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Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 30 Completo HD Online
Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 31 Completo HD Online
Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 32 Completo HD Online
Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 30 Completo HD Online
00:00:00I'm going to have a baby.
00:00:00I'm going to have a baby.
00:00:01I'm going to have a baby.
00:00:02I'm going to have a baby.
00:00:03I'm going to have a baby.
00:00:05My son got some kind of spores from the bag.
00:00:07You should check the bag for the child's spores.
00:00:11I promise.
00:00:11It's like a form of manipulation.
00:00:14You think so?
00:00:16You already started getting your nails out.
00:00:18Each with their own way of being, their own way of doing it,
00:00:21and their own consciousness.
00:00:22They had a duck.
00:00:23Are you going to have a duck?
00:00:25Not for anything in the world.
00:00:28There's a strategy.
00:00:29I need the duck and I also need the vinegar, please.
00:00:33They have a duck and they don't say,
00:00:35we're not going to use it.
00:00:36We're doing very badly on time.
00:00:38We see that the duck is still frozen, brother.
00:00:41So, no way.
00:00:43Making a meat in its term has its joke, my love.
00:00:45I know what I'm doing.
00:00:47Yes, but they start making fun of everything that is mine.
00:00:49Oh my God.
00:00:51And this is not going to be the first time that we do not understand each other.
00:00:54What a shame, but I am also part of the team.
00:00:56I can with that meat.
00:00:57No one is going to look better in this team the meat than me.
00:01:00I have the right to opinion, I am part of the team.
00:01:02We see a problem with the protein.
00:01:04Alicia does not want us to tell her anything.
00:01:07Everyone knows, they know so much that they know shit.
00:01:09Sorry, boss, I'm very desperate.
00:01:11I know you're desperate, but don't despair.
00:01:13They left me alone all the time.
00:01:14They left you alone.
00:01:15They are like the only ones who cook, right?
00:01:17No, don't give up, solve it.
00:01:19Of course we're going to finish.
00:01:20Here are two more and I'm going for the other one.
00:01:22Our judges are still deliberating.
00:01:25We will know their decision tomorrow in our next chapter.
00:01:34They all helped me.
00:01:36Polo, you alone.
00:01:37But they said yes.
00:01:38You are strong, you are strong.
00:01:40We are all from the blue team in the bar.
00:01:43And of course, I ask him.
00:01:45Polito, they left you alone with all the cake.
00:01:49And Polo does this to me with his big eyes.
00:01:54Paty left him alone, but the truth is that Polo took out the dessert alone.
00:01:57That's what it is, dad.
00:01:58What is from Cesar is from Cesar.
00:02:00I take off the hat with Polo.
00:02:01He made a cake alone.
00:02:03Obviously, if he stayed alone, it's because we had,
00:02:06we had enough time and we had a lot of work ahead.
00:02:10We were always in communication, all of us.
00:02:12After this elimination package, we're going to be ten.
00:02:18One, the competition is still at a very high level.
00:02:20And then the repechage that the other two come, there will be eleven.
00:02:23It's probably going to be an atomic bomb.
00:02:25Two participants are returning.
00:02:26Two participants are returning.
00:02:28Who said?
00:02:29That's the format.
00:02:30Two participants always return.
00:02:32Of course, it's called the repechage.
00:02:34They come back.
00:02:35Or they can put new people in too.
00:02:36The rumors are being made that there is going to be a repechage.
00:02:40And that some of our colleagues who have already left are going to return.
00:02:46No, it's Mariana and Natalia.
00:02:48Or Puma and Natalia.
00:02:49I think that's where the thing is.
00:02:51And what a surprise that Puma is back.
00:02:56Can you imagine Puma coming back?
00:02:59That could be great.
00:03:02No, because I imagine they have to catch those who cook very well, right?
00:03:06No, because they come back several.
00:03:08And they can compete with each other and stay there.
00:03:11The truth is that any of my ex-colleagues, I would love to have them again.
00:03:17I would like to return to La Castro.
00:03:19For our empire of evil.
00:03:21So I know that La Castro would help me destroy Galeano.
00:03:24Why do you have gloves?
00:03:25They are made of collagen.
00:03:27Me, to touch you more gently.
00:03:29It would be quite the opposite, with your hands.
00:03:32Of course, that's why.
00:03:34To make you happy, soft.
00:03:35Of course, it's collagen, my love.
00:03:37The one you didn't want to give me.
00:03:40And that too, is gallant and everything you want, but ...
00:03:43But the machado is the machado.
00:03:47You and I know why I can't give you collagen.
00:03:50I know, my life, don't worry.
00:03:52You found it first, Camila.
00:03:54No, I don't know.
00:03:55He is a very affectionate boy, very sweet.
00:03:57We are platonic loves, Alicia and I.
00:04:00Guys, can you hear me?
00:04:05What happened, participants?
00:04:07Carmen is talking.
00:04:09They don't listen to you.
00:04:11No, I saw.
00:04:13They don't listen to me, they don't listen to me.
00:04:17Well, what are you waiting for?
00:04:19Everyone come to the kitchen because it's time to fight for elimination.
00:04:33We are starting a new day in this wonderful program
00:04:36where they always welcome us with a lot of joy, but also with a lot of surprises.
00:04:40We arrived at the kitchen of Top Chef VIP today with a lot of rope,
00:04:44with a lot of energy and with a lot of nerves.
00:04:49Carmen, how beautiful!
00:04:51Today is one of the first times that I arrive super nervous.
00:04:55We don't know who won or who lost.
00:04:58I have the strong conviction that we deserve and we are going to win.
00:05:02Come on!
00:05:07How are you?
00:05:10I arrived happy, excited, eager to know what will happen with the verdict.
00:05:16Ready to know which team will go to elimination, if the mustard or the blue.
00:05:22Participants, welcome to the most demanding kitchen in the world,
00:05:25the kitchen of Top Chef VIP.
00:05:28Bring it on!
00:05:32I'm probably going to the elimination challenge, probably not.
00:05:35I come studied as if, because now I really want to stay in the kitchen to see.
00:05:39An elimination night in which we do not know which team has to cook.
00:05:46The two guys really did a titanic job attending two challenging events
00:05:51and we lived a unique night.
00:05:55We are going to trust that we are going to win and that we are not going to go to the elimination challenge.
00:06:01But the time has come to know the decision of our chefs.
00:06:05Belen Alonso, Toño Delivier and Chef Tita.
00:06:09Let's see what happens today, because yesterday they did not tell us who won the challenge.
00:06:15If someone lost, if my team lost, who are they going to blame?
00:06:20Chefs, good night. Do you think if we go straight to the verdict?
00:06:24Of course.
00:06:26There is a generalized nervousness.
00:06:28Please tell us which team was the best and will be saved tonight from going to the elimination challenge.
00:06:36Captain Ada was very good, we managed to deliver all the dishes and that for me was the most important thing.
00:06:44In the name of God, let's go!
00:06:46Well, first of all, we want to congratulate you because you fulfilled the challenge.
00:06:51Usually, a wedding is prepared with many months in advance,
00:06:55the banqueteer is prepared with a few weeks in advance,
00:07:00and when the time comes, two days of hard work to make mise en place,
00:07:05to advance the maximum, and you did it in a few hours.
00:07:09A wedding is not done like that. Come on, a wedding.
00:07:13Really, the food of the wedding, the banquets of the wedding,
00:07:16it is very difficult to cook at the moment.
00:07:19So, I think, as they say in Mexico, we raffled.
00:07:22So, the truth is, congratulations, all our respect,
00:07:27they took it out, they made an entrance, a strong dish and a wedding cake, which was very complex.
00:07:33To be able to recognize the great sacrifice and effort that it was to make these weddings with very little preparation time,
00:07:40to have carried out all this, has merit, and how nice that they can tell us.
00:07:45Well, guys, I'm going to tell you a little bit about the Mostaza team.
00:07:49Congratulations, the entrance was wonderful.
00:07:52The toast, super well presented, a little bit of acid, but it was a great entrance for a wedding.
00:08:00Many of the initial guests repeated the entrance.
00:08:04Check there, very good.
00:08:06The strong one, we felt that we arrived late to the wedding, that they had already eaten everything,
00:08:11and they threw us three pieces of meat as a cut, the protein was very mistreated.
00:08:18The truth was that it was not a wedding dish.
00:08:22I do not agree that the strong dish was bad,
00:08:26really the protein was not the best of the dish, but I think we delivered a pretty decent dish.
00:08:30And the cake, there they left alone, fighting in a battle of titans, to Don Polo.
00:08:38Just as I predicted, do you remember?
00:08:41This team was going to exploit Pati and Polo, because they are the only ones who cook.
00:08:47Whenever you take it, you have to do it like this, because that way you have control, if not, you do not have control, okay?
00:08:53Choose Polo and Pati.
00:08:55Sorry chef, I'm very desperate.
00:08:57I know you're desperate, but don't despair, everything is fine.
00:09:00They left me alone the whole challenge.
00:09:02They left you alone.
00:09:04So they cook, because they are the only ones who cook, right?
00:09:07It seemed to me that although they wanted the Red Velvet cake with white chocolate,
00:09:12you made a hybrid, but the detail of having put the colors so inclusive for the event was very good,
00:09:19a lot of work, the cake was very good, the truth, but I do think you worked very alone.
00:09:25We all gave our hearts, we fulfilled the challenge, we did the best we could,
00:09:30and if the other team did it even better than us, then nothing happens.
00:09:34Well, now it's my turn to talk a little bit about the blue team.
00:09:39The entrance was a kind of fish croquette, which was really very good.
00:09:44The entrance was a kind of fish croquette, which was really very good.
00:09:50Very compact, and it also seemed very small to us to make an entrance.
00:09:58I want to turn to see Alicia, I even think I'll take a look at her, because Alicia told us.
00:10:04She doesn't understand the little chef.
00:10:06I mean, when you make it big, it's big.
00:10:08When you make it small, it's small.
00:10:10The strong dish seemed wonderful to me.
00:10:11The fish fillet medallion, well done, good cooking, excellent sauce,
00:10:19that sauce had a lot of flavor, very good thickness.
00:10:23They are doing very well on the strong dish, vice versa to us.
00:10:27There we go, one and one.
00:10:29The rice had a very good flavor, a green rice that they served us, I think it was with cilantro.
00:10:33In the rice, yes, there was a little overcooking.
00:10:37I would think that it was missing a little.
00:10:39It wasn't raw or burnt, it was crunchy.
00:10:43And with the dessert, the cake, which was very good.
00:10:47The blueberry they used in the sauce, fresh blueberry, but they also used the blueberry inside the cake.
00:10:54That blueberry, with the heat, dehydrated everything inside, threw away all its juice,
00:10:58the cake was dehydrated, and it also had its sigh, well assembled.
00:11:03So, your cake was good too.
00:11:06We are very even.
00:11:07What do you want better?
00:11:09We have made a decision.
00:11:15Come on, let's see what's coming, we are ready.
00:11:30These are inventions of the old blueberry that you have as a friend.
00:11:33If you have to say something to someone, say it to that someone.
00:11:36I don't give a fuck, I come here to cook.
00:11:38Every time something happens, they accuse me, I get a little tired.
00:11:41The one who made the bochinche.
00:11:43I have the flavor from birth.
00:11:50We have made a decision.
00:11:56Come on, let's see what's coming, we are ready.
00:12:03Today, there is no elimination.
00:12:09How? A gift?
00:12:13Everyone is safe.
00:12:17Wow, how nice, and I'm happy from the bottom of my heart.
00:12:23Bravo, I think it's very good news for everyone.
00:12:28Well, let's see what's coming.
00:12:29Bravo, I think it's very good news for everyone.
00:12:33It was very exciting to see them organized, organized, not to fail, not to fail.
00:12:41Personally, I speak for my colleagues and I feel proud of you.
00:12:47Oh my God, we can breathe a little more.
00:12:55This is historical in Top Chef VIP.
00:12:57Chefs, then, let's see, just a moment.
00:13:00If no one leaves tonight ...
00:13:03No, no.
00:13:05What does that mean? That we advance the fight for immunity?
00:13:08Let's go, let's go.
00:13:10Again, this cycle is repeated, this rise and fall of emotions, it starts again.
00:13:14Guys, today you are going to face two tests.
00:13:17And the first will be a test of fire.
00:13:24If I'm honest, it seems a little unfair to me.
00:13:27The fact that I was already immune and now there is no elimination, so I say, why was I immune?
00:13:39One of the most effective ways to learn is imitation, right?
00:13:44And if you imitate a big one, you become more than a new one.
00:13:49Imitation, for me, I think it is one of my great resources in life.
00:13:54Today you will witness the work of a master.
00:13:57And if you can listen, understand and synchronize with your knowledge, you will be one step closer to immunity.
00:14:07I dreamed of this dance.
00:14:09The boy tells me, hey Gabriel, you know that I dreamed that a guest chef was going to come, someone with a beard,
00:14:18and he was going to cook and we had to imitate what that person was doing.
00:14:23Academic, researcher, global icon of Mexican gastronomy.
00:14:28His kitchen is an affirmation of national identity.
00:14:33His restaurants, doors that connect with the past and transcend into the future.
00:14:40Convinced that in the simplicity and purity of the ingredient,
00:14:46there is our connection between the pleasure of eating and the respect for this world that feeds us.
00:14:54Welcome to this kitchen of Top Chef VIP, Chef Gerardo Vázquez Lugo.
00:15:02Chef Gerardo Vázquez Lugo
00:15:08Look at the boy, and the boy was looking at me.
00:15:12When I saw this man come in with this white beard, I fell in love.
00:15:18I fell in love.
00:15:20Good evening, what a pleasure to have you here in the kitchen of Top Chef VIP.
00:15:26How are you Gerardo?
00:15:27The Mexican chef Gerardo Vázquez, famous all over the country,
00:15:32and his restaurant is one of the most visited in Mexico City.
00:15:36Chef, welcome, really, what a pleasure, what a great honor to have you here with us.
00:15:41Who does not know him, really, we are nervous because whenever they bring us a Mexican,
00:15:47the Mexicans let us go high, so nothing, welcome old man.
00:15:52Chef, please tell us how the tradition mixes with the avant-garde.
00:15:57Well, I firmly believe that tradition feeds the avant-garde.
00:16:02If there is something absolutely traditional in Mexican cuisine,
00:16:06it is its constant evolution without losing the feet of the earth,
00:16:11and always tied to our roots with a view to the future.
00:16:15I think that Top Chef VIP this third season has given us great teachers.
00:16:19It is an honor, obviously, to have him here.
00:16:21Chefs, do you have something to tell us about our guest?
00:16:24Chef Belén.
00:16:25Well, he is an icon of Mexican gastronomy,
00:16:29who does not know Chef Gerardo, he does not know Mexican cuisine.
00:16:33Our judges are the most excited about this visit.
00:16:37I am very, very excited to have a friend here, because I consider him a great friend,
00:16:42and I have always thought that Gerardo is someone who gave us the accordion to pass the exam,
00:16:48and he opens up an immense panorama of what gastronomy is as one thinks he knows it.
00:16:56I have to be honest, I had never heard of him,
00:16:59but from the way they are presenting him, you can see that he is a crack.
00:17:03Well, I love Gerardo, I have known him for a long time.
00:17:07We spent a month in India cooking with the workers of Mexico,
00:17:10and I with the Dominican Republic.
