
  • 4 months ago


00:00I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
00:30I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
01:00I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
01:12Let me see.
01:39Bill Pots.
01:40You wanted to see me?
01:42Uh, you're not a student at this university.
01:44No, I work in the canteen.
01:46Yeah, but you come to my lectures.
01:47No, I don't.
01:48I never do that.
01:50I've seen you.
01:51Love your lectures.
01:53They're totally awesome.
01:54Why'd you come to my lectures when you're not a student?
01:56Okay, so my first day here, in the canteen, I was on chips.
01:59There was this girl, student, beautiful,
02:02like a model, only with talking and thinking.
02:05She looked at you and you perved.
02:07Every time.
02:08Automatic, like physics, eye contact, perversion.
02:11So I gave her extra chips.
02:14Every time, extra chips, like a reward for all the perversion.
02:17Every day, got myself on chips, rewarded her.
02:20Then finally, finally, she looked at me
02:23like she'd noticed, like actually noticed all the extra chips.
02:27Do you know what I realised?
02:28She was fat.
02:31I'd fatted her.
02:34That's life, innit?
02:35Beauty or chips? I like chips.
02:37So does she, so that's okay.
02:40And how does that in any way explain
02:42why you keep coming to my lectures?
02:45Yeah, it doesn't really, does it?
02:47I was hoping something would develop.
02:49What's that?
02:51A police telephone box.
02:54Did you build it from a kit?
02:56No, it came like that.
02:57Then how did you get it in here?
02:59The door's too small, so were the windows.
03:01I had the window and a part of the wall taken out
03:03and it was lifted in.
03:04What, with a crane?
03:05Yeah, with a crane.
03:08It's heavier than it looks.
03:09Why do you keep coming to my lectures?
03:11Because I like them.
03:13Everybody likes them, they're amazing.
03:16Why me?
03:17Why you, Walter?
03:18Well, plenty of people come to your lectures
03:20that aren't supposed to, why pick on me?
03:21Well, I noticed you.
03:23Yeah, but why?
03:26Well, most people, when they don't understand something,
03:28they frown.
03:35I'll tell you what I don't understand.
03:37You've been lecturing here for a long time.
03:39Like 50 years, some people say.
03:41Mabila in the office says over 70.
03:43Yeah, and you're thinking, well, he doesn't look old enough.
03:45No, I'm wondering what you're supposed to be lecturing on.
03:49It's like the university let you do whatever you like.
03:52One time, you were going to give a lecture on quantum physics.
03:54You talked about poetry.
03:55Poetry, physics, same thing.
03:57How is it the same?
03:59Because of the rhymes.
04:00What are you doing at this university?
04:01I always wanted to come here.
04:02Yeah, to serve chips.
04:05So, anyway, am I nearly done?
04:07Do you want to be?
04:09See you.
04:12You ever get less than a first when it's over?
04:15You what? A first.
04:18Every time.
04:19Or I stop immediately.
04:20Stop what?
04:21Being your personal tutor.
04:24But I'm not a student.
04:27I'm not part of the university.
04:28I never even applied.
04:30We'll sort all that out later.
04:31You're going to have to sort that out earlier.
04:33Leave it with me.
04:34Assuming that it's a yes...
04:38I'll see you at 6pm every weekday.
04:41I don't care who's dying.
04:42Never, ever be late.
04:43I'm very particular about time.
04:48Oh, um...
04:51People just call you the Doctor.
04:54What do I call you?
04:55The Doctor.
04:57But Doctor's not a name.
04:59I can't just call you Doctor.
05:02Doctor what?
05:48Time. Time doesn't pass.
05:50The passage of time is an illusion.
05:52And life is the magician.
05:56Because life only lets you see one day at a time.
06:05You remember being alive yesterday.
06:07You hope you're going to be alive tomorrow.
06:08So it feels like you are travelling one to the other,
06:12but nobody's moving anywhere.
06:15Movies don't really move.
06:18They're just pictures.
06:19Lots and lots of pictures.
06:20All of them still, none of them moving.
06:22Just frozen moments.
06:27But if you experience those pictures one after the other,
06:32then everything comes alive.
06:38Am I on time?
06:39That's a very big question.
06:47You know you're my foster mum.
06:50He's like my foster tutor.
06:51Am I going to have to break every bone in his body?
06:54It's not like that.
