Barney and Friends Barney and Friends S08 E012 A Little Big Day

  • il y a 3 mois
00:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
00:30Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
01:00J'aimerais vous montrer une maison que j'ai construite. C'est vraiment cool.
01:05Voilà, Barney.
01:10Ici, c'est bon.
01:12Mais j'en ai besoin d'une autre.
01:21Pas trop de bleu.
01:27Ça peut aller ici.
01:30Et celui-ci.
01:32En dessous.
01:35Wow, Angela.
01:37Tu as fait une maison assez grande pour Barney.
01:39J'espère qu'il l'aime.
01:40Peut-être que tu devrais y mettre un toit,
01:42en cas qu'il pleuve.
01:44Bonne idée.
01:46Qu'est-ce que je peux utiliser pour faire un toit?
01:50Comment ça?
01:53Super. C'est amusant de construire des choses.
01:57Regarde ce que nous pouvons faire
02:00Nous avons du travail à faire
02:03Pas à pas, un, deux, trois
02:06Réussissez-le, vous et moi
02:09Ces pièces devraient fonctionner. Pouvez-vous m'aider?
02:11Bien sûr.
02:15Maintenant, nous nous amusons
02:17Il y a du travail à faire
02:20Travailler en haut et en bas
02:23Régler, régler, tout autour
02:26Hey, Camille, pouvons-nous?
02:29Bien sûr. Nous allons mettre un toit sur Barney.
02:35Regardez ce que nous pouvons faire
02:38Combien de temps cela va prendre?
02:40Quand chaque pièce sera en place
02:43Nous aurons un grand sourire sur notre visage
02:46C'est amusant, n'est-ce pas?
02:49Regardez ce que nous pouvons faire
02:52Nous avons du travail à faire
02:55Pas à pas, un, deux, trois
02:58Réussissez-le, vous et moi
03:03Bonjour à tous!
03:06Je suis désolé. Je pense que j'ai été trop gros pour ma maison.
03:09Pouvez-vous m'aider avec ce toit?
03:11Bien sûr.
03:13Merci. Quelqu'un a été occupé avec des blocs.
03:17Nous avons construit des maisons.
03:19Angela est une bonne constructionneuse.
03:21Mais votre maison était plus grande.
03:23Mes blocs étaient plus grands et les vôtres plus petits.
03:26C'est pour ça que ma maison est plus grande.
03:28Ma maison est plus petite, comme moi.
03:30Tu es plus petite maintenant, Nick.
03:32Mais sais-tu que tu deviens tous plus grand chaque jour?
03:35Chaque jour?
03:36Bien sûr.
03:37Chacun d'entre vous a commencé comme un petit bébé.
03:40Mais regardez à quel point tu as grandi.
03:42Et nous sommes toujours en train de grandir.
03:44Tu as raison, Camille.
03:46Nous grandissons, nous le faisons chaque jour
03:49Nous grandissons quand nous dormons
03:51Et même quand nous jouons
03:53Et au fur et à mesure que nous grandissons,
03:55Nous pouvons faire plus de choses, car nous grandissons
03:57Et toi aussi
03:59Chaque jour, nous grandissons un peu plus grand
04:01Un peu plus grand, pas plus petit
04:03Et nous devons être un peu plus amicaux
04:06Nous essayons d'être un peu plus gentils
04:08Chaque jour, nous grandissons
04:10Car nous grandissons
04:11Et toi aussi
04:13Oui, nous le faisons
04:16Nous grandissons, nous le faisons chaque jour
04:19Nous grandissons quand nous dormons
04:21Et même quand nous jouons
04:22Et au fur et à mesure que nous grandissons,
04:24Nous pouvons faire plus de choses, car nous grandissons
04:27Et toi aussi
04:29Chaque jour, nous grandissons un peu plus grand
04:31Un peu plus grand, pas plus petit
04:33Et nous devons être un peu plus amicaux
04:36Nous essayons d'être un peu plus gentils
04:38Chaque jour, nous grandissons
04:40Car nous grandissons
04:41Et toi aussi
04:43Et toi aussi
04:45Car nous grandissons
04:46Et toi aussi
05:13Barney, peux-tu m'aider, s'il te plaît ?
05:15Bien sûr, quel est le problème, Baby Bob ?