00:17:12It is a mandatory stop in Mexico whenever I go,
00:17:14and I also admire a lot that it is something generational,
00:17:18from his family, a restaurant that is more than 50 years old.
00:17:21So, what an honor to have you here.
00:17:27Learning from him, living an experience with him, is wonderful.
00:17:31Chefs, tell us what this salvation challenge will consist of.
00:17:36Look, you have to follow the chef's rhythm and the recipe he is going to make.
00:17:41This is the challenge.
00:17:45You have to observe very well,
00:17:49and you have to imitate the step by step of the dish that the chef is going to make.
00:17:57He is going to indicate the instructions one by one,
00:18:03but check very well, he is not going to stop cooking.
00:18:06He is not going to stop cooking.
00:18:12Well, today's rules are not easy at all.
00:18:15The time and the rhythm of cooking will be marked only by Chef Gerardo.
00:18:20And while he is cooking, he is going to answer your questions,
00:18:24but he will keep cooking, he is not going to stop at any time,
00:18:27and that is very good that you have it clear.
00:18:29For me, it is not difficult to pay attention,
00:18:33to be aware of everything the chef does.
00:18:34And the challenge ends when the chef finishes cooking,
00:18:38and everyone should also have finished, ok?
00:18:45It is as if we were watching on TV a common chef that we have as a guest today,
00:18:51and we are cooking at home.
00:18:53In your stations, you will have all the ingredients that the chef is going to use.
00:18:58Ok, what you will have to prepare are your utensils, obviously, right?
00:19:02To keep up with a professional chef,
00:19:05to cook with him on time,
00:19:07is going to be precisely a challenge of skill.
00:19:09Chef Gerardo, any advice to our participants before starting?
00:19:13Well, as you said, this is about enjoying the moment of cooking.
00:19:18I will go at a calm rhythm,
00:19:21calm for me,
00:19:25but I am not going to stop.
00:19:27So, you are going to ask the questions,
00:19:30I will answer them while I continue working,
00:19:33but do not lose the focus,
00:19:35that all the emotions are transmitted to the dish,
00:19:38and we want this dish to be something that is enjoyed while eating and preparing.
00:19:43So, enjoy this challenge a lot,
00:19:45very carefully,
00:19:47very calmly.
00:19:50I'm going to take your word for it,
00:19:52whatever happens, I'm going to enjoy this dish.
00:19:58The ingredients will be in their stations,
00:20:02and the time will be set by the orchestra director,
00:20:05Chef Gerardo.
00:20:07So, are you ready?
00:20:13Let's cook!
00:20:21My race, and as you know,
00:20:23Socopa Panchuresi is a rancher man who is under the hat,
00:20:27and the man of the chants.
00:20:29So, my people, I'm going to tell you something quickly.
00:20:31When I got here, this hat did not have an owner.
00:20:34I did not steal it.
00:20:36I'm going to tell you later, because that's the power.
00:20:38Here I bring the recipes.
00:20:40But my people, if you do not want to miss the episodes,
00:20:42please remember to go to the Telemundo app,
00:20:45so that you do not miss the behind-the-scenes.
00:20:47How did I steal it?
00:20:49Well, I did not steal it.
00:20:50Remember, through Telemundo,
00:20:52the home of reality shows.
00:20:54Come on, we're back.
00:20:58Are you ready?
00:21:04Let's cook!
00:21:07If you have cooked before in this way,
00:21:09of course, on TV you can pause or return.
00:21:13What we are going to prepare today is a recipe from the south of Mexico.
00:21:17It is fish stewed with ribs.
00:21:20Let's go!
00:21:25First, we have to identify all the ingredients.
00:21:28I hope you have already reviewed those seasons.
00:21:32We have fresh ingredients, we have some aromatics.
00:21:36The protagonist of today, which is this beautiful fish stew.
00:21:46The chef starts and I like it.
00:21:48He has a positive vibe.
00:21:50He is enjoying the kitchen
00:21:52and it shows that he does not come here just to mess with us,
00:21:54or to try to get in our way.
00:21:58I feel that in order not to get lost,
00:22:00the first thing is to listen.
00:22:02We start by putting cold water
00:22:05to be able to have the herbs of presentation very fresh.
00:22:10Water with ice.
00:22:11Let's go!
00:22:19This is going to be hard.
00:22:21We have to put water, put ice, take things out.
00:22:24Let's put water with salt.
00:22:32This is to refresh our sprouts.
00:22:35We have a jar with some sprouts of cilantro,
00:22:37some herbs that we are going to use for the final presentation.
00:22:41He is extremely organized when it comes to his ingredients.
00:22:51We have our fish and we are going to prepare a brine.
00:22:57The proportion is approximately 30 grams of salt per liter of water.
00:23:03That's in the water.
00:23:04It seems like a clear, difficult challenge to me,
00:23:07but I keep doing it.
00:23:10Trust me, I'll do well.
00:23:17We remove the skin of the fish very carefully.
00:23:24Pull the skin,
00:23:26pushing the knife so that the whole skin comes out,
00:23:29without leaving half of the fish on the skin, please.
00:23:32Chef, if we cut it regularly, isn't it easier to remove the spine?
00:23:36Yes, of course, when you cut it regularly,
00:23:38look for the part where the flesh of the fish is redder.
00:23:42That's where the spines are regularly.
00:23:52I got a little stuck there, my skin broke a little.
00:23:56We cut regular pieces,
00:23:58and the fish, which we already have clean and verified,
00:24:02go to the brine.
00:24:10You have to keep the chain cold,
00:24:12especially with this type of product,
00:24:14and we leave it here,
00:24:16so that our fish rests.
00:24:24We return with the skin
00:24:25and start scraping all the flesh.
00:24:30Touch, touch, touch, touch, touch.
00:24:32I go mark by mark,
00:24:34sometimes I let it take a little longer,
00:24:36because in the end, I'm doing other processes,
00:24:38I don't have the same utensils as him,
00:24:40I don't have the same space as him.
00:24:43We're going to make fish skin chicharron.
00:24:48There I am, clean, clean, clean, clean.
00:24:51Oh, you see, Rosy, for not paying attention.
00:24:55It has to be exaggeratedly clean.
00:24:58Exaggeratedly clean.
00:25:00Pure skin.
00:25:02Here we have it.
00:25:05Perfectly clean.
00:25:07I cut the edges.
00:25:09No way to concentrate or go at the same time.
00:25:12Well, I'm always watching him too.
00:25:14The sauce is going to be a marinade.
00:25:16The marinade is a traditional Mexican preparation.
00:25:20It turns out that following Chef Gerardo
00:25:22is not as easy as we expected,
00:25:23or at least as it looked at the beginning.
00:25:28We have chile pasilla
00:25:30and chile chilhuacle,
00:25:32which is an endemic chile from Oaxaca.
00:25:36Wow, my dish has to be one that the chef
00:25:39sees and says, I want to try this.
00:25:41Precisely that myth
00:25:43that Mexican cuisine is all spicy
00:25:45is for not knowing how to use the ingredient well.
00:25:48We can gradually minimize the spiciness
00:25:51by removing veins,
00:25:53which is this lighter part that is inside the chile,
00:25:56and the seeds.
00:25:58The three chiles, chef?
00:26:00All of them.
00:26:02This chile smells delicious, I had never tried it.
00:26:04I have cleaned other chiles,
00:26:06so the thing cannot change so much.
00:26:15We already have chiles here.
00:26:17We are going to the pan
00:26:18that we have pre-heated.
00:26:20Let's check.
00:26:24This is a technique that we then forget
00:26:26to lightly sear the chiles.
00:26:28If it is overcooked,
00:26:30if it is overcooked,
00:26:32it becomes bitter.
00:26:40I think it is impossible
00:26:42for any Mexican to know how to sear chiles.
00:26:44Searing chiles or searing things
00:26:46is a very Mexican technique,
00:26:48I think it is 100% Mexican.
00:26:50We only put the chicoacle?
00:26:52Chicoacle and pasilla.
00:26:56Both, and we are going to be late
00:26:58because we are going to need
00:27:00to put some tomatoes,
00:27:06with everything and skin.
00:27:08Well, mental retention was essential.
00:27:10And we are going to slice
00:27:12very thinly
00:27:14these onions.
00:27:16This is going to be used for decoration.
00:27:18So you have to have the retention
00:27:20that you are doing what he told you 20 seconds ago,
00:27:22but pay attention
00:27:24to what he is saying.
00:27:26The chicoacle,
00:27:28the chile is the chicoacle.
00:27:30The chicoacle,
00:27:32we take it out of the pan already?
00:27:34It is toasted.
00:27:36Well, when it is toasted,
00:27:38we take it out.
00:27:40I already have it here,
00:27:42clean, toasted.
00:27:44It was the first one we took out.
00:27:46And we are going to use
00:27:48the chicoacle.
00:27:50Ask him, did the onion put salt or something?
00:27:54He is fine.
00:27:56He is not grumpy,
00:27:58we ask questions,
00:28:00he answers them three times.
00:28:02So if it already has hot water,
00:28:04we put it right here
00:28:06to hydrate the chiles
00:28:08that we had previously roasted
00:28:10and we rescue a bowl.
00:28:15I already know that all of this
00:28:16is going to go to a blender.
00:28:18So, nothing else.
00:28:20I mean, I can do it from there,
00:28:22but I'm also respectful,
00:28:24so I'm waiting for him to say,
00:28:26well, now we're going to grab the blender.
00:28:28We take out the garlic cloves.
00:28:30You have to remove
00:28:32just the skin.
00:28:34Already roasted,
00:28:36they come out, look.
00:28:38They come out alone.
00:28:40Like this, alone.
00:28:42I feel like a good apprentice
00:28:44of a great chef, really.
00:28:46I mean, I'm listening to him,
00:28:48I'm seeing what he's doing
00:28:50and I'm really doing it,
00:28:52but with my seasoning,
00:28:54with my feeling,
00:28:56with my rhythm.
00:28:58The surprise of the day,
00:29:02We cut two very nice slices,
00:29:06because this is going to be part
00:29:08of the final presentation of the dish.
00:29:12We move forward, the minutes pass
00:29:14and I feel very comfortable.
00:29:16I don't want to complicate
00:29:18the matter a bit.
00:29:20The rest, we're going to cut
00:29:22into rough pieces
00:29:24and we put them on top.
00:29:27Here we have the chilies,
00:29:29we're going to put them
00:29:31to blend.
00:29:39Try to imitate it to the maximum,
00:29:41follow it step by step
00:29:43and make it tasty.
00:29:44The pineapples are for the plating
00:29:46and I put the rest on top?
00:29:48The rest is on top.
00:29:50Oh, that goes inside too?
00:29:52Everything goes inside.
00:29:55A lot of oregano,
00:29:57or they'll die.
00:29:59The chives too?
00:30:03And the chilies too?
00:30:07This kitchen doesn't waste anything.
00:30:09Put everything in there.
00:30:11I don't want to put everything in,
00:30:12I'm going to add my seasoning
00:30:14to make it super tasty
00:30:16and not just replicate what the chef does,
00:30:18but to add my own flavor.
00:30:23I'm going to try it
00:30:25and until I like it,
00:30:27until that moment,
00:30:29I'm going to stop seasoning the marinade.
00:30:31Now we're going to put oil in a pan.
00:30:33High heat, chef!
00:30:35High heat the oil.
00:30:37It's a very traditional technique
00:30:39used in Mexico
00:30:40to make the sauce.
00:30:42I never would have imagined
00:30:44that a sauce would fry in oil
00:30:46and this was great.
00:30:50It's a very consistent sauce
00:30:52with a lot of flavor.
00:30:56But the strainer,
00:30:58I didn't know it was like that.
00:31:00And what happened?
00:31:02Why did I get so red?
00:31:04My color didn't come out
00:31:06as exact and red as the chef's.
00:31:08I don't know what happened there.
00:31:10But I loved this sauce
00:31:12and I hope to put it into practice
00:31:14in the next challenge.
00:31:16Just when you're seasoning,
00:31:18is when we let ourselves
00:31:20get carried away by the feeling.
00:31:24I'm not going to tell you how much.
00:31:26You can add the seasoning
00:31:28you want.
00:31:30Even though we're all following
00:31:32the same recipe,
00:31:34believe me, all flavors are different.
00:31:38A teaspoon of vinegar, chef.
00:31:40This is where you can lose
00:31:42or win.
00:31:44And then I start playing with my seasoning.
00:31:46I start adding a little more salt,
00:31:48a little more vinegar,
00:31:50and trying to bring a flavor
00:31:52that I like.
00:31:54And now we'll know who looks good
00:31:56and who doesn't.
00:31:58I hope so.
00:32:00When are we going to know
00:32:02that the sauce is cooked?
00:32:04When the sauces stop
00:32:06generating this foam
00:32:08at the time of boiling.
00:32:11This last tablespoon
00:32:13is perfect.
00:32:18This isn't even spicy.
00:32:20Can someone tell me
00:32:22what I'm doing?
00:32:24A vinaigrette for the salad.
00:32:26That's right.
00:32:28There's nothing scarier
00:32:30than a dish
00:32:32served in a restaurant
00:32:34and the lettuce
00:32:36or any herb
00:32:38goes without seasoning.
00:32:41I didn't know how to do it.
00:32:43It's not very difficult,
00:32:45but I liked it.
00:32:47Is it salty enough?
00:32:49Add some acidity.
00:32:51It's worth it.
00:32:57In this pantry
00:32:59there are between 50 and 60 species.
00:33:01And since I arrived
00:33:03the second week of the show,
00:33:05now I have to learn them all.
00:33:07But I want you to take advantage
00:33:08of Telemundo's app
00:33:10where you can find all the episodes
00:33:12and exclusive content.
00:33:14Hey, don't leave
00:33:16because we'll be back
00:33:18with Top Chef VIP
00:33:20for Telemundo,
00:33:22the home of reality.
00:33:25Is it salty enough?
00:33:27Add some acidity.
00:33:29It's worth it.
00:33:31I'm lost.
00:33:33I don't know how to make the vinaigrette,
00:33:35but let's try.
00:33:36We're running late.
00:33:38We're doing well.
00:33:42Take out the fish fillets.
00:33:45Very dry.
00:33:51At the very least,
00:33:53you can get rid of just one thing
00:33:55and you start accumulating everything
00:33:57and it becomes a snowball
00:33:59that ends up going down.
00:34:01A spoonful of seasoning
00:34:03on each slice.
00:34:05I swear,
00:34:07my seasoning is amazing.
00:34:09We have pre-heated ovens
00:34:11at 200 degrees.
00:34:19I'm almost following
00:34:21the chef's steps,
00:34:23almost stepping on his heels.
00:34:26We have another hot pan
00:34:28without oil.
00:34:30Without oil.
00:34:32Without oil,
00:34:34without the pineapple.
00:34:39Another one.
00:34:41It's not easy to concentrate
00:34:43because you're doing one thing
00:34:45and the chef is doing another.
00:34:47I'm very focused on what's mine
00:34:49and I'm careful
00:34:51not to lose a single moment.
00:34:55How much?
00:34:57Enough to coat the fish.
00:35:00The idea of adding cornstarch
00:35:02to the skin of the fish
00:35:04and frying it
00:35:06was spectacular.
00:35:12I don't understand.
00:35:14Pay attention, please.
00:35:16Oh my God.
00:35:18Pay attention, guys.
00:35:20Check if it's at temperature.
00:35:22I have the seasoning.
