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Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 43 Completo HD Online
Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 44 Completo HD Online
Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 45 Completo HD Online
Top Chef VIP 3 Capitulo 43 Completo HD Online
00:00:18Vengo con la energía de siempre con las ganas de siempre un poco triste pues se nos fue mi hermanito jason y
00:00:24me hace falta aquí así
00:00:29Don cangrejito que linda
00:00:32Participantes bienvenidos a la cocina más importante de la televisión hispana en la cocina de top chef vip por telemundo la casa de los reality
00:00:43Hoy estoy muy contenta como siempre como cada día que regreso a la cocina de top chef vip
00:00:49hoy es un día nuevo para armarte de valor y sacar las garras en esta cocina
00:00:56Bien sabrosos pero más afilados que nunca nuestros chefs toño delivier belen alonso y la chef tita
00:01:08Como que algo me hace falta y evidentemente pues es
00:01:13mi compadre
00:01:15jason ayer perdimos a un mosquetero en una eliminación llena de muchas emociones
00:01:21Yo creo que la salida de mi compa jason fue muy dura para todos galeano perdiste en hermano
00:01:28va a cambiar la competencia para ti él me pidió una cosa ayer sí
00:01:34y yo voy a tratar de
00:01:36de honrarlo a mi hermanito es un hombre que sabe
00:01:40manipular la mente y las cosas de los mosqueteros y a partir de hoy en los días que a mí me queden aquí
00:01:47lo voy a estar
00:01:49Honrando porque él está aquí con todos nosotros y conmigo hombre no tranquilo que no sea muerto
00:01:54bendito dios que tenemos whatsapp y wi-fi
00:01:58Gracias a dios
00:02:00Toda esa parafernalia de los mosqueteros la verdad hoy decidí que estoy concentrada como dice la canción
00:02:08estoy puesta para lo mío
00:02:13Meta principal por supuesto llegar a la final no pero hay que estar enfocados en cada meta diaria
00:02:20y hoy está en juego una nueva
00:02:26Creo que me la merezco
00:02:28He venido trabajando mucho aunque por decirlo todos no merecemos estar inmune arrancamos chicos
00:02:35un nuevo ciclo en una cocina que sin duda se ve más vacía
00:02:40es una nueva jornada para pelear por la inmunidad ya quedamos menos de la mitad
00:02:45davis en la calentura de esta cocina o cómo se mantiene la cabeza fría
00:02:51pues haciendo uso de pues de lo que uno es por dentro y de lo que
00:02:55nuestros papás dejaron adentro de nosotros esa semilla de que es la se llama educación pues sirve para que uno esté
00:03:02ecuánime y tranquilo cuando ve que les dan esos ataques de berrinches y
00:03:06Shows ya pues uno se mantiene cool porque pues cada quien demuestra la educación que tiene
00:03:14Ahí hay algo no sé lo que pero siento que fue una indirecta directa y fue para galeano y bueno hoy
00:03:21la cocina va a estar caliente muy caliente
00:03:24y quienes sepan bajar la calentura podrán disputarse la inmunidad
00:03:30Es súper importante esta tranquilidad que te puede dar para llegar para estar una semana más
00:03:36y para no estar en esa duda de eliminación pero cuidado con
00:03:42el calor porque tendrán que cruzar una prueba
00:03:50Las pruebas de fuego son las pruebas para jugar
00:03:54vamos a disfrutar
00:03:56En que va a consistir esta prueba de fuego van a tener que adiestrar un ingrediente
00:04:07Estoy hablando de los chiles
00:04:12Su majestad el chile
00:04:14Hay gente que dicen que ningún chile le embona a mí me embonan todos y me
00:04:19encantan los chiles el reto de hoy estoy segura que lo disfrutaría al máximo
00:04:25Chicos inicialmente tendrán 60 minutos para preparar un platillo deben de incorporar de manera óptima
00:04:32el chile y mucho cuidado con esa parte que se sienta el chile pero también los otros ingredientes que tienen en su
00:04:40preparación haremos lo que se pueda con 60 minutos ya estoy dándole vuelta a la cabeza
00:04:44en que puedo incorporar el chile para que quede rico pues yo con el picante tengo que confesar que no soy no somos tan amigos