05:17J'ai besoin de ce bracelet, mais regarde, mes mains sont trop grosses
05:22Tu vois, ça ne va pas bien
05:25Je vois, c'est un problème
05:28Je vais t'en acheter, Baby Bob, ma main est petite
05:31Merci, Nick
05:32Tiens, Baby Bob
05:34Oh, merci
05:36C'est très gentil de t'aider, Nick
05:38C'est juste ce que je voulais
05:41Tu peux l'enlever maintenant, s'il te plaît
05:43Oh, d'accord
05:45Est-ce que je peux avoir celui-ci, s'il te plaît ?
05:47Bien sûr
05:51Quel est le bracelet que tu veux, Baby Bob ?
05:53Grand ou petit ?
05:55Grand !
05:57Petit !
05:59Grand !
06:00Petit !
06:01Nous sommes grands et petits et courts et grands
06:04Certains sont au milieu, d'autres sont très petits
06:08Nous venons en toutes formes et tailles
06:11Hey, diddle, diddle, nous sommes grands et petits
06:14Et tout entre nous
06:17Grand !
06:18Petit !
06:20Grand !
06:21Petit !
06:23Nous sommes grands et petits et courts et grands
06:26Certains sont au milieu, d'autres sont très petits
06:29Nous venons en toutes formes et tailles
06:32Hey, diddle, diddle, nous sommes grands et petits
06:35Et tout entre nous
06:38Grand !
06:39Petit !
06:41Grand !
06:42Petit !
06:44Grand !
06:45Petit !
06:46Petit !
06:47Petit !
06:48Oh, c'était bien !
06:49C'était bien !
06:51Il y a beaucoup de grands et petits trucs dans le parc
06:54Oui, ils sont tous...
06:55Oh, Barney ! Oh, regarde ce que j'ai trouvé !
06:57Regarde, là-bas ! Là-bas !
06:58Je me demande ce que ça peut être
06:59Allons voir !
07:00Oui !
07:01Oh mon Dieu !
07:02Viens, viens, là-bas !
07:03Là-bas !
07:04Regarde, Barney !
07:05Cette fleur est petite
07:07Tu vois ? Vraiment petite
07:09Et cette fleur est grande
07:12Vraiment, vraiment grande
07:15C'est plus grande que moi
07:17Et moi
07:18Oh, c'est presque aussi grande que moi
07:21Quel genre de fleur est-ce, Barney ?
07:23C'est une fleur de soleil, bébé Bob
07:25Et c'est mon couleur préféré, jaune !
07:29Oui, c'est vrai
07:30Ils l'appellent une fleur de soleil
07:32Parce que c'est grand, rond et jaune
07:37Le soleil jaune !
07:38Oh !
07:39Oh, Mr. Soleil, Soleil, Mr. Soleil jaune
07:42S'il vous plaît, soignez-moi
07:44Oh, Mr. Soleil, Soleil, Mr. Soleil jaune
07:48S'il vous plaît, soignez-moi
07:51Ces petits enfants vous demandent
07:54S'il vous plaît, sortez pour qu'on puisse jouer avec vous
07:57Oh, Mr. Soleil, Soleil, Mr. Soleil jaune
08:00S'il vous plaît, soignez-moi
08:10Oh, Mr. Soleil, Soleil, Mr. Soleil jaune
08:13S'il vous plaît, soignez-moi
08:16Oh, Mr. Soleil, Soleil, Mr. Soleil jaune
08:19S'il vous plaît, sortez pour qu'on puisse jouer avec vous
08:22Ces petits enfants vous demandent
08:25S'il vous plaît, sortez pour qu'on puisse jouer avec vous
08:28Oh, Mr. Soleil, Soleil, Mr. Soleil jaune
08:31S'il vous plaît, soignez-moi
08:34S'il vous plaît, soignez-moi
08:58Oh, how little, teensy-weensy
09:01Even smaller
09:03Maybe it's itsy or itsy-bitsy
09:08The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout
09:12Down came the rain and washed the spider out
09:16Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
09:20And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again
09:24There he goes
09:25Oh, I love a little spider
09:27The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout
09:31Down came the rain and washed the spider out
09:35Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
09:39And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again
09:43Itsy-bitsy spider
09:48Oh, I want to be itsy-bitsy too
09:50Let's pretend to be little
09:53I already know what it's like to be little
09:55I've been little all my life
09:58Can we pretend to be something big instead?
10:01What would you like to be, Nick?
10:03Something really big, even bigger than Barney
10:06What's bigger than Barney?
10:09An elephant
10:12How big is an elephant?