00:35:24Can I turn it off?
00:35:26I appreciate having a good memory.
00:35:27But I don't appreciate
00:35:29my slow hands
00:35:31because I turned around
00:35:33and my colleagues were four steps ahead.
00:35:35But it's okay.
00:35:37I have good retention
00:35:39and I'll catch up.
00:35:41It shrinks, right?
00:35:43It shrinks,
00:35:45so we help ourselves
00:35:47with two sticks
00:35:49and we stretch it
00:35:51and we keep frying our skin.
00:35:54I've done it at home
00:35:55a couple of times
00:35:57and it hasn't been particularly good.
00:35:59When I'm done
00:36:01preparing and plating,
00:36:03you also have to be done
00:36:05cooking your dishes
00:36:07and plating.
00:36:09When he finishes plating,
00:36:11we also have to finish plating.
00:36:13Hey, I didn't make my dressing.
00:36:15The dressing was salt and sugar.
00:36:17He doesn't stop asking and making noise,
00:36:19so I feel like he's not doing it very well.
00:36:21Salt and sugar, a little vinegar
00:36:23and oil.
00:36:25And now you want to flavor it
00:36:27with something else?
00:36:29In this competition,
00:36:31you could not tell me anything
00:36:33and we are competing.
00:36:35We are rivals,
00:36:37but we are friends.
00:36:39Ready to plate.
00:36:41You only have one.
00:36:43I did it in case I was wrong.
00:36:45Remember that I can't look bad.
00:36:47I hope they don't ask us
00:36:49to plate twice
00:36:51because then we won't have enough.
00:36:53The fish has to be on point
00:36:55and we have to be on point.
00:36:59He's already plating
00:37:01and he's not telling us
00:37:03hey, this is going to end.
00:37:05Please, put a nail in it.
00:37:07Crispy fish skin.
00:37:09I think I'm doing it
00:37:11exactly the same.
00:37:13We only put
00:37:15a drop
00:37:17of extra marinade.
00:37:22And you have to solve
00:37:23and try to plate.
00:37:25Now I think it's our turn
00:37:27to put what we know.
00:37:29Chef, do you think
00:37:31we should give them two more minutes?
00:37:33They deserve those two extra minutes
00:37:35and all my love and gratitude
00:37:37for this experience.
00:37:39Thank you, chef.
00:37:41Thank you very much.
00:37:43I feel like he said
00:37:45poor guys, I'm going to help them.
00:37:47I think he wants to see us well.
00:37:49Guys, from this moment on
00:37:51you have two more minutes
00:37:53and I'm going to help you.
00:38:05Where did you put the vinaigrette, chef?
00:38:07On the branches.
00:38:09Grab the leaves
00:38:11dip it, shake it
00:38:13and put it on the plate.
00:38:15I try to give it
00:38:17the same shape as the chef.
00:38:19My fish didn't cook.
00:38:21It didn't cook?
00:38:23Eight minutes.
00:38:25Ten minutes?
00:38:27And my fish?
00:38:29Like me on a Sunday.
00:38:33David is not doing well
00:38:35in the test.
00:38:37Check because normally
00:38:39one of the big mistakes we make
00:38:41is that we overcook the fish.
00:38:43The fish is when it comes off
00:38:45even if you see it
00:38:47wet inside
00:38:49that's the right point for a fish.
00:38:51But this one is still missing, chef, I think.
00:38:53The extras they gave us.
00:38:55There was no way my fish would finish.
00:38:58Ten, nine,
00:39:00eight, seven,
00:39:02six, five,
00:39:06three, two,
00:39:10Hands up!
00:39:15Bravo, chef!
00:39:20the worst part of this challenge
00:39:21I think I'm going to do it.
00:39:25you can all go to the cava
00:39:27while the chef goes through the stations
00:39:29and selects the dishes
00:39:31that are going to be tasted.
00:39:33Thank you very much, guys.
00:39:35To the cava, please.
00:39:39It's delicious!
00:39:43When you respect a recipe
00:39:45it's very difficult
00:39:47for you to fail.
00:39:51I did a little bit of everything
00:39:53and I liked this one a lot.
00:39:55I have to do this again
00:39:57without following the chef.
00:39:59No, I didn't even add the chicharron,
00:40:01my fish was raw.
00:40:03I hope mine is.
00:40:05I grab more of the cookie.
00:40:07The thick ones weren't made.
00:40:09Let's go with everything, guys.
00:40:11Let the best one win
00:40:13or at least let the best one go right now.
00:40:15Frankly, I don't want
00:40:17this tasting to happen to me.
00:40:19I think I did well
00:40:21and I just hope
00:40:23that my cooking doesn't go to waste
00:40:25but I think that Chef Gerardo
00:40:27has a very complicated decision
00:40:29because in theory
00:40:31all the dishes have to look alike.
00:40:33Oh God, give me a pointer.
00:40:40Did you see how my ear was?
00:40:44Because I got a callus.
00:40:46Who got a callus?
00:40:48After talking.
00:40:49I don't like gossip.
00:40:51I think it's the lowest thing in the world.
00:40:53I got here and I told you.
00:40:55I didn't say anything.
00:40:57No, I didn't say anything.
00:40:59I used oregano to make my food
00:41:01but the rice didn't have oregano
00:41:03and much less the fish
00:41:05because you don't add oregano to that.
00:41:07The kid has his things.
00:41:09He'll know what he's doing,
00:41:11how he's doing it.
00:41:13But with me,
00:41:15look how the universe is going.
00:41:17Fresh oregano.
00:41:19I know my love, I know.
00:41:21You should check the kid's handkerchief bag.
00:41:26What happened?
00:41:28A bag of spices came out
00:41:30that he took out of his suitcase.
00:41:33Yes, I swear.
00:41:34It doesn't matter anymore.
00:41:38Those are inventions
00:41:40of the old greengrocer
00:41:42that you have as a friend.
00:41:44If you have to say something to someone,
00:41:46say it to that someone.
00:41:47You know what,
00:41:49are you listening?
00:41:51If I have to say something,
00:41:53I wouldn't let myself be discussed.
00:41:56I don't know what else to say.
00:41:58I'm going to help you.
00:42:00Can you help me?
00:42:02No, I can't
00:42:06you're going to tickle me.
00:42:08I can't stand it.
00:42:10I'm going to help you.
00:42:14I have to help you.
00:42:15The kid has his things, he'll know what he's doing, how he's doing it.
00:42:22But not with me. And look how the universe is going. Oregano, oregano.
00:42:26That's why, baby. I came with you.
00:42:28I know, baby. I know.
00:42:30You should check the kid's handbag.
00:42:35What happened?
00:42:36A bag of spices was taken out of his suitcase.
00:42:40Thank you. Yes, I swear.
00:42:42It doesn't matter. One, two...
00:42:47I can't hear what Jason is saying or what Jason is saying to the kid.
00:42:53But the kid is going crazy.
00:42:56Hold on.
00:43:00If you have something to say to someone, say it to that someone, not to the others.
00:43:07Today the universe brought me fresh oregano, dry oregano, oregano everywhere.
00:43:10Because they started talking about me in the other challenge.
00:43:12That I brought an oregano.
00:43:14And the universe, look, today they put oregano on me anyway.
00:43:17Well, I really don't know.
00:43:19I heard a rumor out there that they said,
00:43:21Oh, it's just that the kid took out a spice and threw it away and that's forbidden.
00:43:27Honestly, I didn't see anything.
00:43:29Did you take it out or not?
00:43:31I never took it out, my love.
00:43:32You took it out.
00:43:33I never took it out.
00:43:34And there's my witness. I didn't take out any oregano, my love.
00:43:39I used it for my food outside.
00:43:41Outside, I showed it to everyone.
00:43:43And you ate it.
00:43:45You ate it.
00:43:46I take it to my food.
00:43:51What the kid was doing was locating Pancho and locating Paty
00:43:54so that they knew that this invention was not true, that it never happened.
00:43:57Daliano, the one who made the bochinche.
00:44:00No, it wasn't him.
00:44:01Who was it? You?
00:44:03Who was it?
00:44:04Talk to me.
00:44:09What do you want me to say?
00:44:11If you saw it, what do you want me to say?
00:44:15He's blaming Galeano.
00:44:17They beat him up here.
00:44:19Poor my brother Galeano.
00:44:20He always blames him.
00:44:21He and Alicia have already caught him.
00:44:26The lady, I'm going to baptize her from now on.
00:44:30Because here we all lack respect.
00:44:33Or we all respect each other.
00:44:36But they say we are a mirror.
00:44:38We better be careful too.
00:44:41You contract because of stress.
00:44:43And more so in this type of competition.
00:44:45He says they saw that you threw something at him.
00:44:47No, if you say it, it's fine.
00:44:49But who didn't see? Who didn't see?
00:44:50You say no.
00:44:51And you are aware that no.
00:44:53One hundred percent.
00:44:54I precisely called the boy and told him,
00:44:57Hey kid, this is being rumored.
00:45:00Tell me the truth.
00:45:02I need to know if I defend you with a cape and sword.
00:45:06Or if I say you're an idiot.
00:45:08My love is that I have the flavor.
00:45:10I have the flavor from birth.
00:45:13And with that you are born.
00:45:15With that you are born.
00:45:21You can go through all the culinary schools.
00:45:24But when you are born with something, you already come with that.
00:45:28And I was born with seasoning and flavor.
00:45:31Even if you don't like it, baby.
00:45:34What did he say?
00:45:35He didn't use anything.
00:45:36No, he already scolded us all here.
00:45:39Your friend defended you.
00:45:42I don't know anything.
00:45:43I don't know anything.
00:45:44How was the thing?
00:45:45No, that you were the one who saw it.
00:45:47He said you didn't see it.
00:45:50I wasn't.
00:45:51He wanted to blame me?
00:45:52Yes, Alicia and everyone else.
00:45:53You said no.
00:45:54You should check the kid's diaper bag.
00:45:59What happened?
00:46:00He took a bag of spices out of his suitcase.
00:46:04Thank you.
00:46:05I swear.
00:46:06It doesn't matter.
00:46:07One, two.
00:46:09The kid tells me that he accuses me because I have already arrived in an initiated conversation.
00:46:13And I came to cook.
00:46:15Someone said it to detonate this.
00:46:17But you don't have to say who said it.
00:46:18It doesn't matter.
00:46:19You don't have to say it.
00:46:21We are not going to put...
00:46:22No, the one who said it...
00:46:23I didn't see it.
00:46:24He said it.
00:46:25I have a lot of character.
00:46:26And strong.
00:46:27And you know it.
00:46:28The people who see me there every day.
00:46:30But I am a good person.
00:46:31But this...
00:46:32I don't say it.
00:46:33I don't give a fuck.
00:46:34I come here to cook.
00:46:35I don't give a fuck about gossip.
00:46:36But I don't give a fuck.
00:46:37If I haven't opened my mouth, I haven't said anything.
00:46:39I don't want to talk, really.
00:46:40I don't want to talk because I said that I didn't talk about certain people.
00:46:44My mother.
00:46:49Every time something happens, they accuse me.
00:46:51Well, I'm a little tired.
00:46:52But I repeat.
00:46:53I'm not here for gossip.
00:46:55Believe me.
00:46:58I came here to cook.
00:46:59And that's why I'm here.
00:47:03It's time to taste.
00:47:05And only those selected by the chef will go to the jury table.
00:47:10Of them, only the best will be able to fight for immunity.
00:47:15Chef Gerardo.
00:47:16How many are selected?
00:47:19Well, I really would like to be called.
00:47:21Seeing them with a magnifying glass and being extremely strict with what we saw,
00:47:26we select seven.
00:47:28I want to think that I will be among those seven people.
00:47:31Well, the chef says he's going to taste seven dishes.
00:47:34I feel that mine may be there.
00:47:36Chef, who do we start with?
00:47:39Gary, please bring your dish.
00:47:43I'm the first.
00:47:44Well, this is already a win.
00:47:45Whether they like it or not, they already passed me.
00:47:47And that also makes me very happy.
00:47:49Well, my brother, let's see how the old man is doing.
00:47:58What's your dish called?
00:48:00La Orquesta, perfect.
00:48:06Because I've been for you and I tried to make it almost, almost, almost the same as it was.
00:48:13So please taste my dish well, because it's delicious.
00:48:18To the pineapple, in the end, you also added salt.
00:48:21I added a little sugar too.
00:48:24And the vinaigrette, I didn't want to put it on top of the salad.
00:48:30I put the vinaigrette on top and started to salt it in the bowl.
00:48:34And then I dried it a little bit to remove the excess salt.
00:48:37Well, I think the balance of flavors is perfect.
00:48:40Thank you, chef.
00:48:41The sauce is very well done.
00:48:43The pineapple, the roasted pineapple with that touch of sugar, you cut it quite a bit.
00:48:47The vinaigrette contrasts very well this salad of the vinaigrette with the acidity of the sauce.
00:48:53But there was a detail in the point of cooking of the fish.
00:48:58It was missing, and indeed, the chicharrón is...
00:49:03It's like Cuevillo.
00:49:05A chicharrón that is not crunchy, like it's not chicharrón.
00:49:10Well, Gary, good flavors on your plate.
00:49:14The sauce has a lot of power, and I like how you caramelized the pineapple.
00:49:19Thank you, chef.
00:49:20Thank you.
00:49:21I also agree with my colleagues.
00:49:23Salt in the fish, more or less.
00:49:25Something like that.
00:49:26Since it's such a thick fish, it always helps.
00:49:30For example, salmuera also in the fish.
00:49:32It's great to put it in for half an hour.
00:49:34There's a very, very strong salmuera.
00:49:38But other than that, I think it's delicious.
00:49:42Thank you, Gary.
00:49:43Thank you.
00:49:45Immunity, here I wait for you.
00:49:49I think Gary could be one of the chosen ones.
00:49:53The second person I want to introduce to you is you, Patti.
00:50:02Happy, grateful, proud, happy, and all that you have chosen my dish to try.
00:50:07The name of the dish?
00:50:09Mexico, beautiful and dear.
00:50:17What did you like the most about this challenge?
00:50:19I loved the whole challenge, chef.
00:50:21I was following it almost at the same time.
00:50:23I struggled a little bit to get all the meat off the chicharrón.
00:50:27That's what maybe made it a little more complicated for me.
00:50:30But I enjoyed it a lot.
00:50:32It's the flavors I like, the ones I'm used to,
00:50:34the ones I always try to bring,
00:50:36even if it's just a little touch of what I cook.
00:50:38And I loved it.
00:50:40We've had about three dishes called Mexico, beautiful and dear,
00:50:44but it's obviously an honor to our Mexico,
00:50:48and a very beautiful song,
00:50:50and it goes with the dish because of the sauce.
00:50:52Taking the meat off the skin.
00:50:54That's what I like the most.
00:50:56It's very beautiful, and it goes with the dish because of the sauce.
00:50:59Taking the meat off the skin to make the chicharrón
00:51:03was what made it more complicated for me.
00:51:05It didn't curl up because I saw very well that he put the stick on top
00:51:09and I stopped it there, but it was what I struggled with the most.
00:51:12The adobo actually feels like Mexico.
00:51:15It has power, but it has a balance between the acidity, the salt, the sweetness.
00:51:22This is what I wanted you to see.
00:51:24When you take the meat off the skin, it looks like butter.
00:51:29Perfect cooking point.
00:51:31A round of applause.