00:04:51Incorporan el chile en el platillo que vayan a hacer
00:04:55donde haga juego con lo que haga se refieren a que sepamos realmente
00:05:01sacarle el sabor a estos chiles
00:05:04pero sin que te desgracien el esófago
00:05:08Los chiles son como las personas hay de todas las formas colores tamaños
00:05:13unos son más lindos que otros otros son más rudos otros son tienen picardía
00:05:18Tu que chile fuera si fuera chile
00:05:20Yo si fuera chile creo que sería el ultimo
00:05:31Che Belen el chile oficialmente se mide no pica pica poquito pica más o menos pica mucho pica un **** y pica
00:05:40Carolina reaper según récord guinness más picante del mundo
00:05:48Ese chile
00:05:50a decir verdad
00:05:51con sabor dulce es muy muy rico pero utilizado de una manera muy
00:05:59moderada tanto que si hay un jarabe
00:06:03partido el chile
00:06:04introducido ahí cuatro minutos paz para afuera
00:06:08con eso tienes si está más bravo si es más agresivo mejor hay que domarlo y eso me va a dar mucha felicidad
00:06:16El ghost pepper que este chile fantasma es utilizado mucho en la india es
00:06:23sensacional mezclado con leche de coco
00:06:26con muchas especias cardamomo comino clavo estrella niche canela
00:06:32estamos hablando de algo muy muy picante que necesita que contrarreste con algo
00:06:37Me da tranquilidad porque es un producto que conozco y que creo poderlo preparar de la mejor forma
00:06:44El habarero es sensacional
00:06:48cuando es rojo o anaranjado
00:06:50es fantástico para quemar
00:06:52cuando es verde
00:06:54es fantástico para encurtir
00:07:00Si yo tengo que elegir hoy
00:07:02yo diría que
00:07:04el habarero
00:07:06El habanero o el fantasma
00:07:08El rocoto
00:07:10es un chile andino
00:07:12de semilla negra
00:07:14puede ser con sabor a
00:07:16tomate, pimiento
00:07:18algo cítrico y es picante
00:07:24Mi relación con el chile
00:07:26viendo el archivo del historial
00:07:28está en cero
00:07:30Santanderiano es un chile
00:07:32con notas dulces
00:07:34a veces a papaya
00:07:36es como una mezcla entre un habanero y un serrano
00:07:42En ceviche es sensacional
00:07:44no saben que cosa más rica
00:07:46Me relaciono muy bien
00:07:48no puedo por una condición médica
00:07:50abusar del chile
00:07:52Chile peruano es importante
00:07:54y lo utilizan mucho para hacer leche de tigre
00:07:58es picante pero es medio picante
00:08:00no es muy picante
00:08:04sin el chile
00:08:06no se puede vivir
00:08:08Ahí tenemos el serrano
00:08:10que tiene un nivel de picante medio
00:08:12tiene tonos cítricos también
00:08:14a mi me gusta mucho
00:08:16utilizarlo para darle
00:08:18ese toque de picor pero que no sea tan invasivo
00:08:20en salsas frescas
00:08:22por ejemplo
00:08:26Amo el chile
00:08:28vengo vestida de color chile
00:08:30soy chile lover
00:08:32viene el jalapeño
00:08:34que es de Veracruz, México
00:08:36tiene un grado intenso
00:08:38también de picor
00:08:40es bueno utilizarlo en salsas frescas o salsas frías
00:08:42digamos que el chile y yo
00:08:44tenemos una historia
00:08:46muy pero muy
00:08:50y luego nos vamos con el ají dulce
00:08:52que también ese ajicito a mi me encanta
00:08:54porque sirve como base para hacer sofritos
00:08:56yo soy un ají gustoso
00:08:58un ají dulce
00:09:00yo no creo
00:09:02para mi eres ese
00:09:04un rocoto
00:09:06con pique
00:09:08sin pique
00:09:10me encantaría
00:09:14desde el más dulcecito
00:09:16hasta el más picoso
00:09:18aquí hay nueve opciones de chile
00:09:20para escoger
00:09:22entre más nivel de picante
00:09:24más tiempo tendrán para cocinar
00:09:26creo que eso puede jugar a favor
00:09:28del que tenga menos tiempo
00:09:30decir bueno mira en 10 minutos
00:09:32hizo esto
00:09:34a mi que me toquen la mitad
00:09:36ni muy muy ni tan tan
00:09:38ustedes van a elegir uno de nuestros cuchillos
00:09:40de Top Chef VIP
00:09:42pero solo uno
00:09:44tendrá el cuchillo caliente
00:09:46el cuchillo