06:56You need to keep your eye on men.
07:00I'm not going to keep my eye, actually.
07:02Imagine if time all happened at once.
07:06Every moment of your life laid out around you.
07:13Like a city.
07:14Streets full of buildings made of days.
07:17The day you were born.
07:18The day you die.
07:20The day you fall in love.
07:22The day that love ends.
07:23The whole city built from triumph and heartbreak
07:27and boredom and laughter and cutting your toenails.
07:31It's the best place you will ever be.
07:36Time is a structure relative to ourselves.
07:45I'll get him in.
07:46Time is the space made by our lives.
07:51Where we stand together forever.
07:55Time and relative dimension.
08:01In space.
08:06It means life.
08:10Could you shift here, please?
08:28Come here.
09:04So, you're tutoring her, then?
09:08Yes, I am.
09:10Why? Why not?
09:12You're not supposed to get involved.
09:15What are you teaching her, anyway?
09:18Why? How can you teach anyone everything?
09:20Because everything rhymes.
09:24Legs out, out, right.
09:26Take them to some diverging, descending, or climbing...
09:31Yeah, you want me to turn it, then?
09:35You want me to rotate it, huh?
09:50The door upstairs, how did you set the security?
09:53Friends only.
10:01So, turn it, and then you'll...
10:03I'm turning it, aren't I?
10:32You OK? Yeah, I'm fine.
10:40Sorry, can I ask, what's that in your eye?
10:42It's just a defect in the iris.
10:45Looks like a star. Well, it's a defect.
10:47At least it's a defect that looks like a star.
10:49I'm getting it fixed.
10:55Sorry, none of my business.
10:57But are you freaking out about something?
11:04Please, you can say no.
11:06Would you come with me?
11:08Can I show you something?
11:09God, yes.
11:12I love this place, don't you?
11:14I hate it. Why?
11:16I don't know, I just do.
11:20Everywhere I go, I just want to leave.
11:22Can I come too?
11:39There's a puddle over there.
11:41It hasn't rained for a week.
11:43Yeah, but, you know, half the students here are blokes.
11:46Go and look in it.
11:48You want me to look in a puddle? Please.
11:59OK, I'm looking.
12:02What am I looking at? Your reflection.
12:06Yep, there it is.
12:08Do you see what's wrong with it?
12:09My name's Bill, by the way.
12:12I'm Heather.
12:13Can you see what's wrong?
12:15Nothing, just looks like me.
12:20What is that?
12:24That's me, that's my face, but...
12:27it's wrong.
12:31Sorry, some other time.
12:41Pilot is located.
12:45Link is established.
12:49Come on, let's go!
12:51Come on, let's go!
12:53Come on!
12:54Come on, let's go!
12:56It's this way, come on, come on!
13:09It's a rock.
13:12Haven't got you anything.
13:14It's OK, it was cheap.
13:19Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
13:24Going anywhere for Christmas?
13:26I never go anywhere.
13:27That's not true.
13:29You go places, I can tell.
13:31My mum always said, with some people,
13:33you can smell the wind in their clothes.
13:36She sounds...
13:40She died when I was a baby.
13:45If she died when you were a baby, when did she say that?
13:49In my head.
13:52Yeah, I'm supposed to look like her, but I don't really know.
13:56There's hardly any photographs.
13:59She hated having her picture taken.
14:02But if someone's gone, the pictures really help.
14:09I thought you'd enjoy choosing something for yourself.
14:12As you're always pouting.
14:13As you're always passing judgements.
14:17I hope you didn't spend too much on this.
14:19No, this should cover it.
14:22What's that?
14:23Oh, I found that at the back of the cupboard
14:25with all your old stuff.
14:27Just photographs.
14:28Have you, Mum?
14:29I didn't know we had them.
15:14Happy new term.
15:16With you in a moment.
15:23You said you needed a crane to lift your box.
15:25Sorry, what did you say?
16:03Still making eyes at a puddle?
16:06Did you ever work out what was wrong with your reflection?
16:10Come round, I'll show you.
16:13Promise you won't go?
16:39Yeah, no worries.
16:43Pilot confirmed.
16:45Pilot engaged.
16:58What's wrong?
17:01She said it was a defect.
17:03But what kind of a defect puts a star in your eye?
17:07But that doesn't even matter because she was right.
17:10There was something wrong when you looked in the puddle.