00:51:33The chef says he brought it to Mexico,
00:51:35so like the name Mexico, beautiful and dear, now he's got it, Pati.
00:51:39I liked the fish cooking. It's very juicy.
00:51:41Pati, congratulations.
00:51:43She's the queen of the sauce,
00:51:45and she's worked a lot on the technique,
00:51:47and she did a great job.
00:51:49You did a great job.
00:51:51That's all I have to add. Thank you very much.
00:51:54Wow. Feliz, feliz, feliz y agradecido.
00:51:59The third person I'd like to introduce is...
00:52:15The third person I'd like to introduce is...
00:52:28I think it's great that you called him Jason,
00:52:31because like me, he followed in the footsteps of the chef.
00:52:41He gave his dish a name, Jason.
00:52:50You have something beautiful in front of you.
00:52:53A light.
00:52:54Of course, of course.
00:52:56Let's say there was a mirage back there.
00:53:00It's a replica of what I was seeing.
00:53:03I'm happy and proud of what I'm delivering, honestly.
00:53:06Something you didn't like about this challenge?
00:53:08Cutting myself, I think.
00:53:11I didn't see when he cut himself,
00:53:13but he got there.
00:53:16And there are certain things, certain nuances,
00:53:18certain feelings that I can recreate by observing him.
00:53:21For me, something similar happened.
00:53:28Perfect cooking point.
00:53:30The vinaigrette, in effect, was corrected very well.
00:53:34The pork rind is divine.
00:53:38It's divine, salty, very delicious.
00:53:41Perfect contrast with the pineapple.
00:53:43Great job.
00:53:44Thank you very much, Chef.
00:53:45Very good.
00:53:46You did a good job.
00:53:47I really liked everything together.
00:53:49The vegetables were also well handled, crispy.
00:53:53And what I liked the most was the juiciness of your fish.
00:53:57The truth is that I'm seeing almost the same dishes,
00:54:00but well.
00:54:02The cooking, the pork rind,
00:54:04I think of the few that have done it well,
00:54:07super good job.
00:54:08Very good, Jess.
00:54:09I'm going back.
00:54:13He's doing well, and Jess is super cool.
00:54:16The fourth person I want to bring to the front is Carolina.
00:54:23Every time a woman comes on,
00:54:25it makes me very happy.
00:54:29Oh, I'm so glad you called, Carolina,
00:54:31because, really, Caro works hard.
00:54:38What's the name of your dish?
00:54:40Trato de Ser.
00:54:48I really liked the challenge.
00:54:50I'm very grateful that you're here with us,
00:54:53because it's very good, very positive,
00:54:56and we learn a lot of things,
00:54:58and they're flavors that I really like.
00:55:01I know perfectly well that you're going to do well.
00:55:03What's the biggest learning experience this challenge left you?
00:55:06You can follow the rules, listen, pay attention.
00:55:10I think they evaluate absolutely everything,
00:55:13from the attitude, the look,
00:55:15how much attention you're paying.
00:55:17The pork rind is beautiful.
00:55:19It's fluffy, crispy, it's divine.
00:55:22Well, sister, open a pork rind shop.
00:55:25Very good seasoning. Congratulations.
00:55:27Thank you.
00:55:28Very, very good seasoning.
00:55:29Your sauce is very good.
00:55:31The pineapple, the contrast, the sweetness of the pineapple
00:55:34with that touch of salt,
00:55:36and a good balance with the vinaigrette.
00:55:38And for me, a little bit of fish seasoning was missing.
00:55:42A touch and everything would have been perfect.
00:55:44The seasoning, everything.
00:55:45Well, my dear Caro,
00:55:47for me, it was the best pork rind I've tasted so far.
00:55:50The correct one.
00:55:52And the marinade is great.
00:55:54The truth is, very good.
00:55:55The pork rind, they say, is the best for now.
00:55:58Wait for mine to arrive.
00:56:00I totally agree with my colleagues.
00:56:04Thank you.
00:56:05You can go back.
00:56:07But hey, I think everything went well for them.
00:56:09And what about me?
00:56:10I'm not going to pass or what?
00:56:11Well, the fifth person I would like to introduce
00:56:19Thank you.
00:56:21Polo, who is a love, I love him,
00:56:24and I will say it many times.
00:56:26I am very happy that he is in the top this time.
00:56:31What is the name of your dish?
00:56:33I put home-made flavor.
00:56:37I don't know if it's the same as yours.
00:56:39Obviously, I guess not yet.
00:56:41But when I tried it,
00:56:43I miss those flavors a lot.
00:56:46It's an honor.
00:56:47I already won.
00:56:48Learning to cook Mexican food,
00:56:50well done, I already won.
00:56:52I'm pretty nervous because I'm not so sure about the cooking of my fish.
00:56:56The sauce, it looks like you liked it.
00:56:58Yes, he liked it.
00:56:59Prepare the sauce because it is equally thick.
00:57:02I think it is the one that I feel more...
00:57:05More balanced in terms of the flavor of the pineapple, tomato,
00:57:08the dried chilies so far.
00:57:10The fish is now like tataki.
00:57:14Yes, I'm seeing it from here.
00:57:15Raw on the inside.
00:57:16Excuse me.
00:57:17The fish lacked a little cooking.
00:57:20Chicharrón, very crunchy,
00:57:22super crunchy,
00:57:23but with a little bit of salt.
00:57:27The salt is the judge's angora cat.
00:57:31Be careful with the cuts of the fish.
00:57:34The cooking because of the thickness it has.
00:57:36You always have to be very careful.
00:57:38And I loved the dressing you used for your green mix.
00:57:42It's very rich and well balanced.
00:57:45And the other thing commented by the chef.
00:57:50I'm with everyone.
00:57:52Thank you very much.
00:57:53Go ahead, son.
00:57:56And on that beacon,
00:57:57if there is any,
00:57:58they will always give you some criticism or something.
00:58:01Well, the sixth person
00:58:03who will present his dish here in front
00:58:06is Gabriel.
00:58:09Thank you.
00:58:11I feel very comfortable with my dish.
00:58:13I really like what I could present.
00:58:16I liked the flavors.
00:58:17I liked the cooking of the fish.
00:58:24Name of your dish.
00:58:25This dish is called Bachillerato.
00:58:30The truth reminded me a lot of my school days,
00:58:33where due to the lack of knowledge,
00:58:36at the time of presenting an exam,
00:58:38one had to copy a little
00:58:43from some of the people who were there.
00:58:45The child's colonel was tremendous.
00:58:47He liked to do the famous accordions, right?
00:58:50To be copying too.
00:58:52You pull the fish
00:58:53and it falls apart.
00:58:56I think several have achieved a perfect cooking.
00:58:59Yes, the truth is,
00:59:00I had said between 8 and 10 minutes,
00:59:02I opened the oven and said no.
00:59:03I feel like a couple more minutes are missing
00:59:06and I left it there.
00:59:07They are very grateful when they manage
00:59:09to give a perfect cooking of the fish.
00:59:12They are very grateful.
00:59:13Gabito has a very good streak,
00:59:15like all that bad that happened to him at the beginning
00:59:18is already turning around
00:59:19and now everything goes well for him.
00:59:20They tell him that the cooking is spectacular.
00:59:22Good balance of flavors.
00:59:24Thank you, Che.
00:59:25The pineapple, maybe a little uneven,
00:59:28but I liked the balance.
00:59:31And if you missed a little bit of seasoning to the fish.
00:59:35Okay, more salt.
00:59:37A little bit, just the fish.
00:59:39You, ma'am, who is with the beer in your hand,
00:59:42tell me,
00:59:43with what do you think these judges can come out
00:59:47that are really catatonic?
00:59:49The issue of the chicharrón,
00:59:51which is very crispy and very tasty,
00:59:53but it also feels a little salty.
00:59:55You have to be very careful when handling fish skin
00:59:58because it absorbs the salt very quickly.
01:00:00Well, with the salt.
01:00:02Obviously, the salt will always be the reason for the *** in this kitchen.
01:00:07Divine cooking.
01:00:08The marinade, very tasty.
01:00:10The fish was just a little shy with the salt.
01:00:13I also agree.
01:00:14I think with one more touch of salt in the fish,
01:00:16everything would have exploded.
01:00:18Come on, you can go back, son.
01:00:22Very happy to present the dish.
01:00:23The truth is, I saw a lot of similarity with the chef's,
01:00:26to mine, some details,
01:00:27that I decided to adjust and present my way.
01:00:30So, well, happy.
01:00:31And finally, Galeano.
01:00:37It was inevitable.
01:00:38It was inevitable.
01:00:39They have to try my dish.
01:00:40And they have to try my chicharrón.
01:00:43What's the name of your dish?
01:00:44Adobo de chuleta.
01:00:48I'm confused.
01:00:49The chuleta is not pork?
01:00:51Because in my town,
01:00:52just like in some places I've heard,
01:00:54I thought it was only in Spain,
01:00:55but the chuleta is to copy.
01:00:57The chuletita,
01:00:58the boli,
01:00:59with the tip of the compass.
01:01:02We wrote in the bolibic,
01:01:04these transparent ones,
01:01:05we put them there and such.
01:01:06So, the chuleta is to copy.
01:01:08Oh, what a complicated explanation.
01:01:12I think it was one of the most successful.
01:01:14The plating was not balanced.
01:01:16The sauce is very good,
01:01:17but it did lack a little bit of punch,
01:01:19a little bit of acidity and a little bit of salt.
01:01:21The fish, for me,
01:01:22it lacked one more minute
01:01:24and it would have been perfect.
01:01:26But it lacked that unique flavor.
01:01:28It lacked a little bit of acidity,
01:01:29a little bit of salt.
01:01:30The fish, for me,
01:01:31it lacked one more minute
01:01:32and it would have been perfect.
01:01:34But it lacked that unique flavor.
01:01:37But it lacked that last minute.
01:01:39Probably the mistake was not to calculate the loin well.
01:01:43I should have cut it in half,
01:01:45made it finer.
01:01:46The chicharrón is absolutely perfect.
01:01:49Chicharrón, world champion.
01:01:52I got a pretty low fish in cooking.
01:01:56The chicharrón is really great
01:01:58because it is not salty at all.
01:02:00The dressing of your salad is also great.
01:02:03Just take care of the cooking.
01:02:05What a shame, right?
01:02:06What a shame, really.
01:02:08I imagine the lady's dish was good.
01:02:13I got the tail of the fillet,
01:02:16so it was spectacular.
01:02:19I mean, great.
01:02:21With a little bit of acidity in the dressing.
01:02:25Chicharrón, there you go.
01:02:27There you go.
01:02:28Very good, brother.
01:02:29You can go back.
01:02:30Thank you, chefs.
01:02:31Thank you.
01:02:32Today I took it off without any doubt.
01:02:34I took the thorn out.
01:02:35Those who did not arrive
01:02:37had the pleasure of attending a master class.
01:02:42Those who did get it
01:02:44are in the hands of our judges.
01:02:46Chefs, it's time to release.
01:02:49Come on, please.
01:02:51Let's go.
01:02:54I see it as that you also have to give other colleagues a chance.
01:02:57I think it's a very nice challenge.
01:02:58I took it as a learning experience.
01:03:00Thank God, this torture is over.
01:03:04Because if I had had to pass,
01:03:06I don't know what I would have had to say.
01:03:08My fish was very raw.
01:03:16Let me tell you something.
01:03:17I'm surprised.
01:03:19Really, I went through all the seasons.
01:03:21I tried all the sauces
01:03:23and they are at a beastly level.
01:03:27What happened?
01:03:28There are different levels of seasoning.
01:03:30Each one's personality was imprinted.
01:03:34But overall, I didn't see a sauce that was bad.
01:03:37I'm confident that my sauce was perfect.
01:03:40The fish too.
01:03:41The truth is that I also did very well
01:03:43and I'm confident in that.
01:03:44In the seven dishes we tried,
01:03:46the vinaigrette was well balanced,
01:03:49good level of flavor, acidity.
01:03:51Also the vegetables had good cooking.
01:03:54I liked that very much.
01:03:56It was about putting greens on a plate
01:03:59is not just putting something that fills the plate,
01:04:01but that complements the dish.
01:04:03I wish with my soul to go to fight,
01:04:05to cook,
01:04:06to win that immunity challenge.
01:04:09And the chicharrones,
01:04:10I thought the technique you taught them was incredible.
01:04:14But there were some
01:04:16that definitely didn't make chicharrones.
01:04:19They were super elastic like a rubber.
01:04:23And others that were very well done,
01:04:24but with a little salt and some excellent ones.
01:04:27I feel like I'm going to do very well.
01:04:28The truth is that the comments in general
01:04:31is that the dish is very well done.
01:04:33I am one of the few that the chicharron is quite crispy
01:04:35and that the pineapple is tatemed.
01:04:36So, see you in the challenge.
01:04:39What I noticed is that they paid more attention
01:04:43than ever.
01:04:45The tateming of the pineapple.
01:04:48That would have helped them a lot on the plate.
01:04:51Even when a vegetable or a fruit is well tatemed,
01:04:55sometimes even the protein,
01:04:58Now, they achieved perfect cooking points.
01:05:01Many of them.
01:05:02At the level of a restaurant,
01:05:03I would have applauded them.
01:05:05The truth is that yes.
01:05:09Well, I think there will be about ...
01:05:10Of those seven?
01:05:11About five.
01:05:13How do you see, Gerardo?
01:05:14Yes, because there are two that did not achieve.
01:05:17Me too.
01:05:18Because of the protein, right?
01:05:21So, what's up?
01:05:22Shall we count them or what?
01:05:23Yes, let's go.
01:05:24Let's go there.
01:05:25Let's go there.
01:05:26Why do you think my dish is called Bachillerato?
01:05:29I had very good comments.
01:05:31That means that I graduated thanks to copying me.
01:05:34There is my title, mom.
01:05:36Chefs, who managed to get close to the original recipe
01:05:40and will be able to compete tonight in the immunity test?
01:05:44Well, I have to confess that in the supervision I did alone,
01:05:48when I passed station by station,
01:05:50if I had the opportunity to try the sauces of all,
01:05:55there was not a single one that I found that was wrong.
01:06:00Many congratulations.
01:06:01Thank you.
01:06:02Thank you.
01:06:03We decided to try only those that already stood out,
01:06:07who evidently did not achieve a point like the cooking of the fish,
01:06:12which evidently had not yet arrived,
01:06:14or that the pork rind, frankly, yes, it was all crushed
01:06:18and I could not make a pork rind.
01:06:21They were the ones who did not pass,
01:06:23but in general the level of the group is extraordinarily high.
01:06:30They return from delivering and the chef congratulates us all.
01:06:34It turns out that he liked all the sauces and I already knew it.
01:06:38This competition is getting super, super rough.
01:06:41After delivering hard,
01:06:44we have decided that those who pass the next challenge to obtain immunity
01:06:51are five people who will compete.
01:06:56The fact that they commented so positively about my dish,
01:06:59definitely makes me think that we are in the group of five, without a doubt.
01:07:16After delivering hard,
01:07:18we have decided that those who pass the next challenge to obtain immunity
01:07:26are five people who will compete.
01:07:31The fact that they commented so positively about my dish,
01:07:34definitely makes me think that we are in the group of five, without a doubt.
01:07:46Thank you.
01:07:47Bravo, I'm happy, excited, happy.
01:07:53Congratulations, my love.