00:09:48con chile
00:09:51nos toca dejar
00:09:53nuestro azar
00:09:55en manos del destino en este caso
00:09:57de los cuchillos de Top Chef VIP
00:09:59por favor con todo el cuidado del mundo vengan por su cuchillito
00:10:01el chile caliente
00:10:03el chile caliente
00:10:05el chile caliente
00:10:17por favor con todo el cuidado del mundo
00:10:19vengan por su cuchillito
00:10:21el chile caliente
00:10:23el chile caliente
00:10:27tú lo tienes
00:10:29el chile caliente
00:10:31le salió el chile caliente
00:10:33siempre siempre
00:10:35y la suerte
00:10:37la tiene
00:10:39la Miss Universo
00:10:41de 1996
00:10:43Alicia Machado
00:10:45Alicia ha sacado el cuchillo enchilado
00:10:47que suerte
00:10:49y serás la primera a elegir
00:10:51con que chile cocinas
00:10:53ya me imagino va a decir
00:10:55fulano cocina con tal y tal y tal
00:10:57y a ver que pasa
00:10:59eso significa
00:11:01que también vas a escoger
00:11:03el tiempo que tendrás para elaborar tu receta
00:11:05después de que hayas elegido tu chile
00:11:07me vas a decir
00:11:09quien quiere que sea
00:11:11el siguiente en seleccionar
00:11:13su chile
00:11:15esa persona decide
00:11:17bien escoge su chile
00:11:19su tiempo por supuesto
00:11:21y después decide quien es
00:11:23la persona siguiente en pasar al frente
00:11:25y escoger su chile
00:11:27y así sucesivamente
00:11:29hasta que todos tengan su chilito
00:11:31y su tiempo
00:11:33esto me esta gustando porque resulta que Alicia va a ser la primera
00:11:35en elegir que chile es con el que va a cocinar
00:11:37pero cada chile
00:11:39tiene una cantidad de tiempo
00:11:43eres la primera en elegir
00:11:45con cual chile quieres cocinar
00:11:47bueno yo voy a escoger
00:11:49el habanero
00:11:55o sea que pierdes
00:11:5715 minutos de los 60 de cocina
00:12:01tendrás 45 minutos para cocinar
00:12:03me quitaste el chile habanero
00:12:05olichaguada lupe
00:12:07pero no importa eres tu
00:12:09te quiero puedes hacer lo que quieras
00:12:11ha trabajado con ese chile
00:12:13creo que hizo muy buena elección
00:12:15quien quieres
00:12:17que elija después de ti
00:12:23el niño
00:12:25Gabriel pero
00:12:27Alicia por favor toma tu chile
00:12:29y pasa a tu estacion gracias
00:12:31tomo mi chile y me voy a mi estacion
00:12:33he trabajado ya con el anteriormente
00:12:35me fascina
00:12:37el habanero especificamente
00:12:41con que chile quieres cocinar
00:12:43con el ghost
00:12:45porque tiene que ver con los fantasmas
00:12:47y es picante
00:12:49y tiene que ver conmigo
00:12:51muy bien
00:12:55niño tienes 10 minutos
00:12:57menos de cocina
00:12:59o sea tendras 50 minutos
00:13:01para preparar tu platillo
00:13:03porque este es
00:13:05el que voy
00:13:07voy a vengarme
00:13:09no de la chef sino
00:13:11de una historia pasada
00:13:13quien quieres que siga
00:13:15quiero que siga
00:13:17mi querida pati
00:13:21niño pasa por tu chile
00:13:23y de a tu estacion por favor gracias
00:13:25y claro que se veia venir esto
00:13:27ellos ya tienen su equipo yo se los dije
00:13:29ellos nos quieren sacar
00:13:31Alicia escoge
00:13:33al niño
00:13:35mi pati bella
00:13:37con que chile vas a cocinar
00:13:39obviamente me voy
00:13:41con el chile mas extremo
00:13:43vamos con el carolina
00:13:47carolina ripper tiene 5 minutos
00:13:49menos para cocinar
00:13:51tendras 55 minutos para preparar
00:13:53tu platillo
00:13:55totalmente yo feliz con ese chile
00:13:57y ademas tambien con el tiempo
00:13:59quien quieres que siga para elegir chile
00:14:03pero de verdad
00:14:05que pasa
00:14:07y asi van
00:14:09y le dan las mejores opciones
00:14:11a mis queridos amigas
00:14:15con que chile quieres cocinar
00:14:17con el rocoto
00:14:23tendras 20 minutos menos para cocinar
00:14:25ok eso quiere decir
00:14:2740 minutos en total para preparar tu platillo
00:14:29el rocoto me parece
00:14:31un chile mas noble
00:14:33sin embargo es un chile fuerte
00:14:35bien picoso y que de repente
00:14:37te explotan en la boca