17:14That was definitely my face.
17:16I see my face all the time.
17:18I never liked it. It's all over the place.
17:20There's always doing expressions when I'm trying to be enigmatic.
17:22I know my face.
17:24And there was something wrong with my face in the puddle.
17:29What could be wrong with your own face?
18:01Why do you run like that?
18:02Like what?
18:03Like a penguin with his arse on fire.
18:07That's my face, yeah?
18:09You seem a bit flexible on the subject.
18:10Oh, you have no idea.
18:12Maybe it's got to do with that thing in her eye.
18:15Maybe she's, like, affected by something.
18:17By what?
18:18I don't know.
18:19Look, I know you know lots of stuff about, well, basically everything,
18:22but do you know any sci-fi?
18:30Go on.
18:31Well, what if she's possessed?
18:34Something like that.
18:36Possessed by what?
18:37I don't know.
18:39Saw this thing on Netflix.
18:40Lizards in people's brains.
18:44So you meet a girl with a discoloured iris,
18:46and your first thought is she might have a lizard in her brain?
18:49I can see I'm going to have to up my game.
18:57What is it? What?
18:58Oh, I get it.
19:00I see it.
19:01It was easy for your friend because of her eye.
19:04What, because it gives her special powers?
19:07Because her face isn't symmetrical.
19:11Look into the puddle.
19:14Your face looks wrong because it looks right.
19:17What's the one thing you never see when you look in a reflection?
19:20Your face.
19:21You never see your face the right way round.
19:25Right, look for a freckle or a funny tooth,
19:28something that's not symmetrical.
19:29A badge!
19:30See, your friend saw it straight away because of her eye.
19:33But it's moving like a reflection.
19:38It's not reflecting you.
19:42It's mimicking you.
19:45There's something in the water pretending to be you.
19:50And of course,
19:52it is water.
19:55Now, what are these?
19:56Let's have a look.
19:58What are they?
20:00Scorch marks.
20:05Right, you.
20:09Let's get you on the bus.
20:10The what? The bus?
20:11Tutorial's over. Take the night off.
20:13It's all cancelled.
20:14Go and be a proper student.
20:16Texts, snogging, a vegan ramp.
20:18What about the puddle?
20:20Oh, it's just some freak optical effect.
20:23I'm bored already.
20:25I'm bored already.
20:27I'm bored already.
20:29I'm bored already.
20:31I'm bored already.
20:34Passenger selected.
20:36Pursuit engaged.
20:55I'll make you a cuppa for the bath.
21:05Sorry I'm not there, love.
21:07But I think we both know it's time I treated meself.
21:10Are you Neville?
21:12I'm going to be back with Neville after last time.
21:15Why do you think I'm such an idiot?
21:17Well, you're calling from his phone.
21:22Is there someone staying here in the flat?
21:32Is there someone staying here in the flat?
21:34Of course not, no.
21:35What are you talking about?
21:37Uh, nothing.
21:38Never mind.
21:39I'll see you tomorrow.
22:02Is someone in there?
22:05Is that Barry?
22:07Because she's with Neville and it's not my fault.
22:19Sorry, I need to know who's in there.
22:24I'm coming in.
22:26Do you hear me?
22:29Make yourself decent.
22:58That's Barry.
22:59Let's not make this worse, just say it's you.
24:30He scared me.
24:37You scared me.
25:00You're dead. You're dead.
25:31Hello, Bill.
25:38What's that?
25:47I'll tell you what it isn't. It isn't a freak optical effect.
26:01And it's following me.
26:10No, no. What are you doing?
26:14I'll tell you what. Let's just pop into my box.
26:17Your box? What could it get in your box going to do?
26:20What an extraordinarily long and involved answer this is going to be.
26:26How did it stop it getting in? We're trapped in here.
26:28Nothing gets through these doors.
26:30They're made of wood.
26:32They've got windows.
26:39Look, this is all mad, I know, but that's the girl I told you about.
26:44Heather? Only I don't think it's really her.
26:50No, this is hard to believe. I know you're not exactly a sci-fi person.
26:58Time and relative dimension in space.
27:03TARDIS, for short.
27:08You're safe in here. You're safe in here and you always will be.
27:19Any questions?
27:24Is this a knock-through?
27:27Well, in a way, yes.
27:31Look at this place.
27:35It's like a...