01:07:54Well, Patti, it was obvious, it was obvious.
01:07:57Gabriel also passes the next challenge.
01:08:01Thank you.
01:08:04Gentlemen, thank you very much, my chef.
01:08:06We start with foreigners in Mexican dishes.
01:08:09And the truth is that this is a very good sign,
01:08:11because, look, Chabela Vargas said that a Mexican is born wherever he wants.
01:08:17Thank you.
01:08:18You are in the group.
01:08:20The third, me, I'm here.
01:08:23Well, I'm very happy for my two compatriots, my two beautiful Venezuelans.
01:08:29Jason, congratulations.
01:08:32Come on.
01:08:34Jason with his fingers cut off.
01:08:37So much that he f***s Danca.
01:08:39Look at Danco.
01:08:40The fifth and last person to pass the next challenge is...
01:08:47It's you, Gary.
01:08:48Come on.
01:08:51I didn't understand anything, and I saw Galeano again,
01:08:54and I had a sad face because I wasn't going to pass.
01:08:58Now look at me, but you said it.
01:09:00Dude, you won, so I...
01:09:03Oh no, Chabela, f***.
01:09:06I always dedicate it to my mom and to my whole family,
01:09:08and besides, I always kneel, it's like a sign of mine.
01:09:12It's just that I see her and me again.
01:09:15But, well, unfortunately for me,
01:09:18I won't cook in the challenge to fight for immunity,
01:09:20but honestly, I feel that I deserved to be there.
01:09:25Patty, Jason, Carolina, Gabriel and Gary.
01:09:30Congratulations, guys.
01:09:34I think the five people are excellent,
01:09:37they are what they should be there,
01:09:39fighting for immunity here and from here.
01:09:42I send you good vibes.
01:09:43May the best one win, really, guys.
01:09:45You will compete tonight for the precious immunity
01:09:49that will guarantee you one more time in this kitchen.
01:09:54It's going to be good,
01:09:55but we're going to see it with you,
01:09:57from the cave, Agustín Lara.
01:10:00A big round of applause for our chef Gerardo Vázquez Lugo.
01:10:07I'm sad, not to say angry,
01:10:10I came here today with all the desire to cook
01:10:12in the second challenge for immunity,
01:10:14but I stayed out.
01:10:15I don't know very well how or why.
01:10:18Chef, thank you very much for allowing us to be witnesses of your kitchen.
01:10:22It's a real honor to have you here with us tonight.
01:10:25And may it be repeated.
01:10:27Oh, no, I'm here the day you invite me.
01:10:31Thank you very much.
01:10:32Thank you, chef.
01:10:33It's an honor to be here.
01:10:34Thank you.
01:10:35See you.
01:10:39I think Top Chef VIP of this third season has given us great teachers.
01:10:42It's an honor, obviously, to have him here,
01:10:44and above all, to be able to follow a master class in a competition of his.
01:10:52Having a master, a person with so much experience,
01:10:55is a great pride.
01:10:57It gives me energy.
01:10:58Thank you.
01:11:00Bravo, chef.
01:11:01And thank you for being here with us at Top Chef VIP.
01:11:05Guys, you can go to the table while we prepare everything for the next challenge.
01:11:09Thank you.
01:11:10Thank you.
01:11:13Thank you, chef.
01:11:19No, no, not the advantage.
01:11:21Happy, excited.
01:11:22I think the people with whom I'm going to fight immunity
01:11:26are pretty strong people in the kitchen.
01:11:29This is Mr. Carvalhiano, right?
01:11:31If you think it was me who said that, it wasn't me.
01:11:33I know who it was.
01:11:35With the oregano.
01:11:41I mean, okay, I'm telling you to make up a drama,
01:11:43but don't make up a drama of those levels, like Kindergarten.
01:11:47I know who it was.
01:11:48Do you think I'm going to make this up?
01:11:50If he said it to his face.
01:11:54You know.
01:11:56He said, I know who it was.
01:11:58And I say, but how did you know about the oregano?
01:12:01What did he give me?
01:12:02Ah, because I said that maybe it could have been.
01:12:07If the day I have to leave here, I'm going with my head held high.
01:12:11Because everyone talks about the kid's seasoning,
01:12:14even the enemies.
01:12:17Guys, can you hear me?
01:12:21Call me Carmen, I want to go.
01:12:22Gary, Jason, Patty, Carolina and Gabriel.
01:12:26Come on, the challenge of immunity is waiting for you.
01:12:29We're going right now.
01:12:31Carmen, you really don't want me to go?
01:12:33With my chicharrón that I made?
01:12:34Let's go, aliens.
01:12:35Pieces of chicharrón that I made.
01:12:54We are what we eat.
01:12:56And the main ingredient of this challenge is the second most cultivated cereal on the planet.
01:13:02A seed that grows in adverse conditions,
01:13:05but with such great power that it could feed the whole world.
01:13:10Chefs, who is the protagonist of this immunity challenge?
01:13:14Undoubtedly, rice.
01:13:17It is the bread of millions and billions of people every day.
01:13:22Wow, my God, why didn't I get that challenge?
01:13:26You will have 60 minutes to prepare a delicious and tasty recipe
01:13:30with this universal and wonderful ingredient.
01:13:34I think that when rice is prepared, it is prepared in dough,
01:13:36so time doesn't bother me this time.
01:13:40Time is fair, and we are going to win that immunity with everything.
01:13:45It is very important that you know that rice should be the protagonist of your dish.
01:13:49And it depends on how you are going to handle it, my colleagues, it can go very well or very badly.
01:13:54What a nice challenge, and I think that it will go very well for many.
01:13:58There are many varieties of rice, each with different percentages of starches.
01:14:04Depending on the variety, you can mix it with different ingredients,
01:14:08you can make different rice, rice salad, millet rice, broth rice,
01:14:14a good Valencian marinara paella.
01:14:16A great companion with chicken, with fish, with meat,
01:14:21with whatever you want to eat, rice is wonderful.
01:14:24The elaborations with rice are infinite.
01:14:27I'm talking to you and my mouth is watering.
01:14:30Because I really love rice.
01:14:33And it is one of the ingredients that we share in the whole world
01:14:36and that transcends from generation to generation and always stays alive.
01:14:41I knew some of them, but not all of them.
01:14:45There are different types of cooking for each type of rice.
01:14:49Depending on the preparation you are going to make,
01:14:52it will depend on the rice you are going to choose.
01:14:55So it's not that easy.
01:14:57What they have taught us, the two cups of water for one rice,
01:15:01only applies to white rice and other types of rice, but not for all.
01:15:06And I hope my colleagues know that.
01:15:08Please don't make a white rice.
01:15:10Don't even think about it.
01:15:11What would I do? One with milk, but a very special one.
01:15:15Here creativity, cooking and flavors are what matters.
01:15:19Nerves can make a bad move on you and you can make any mistake with rice.
01:15:26The point is that you have to present a recipe where the rice shines,
01:15:31that it is the protagonist.
01:15:33You present an impressive fish with rice on one side,
01:15:38no matter how delicious it is, we will count it as a companion.
01:15:41Many colleagues go crazy and get creative.
01:15:44The competition must be super rough.
01:15:46You will have 60 minutes and the market is open, guys.
01:15:49You must make a preparation where the rice shines.
01:15:53You must present three dishes exactly the same, one for each chef.
01:15:59I think it's a good time.
01:16:01I don't know how spectacular it can be to make a rice in an hour.
01:16:07You must make a preparation where the rice shines.
01:16:10Are you ready?
01:16:14Are you sharp?
01:16:18Are you ready?
01:16:22Are you ready?
01:16:26Are you ready?
01:16:30Are you ready?
01:16:34Are you ready?
01:16:35Terrible result for a person, but he looked like a diaper.
01:16:38It is a very simple preparation.
01:16:40Not a dish for the level of this competition.
01:16:42Who's winning?
01:16:43The least worst is very bad.
01:16:45To me, this was a disappointment.
01:17:01This is one of a kind.
01:17:03We are fighting for immunity.
01:17:05Come on, come on, come on!
01:17:06Let's cook!
01:17:09Come on, baby!
01:17:18I'm running to get all my ingredients.
01:17:20I don't like going to the supermarket more than twice because it makes me waste my time.
01:17:26What are you making?
01:17:28Oh my God!
01:17:30My rice!
01:17:32Another one, another one.
01:17:33What happened to you?
01:17:34Galeano already made the rice.
01:17:35I'm not giving kisses to the camera.
01:17:36That berrinche was already made by Galeano.
01:17:37You don't have to do it anymore.
01:17:39I know several types of rice.
01:17:41Basmati rice.
01:17:42I like it.
01:17:43Also wild rice.
01:17:45It's hard to cook it.
01:17:46I'm practicing.
01:17:48You know that in La Cava there's only Michelangelo stars.
01:17:51You know it.
01:17:52I already told you.
01:17:53I would think maybe of a rice soufflé or of some arancinis.
01:18:01What's up?
01:18:02What are you going to do?
01:18:04I'm going to do two things this time.
01:18:05What are you going to do?
01:18:06I'm going to make a seafood risotto.
01:18:10The truth is that Jason worries me a little because I know him, I know his face.
01:18:13But I see that he still doesn't decide well.
01:18:17And maybe he'll throw me a white rice, but with a cream.
01:18:20The truth is that I work the rice quite well.
01:18:22In fact, I give him some tips when we started working the rice.
01:18:28It's a dish for each chef.
01:18:30Now it turns out that you have to put three dishes.
01:18:32I don't understand why you have to put three dishes.
01:18:34I mean...
01:18:35But well.
01:18:36Come on, Inés, take advantage and ask him what he's going to do.
01:18:38Ah, no, I'm not going to tell you.
01:18:42Look, I'm like this.
01:18:43Tell me everything.
01:18:44I'm not your competition.
01:18:45Do you like palm?
01:18:47Rice with palm.
01:18:49Rice with palm.
01:18:50I love making rice.
01:18:53My mom also loved making rice.
01:18:54So I'm very happy with this challenge.
01:18:57I still don't know, Inés.
01:18:58I still don't know.
01:18:59And where do you decide that?
01:19:01On the road?
01:19:03But you're in the market.
01:19:04It's not that they're not listening to me.
01:19:05Ah, because they're listening to you.
01:19:06Of course.
01:19:08I can give you ideas.
01:19:09But can you tell me by ear?
01:19:11I want to make a Chinese rice, but different.
01:19:14With chipotle, peanuts, and bananas.
01:19:18Let's see if I can do it.
01:19:20Let's see if I can do it.
01:19:21It sounds very good.
01:19:22Let's see if I can do it.
01:19:23Good energy, high-frequency vibration, so that it tastes good.
01:19:25I would make three different rice.
01:19:28There you go, there you go.
01:19:29Now, now.
01:19:31We already saw it with Galeano.
01:19:32The same mess.
01:19:33He said three.
01:19:34The same thing you're saying.
01:19:36That he would have made two textures.
01:19:38No, three rice.
01:19:40Now go and talk to the camera and say the same thing.
01:19:46What rice are you going to make?
01:19:47I'm going to make a rice...
01:19:54We saw it up to here.
01:19:56I think sushi has its magic.
01:19:58First, it's something different, it's something fresh.
01:20:01The skin of the fish.
01:20:03I'm also going to put it there.
01:20:05And I'm going to make a tempura.
01:20:07And a normal one.
01:20:08And why do you say it in secret?
01:20:10I mean, it's not like you're going to copy it at this point.
01:20:12Yes, yes, I copy.
01:20:15I want to try the tempura.
01:20:16I mean, for this moment of the challenge...
01:20:18Yes, they are already decided.
01:20:19You have to know what you're going to do.
01:20:21I think Gabriel is super risky.
01:20:25I'm scared.
01:20:26Sushi can be something extremely compromising.
01:20:40I think I'll put the rice in at once and leave the white rice aside.
01:20:44I put a rice in sancochar with salt and that's it.
01:20:48You know they wanted me to be the protagonist?
01:20:49Well, there's your protagonist.
01:20:51I have a lot of love for rice.
01:20:52I grew up with rice with gray, I grew up with rice with chicken.
01:21:01And Danko?
01:21:03And Danko.
01:21:04I also said, without Danko.
01:21:07He already has Danko's curse on him.
01:21:09Well, see how it's not going to cut, see how it's biting.
01:21:11Let's go.
01:21:12At this point in the game, you have to be careful with the way things are cut.
01:21:19Not even on day one we cut like this.
01:21:21That's cutting the mushroom with technique.
01:21:25With Danko's technique.
01:21:27Danko's curse, the curse of the cuts.
01:21:30Look, I already have two fingers of ten.
01:21:32Let's hope we stop there, because if not, how are we going to cook?
01:21:35Look, I don't know the first person who doesn't like rice.
01:21:39I mean, personally, I haven't met the first person who doesn't love rice.
01:21:45It may be that they don't like white rice, or paella, or whatever,
01:21:49but in some of their forms and preparations, they love rice, without a doubt.
01:21:53I also love white rice.
01:21:55I mean, I could eat white rice every day.
01:21:58I think making sushi rice is very complex, it's complicated,
01:22:02and that it gives you good levels of flavors is also complicated.
01:22:06So, I think it has its easy touch, but also its magic.
01:22:11To all my beautiful people in La Caba, I send you many kisses, many hugs.
01:22:14Let's see how this rice turns out.
01:22:16I love you, I love you very much.
01:22:22I think it's very, very brave of him to try to make sushi.
01:22:26With all the love I have for him, I bet my neck that he won't be able to do it.
01:22:37I want to make a rice that…
01:22:41This rice was taught to me by a Chinese man in my native country.
01:22:46A Chinese man of the oldest.
01:22:48Who invented the confusion.
01:22:50Yes, the confusion.
01:22:51A Chinese man of the oldest.
01:22:53We have the culture of China everywhere.
01:22:57However, in my native country, the Chinese rice was something like, wow.
01:23:03In honor of Kong Chen, who studied with me.
01:23:07Well, I'm going to focus here.
01:23:09Because this has a lot of preparations, so I have very little time.
01:23:13And I hope to achieve it.
01:23:15Good Venezuelan-style Chinese rice.
01:23:17I want to try it, see what it tastes like.
01:23:19No, the one who is going to win is Caro.
01:23:21Come on, Carolina!
01:23:24Imagine Rooster, it's Carolina.
01:23:26It has flavor, it's fast, it has a lot of knowledge.
01:23:32And now, it's time for Carolina to win.
01:23:46If Gary is so calm, it's because he knows what he's doing.
01:23:48Yes, if he's dancing, he feels safe.
01:23:50Gary is even dancing.
01:23:53And there is danger, because it means that he is at ease, he is happy, he is loving it.
01:24:00I have a lot of favorite rice.
01:24:02Among them is the yaki meshi, which is spectacular for me.
01:24:04But I already did it and I don't want to do it.
01:24:06I already made rice with chicken, I don't want to do it.
01:24:09So, I'm going to make a majestic recipe from my holy mother to heaven.
01:24:16Which is rice with palm.
01:24:18Rice with palm is super classic in Costa Rica.
01:24:21And my mom is obviously the best rice with palm.
01:24:25I remember that I ate tons of rice with palm.
01:24:29There are two ingredients that if you don't eat them, you'll never be confident in life.
01:24:35Rice and avocado.
01:24:36If someone doesn't eat rice, he's not trustworthy.
01:24:39He's definitely not a trustworthy person.
01:24:42I don't eat rice because of the diets.