00:14:39y te revientan la cabeza
00:14:41bien elegido carolina
00:14:43muy como tu
00:14:45quien es el siguiente en elegir chile
00:14:51se llama la querencia
00:14:53tu deberias saber ya de que lado
00:14:55pero ya va
00:14:57yo no estoy del otro lado de la historia
00:14:59yo tenia mi cosa en la mente
00:15:01lo que yo queria hacer
00:15:03y me parecio que el rocoto
00:15:05me gusta su sabor
00:15:07su olor me encanta
00:15:09david querido con que chile vas a cocinar
00:15:11yo voy a trabajar
00:15:13con el santandereano
00:15:19pues la verdad es que este chile ya lo he usado
00:15:21asi que no me es nada
00:15:23nada desconocido
00:15:25osea tendras 35 minutos
00:15:27para preparar tu platillo
00:15:29david elige un
00:15:33de termino medio
00:15:35porque a el tanto en la cocina
00:15:37como en la vida le gusta mantenerse ahi
00:15:39como en un punto medio entre dos aguas
00:15:41es un buen estratega
00:15:43a mi consiguió engañarme
00:15:45ya hace un tiempito que no
00:15:47quien sigue para escoger
00:15:51por supuesto
00:15:53david bien por tu chile y paz a tu estacion
00:15:55y a gabrielito que se entienda con los del clan
00:15:57trepi andraje
00:15:59porque no la integran
00:16:01en buena onda ya integran a los 4 mosqueteros
00:16:03no no no no no
00:16:05no me metan en ese paquete
00:16:07otra cosa
00:16:09siento que tanto pancho
00:16:11como galeano como gary y jason
00:16:13se encargaron de dividir el grupo
00:16:15todo el que entra sale
00:16:17no lo metan a los mosqueteros
00:16:19lo van a querer sacar
00:16:21asi que ellos estan siendo
00:16:23victimas de su propio invento
00:16:25que chile vas a cocinar
00:16:27yo me voy a tirar el aji dulce
00:16:29aji dulce
00:16:31no me importa nada
00:16:35menos 50 minutos para cocinar
00:16:37esta bien 10 minutico
00:16:39miren yo aprendi
00:16:4110 eternos minutos
00:16:43me encanta esa actitude
00:16:45entonces gabriel
00:16:47eso quiere decir que tienes 10 minutos
00:16:49para preparar tu platillo
00:16:51no pasa nada
00:16:53es una prueba de fuego
00:16:55quien es el siguiente en elegir chile
00:16:59todo se rie
00:17:03mexico no se lo puedo dar a mexico
00:17:05porque el esta muy controlado
00:17:07y gary viene de un proceso dificil
00:17:09se lo voy a dar a gary
00:17:11y yo no
00:17:13segun gabriel
00:17:15gary la paso mas mal que yo ayer
00:17:17gary se salvo
00:17:19se fue
00:17:21yo me quede solo con jason
00:17:23que programa estas viendo tu hijo
00:17:25no te haras mal
00:17:27gary con que chile vas a cocinar
00:17:33tendras menos 30 minutos
00:17:35para cocinar
00:17:39tu sabes que a mi el tiempo es lo mas complicado
00:17:41yo se pero bueno tu escogiste
00:17:43quiero hacer un ceviche
00:17:45pero quiero hacer muchas cosas
00:17:47no se si en media hora me va a dar tiempo
00:17:49el siguiente es pancho
00:17:53entonces pasa por tus chiles
00:17:55y ve a la estacion
00:17:57quiero llevar tambien ese ceviche a otro nivel
00:17:59no solo voy a entregar un ceviche
00:18:01ya saben ustedes que a mi me encanta complicarme
00:18:03asi es que ahi les va
00:18:05pancho con que chile quieres cocinar
00:18:07jalapeño o serrano
00:18:09me voy con el jalapeño
00:18:13vamos a ver que tal
00:18:15no piquen tanto como los que hice la vez pasada
00:18:17debes preparar tu platillo
00:18:19en 20 minutos
00:18:21por favor agarra tus chiles
00:18:23y ve a tu estacion
00:18:25hoy lo voy a hacer de manera diferente
00:18:27rellenos con carne no con puro queso crema
00:18:29asi que pues apuro pensar locuras
00:18:31el chile serrano
00:18:35menos 35 minutos para cocinar
00:18:37y a mi no me toca el serrano
00:18:39pancho me lo regala
00:18:41prepararas tu plato
00:18:43en 25 minutos
00:18:45ok pasa por tu chile y ve a tu estacion
00:18:47es evidente que quieren que
00:18:49los mosqueteros ya no esten
00:18:51o por lo menos
00:19:01importante no se pueden
00:19:03prestar ingredientes
00:19:05osea creo que
00:19:07si es un reto individual
00:19:09tiene que ser individual
