Art et designTranscription
00:00From Brooklyn town, never meant to stay
00:03But he liked the island sound
00:05You know his name is Bob
00:07A dog who's lost his sleep
00:09He's come straight from New York
00:11And now Bob is on the beat
00:13Come on!
00:14Bob, Bob, Bob
00:16Bob is on the beat
00:18Bob is on the beat
00:26Pretty amazing!
00:27Bob Buddy, you are simply the best!
00:31What was that?
00:32You guys hear that too?
00:34Ivory, friends!
00:36Pretty impressive, eh guys?
00:41Carved from the finest palm trunks on the island
00:43These stilts are taking me home!
00:47You're going to break your neck on those things!
00:51Stay cool, Mel! I know what I'm doing!
00:58So long, my friends! Take care!
01:10Gee, this ocean floor could use a good spring cleaning!
01:13Ok, let's run through the ball routine one more time!
01:46That's it! You ruin every single number!
01:49Next week, you go to the dentist!
01:51That tooth has got to go!
01:53Dentist? No!
01:56What is that?
01:58That guy sounds stilts!
02:00A fellow performer practicing his act?
02:03Let's go and say hello!
02:12It's not as easy as I make it look!
02:15Tell me I'm seeing things here!
02:17One, two, three!
02:23Hi, I'm Dancer!
02:25Nice to meet you!
02:27Help! Help! Shark attack!
02:30He's going to fall and do himself some serious damage!
02:50The doctor of pollinators!
02:54Tastes good!
02:58Stilt clown! Do you know our famous, and I must say, quite fabulous castanets routine?
03:11Help! Help! Don't bite!
03:18What a problem!
03:22Darling's bad news! Sharks, they've got Bob!
03:26We've got to help! Quick, fly on ahead and see what's going on!
03:32Sh-sh-sh-sharks? Bob? Do they eat crocodiles?
03:37Sharks, you say? You know, that gives me an idea!
03:40It's just about time for Maramay's dip!
03:48That's all that was left, and there's no sign of the sharks!
03:52Oh, Bob! There's nothing else at all?
03:55Oh, I should have stopped him! Bob!
03:58Bob! Bob!
04:20You guys didn't eat me yet?
04:22We're not going to eat you!
04:24What? I'm not tasty enough?
04:26We're show sharks! We have to watch our figures!
04:29We stay away from meat! No one needs to be afraid of us!
04:33We are known ocean-wide for our unique acrobatic performances!
04:43Let's go for it! The double whammy somersault!
04:51Doesn't double mean two at a time?
04:57And now, the Great Shark Pyramid!
05:08Fantastic! You guys could make it on Broadway!
05:11You have to put on a show for me and the gang! I'll go tell the others!
05:16Goodbye! See you!
05:19So long, now!
05:27Are you sure there are no real sharks around here?
05:36Shark! Shark!
05:39What's the matter?
05:41Oh, Bob! Bob!
05:43Hi, guys! It's time to party!
05:46Bob? Bob's ghost!
05:50Hey, guys! Chill! What's up?
05:53We thought the sharks ate you!
05:56Shark! Shark!
05:58Shark! Shark!
06:00Shark! Shark!
06:02Shark! Shark!
06:04Shark! Shark!
06:06Shark! Shark!
06:08Shark! Shark!
06:10Sharks, eat me?
06:12Now, buddy, Bob here had them all under control!
06:19Oh, Bob! I'm so happy!
06:21These sharks are neat!
06:23Get this! They're acrobats, and tonight, my friends, they're gonna put on a show just for us!
06:29Hurry! This I gotta see!
06:32But first, I'd say it's high time for a calming coconut milkshake, after all this excitement!
06:38On se voit plus tard !
06:42Bob !
06:44Les natifs nous ont juste attrapés dans leurs nests !
06:46Je n'ai réussi qu'à m'échapper !
06:48Les Wappas ? Qu'est-ce qu'ils veulent avec vous ?
06:50Vite ! A la plage des Wappas !
07:02Milano, mon ami !
07:04Pourquoi nettent-ils pas les chars ?
07:06Je connais ces gars, ils sont cool !
07:08Cool ? Ils ont mangé Maramé !
07:10Quelqu'un a vu tout ça de la plage !
07:12Maramé ?
07:14Il doit y avoir une erreur !
07:16Ces gars sont végétariens !
07:18Une erreur ? Qui d'autre peut l'avoir mangé ?
07:20Mais j'étais avec tous les chars et les pirates
07:22au même moment que Maramé a disparu !
07:24J'ai trouvé quelque chose !
07:28J'ai vu quelque chose comme ça
07:30à l'endroit de Huracan !
07:32Oui ! J'ai vu un chars emballé dans sa grotte !
07:34Je crois que tu as raison !
07:36Je vais demander à mes amis de laisser partir le chars !
07:38Je suis sûr que c'est la bonne chose à faire, Milano !
07:40Viens, Nel !
07:50Nel, mon ami, tu as touché le bouton !
07:52Là, c'est elle !
07:54Maramé !
07:56Mon cher !
07:58Tu es maintenant toute mienne !
08:00Jamais ! Laissez-moi partir !
08:02Je n'arrêterai jamais de chercher !
08:04Mais ils ne commenceront pas, ma petite princesse !
08:06C'est tout !
08:08Ils pensent que tu as été mangé par les chars !
08:10Ils te mourront,
08:12mais ils ne viendront pas chercher !
08:14Ne comptez pas sur ça !
08:20C'est dangereux, Bob !
08:22Reste avec moi maintenant,
08:24on va bien !
08:26À la fois libre !
08:28Quand j'ai trouvé celui qui nous a attirés...
08:30On doit trouver Bob pour le remercier !
08:32J'espère qu'il ne s'est pas trompé
08:34à cause de nous !
08:44Calme-toi !
08:46Bien !
08:48Qui avons-nous ici, Sulu ?
08:54Bob !
08:56Pas assez goûteux pour les chars, je vois !
09:00Ce n'est pas grave !
09:02Vous deux serez enfin dans ma soupe !
09:04Une fête de mariage !
09:08Laissez-nous !
09:10Je peux entendre Bob !
09:12On dirait qu'il est en trouble !
09:14Ok, la pyramide !
09:30Oh non !
09:38Je suis terriblement désolé !
09:56Allons-y !
10:00C'est bon !
10:02Merci, Chouty !
10:30Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'