01:24:45Because of the diets, because rice makes you fat.
01:24:48No, but it makes you fat in the right places.
01:24:51Alicia was telling me that you have to be careful with the palm.
01:24:54Because sometimes it gets bitter and stupid.
01:24:59So, we're going to wait for everything to go well.
01:25:10Let's go, Patti. I haven't seen what you're doing, Patti.
01:25:13Rice is never missing at home.
01:25:15In Mexico, in all homes.
01:25:18In my family, it's not the exception.
01:25:20There's rice, white rice, rice with butter, rice with puree, rice with parsley.
01:25:24Rice, whatever, but normally there's always rice.
01:25:27Right now, I took the white rice again,
01:25:30which is the one that takes me and connects me automatically with my mom and my family.
01:25:36This rice that I want to prepare right now,
01:25:38and I want it to stay the way I ate it years ago.
01:25:40It's a fusion of Mexican rice with an Asian touch.
01:25:45If she knows the rice, I imagine it will be very tasty.
01:25:49Rice doesn't have very good antecedents in Top Chef VIP.
01:25:53Remember that Natalia left with an oriental rice.
01:26:06This rice that I want to prepare right now,
01:26:08and I want it to stay the way I ate it years ago.
01:26:11It's a fusion of Mexican rice with an Asian touch.
01:26:15If she knows the rice, I imagine it will be very tasty.
01:26:18Rice doesn't have very good antecedents in Top Chef VIP.
01:26:22Remember that Natalia left with an oriental rice.
01:26:25Hey, friends from the Caba!
01:26:31Patti with everything!
01:26:34Beautiful Patti.
01:26:36She's super focused and very intelligent in making a fusion.
01:26:40Let's go for that immunity.
01:26:42I hope so, unless there's someone better.
01:26:45Unless there's someone better, but that's how it usually happens.
01:26:49Let's hope we win.
01:26:51I'm going with everything.
01:26:53I want it to be delicious.
01:26:55My first dish here was a rice with chicken from my grandmother.
01:26:58The rice to the chorrera and my grandmother Alicia.
01:27:00Something is happening in this Caba,
01:27:02that finally let go, relaxed.
01:27:05Even having Galeano and Alicia in the same armchair,
01:27:08you don't feel bad vibes.
01:27:10I think there will finally be a moment of peace here between us.
01:27:16CABA, MEXICO
01:27:21I'm really shaping up as a good apprentice chef.
01:27:24I think...
01:27:25There we go, there we go, there we go.
01:27:27Everything has a process. We're doing well in the process.
01:27:29And in this case, we have to prepare the rice.
01:27:31Let's say we have a few dishes in mind.
01:27:34I feel comfortable with the rice.
01:27:36The truth is that white rice suits me very well.
01:27:39I'm going to try to make two types of rice.
01:27:41And the one that suits me best is the one we present.
01:27:43It's smart that it has two types of rice and two types of cooking.
01:27:47For the rice to give me immunity, it has to be really good.
01:27:49And it's looking really good.
01:27:51Let's see how it goes.
01:27:52I see it extremely risky, but I trust him.
01:27:56I know it has a very good seasoning,
01:27:57so surely the final result will be good.
01:28:07That's his mother, what are you doing?
01:28:09Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
01:28:11Chef Belen is here, my mother.
01:28:13My mother-in-law, as I call her.
01:28:15So, you decided to use all the possible types of rice.
01:28:19She's cooking three types of rice at the same time.
01:28:21This is already...
01:28:23The finish of the tomatoes.
01:28:24What are we doing here?
01:28:25I already made a rice with chicken.
01:28:26I also made a yaunchequimachi.
01:28:28But I came up with a rice...
01:28:32Come on, try this.
01:28:33There was a very famous actor in Mexico who told all the women,
01:28:38Mauricio Garcés.
01:28:39I mean, what is this? Tell me.
01:28:41Try it, I'm not going to say it first.
01:28:42It has palm leaves, this thing.
01:28:44My mother made a rice with palm leaves.
01:28:48It's good, huh?
01:28:49Now imagine that mixed with rice.
01:28:51When you try it, it's going to be a bomb.
01:28:55This is the base of a bechamel.
01:28:56They love bechamel in this show.
01:28:58No, no, but look, look.
01:28:59It's totally different.
01:29:00Mother sauce of all mothers, bechamel.
01:29:02It's totally different because I'm adding this.
01:29:04Godmother of top chef, VIP.
01:29:06She hates bechamel.
01:29:08But why does she say it?
01:29:09We have been told on many occasions that they no longer want to see bechamels.
01:29:13You're not going to feel like it's a bechamel.
01:29:15I mean, you're going to feel like it's a creamy rice with mozzarella.
01:29:19That rice is being prepared for me.
01:29:21My mom used to prepare it.
01:29:22She puts it back here and it's going to be like a lasagna.
01:29:25Nobody is going to make a rice with palm leaves.
01:29:28In general, it is a rice that is very common in Central America.
01:29:31And it is a typical dish of Costa Rica.
01:29:34But I see that you have several types of rice.
01:29:36I want to see which one.
01:29:37I love basmati rice.
01:29:38I also love basmati rice.
01:29:39But I don't know if I'm going to do well with this.
01:29:42Can you try a little bit of basmati for me?
01:29:46This is my favorite food on the planet.
01:29:48Onion, pepper and garlic, nothing more.
01:29:54A bald cat's hair is missing.
01:29:56If I could put myself here like Pepito Grillo and tell him,
01:29:59brother, just leave a rice, don't complicate it.
01:30:02For me personally, I sometimes cook two or three things at the same time.
01:30:06Because sometimes there is something that suits you better than something else.
01:30:09My mom used to do this.
01:30:10I always do this.
01:30:11This is what he is doing.
01:30:13Like the blessing, right?
01:30:16I bless you, I bless you, I bless you, I bless you.
01:30:20Let's hydrate it, but it's also like a blessing.
01:30:22And to you too.
01:30:24Blessed so that you do well.
01:30:25Take it.
01:30:26Good Gary, very good.
01:30:27They are even adding their holy water to the rice,
01:30:29but it is still a rice with a bechamel.
01:30:31He is creative and we are going to give him the good vibe.
01:30:34And we dedicate this dish to your mom.
01:30:36Yes, because I didn't want to make a normal rice.
01:30:39I made a rice.
01:30:40But it lacks a little bit of ...
01:30:42No, no, no, of cooking.
01:30:43Yes, what, what?
01:30:44It's fine, it's fine.
01:30:45A little bit of bald cat.
01:30:48Egyptian cat, bye.
01:30:49So it's perfect.
01:30:51And it will have a second minimum cooking,
01:30:53which is in the sauté, the cream.
01:30:55And there it will finish cooking.
01:31:06My dear Patti.
01:31:07Hello chef.
01:31:08What's up?
01:31:09Well, nothing.
01:31:10Here now I am trying to make a dish that I once made.
01:31:15What did you do?
01:31:16Well, a fusion like Mexican-Chinese,
01:31:18but with chili, with a little bit of corn, peanut.
01:31:22And let's see how it goes.
01:31:24Since he knows so much, he adds a lot of things.
01:31:26So I hope he doesn't have a bad day today,
01:31:28but if it's going to be good, it's going to be good.
01:31:30Maybe Patti is going to invent a new fusion,
01:31:34which I hope the chefs love.
01:31:36Which corn?
01:31:37The corn of the Doradito?
01:31:38Well, I hope it gives me time.
01:31:41Not this one.
01:31:42I also brought it in case I didn't have time.
01:31:44I'm going to add, I think, this one because I won't have time.
01:31:46Here's the peanut and here's the corn.
01:31:48A little bit of pineapple.
01:31:49Just so you know, this is great as a snack.
01:31:52What I would do is chop it a little bit.
01:31:56Because this...
01:31:57Grind it.
01:31:58Against the size of the rice.
01:32:00Grind it.
01:32:01It's too big, right?
01:32:03That's what I would do.
01:32:04These, the truth is, when you cook them again,
01:32:06they're going to be all crumbly.
01:32:08What do I do to defrost them?
01:32:09Pure water?
01:32:11Nothing else.
01:32:12Well, I'm going to put them back in.
01:32:13And I'm going to tell you something.
01:32:14When you cut them, they're frozen.
01:32:16You can cut them.
01:32:18With the heat of the...
01:32:19It defrosts.
01:32:20And apart, they're going to release juice and they're going to release all their goodness.
01:32:23I'm glad Chef Toño gave me that very important and valuable tip.
01:32:27Here's your rice.
01:32:28Can I pick it up or not?
01:32:29It's better if I pick it up.
01:32:30It's better if you pick it up.
01:32:31Can I pick it up?
01:32:32There's rice.
01:32:33Imagine there's rice here.
01:32:34Incredible, right?
01:32:35What rice did you use?
01:32:36White rice.
01:32:37Normal white?
01:32:39Not basmati or any of those beauties that we put in there?
01:32:40No, because I don't know them.
01:32:42I'm going to use a little bit of everything.
01:32:43Be careful with this because this isn't what you think.
01:32:44No, no, I'm not going to use it.
01:32:45Here it is.
01:32:48Cranberries and a lot of things.
01:32:49It also has fresh fruits in there.
01:32:51They go really well with it.
01:32:52The sucubas and that.
01:32:54And the pineapple.
01:32:55Thank you, Chef.
01:32:56The concentration, everything that goes into it.
01:32:58I see her relaxed.
01:32:59Let's see what she's going to come up with.
01:33:00But I'm sure what she's doing is very tasty.
01:33:04How are you?
01:33:06Very good.
01:33:07It smells very good.
01:33:09I'm making a Chinese rice.
01:33:10They have a strong Chinese influence in Venezuela.
01:33:11There's a strong community there.
01:33:12Very strong.
01:33:13It's very special for me, especially because it brings me beautiful memories of my childhood.
01:33:14And how did you make the rice?
01:33:15Did you fry it with garlic, onion?
01:33:16I put the garlic, it has onions, it has olive oil, salt, and that's it.
01:33:17I need it ready because later I'm going to prepare it.
01:33:18I have another preparation.
01:33:19You're going to make it like a sautéed wok.
01:33:20Like a sautéed wok.
01:33:21Yummy, yummy.
01:33:22So far, it's the one that I like the most.
01:33:23Carolina has made rice for me.
01:35:33No, no, no, it's not that salty.
01:35:34It's not that salty.
01:35:35This is going to season it all.
01:35:37Look at it.
01:35:38Let's see.
01:35:39Is it good?
01:35:40Is it good?
01:35:41Let's go with the salt.
01:35:42Because that in the cold, it already tastes very well seasoned, but once it heats up,
01:35:47the salt goes up.
01:35:48If it's not too salty, it's going to be great.
01:35:51Well, look at Jason, how he's inventing.
01:35:54You can see there that he put mushrooms, that there is something creamy.
01:35:57Well, my dear Jason, you are always surprised.
01:36:00This here is a rice that...
01:36:01This is basmati.
01:36:03To make a rice...
01:36:04To make a risotto.
01:36:05But risotto with basmati?
01:36:06Don't you think it's good?
01:36:07No, no, no, my son.
01:36:08For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:09This here is a rice that...
01:36:10It's basmati.
01:36:11This is basmati.
01:36:12To make a rice...
01:36:13To make a risotto.
01:36:14But risotto with basmati?
01:36:15Don't you think it's good?
01:36:16No, no, no, my son.
01:36:17For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:18This here is a rice that...
01:36:19It's basmati.
01:36:20This is basmati.
01:36:21To make a rice...
01:36:22To make a risotto.
01:36:23But risotto with basmati?
01:36:24Don't you think it's good?
01:36:25No, no, no, my son.
01:36:26But risotto with basmati?
01:36:27Don't you think it's good?
01:36:28No, no, no, my son.
01:36:29For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:30For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:31For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:32For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:33For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:34For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:35For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:36For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:37For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:38For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:39For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:40For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:41For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:42For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:43For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:44For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:45For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:46For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:47For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:48For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:49For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:50For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:51For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:52For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:53For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:54For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:55For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:56For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:57For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:58For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:36:59For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:37:00For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:37:01For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:37:02For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:37:03For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:37:04For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:37:05For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:37:06For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:37:07For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:37:08For the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:37:09for the risotto there is a rice called Arborio.
01:37:28I need it to be creamy.
01:37:30But from there, it's pretty good.
01:37:37How are we doing here?
01:37:39Very good, how are you? What a good visit.
01:37:41Good, good. I see you very calm, very quiet.
01:37:44Yes, but well, we have to have several preparations ready.
01:37:46I want to make sushi.
01:37:48Ah, when you talk to me about sushi, right away.
01:37:50I already said, there we connect.
01:37:52We connect.
01:37:53Are you going to make some makis? Are you going to dare?
01:37:56I think it's good.
01:37:58Because the rest, I think he's doing very basic things.
01:38:01I applaud you, Gabriel, for trying it,
01:38:03but it has never taken less than two and a half hours,
01:38:06in an hour, which is very complicated, to make it look good.
01:38:08I have salmon, I have tuna, I have ...
01:38:10I'm going to put salmon skin,
01:38:13the skin of the salmon,
01:38:15crunchy, to see if we put some crunchies in it.
01:38:17I made a teriyaki sauce, my chef,
01:38:19with this consistency.
01:38:21Here I put soy sauce, well, water, ginger.
01:38:23The visits of the chefs are always very productive.
01:38:26I stop everything just to listen to Lara.
01:38:29Simply, the only thing I can tell you is
01:38:31that you look for the balance in each of the rolls you make.
01:38:36And also take good care of the cuts that you are going to put,
01:38:38and if you feel like making a little onigiri, then also.
01:38:41Try to do something mixed, I don't know.
01:38:44Let's see if I do well.
01:38:46They really don't know the degree of complexity of making a good sushi.
01:38:49I hope it turns out well.
01:38:50What did you flavor it with, you told me?
01:38:52With sugar, salt, and rice vinegar.
01:38:56Put a little more vinegar.
01:38:58Flavor it more, a little more sugar.
01:39:01It doesn't have much flavor.
01:39:04You understand?
01:39:05If you want, you can put mirin, which is out there,
01:39:07also liquid.
01:39:09You can flavor the rice a little bit.
01:39:10To give it more strength.
01:39:11To give more strength to your preparation.
01:39:13Japanese rice requires a lot of work.
01:39:16Give it a little touch with the vinegar,
01:39:18the little dot.
01:39:20It's very, very difficult.
01:39:21I think it's super brave.
01:39:22Good luck.
01:39:23Thank you, chef.
01:39:24Very kind.
01:39:26Thank you.
01:39:28There is something that is fundamental to me in this competition,
01:39:30and it is, first, to surpass myself.
01:39:32It's clear to me that Gabrielito is taking a risk.
01:39:40Oh, look what Pati did, how delicious.
01:39:42He chopped it all up, see?
01:39:44Is there mirin?
01:39:45Is there mirin?
01:39:46The fact that Tita helped me with the mirin
01:39:48and to add a little more flavor,
01:39:50it's wonderful.
01:39:51I mean, I fell from heaven.
01:39:57It's super cool to see Jason in the challenge.
01:39:59He also looks confident.
01:40:01Oh, where's the blender?
01:40:03The blender.
01:40:05The blender.
01:40:06The blender.
01:40:07The blender.
01:40:08The blender.
01:40:09The blender.
01:40:10The blender.
