go marching six by six
20:18The little one stops to pick up sticks
20:22And the young go marching
20:24Down to the ground
20:26To get out of the rain
20:28Boom, boom, boom, boom
20:35Les poissons marchent 7 à 7, hurra !
20:37Hurra !
20:38Les poissons marchent 8 à 8, hurra !
20:40Hurra !
20:41Les poissons marchent 9 à 9
20:43Le petit s'arrête pour vérifier l'heure
20:49Et ils marchent tous
20:51A la terre
20:52Pour sortir
20:53De la pluie
20:54Boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum
21:00Les poissons marchent 10 à 10
21:03Le petit arrête pour dire
21:05C'est le fin
21:08Et ils marchent tous
21:10A la terre
21:11Pour sortir
21:12De la pluie
21:14Boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum, boum
21:20Je pense que les tunnels sont parfaits pour les poissons
21:23Ils sont aussi amusants pour nous
21:24Oui, oui, j'aime bien
21:26Oh, la chambre à poisson te ressemble bien
21:28Oh, merci
21:29Et je pense que ça va être parfait
21:31C'est juste le bon moment pour quelqu'un de chanceux.
21:34Regarde, le pain est sec.
21:36Maintenant, Mr. Boy peut le mettre en place quand il revient.
21:39J'espère qu'un oiseau se déplacera tout de suite.
21:42Je suis sûr que ça va se passer.
21:44Après tout, c'est chaud, confortable et en sécurité.
21:48Un homme parfait pour un oiseau.
21:50Barney, qu'est-ce qui rend un homme parfait pour les gens?
21:53Eh bien, il y a beaucoup de différents types d'hommes.
21:57Mais je pense que ce qui rend un homme parfait
22:00c'est de le partager avec ses amis et sa famille.
22:31Nous sommes des meilleurs amis comme les amis devraient être.
22:34Avec un grand bisou et un bisou pour toi et moi.
22:38Ne me dis pas que tu m'aimes aussi.
22:47Je pense qu'on devrait aller chez nous aussi.
22:49Tu as raison. Merci pour tout, Barney.
22:51On s'est amusé.
22:52Merci, Barney.
22:53De rien.
22:55Au revoir, Barney.
22:56Au revoir, tout le monde.
22:57A bientôt.
22:58Au revoir.
23:00Sous-titrage ST' 501
23:30Aujourd'hui, notre scénario est présenté en partie par Pull-Ups Training Pants.
23:34Les gros enfants s'entraînent en petits pas.
23:36C'est pourquoi les Pull-Ups ont des côtés faciles à ouvrir, juste en cas.
23:39Je suis un gros enfant maintenant.