10:14An elephant is really big, Baby Bop
10:17Elephants are the biggest animals that live on land
10:20Now we're talking big
10:23We sure are
10:28Elephant, elephant
10:31Elephant, elephant
10:34She's big and friendly
10:38Wrinkled and grey
10:41And with her great big feet
10:43Better get out of the way of the elephant
10:48Every sound in the jungle the elephant hears
10:52With their fluffy king-sized elephant ears
10:55Got a trunk or a nose as long as a hose
11:02The elephant
11:06The elephant
11:10Do you like to walk like an elephant?
11:12Can you show me?
11:16Round it shakes
11:19Every time she walks
11:22And she sounds like a trumpet
11:24Whenever she talks
11:26The elephant
11:29Every sound in the jungle the elephant hears
11:32With their fluffy king-sized elephant ears
11:36Got a trunk or a nose as long as a hose
11:43The elephant
11:46Every sound in the jungle the elephant hears
11:49With their fluffy king-sized elephant ears
11:53Got a trunk or a nose as long as a hose
12:00The elephant
12:03The elephant
12:10Pretending to be elephants is fun
12:13I like being big
12:15Oh, oh, I wish I could be a giant
12:21Oh, I don't think I'd ever want to be that big
12:25Well, I would
12:27Well, in the story of Jack and the Beanstalk
12:29A little boy named Jack met someone really big
12:34He met a giant
12:36A giant?
12:38Oh, oh, that sounds like a really good story
12:43Well, I'd be happy to
12:45Would you like to help me?
12:47Thank you
12:59Once upon a time
13:01In a faraway land
13:03There lived a boy named Little Jack
13:06And his kind mother
13:10Oh, Little Jack
13:12Yes, Mother?
13:14Our food is all gone
13:16How can I help, Mother?
13:19Please take this cow to the market
13:23And trade it for food
13:26Come on, cow
13:28To market, to market, to trade my poor cow
13:31Home again, home again with lots of good cow
13:34But before Little Jack reached the market
13:36He met an old man on the road
13:38How much for the cow, little boy?
13:40How much will you give me, sir?
13:42Three jelly beans
13:43Uh, I'm not sure
13:45But these jelly beans are magical
13:47Magical? It's a deal
13:52Little Jack thought he had made a good deal
13:56But his mother
13:58Well, she didn't think it was such a good trade
14:02Look what I got for the cow, Mother
14:06Jelly beans?
14:08Oh, Little Jack
14:09We need healthy food, not candy
14:12But they're magical jelly beans
14:14These things?
14:16They're too little to be magical
14:18Might as well just toss them out a window
14:22Toss one jelly bean, tidy-o
14:24Toss two jelly beans, tidy-o
14:27Toss three jelly beans, tidy-o
14:29Toss it out the window, tidy-o
14:32Ready, set, now let it go
14:34Toss it out the window, tidy-o
14:36One, two, three, throw
14:39Toss it out the window, tidy-o
14:46Toss one jelly bean, tidy-o
14:48Toss two jelly beans, tidy-o
14:51Toss three jelly beans, tidy-o
14:53Toss it out the window, tidy-o
14:56Ready, set, now let it go
14:58Toss it out the window, tidy-o
15:01One, two, three, throw
15:04Toss it out the window, tidy-o
15:06Toss it out the window, tidy-o
15:33Jack discovered the beanstalk
15:35He did what any little boy would do
15:37Woohoo! It's time to climb
15:40He climbed and climbed up into the sky
15:50Finally, he reached the top of the beanstalk
15:54Wow! Awesome!
15:57Little Jack had climbed right into a big castle
16:01He couldn't believe his eyes
16:05or his nose
16:09Little Jack smelled food
16:11He had to find out where that delicious smell was coming from
16:17Hi, I'm Little Jack. Who are you?
16:19I'm the cook. I work for the big giant who lives in the castle
16:23A big giant? Cool!
16:25No, it's not. Giants are big and scary
16:29and this giant is having a bad day
16:32Very cranky. Now go!
16:35But I'm really hungry
16:37Oh, okay. Have a seat
16:40The cook felt sorry for Little Jack
16:43so she gave him a quick snack
16:48But it wasn't quick enough
16:50because before he could finish eating
16:52the big giant came home
16:55Yipe! It's the big giant! Quick, hide!
17:11See! Bye! Boom! Bump!
17:14I'm a big giant and here I come!