01:40:11The blender.
01:40:12The blender.
01:40:13The blender.
01:40:15It's there, baby.
01:40:16The blender.
01:40:17How nice.
01:40:18And he understood.
01:40:19How nice.
01:40:20The blender.
01:40:21That's what it's called.
01:40:29Pati Navidad is like an octopus,
01:40:31that you just turn around and it has like four pots,
01:40:33five things chopping, a blender,
01:40:35and your dish is going to be brutal.
01:40:39Oh, how delicious is this mother, man.
01:40:41He makes a shout that he's looking divine,
01:40:45he likes it.
01:40:56I'm going to sauté it for a long time with butter.
01:41:01And I also have the shrimp, the meat, the chicken.
01:41:06Mmm, good.
01:41:07I'll take it.
01:41:08Come on.
01:41:09The rice is calm and tasty.
01:41:13Karim has a pact with God and with the universe,
01:41:17and it's very likely that his mother is interceding with him.
01:41:20Let's hope that if God wants, everything goes well for him.
01:41:28Those shrimp are done.
01:41:31I see Carolina very excited and doing a lot of things.
01:41:33A lot of mixing.
01:41:36When I saw the other white rice,
01:41:38which didn't turn out the way I wanted it to,
01:41:40then this idea came to my mind,
01:41:42or this idea of why not take advantage of this rice
01:41:45and make a rice cream to complement the dish
01:41:48and make it look pretty.
01:41:49I didn't want, since the rice is already very creamy,
01:41:52to put another cream.
01:41:54I don't know.
01:42:02Yes, the thing is the rice.
01:42:04I mean, the consistency of the rice,
01:42:06which you can see is pretty good.
01:42:09I mean, I don't remember this story very well.
01:42:13I'm not an expert in making sushi.
01:42:14I've never done it.
01:42:15I did it once with a friend who knows how to do it.
01:42:18And well, I was accompanying him and kind of helping him.
01:42:22Something burned there.
01:42:24No, no, no, no, no, Colonel, no.
01:42:28Oh, God.
01:42:30The skin of the fish burned.
01:42:38I mean, this is...
01:42:40The water fell, sorry.
01:42:41No, man, calm down.
01:42:43How are we doing?
01:42:47Too much, I would say.
01:42:48Ah, good.
01:42:49Let's see, try this.
01:42:51What is it?
01:42:52Like I told you, it's a rice with palm.
01:42:54Try it.
01:42:55It doesn't have any seafood.
01:42:56It doesn't have rice, no.
01:42:57It doesn't have rice yet.
01:42:58The rice goes with all this, like lasagna.
01:43:01But that's the sofrito, with palm.
01:43:04It's a recipe, I don't know if it's his mom's or Costa Rica's,
01:43:07but it's a recipe he's had in mind for several days.
01:43:12To decorate some dots.
01:43:14I'm going to make a rice cream.
01:43:17This is pure rice.
01:43:22Do you like the idea?
01:43:24It tastes different.
01:43:26You're risking it.
01:43:27I'm risking it, I'm risking it a lot.
01:43:29It's a challenge to do it.
01:43:31The one who doesn't risk doesn't win.
01:43:33The one who doesn't risk doesn't win or lose, baby.
01:43:36Well, Migari and all the guys,
01:43:38five minutes.
01:43:51Migari, I see him super well, very focused.
01:43:54It is difficult, it is very difficult,
01:43:56but I feel that my rice is very different from anyone else's.
01:44:00My dear Patti.
01:44:03How are we?
01:44:04Very good, and you?
01:44:05Everything super.
01:44:06That's good.
01:44:07I'm gossiping here, how are you?
01:44:09Everything is fine, thank God.
01:44:11I almost start to implode.
01:44:14Why did Carmen leave in the last minutes?
01:44:16I think to get everyone out of control,
01:44:18but she didn't get me out of control.
01:44:20I already have practically everything,
01:44:22and I just need to plate.
01:44:24Three minutes.
01:44:25Already? Three minutes?
01:44:26Yes, thank you, Carmen.
01:44:27Three minutes, guys.
01:44:35The way to plate is a timbal,
01:44:36a timbal of creamy rice.
01:44:37This beautiful, beautiful roll is made
01:44:39so that it has this crispy carrot around it.
01:44:49I see my rice beautiful,
01:44:51because I see it in many colors, beautiful.
01:44:54I have my three typical cups of rice,
01:44:58and I put it there,
01:44:59that's the way the Chinese do it,
01:45:01that they turn it around, I love that.
01:45:11One minute.
01:45:13One minute.
01:45:20Run, baby, run.
01:45:32One minute.
01:45:36It can't be, I don't have time.
01:45:39Run, baby, run.
01:45:43Let's go.
01:45:45My plating is like lasagna,
01:45:47and in the end, I'm going to finish with a soplete
01:45:49so that it is also burnt on top.
01:45:55In the name of God, in the name of the Father,
01:45:56in the name of the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
01:45:58Let it come out.
01:46:02Well, I see Carolina, I like the plating,
01:46:05so it's a lot of rice.
01:46:07This is stellar, this Carolina rice.
01:46:11Let's go, Gabriel.
01:46:13Yes, but with four rolls.
01:46:15Do you think it's me?
01:46:17Six rolls.
01:46:18I'm going to do the tiki-tiki.
01:46:21Gabriel is super brave.
01:46:24You can see that the rice is sticky,
01:46:26which is important.
01:46:27I think I trusted the timing a little bit.
01:46:30I said, look, it's not such a complex preparation,
01:46:32we can play with a lot of things.
01:46:37And what's Christmas going to be like?
01:46:39What the f***?
01:46:43That's going to serve as corn.
01:46:46It's going to serve like this on top.
01:46:5130 seconds.
01:46:55I'm nervous.
01:46:56I'm nervous.
01:46:57I'm nervous.
01:47:10Let's distract Carmen.
01:47:12Carmen! Carmen!
01:47:15Carmen! Carmen!
01:47:2010, 9, 8, 7, 6,
01:47:255, 4, 3, 2, 1.
01:47:31Hands up.
01:47:36How are the sauces?
01:47:38Hands up. Time's up.
01:47:40And there you have it.
01:47:41Three dishes for each chef.
01:47:45With all the good vibes,
01:47:46let's go for that immunity.
01:47:48Everyone seems to have finished on time,
01:47:51but I really wonder
01:47:53if this rice has already been cooked.
01:48:00Participants, if it's because of the smell,
01:48:03you all win immunity.
01:48:05Because it smells delicious,
01:48:07our judges have that decision.
01:48:10Chefs, it's time to taste who we start with.
01:48:19Help me, man.
01:48:20Go for it.
01:48:23The truth is that the plating looks very nice.
01:48:29I don't see it.
01:48:30Jason, tell us,
01:48:31how did you put this rice dish
01:48:33and what rice is this?
01:48:34This is a rice cream.
01:48:38It's white rice.
01:48:39I couldn't make the risotto,
01:48:41which was my second idea.
01:48:43But here,
01:48:44we didn't use salt,
01:48:46but for the rice at the bottom,
01:48:48it's a rice that's made at the bottom,
01:48:50previously seasoned,
01:48:51with rosemary, thyme,
01:48:52it's also salt and pepper.
01:48:54That's where the white rice was cooked.
01:48:56And that same broth that,
01:48:58before it was all consumed,
01:49:00I separated to make the mushroom cream,
01:49:03you have to find it there,
01:49:05you have to find it there,
01:49:06small pieces of Tilsit cheese,
01:49:08because they add a lot of cheese to the rice,
01:49:10and they have a crispy carrot,
01:49:12you leave the carrot crispy.
01:49:14Well, my dear Jason,
01:49:15you always surprise.
01:49:18I think Jason will do very well.
01:49:20I think the rice,
01:49:21you managed the cooking,
01:49:23but the flavor,
01:49:25it's like garlic with rice.
01:49:27It's not rice with garlic,
01:49:28it's not like that.
01:49:29So, it's more like garlic with rice.
01:49:32Well, in the end,
01:49:33I see that you're presenting,
01:49:34I think that precisely
01:49:35what Toño said no.
01:49:36I think the integration
01:49:38was what was missing here.
01:49:39The integration,
01:49:40it feels like integrated,
01:49:41do you understand me?
01:49:43Since you see the judges' faces,
01:49:44you know that Jason is not doing well.
01:49:47I feel that the original concept
01:49:48of the rice was lost a bit.
01:49:50For me,
01:49:51it has nothing of rice cream,
01:49:53of cream,
01:49:54it has the cream that you incorporated,
01:49:56but it's not a creamy rice,
01:49:57because you don't feel that umpteeness in the mouth,
01:50:00it's rather dry.
01:50:01And this,
01:50:02if you had made a cheese cloth
01:50:03and you had stuck it here,
01:50:05not the cheese as such.
01:50:07To me, rice with what?
01:50:08Rice with cheese,
01:50:09like I don't know.
01:50:10You made an effort,
01:50:12because you made
01:50:15the cream with the bottom,
01:50:17the mushrooms and all that,
01:50:19but for me,
01:50:20it's not well achieved.
01:50:23You can go to your station.
01:50:26It seems to me that this rice cream
01:50:28lacked cream.
01:50:30The judges are tough,
01:50:32it's for an immunity.
01:50:36I'm very happy with my dish,
01:50:38because it smells and tastes delicious,
01:50:40and I hope this time,
01:50:42it plays on my side.
01:50:44tell me the name of your dish.
01:50:46My dish is called
01:50:52What a good name!
01:50:55I'm going to make a run.
01:51:00It's a fusion of Chinese rice
01:51:01with Sinaloa,
01:51:02the rice that my mom
01:51:03used to make for me
01:51:04when I was little.
01:51:05I blended flavors.
01:51:07It has three different peppers
01:51:09with carrots.
01:51:11It has pineapple,
01:51:14it has chipotle pepper.
01:51:17it also has peanuts
01:51:18and almonds,
01:51:19and what I added at the end
01:51:20is toasted corn
01:51:21for the crunchiness.
01:51:23I'm sure it's good.
01:51:24The Christmas food.
01:51:26I feel like I'm going to do well
01:51:27for Patti with Chinaloa.
01:51:29Your rice has a very good flavor,
01:51:31as it always characterizes you.
01:51:33It reminds me a lot
01:51:34of those rice
01:51:35that you eat at Christmas.
01:51:36That was the idea.
01:51:37What I do find
01:51:38is that it's a very simple preparation
01:51:41for this challenge.
01:51:42You could have made the same rice,
01:51:44but taking it to another level.
01:51:46Look at the eyebrows,
01:51:47the eyebrows.
01:51:48Tell them, tell them.
01:51:49We are not professional chefs.
01:51:51we are going to do
01:51:52what is within our reach,
01:51:53what we have known,
01:51:54what we have eaten.
01:51:55It seems like a very simple dish
01:51:57for the level and height
01:51:59we are at
01:52:00at this point in the competition,
01:52:01and for you.
01:52:02Well, Patti,
01:52:03it seems to me
01:52:04that the rice has a lot of flavor,
01:52:06It's good.
01:52:07You cook well.
01:52:08It's always important
01:52:09at this stage
01:52:10of the game
01:52:11when we are
01:52:12to cut all the vegetables
01:52:13in the same way.
01:52:15It's a strategy.
01:52:16Here there are
01:52:17little triangles,
01:52:18little squares.
01:52:19The carrot
01:52:20has cuts
01:52:21of different thicknesses.
01:52:22Of different thicknesses.
01:52:23It's very important
01:52:25because visually
01:52:26you also catch the eye.
01:52:28It seems to me
01:52:29that the rice is a little past.
01:52:30To me,
01:52:31it's a rice
01:52:32that seems to me
01:52:33that it doesn't have
01:52:34too much science
01:52:35for what you can do.
01:52:39Well, the challenge
01:52:40was about rice.
01:52:42If I put something else,
01:52:43I didn't want the rice
01:52:44to go as an accompaniment.
01:52:45I know,
01:52:46but the rice
01:52:47is like a nightstand.
01:52:48Patti, Patti, Patti.
01:52:51they should have played
01:52:52a little more with the rice.
01:52:53I think so.
01:52:54They have to demand
01:52:55a little more from us.
01:52:56We have sometimes
01:52:57stayed in the comfort zone.
01:52:58Thank you, daughter.
01:52:59Thank you.
01:53:03But if it's not for a challenge,
01:53:04then why do you
01:53:05put a rice challenge?
01:53:06I didn't understand anything.
01:53:08Carolina, come in, please.
01:53:12I loved that plating
01:53:14and that visually
01:53:15it looked tasty.
01:53:17It's a dish
01:53:18of mixing.
01:53:20There are 20,000 things.
01:53:23What's up, Carolina Tejera?
01:53:25The judges
01:53:26are already
01:53:27on their feet.
01:53:29What's the name
01:53:30of your dish, Carolina?
01:53:32Well, I wanted to name it
01:53:33after my friend, Jack,
01:53:35who's called Con Chen.
01:53:40I studied with him
01:53:41for five years
01:53:42at the Pedro Emilio Coll School
01:53:43in Venezuela,
01:53:44my home country.
01:53:46And when I went
01:53:47to his restaurant,
01:53:48he showed me
01:53:49what a Chinese rice is,
01:53:50to the Venezuelan,
01:53:51to the Latino.
01:53:52I guess you also have
01:53:53a lot of friends
01:53:55like my friend Gali,
01:53:56who has a friend
01:53:57on every beach
01:53:58and corner of the world
01:53:59with a restaurant
01:54:00near the coast.
01:54:01He brought me that memory
01:54:02and I want to honor him
01:54:03because I remember
01:54:04that his family
01:54:05was super,
01:54:06super hardworking.
01:54:07It has shrimp,
01:54:08it has ham,
01:54:09it has meat,
01:54:11it has chicken,
01:54:12a touch of cilantro,
01:54:14it has a little
01:54:15of what is alfalfa.
01:54:16It's not alfalfa,
01:54:17it's bean sprouts.
01:54:19You have to say the thing
01:54:21There are some comments
01:54:22that are too much
01:54:23for me.
01:54:25mixed with garlic,
01:54:26which is what
01:54:27they use a lot
01:54:28to fry.
01:54:29It's a rice
01:54:30that you can eat
01:54:31with a fork
01:54:32or you can eat it
01:54:33with chopsticks
01:54:34if you want too.
01:54:35I see it a little
01:54:37we say,
01:54:38like apatado
01:54:39in Santo Domingo,
01:54:40like it's not grained.
01:54:41It seems to me
01:54:42a rice,
01:54:43for me,
01:54:44it doesn't tell me much,
01:54:45it's like a Chinese rice.
01:54:47To me,
01:54:48as you say,
01:54:49Chinese food
01:54:51It has soy sauce too.
01:54:53but no,
01:54:54to my taste,
01:54:55it's too simple
01:54:56for what this challenge was.
01:54:58It was very badly judged
01:55:00the issue of
01:55:01saying it's a simple rice,
01:55:02I mean.
01:55:04It's delicious,
01:55:05I'm not going to deny you
01:55:06that it's delicious,
01:55:07but I don't think
01:55:08it's up to par.
01:55:09It has egg too.
01:55:11but with the infinite
01:55:12recipes there are with rice,
01:55:13it seems to me
01:55:14that it stayed
01:55:15like in diapers.
01:55:16That's my comment.
01:55:18Hold on,
01:55:19hold on.