27:39A really posh kitchen, all metal.
27:41What happened with the doors, though? Did you run out of money?
27:43What you are standing in is a technological marvel.
27:48It is science beyond magic.
27:52This is the gateway to everything that ever was.
27:55Whatever can be.
27:59Can I use the toilet?
28:03I've had a fright. I need the toilet.
28:06It's down there. First right, second left, past the macaroon dispenser.
28:11Oh, human. Human alert. Do you want me to repel her?
28:15She's just passing through. She wants to use the toilet.
28:17Oh, I'd give it a minute, if I were you.
28:21What was that?
28:22We have an encirclement on campus. Extra-terrestrial.
28:25We're under attack.
28:28Let's move.
28:32Oh, my God.
28:33This isn't just a room, is it?
28:35No, it's not just a room.
28:37This is a lift!
28:44Oh, come on.
28:53No interference here, as far as I can see. Vault secure.
28:58So, your box can move?
29:01It can go anywhere it likes.
29:03Good, isn't it?
29:05Anywhere at all, in the whole university?
29:07Is it my imagination, or is this taking longer than normal?
29:13Hang on.
29:15The room's still inside the box.
29:20The room's still inside the box?
29:22This isn't a knock-through.
29:25Doctor, it's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside!
29:28Hey, we got there!
29:32How is that possible? How do you do that?
29:35Well, first, you have to imagine a very big box fitting inside a very small box.
29:42Then, you have to make one.
29:45It's the second part people normally get stuck on.
29:47Can we shut up, please? Busy, busy.
29:49I need to know if there's any interest in what's inside this vault.
29:52Why? What's inside it?
29:54Something I don't want anyone being too curious about.
29:57So, you put it in the middle of a university?
29:59Ooh, valid point. Yeah, nod.
30:03Either the creature came here specifically for what's in here, or it's just a coincidence.
30:07Just a coincidence.
30:08Well, we can't know that for sure.
30:10Yeah, we can.
30:12It was here for ages before it did anything.
30:14If it had work to do, why would it lie around in a puddle?
30:16I don't know. Maybe it's a student.
30:18Oh, banter.
30:20Oh, it's good, this.
30:23You'll go again.
30:35We need to move away from the doors and towards the TARDIS.
30:46TARDIS beeping
30:50TARDIS beeping
31:13What if it attacks us?
31:16Well, that's good news.
31:19It means it's not interested in what's inside the vault.
31:22It just wants to kill us.
31:34It's not interested in the vault. It's chasing us.
31:37Let's give it a proper challenge.
31:39Let's see how fast it's prepared to go.
31:41What about my friend?
31:43What about Heather? Can you save her?
31:46First things first. Let's see if we can survive her.
32:15We've moved again.
32:16We have.
32:18It was night.
32:20Now it's...
32:24Definitely day.
32:26Oh, my God. Have we travelled in time?
32:28No, of course not.
32:29We've travelled to Australia!
32:44How are you doing?
32:45How do you think?
32:52Right. Um...
32:56How do I help?
32:58Can I ask you a personal question?
33:00Can I know you?
33:03Are you from space?
33:04No, of course not.
33:06Nobody's from space.
33:08I'm from a planet like everybody else.
33:10This planet?
33:13No, not specifically this one.
33:15Doesn't make sense, then.
33:17What doesn't?
33:20If you're from another planet, why would you name your box in English?
33:23Those initials wouldn't work in any other language.
33:25People don't generally bring that up.
33:27It looks like a phone box.
33:29Um, well, that's the cloaking device.
33:31It sort of hides itself.
33:32It's hidden itself as a box with pull to enter on the front.
33:35Uh-huh. It's stuck.
33:37It's supposed to blend in, but it's broken.
33:51Ouch! Ouch!
33:53Everybody out! Shark attack!
33:59Where are we going?
34:01As far as we can.
34:02She made Australia in a minute.
34:04Let's see what she can really do.
34:05Sir, we're leaving Earth.
34:07What about the vault?
34:08Oh, we're fine.
34:09If there's any trouble, I'll get a message on this.
34:11Let's see how long it takes her to get here.
34:14Where are we?
34:16Other end of the universe.
34:1923 million years in the future.
34:26Oh, yes. It's a time machine, too.
34:53So this is somewhere else.
34:56This is a different planet.
34:57Not Earth, a different one.