00:19:11para ir al mercado
00:19:13tienen que ser individuales
00:19:15a mi parecer
00:19:17cuentan con 3 minutos
00:19:19para ir al mercado
00:19:213 minutos en el mercado
00:19:23uff es muy poco
00:19:25y ademas no nos podemos prestar ingredientes
00:19:27despues de que merquen
00:19:29me esperan
00:19:31y yo les doy el goal de cocina
00:19:33recuerden que todos tienen diferentes tiempos de cocina
00:19:35entonces hay que estar atentos en este reto
00:19:39la verdad de una manera muy divertida
00:19:41mi compa galeano pues tiene desventaja
00:19:43porque el no sabe manejar los chiles
00:19:45chicos sus 3 minutos
00:19:47en el mercado comienzan ya
00:20:01yo ya tengo muy claro
00:20:03que es lo que voy a cocinar
00:20:05y me voy a ir directo sobre todos los ingredientes
00:20:37no mas idonia
00:20:39pero al chile con el chile
00:20:41osea vamos a meterle mano a esto
00:20:43minuto y medio
00:20:51si no tienes una logistica vas a perder tiempo
00:20:53si no sabes lo que vas a hacer es un tiempo que pierdes
00:20:57tienes clara la receta
00:20:59perfectamente bien
00:21:01un dia sin chile es como un dia sin sol carmen
00:21:03primero agarre lo indispensable del ceviche
00:21:05y despues agarre papa yuca
00:21:07y algunas cositas para meterle
00:21:11que monton de mercado
00:21:13ya sabe que vas a hacer
00:21:15si mas o menos
00:21:2330 segundos
00:21:25limon mandarino donde esta
00:21:27niño aca hay limon
00:21:29pero no es mandarino
00:21:31si dame de ese
00:21:33lo que tengo en mente
00:21:35es hacer unos fideos
00:21:37de arroz
00:21:39pero que todo sea base
00:21:41de limon
00:22:05si si
00:22:07no entiendo como lo hacen
00:22:09siguen agarrando
00:22:11que ya no puedes agarrar nada
00:22:15necesito un limon
00:22:21aqui ya van a empezar las trampas
00:22:23bueno chicos
00:22:25aqui las cosas son super claras
00:22:27ustedes saben
00:22:29ustedes tenian 3 minutos en el mercado
00:22:31cuando yo les dije
00:22:35no podian agarrar nada mas
00:22:37asi que
00:22:47ustedes tenian 3 minutos en el mercado
00:22:49cuando yo les dije
00:22:53no podian agarrar nada mas
00:22:55bueno hay reglas que a veces
00:22:57no rompe porque
00:22:59queremos que el plato nos quede lo mas rico posible
00:23:01asi que
00:23:03nada mas que el riesgo esta
00:23:05en que nos vean
00:23:07y aqui sucedio eso
00:23:09agarre este tomate
00:23:11y tomate y curcuma
00:23:13hay una curcuma
00:23:15gracias alicia
00:23:17de nada
00:23:19ahi salieron el pacho y el galeano a meter queja
00:23:21por eso le quitaron eso de ahi
00:23:23de la canasta
00:23:25reglas son reglas
00:23:27que pesada eres
00:23:29ay no soy yo
00:23:31o bueno si porque es mi mercado
00:23:33siempre son los mismos
00:23:35alicia machado y david salomon
00:23:37que encima son super amigos
00:23:39porque dicen que los que duermen en el mismo colchon
00:23:41se vuelven de la misma condicion
00:23:49y siempre sabrosa
00:23:51a cocinar pati
00:23:53tome el chile carolina
00:23:55que es el mas picante del mundo
00:23:57el mas agresivo
00:23:59lo tengo que equilibrar con algo dulce
00:24:01con algo acidito
00:24:03pensé en una salsa
00:24:05de piña
00:24:07pienso hacer unos camarones
00:24:09rebozados en coco en fritura
00:24:13para mi galeano es una persona que cuando llega a la cocina
00:24:15todos con receta
00:24:17todos con el libro
00:24:19siempre tiene el libro presente
00:24:21si no hubiera sido por pacho
00:24:23que salio de soplon
00:24:25y galeano
00:24:27cuando yo los he visto a ellos hacer de todo
00:24:29y jamas y nunca les he echado tierra
00:24:31porque compito limpiamente
00:24:35el pacho
00:24:37pero la proxima vez que me toque un reto
00:24:39que lo vea yo
00:24:41hacer las pijas que hace
00:24:43me voy a poner ay produccion
00:24:47no se que
00:24:4910 minutos
00:24:51estoy eligiendo
00:24:53tartar de atun
00:24:5510 minutotes
00:24:57hubiese empezado de primero o de ultimo
00:24:59igual tu ya sabias que iba a hacer
00:25:01queria hacer un tartar de atun
00:25:09estas listo?