01:55:21I'm going to talk about flavor.
01:55:22First bite,
01:55:24how delicious,
01:55:26Second bite,
01:55:27oh my God.
01:55:29Third bite,
01:55:30you can't take it anymore
01:55:31because of the amount
01:55:32of sodium.
01:55:33They destroyed it.
01:55:35They finished the plate.
01:55:37And they pass
01:55:38the wire brush
01:55:39also to my dear,
01:55:41not to her,
01:55:42to her plate.
01:55:44I heard, chef.
01:55:45Thank you.
01:55:46Thank you.
01:55:49But it can be seen
01:55:50perfect as every time
01:55:51she gets more angry
01:55:52and starts to open her mouth,
01:55:53her jaw,
01:55:54and she controls
01:55:55my respects
01:55:56because even though
01:55:57she looks like she's thinking
01:55:58super aggressive things,
01:55:59she just says
01:56:00thank you, chefs.
01:56:01For me,
01:56:02today the rice
01:56:03was the protagonist
01:56:04in my plate.
01:56:05Until now,
01:56:06Patty is winning.
01:56:08For the flavor.
01:56:09For the flavor, yes.
01:56:11They told Patty
01:56:12that the rice was dry.
01:56:13But if not,
01:56:14who is winning?
01:56:16Nobody yet.
01:56:17At least worse.
01:56:19please come forward, brother.
01:56:20Thank you.
01:56:21Gabriel is super daring.
01:56:22I will always dare
01:56:23to keep doing new things.
01:56:24Wow, Gabriel,
01:56:25I take off
01:56:26the hat with you.
01:56:28and it's not Pancho's.
01:56:30what's the name
01:56:31of this dish you made?
01:56:32It's called
01:56:33Ay Sushi.
01:56:34Ay Sushi.
01:56:35Ay Sushi.
01:56:36Ay Sushi.
01:56:37Ay Sushi.
01:56:38Ay Sushi.
01:56:39Ay Sushi.
01:56:40Ay Sushi.
01:56:41Ay Sushi.
01:56:42Ay Sushi.
01:56:43Ay Sushi.
01:56:44Ay Sushi.
01:56:45Ay Sushi.
01:56:46Ay Sushi.
01:56:47Ay Sushi.
01:56:48Ay Sushi.
01:56:49Ay Sushi.
01:56:50Ay Sushi.
01:56:51Ay Sushi.
01:56:52Ay Sushi.
01:56:53Ay Sushi.
01:56:54Ay Sushi.
01:56:55Ay Sushi.
01:56:56Ay Sushi.
01:56:57Ay Sushi.
01:56:58Ay Sushi.
01:56:59Ay Sushi.
01:57:00Ay Sushi.
01:57:01Ay Sushi.
01:57:02Ay Sushi.
01:57:03Ay Sushi.
01:57:04Ay Sushi.
01:57:05Ay Sushi.
01:57:06Ay Sushi.
01:57:07Ay Sushi.
01:57:08Ay Sushi.
01:57:09Ay Sushi.
01:57:10Ay Sushi.
01:57:11Ay Sushi.
01:57:12Ay Sushi.
01:57:13Ay Sushi.
01:57:14Ay Sushi.
01:57:15Ay Sushi.
01:57:16Ay Sushi.
01:57:17Ay Sushi.
01:57:18Ay Sushi.
01:57:19Ay Sushi.
01:57:20Ay Sushi.
01:57:21Ay Sushi.
01:57:22Ay Sushi.
01:57:23Ay Sushi.
01:57:24Ay Sushi.
01:57:25Ay Sushi.
01:57:26Ay Sushi.
01:57:27Ay Sushi.
01:57:28Ay Sushi.
01:57:29Ay Sushi.
01:57:30Ay Sushi.
01:57:31Ay Sushi.
01:57:32Ay Sushi.
01:57:33Ay Sushi.
01:57:34Ay Sushi.
01:57:35Ay Sushi.
01:57:36Ay Sushi.
01:57:37Ay Sushi.
01:57:38Ay Sushi.
01:57:39Ay Sushi.
01:57:40Ay Sushi.
01:57:41Ay Sushi.
01:57:42Ay Sushi.
01:57:43Ay Sushi.
01:57:44Ay Sushi.
01:57:45Ay Sushi.
01:57:46Ay Sushi.
01:57:47Ay Sushi.
01:57:48Ay Sushi.
01:57:49Ay Sushi.
01:57:50Ay Sushi.
01:57:51Ay Sushi.
01:57:52Ay Sushi.
01:57:53Ay Sushi.
01:57:54Ay Sushi.
01:57:55Ay Sushi.
01:57:56Ay Sushi.
01:57:57Ay Sushi.
01:57:58Ay Sushi.
01:57:59Ay Sushi.
01:58:00Ay Sushi.
01:58:01Ay Sushi.
01:58:02Ay Sushi.
01:58:03Ay Sushi.
01:58:04Ay Sushi.
01:58:05Ay Sushi.
01:58:06Ay Sushi.
01:58:07Ay Sushi.
01:58:08Ay Sushi.
01:58:09Ay Sushi.
01:58:10Ay Sushi.
01:58:11Ay Sushi.
01:58:12Ay Sushi.
01:58:13Ay Sushi.
01:58:14Ay Sushi.
01:58:15Ay Sushi.
01:58:16Ay Sushi.
01:58:17Ay Sushi.
01:58:18Ay Sushi.
01:58:19Ay Sushi.
01:58:20Ay Sushi.
01:58:21Ay Sushi.
01:58:22Ay Sushi.
01:58:23Ay Sushi.
01:58:24Ay Sushi.
01:58:25Ay Sushi.
01:58:26Ay Sushi.
01:58:27Ay Sushi.
01:58:28Ay Sushi.
01:58:29Ay Sushi.
01:58:30Ay Sushi.
01:58:31Ay Sushi.
01:58:32Ay Sushi.
01:58:33Ay Sushi.
01:58:34Ay Sushi.
01:58:35Ay Sushi.
01:58:36Ay Sushi.
01:58:37Ay Sushi.
01:58:38Ay Sushi.
01:58:39Ay Sushi.
01:58:40Ay Sushi.
01:58:41Ay Sushi.
01:58:42Ay Sushi.
01:58:43Ay Sushi.
01:58:44Ay Sushi.
01:58:45Ay Sushi.
01:58:46Ay Sushi.
01:58:48We are done.
01:58:50Gabriel, you have a secret advantage right.
01:58:51I do.
01:58:52It shows, because to present this ... You are입니다.
01:58:55I don't want to be a bad person but to me this was a disappointment.
01:58:59You can go back to your station.
01:59:02Iforte, Gabriel.
01:59:03We love you.
01:59:04Iforte, Gabriel.
01:59:05We love you.
01:59:06Iforte, Gabriel.
01:59:07We love you.
01:59:08I know it's not the best sushi in the world, but my intention has always been to introduce
01:59:12Also, the idea of doing something risky in a matter of time was worth it.
01:59:17Gary, please.
01:59:21Gary is very happy with his flavors.
01:59:25What interests me the most is that the chefs give me good comments, beyond winning.
01:59:30Gary, what's the name of your dish?
01:59:32I wanted to name it Tico Lindo.
01:59:38It's a typical dish from Costa Rica.
01:59:41It's used a lot in Palmito, but not only in Costa Rica, but also in Central America.
01:59:45This dish is used a lot when families get together.
01:59:49I made two types of rice.
01:59:50While I was making the rice, I was making the sauté,
01:59:54which was red pepper, onion, and when I told him it was a bechamel,
02:00:00he said, no, no, wait.
02:00:03I added mustard, herbs, and malibu.
02:00:06I said, this is going to elevate the flavor.
02:00:09It seems like he has a different proposal.
02:00:11The tips are decorative, but it has a good flavor because it's rice that I put in the blender.
02:00:17I added cream cheese, mozzarella, chicken bouillon, butter.
02:00:23It's super cool, it's something new.
02:00:26Gary, in my country, we call it rice casserole.
02:00:30I think it's a creamy preparation.
02:00:33I like that you play with the Palmito theme,
02:00:36and that the bechamel sauce doesn't feel heavy in the preparation.
02:00:41But the flavor is very good.
02:00:44Thank you very much, Chef.
02:00:45I think, honestly, that his mom is always with him in this competition.
02:00:50At this point, I have no doubt that she was a great cook, a great chef.
02:00:54And the truth is that those gifts were passed on to my buddy Gary.
02:00:57Well, Gary, first of all, I want to congratulate you.
02:01:00Because you treated the rice differently than the rest.
02:01:03I really like the Palmito with your bechamel.
02:01:07It's very good.
02:01:08And you treated the rice in a different way.
02:01:11It's not the typical yaki-meshi rice.
02:01:14A rice with vegetables, with proteins.
02:01:18Or sushi.
02:01:20Brother, you know I love you.
02:01:22I know you're mad at these things.
02:01:24I know you're not going to like me saying this.
02:01:26But I feel like it's not a dish to be at this competition.
02:01:31In my humble opinion.
02:01:33To Papacho Tico, brother.
02:01:35He's going to be very happy.
02:01:36In the technical points, I agree with my colleagues.
02:01:40Thank you very much, son.
02:01:41Thank you.
02:01:42Let's go, Gary!
02:01:45The preparation was different from the Palmito.
02:01:48I can't help it, and I'm always going to say it.
02:01:50And even if they get bored, my mom's energy was present again.
02:01:54I think we already have a winner.
02:01:56They already tried all the rice, and we have to make decisions.
02:02:00Chefs, please go ahead.
02:02:02Why are you leaving?
02:02:04Everyone was terrible, except for Gary.
02:02:06The truth is that everyone's tasting was quite aggressive.
02:02:10Except for Gary's.
02:02:11And again, I think we have to start making everyone more angry.
02:02:15Because I feel like they're already afraid of Gary's tantrums.
02:02:17And then they better not say anything negative at all.
02:02:19And better flowers and flowers and flowers.
02:02:21As long as they don't get angry again.
02:02:28Well, one of my favorite challenges in the world and in the universe is rice.
02:02:33Because I'm a great rice eater.
02:02:36Rice, look.
02:02:37I don't understand the palates of today, but well, it happens, it happens.
02:02:41You work, you overcome, and you continue.
02:02:44But you have to see the technique of cooking rice.
02:02:47And I think that's what we have to decide in the end.
02:02:50Because three great flavors came together.
02:02:53If I'm going to win with this dish, I just hope that immunity works.
02:02:56Do we agree?
02:02:57Yes, of course.
02:02:59Let's go there.
02:03:00Come on, team.
02:03:02I think there are ways to cook suddenly products that are so basic.
02:03:08The product is basic, but sometimes the dishes are not.
02:03:13Well, gentlemen, everyone has already won immunity.
02:03:17Now that the rice decides which was the best.
02:03:22Immunity at stake on a night that no one expected.
02:03:26Chefs, who is guaranteed a few more days in this kitchen?
02:03:34With my brother Gary, we still don't know the verdict.
02:03:37But it seems to me that today he wins the fourth immunity.
02:03:41First of all, let's congratulate three dishes that stood out.
02:03:49Three dishes that are in favor.
02:03:51Carolina, Patty and Gary, your seasoning was incredible.
02:03:56Thank you, Chef.
02:04:00I don't know if I should take this as a good sign or a bad sign.
02:04:05We have decided that the winner of this immunity challenge is...
02:04:20We have decided that the winner of this immunity challenge is...
02:04:33It's you, Gary.
02:04:35It's you, Gary.
02:04:49I won!
02:04:51The fourth!
02:04:52It wasn't very difficult.
02:04:53The fourth!
02:04:57Come on, buddy!
02:04:59The fifth!
02:05:02A balsam and a kick at the same time.
02:05:04I got home without a car.
02:05:07Gary, congratulations!
02:05:10Thank you.
02:05:12Yes, I breathe, but more than anything, winning with a dish,
02:05:15with such a small country like Costa Rica,
02:05:18we are four and a half million inhabitants,
02:05:20a country that has no army,
02:05:23which is a country full of life.
02:05:26And winning with a dish that my mom used to make for me,
02:05:29and it's from Costa Rica,
02:05:32I can't ask for more.
02:05:37It's very nice. Thank you.
02:05:39Thank you.
02:05:45I'm so happy.
02:05:46I'm so happy, man.
02:05:47The fourth immunity you get,
02:05:50Chef, and I haven't gotten a single one.
02:05:54Look, Gary.
02:05:55I know your mom isn't physically present,
02:05:59but I've felt her throughout the competition.
02:06:02Because you make a lot of recipes,
02:06:06and you always say,
02:06:07my mom used to make them for me,
02:06:08my mom used to make them for me.
02:06:10I see you kissing the bandana,
02:06:12thanking her.
02:06:14So, I firmly believe that your mom is here,
02:06:18blowing you.
02:06:19Every time he cooks for his mom,
02:06:21or honors his mom, he does well.
02:06:24It was beautiful.
02:06:25And more than anything,
02:06:26I know I'm going to be in this competition for a few more days,
02:06:30and I'm happy because I'm going to keep learning.
02:06:32Guys, you saw that anything can happen in this kitchen.
02:06:36The only sure thing is that tomorrow
02:06:39you'll have new challenges, new recipes,
02:06:43and probably one or two surprises.
02:06:48It's time to go rest.
02:06:49You can go to the cabin.
02:06:51Good night.
02:06:52Thank you.
02:06:53See you, man.
02:06:59My friend Gary is one of the strong participants, definitely.
02:07:05I'm very upset because I didn't say anything else.
02:07:09That's as far as I can go.
02:07:10Congratulations, little macho head.
02:07:13Little macho head.
02:07:15I love Gary very much.
02:07:17We've been very good friends since the beginning of the competition.
02:07:20I value his work.
02:07:22I know he's got it all.
02:07:24He's a great competitor.
02:07:26I've made sushi twice in my life,
02:07:28and I've been here for three f****** hours.
02:07:31You played it all the time,
02:07:32and you know what?
02:07:33Very brave.
02:07:34Let's see if it turns out great.
02:07:35Very brave.
02:07:36And I know you had your details, but...
02:07:38For me and for all my teammates,
02:07:40those of us who were there,
02:07:41and those of us who were in the cabin,
02:07:43it was something very obvious.
02:07:45It had gone very badly for all of us,
02:07:47except for Gary, obviously.
02:07:49What I see is that this dish
02:07:52was praised as it should be.
02:07:54Wow, it's great.
02:07:56And this one is more...
02:07:57It's very simple.
02:07:58I said, I don't understand.
02:07:59Well, I don't know.
02:08:00For a next challenge,
02:08:02you really get worried,
02:08:03because imagine,
02:08:04maybe you get affected.
02:08:07We say goodbye to La Cocina for today.
02:08:10The competition enters its final weeks,
02:08:13and the decisions will be more and more difficult.
02:08:17Change of plans.
02:08:18Whatever comes,
02:08:19you don't have to be afraid.
02:08:20What matters is to finish with this one.
02:08:22Don't be bad.
02:08:24I'm also going to dry you.
02:08:25I have some magical powders.
02:08:28We have a little problem.
02:08:30This can get very dark.
02:08:33They're going to want to get you out,
02:08:34and they're going to keep hitting you with the same thing.
02:08:35We all have the right to think differently.
02:08:38I don't have a single word to say.
02:08:40We're going to go against it.
02:08:42I would like to send both of them to hell.
02:08:44That's how I feel.