34:59That's a general idea.
35:04That's different sky.
35:05Is it made of something different?
35:07What is sky made of?
35:08Lemon drops.
35:10No, but wouldn't that be nice?
35:11You can be very silly sometimes. You know that.
35:14So how do we know this water thing is actually dangerous?
35:19Because most things are.
35:21Oh, that's true.
35:22Why? Is everything out here evil?
35:23Hardly anything is evil.
35:25But most things are hungry.
35:27Hunger looks very like evil from the wrong end of the cutlery.
35:29Or do you think that your bacon sandwich loves you back?
35:32So what is it?
35:33What was it doing on Earth?
35:35There were Scots marks on the concrete where we found it.
35:39Could have been left by a shuttlecraft.
35:42The puddle.
35:43What did it look like?
35:44I mean, if that was a car, what would you say that was?
35:47An oil leak?
35:49So it's space engine oil.
35:52Intelligent oil.
35:53Super intelligent space oil.
35:55Part of the ship itself.
35:56Shape-shifting fluid that becomes anything it needs to be.
36:01Let it spend ages laying around being a puddle.
36:03What changed?
36:04Your friend.
36:06She looked into it, didn't she? More than once.
36:08And so?
36:10Maybe it saw something it needed.
36:12What was she like, your friend?
36:14What did she want?
36:15What did she need?
36:17Everywhere I go, I just want to leave.
36:22I think she wanted to leave.
36:25You see?
36:27The puddle found a passenger.
36:29And left behind a droplet of a liquid spaceship.
36:33Single teardrop.
36:35Alone in a strange world.
36:37Then, one day, it finds someone who wants to fly away.
36:41Not just a passenger.
36:42More than a passenger.
36:43It found a pilot.
36:45So it ate her.
36:47So, why is it chasing this one?
36:49Everything wants, everything needs.
36:51But why does it want her?
36:53I don't know.
36:54I don't know everything now, Dole.
36:56I don't have it all written down.
36:57Well, you act like you do.
36:59I act like I do because I don't.
37:01It must be looking for something.
37:03Of course it is. Everything is.
37:04But what?
37:05What, in the end, are any of us looking for?
37:09We're looking for someone who's looking for us.
37:14Hey, still making eyes at a puddle?
37:26I've got to look for Alice.
37:34Okay, it's fast.
37:36If time travels, it never lives up.
37:41Basic sterilization.
37:42We're going to run that thing through the deadliest fire in the universe.
37:45Yes, that sounds excellent.
37:47The deadliest fire in the universe.
37:49That's definitely good.
37:51How do we do that?
37:52The only way we can, we run through it first.
37:54Less good now.
37:58No, not there.
37:59I don't like it there.
38:03Now, Dole!
38:04I don't like that.
38:08I want you running interference.
38:09Can you do that?
38:10Can I say no, sir?
38:12Yes, then.
38:13Thank you.
38:14But no, really.
38:15Where are we?
38:16Well, we're basically in the middle of a war.
38:18No, but, well, it's a war zone.
38:20And this is just your basic skirmish.
38:22And it's not as bad as it sounds.
38:24I promise you.
38:25Come on.
38:26I've got friends here.
38:27Old friends.
38:29Safe friends.
38:39Are we still in the future?
38:41This is the past.
38:43It doesn't look like the past.
38:47Are we safe here?
38:48We've got something on Dole.
38:49So probably not.
38:53Oh, my God.
38:56Oh, my God.
38:57Keep moving, Doctor!
38:59Where are we going?
39:00Into the fire.
39:01Come on.
39:12Who are those guys?
39:16Never mind them.
39:17It's who they're firing at.
39:32Come on.
39:36What's that?
39:37The deadliest fire in the universe.
39:39Identify, intruder!
39:43Scan this device and identify me.
39:45You are the Doctor!
39:46You are an enemy of the Daleks!
39:48Oh, yes, I am.
40:09What was that thing?
40:10A Dalek.
40:11A what?
40:12A Dalek.
40:13What's a Dalek?
40:14Never mind.
40:15It's a Dalek.
40:29That's wrong.
40:31I know my Daleks, and that's wrong.
40:37Oh, I see.
40:39You see what?
40:40I've sealed the area.
40:41All the Daleks are quarantined.
40:43Except that one.
40:45It's okay. This is not Dalek.