17:18Oops, wait, I'm not big enough
17:20Now I'm big
17:23but I'm having a bad day
17:26No one will play with me
17:28and I stub my toe kicking a big rock down the mountain
17:33See, I got a boo-boo
17:35I mean, I got a boo-boo
17:38and I'm not happy
17:42I think I need my blankie, please
17:47Thank you
17:48Maybe that'll make me feel better
17:53I like my blankie
17:54It's very, very yellow
17:56I like it even better than a bowl of jello
18:00When she holds it close
18:01It feels just right
18:03She likes her yellow blankie in the day and night
18:07I like my yellow blankie in the day and night
18:11I think this makes me feel better
18:13My blankie is so special
18:15and very, very yellow
18:17I like to keep it with me
18:19when I say hello
18:21When she holds it close
18:22It feels just right
18:24She likes her yellow blankie in the day and night
18:28I like my yellow blankie in the day and night
18:32Even giants need a blankie
18:34My blankie feels so soft like a big marshmallow
18:38But I like it most because it's oh so yellow
18:42When she holds it close
18:43It feels just right
18:45She likes her yellow blankie in the day and night
18:49I like my yellow blankie in the day and night
18:57Oh, my blankie always makes me feel...
18:59I mean, like I said
19:02I'm having a bad day
19:05That's too bad
19:07Who's there? Who said that?
19:12I did
19:14C, I, O, M
19:17Who are you and where are you from?
19:20I'm Little Jack and I'm looking for a snack
19:23Well, I'm a big giant
19:25But I'm having a bad day because no one will play with me
19:29Why not?
19:30Well, they all think I'm big and scary
19:35I'm not afraid
19:37I'll play with you
19:38Oh, goody, goody, can we play right now?
19:40Sure, you can come to my house
19:42Except we don't have any food
19:44Oh, don't worry
19:45I mean, I mean, don't worry
19:48I have enough food for everyone
19:52And so Little Jack, the big giant and the cook
19:56took food down to Jack's house
20:01Jack's mother was very happy
20:03that he brought so much food home
20:05She even invited the old man to join them for dinner
20:09Oh, this is wonderful, Little Jack
20:12I guess you're not so little anymore
20:14You're my big hero
20:17Thanks to Little Jack, everyone had a big feast
20:20and played games all day long
20:23From then on, the giant continued to share her food
20:27And they all lived happily ever after
20:31The end
20:34Everyone was terrific
20:36Good job
20:38That was a great story, Barney
20:40Why, thank you, Angela
20:41Jack and the beanstalk is one of my favorites
20:44Mine too
20:45I had fun being little
20:47And I had fun being big
20:55We're big and little and short and tall
20:58Some are in the middle, some are very small
21:01We come in all shapes and sizes
21:04Hey, diddle, diddle, we're big and little
21:07And everything in between
21:23I had so much fun today, Barney
21:25Wait till B.J. hears that I was a big giant
21:29Oh, you were so big, Baby Bop
21:33Si, faille, faux, femme
21:37It's time to say goodbye, everyone
21:41Okay, bye, Baby Bop
21:43See you later
21:47So, Nick, do you still think you'd like to be as big as a giant?
21:51No, Barney
21:52I think I'm happy just the way I am
21:55And you should be
21:57Big or little, you're all wonderful just the way you are
22:03I love you, you love me
22:07We're a happy family
22:11With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you
22:16Won't you say you love me too?
22:22I love you, you love me
22:27We're best friends like friends should be
22:31With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you
22:35Won't you say you love me too?
22:44I have to go home now, Barney
22:46But I'll be back soon
22:48And the next time you see me
22:50I'll be a little bigger
22:52You sure will
22:53Bye, everyone, take care
22:54See you soon
23:08Hey, everybody, it's time for Barney Says
23:12Barney Says
23:42Maybe an itsy bitsy spider lives there
23:45We pretended to be great big elephants
23:48You can pretend to be an elephant too
23:50In the story of Jack and the Beanstalk
23:52We saw a big beanstalk grow from some little magic beans
23:56And we learned that a little boy can make a big difference
24:00But big or little, you're all wonderful just the way you are
24:05And remember, I love you
24:07Barney has such a terrific imagination
24:10Thanks for playing with us
24:11Coming up next, he's silly, funny and even a bit wibbly
24:14It's Wibbly Pig
24:15Join Wibbly and all his piggy friends for plenty of laughs
24:18In back-to-back adventures
24:19Will it be dancing, drawing, flying through space?
24:22Whatever it is, it's sure to be sproutastic
24:24Wibbly Pig is coming up next right now