40:49Look at the eye.
41:13You had a gun, but you didn't use it. Why?
41:16You've already taken one person from Earth.
41:18I'm going to let that pass because I have to.
41:21But I will not let you take another.
41:28Just go now. Fly away.
41:36Why won't you just go?
41:43Promise you won't go.
41:48Oh, my God.
41:50I understand.
41:52The what?
41:53The last thing she said to me.
41:54She promised she wouldn't leave without me.
41:56Her last conscious thought.
41:58Driving her across the universe.
42:00Never underestimate a crush.
42:02You don't have to tell me.
42:04What do we do?
42:06I don't know.
42:08She's not chasing you.
42:09She's not chasing you.
42:11She's inviting you.
42:15Melissa from her promise.
42:27You have to let me go.
42:29You have to let me go.
42:32I will.
42:34I will.
42:40I really liked you.
42:43I really liked you.
42:57Don't. Don't.
42:59Don't do that.
43:00Listen. Please.
43:01Just listen to him.
43:08Don't. Don't.
43:09Bill, let go.
43:12Bill, listen to me.
43:14Whatever she's showing you.
43:15Whatever she's letting you see.
43:17It's a lure.
43:18It's a trap.
43:20She's making you part of her.
43:22And you can never come back.
43:24I see what you see.
43:28It's beautiful.
43:30Bill, let go. You have to let go.
43:33She is not human anymore.
43:38Goodbye, Heather.
44:00You're alright.
44:04Yeah, I think so.
44:14You don't look alright.
44:16She's fine.
44:18That's the doctor for you.
44:21Never notices the tears.
44:31I don't think they're mine.
44:38The vault alarm went off.
44:39But it was nothing.
44:40A student was sick outside.
44:42And it registered as a biological attack.
44:46I saw it all for a moment.
44:49Everything out there.
44:51She was going to let me fly with her.
44:52She was inviting me.
44:54I was too scared.
44:55Scared is good.
44:57Scared is rational.
44:59She wasn't human anymore.
45:01Will we see her again?
45:02Don't see how.
45:09No, no, no, no.
45:10You have to forget about that.
45:12I want to see how I can.
45:14I do.
45:18Give me that, Bill.
45:21What's up?
45:23I just want to fix something.
45:25I just want to fix something.
45:27I just want to fix something.
45:29I just want to fix something.
45:31I just want to fix something.
45:32What are you doing?
45:33Don't worry.
45:34This won't hurt at all.
45:35No, but tell me.
45:38Yeah, because I think you're going to wipe my memory.
45:42You're not stupid, you know.
45:44There's a trouble with you.
45:45You don't think anyone's ever seen a movie.
45:46I know what a mind wipe looks like.
45:48I have no choice.
45:49I'm here for a reason.
45:50I am in disguise.
45:52I have promises to keep.
45:54No one can know about me.
45:56This is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me in my life.
45:59The only exciting thing.
46:01I'm sorry.
46:03Okay, well, let me remember just for a week.
46:06Just a week.
46:07Okay, well, just for tonight.
46:09Just one night.
46:10Come on, let me have some good dreams for once.
46:20Do what you've got to do.
46:24But imagine.
46:25Just imagine how it would feel if someone did this to you.
46:44Get out.
46:46You can keep your memories.
46:47Now get out before I change my mind.
46:49Don't speak.
46:50Don't start.
46:51Just run.
46:52Now, go!
47:01Shut up.
47:02You shut up as well.
47:06Will you all please just leave me alone?
47:09I can't do that anymore.
47:10I promised.
47:39It's a big universe.
47:42But maybe one day we'll find her.
47:45What changed your mind?
47:58And relative dimension in space.
48:15It means...
48:17What the hell?
48:30This is one of the Earth's first colonies.
48:32What are they? Alien birds?
48:34Tiny robots.
48:35That is a robot.
48:37It speaks Emoji.
48:39It's a robot.
48:40It's a robot.
48:41That is a robot.
48:42It speaks Emoji.
48:44And where are all the people?
48:47Well, you're going back in.
48:48I'm having this really childish impulse to blow it up.
48:55You're the one who should be afraid.
48:57Get ready.
49:00I'm the Doctor.
49:02I've been standing by the gates of your world,
49:04keeping you all safe.
49:06I'm not stopping now.
49:07Any questions?
49:40Thanks for watching.