00:25:13y bien sabroso y picante
00:25:15eso no lo dudo
00:25:17mi problema es que no se
00:25:19si este chile gold
00:25:21que empieza con la G
00:25:23es mas terrible
00:25:25que la G de galeano
00:25:27que tengo aqui al lado
00:25:29y lo tienes respirando
00:25:31en la nota
00:25:33y ya me comenzaron a dar alergia
00:25:35pues niño resuelvelo
00:25:37porque tus 50 minutos
00:25:39comienzan ya
00:25:43soy el segundo en arrancar
00:25:45elegí el chile gold
00:25:47porque lo conozco
00:25:49he trabajado antes con el
00:25:51bueno no he trabajado es decir lo he comido
00:25:59esta congelado esto
00:26:01si pero metelo en la olla a presion
00:26:03no con olla a presion si es ceviche
00:26:05ah no entonces metelo ya
00:26:07el pescado tambien lo tenia muy claro como lo queria hacer
00:26:09de juego?
00:26:13a nosotros pues se vale
00:26:15nadie esta contra nosotros
00:26:17osea esto es un juego
00:26:19pero yo si se esta enganchando en sacarnos a nosotros
00:26:21yo te quiero mucho pero es la verdad
00:26:23nadie esta contra nosotros
00:26:25ustedes tienen su grupo
00:26:27estas bien mal chavo
00:26:29pero no pasa nada
00:26:31vamos a darle hasta donde tope
00:26:33no te confundas
00:26:35y en respuesta
00:26:37lo unico que hemos recibido
00:26:39es la demostracion
00:26:41a las ordenes que te de galea
00:26:45alicia me escuchas
00:26:49sus 45 minutos
00:26:51para cocinar
00:26:53comienzan ya
00:27:01yo le dije a alicia oye mira
00:27:03para mi este habanero
00:27:05le va super bien un caldo
00:27:07lo escullaste?
00:27:09si hice lo que me dijiste
00:27:11los pullas con un tenedor
00:27:13y te lo juro que va a saltar un sabor
00:27:15de habanero exquisito
00:27:17que estas haciendo
00:27:23no te vaya a fijarte en lo que hago
00:27:25que estas haciendo
00:27:27estoy trabajando en mis cosas
00:27:29vete para ahi
00:27:31de momento llega
00:27:33a quitarme tiempo
00:27:35y a enredarme en mi plato
00:27:37se viene a fijar
00:27:41hay cosas buenas aqui
00:27:45aqui hay calidad
00:27:47fijandose mucho en lo que yo estaba cogiendo
00:27:49pero fue todo lo que yo tome
00:27:51entonces no se que esta pasando aqui
00:27:57tus 40 minutos para cocinar
00:27:59comienzan ya
00:28:07no quiero que me molesten
00:28:11si yo te estoy molestando me voy ya
00:28:13yo estoy aqui dandote contenido
00:28:15estoy dando exposure
00:28:17oye que me va a dar exposure a mi niño
00:28:19yo tengo 30 años de brujo
00:28:21asi no te conoce nadie
00:28:25que mas usted va a hacer
00:28:27para ganar rating
00:28:33le saque las semillas a este chile
00:28:35es un chile fuerte
00:28:37me ha dado tiempo a pensar y a ordenar en mi cabeza
00:28:39como voy a hacer y a que velocidad
00:28:41porque tengo muy poco tiempo
00:28:43a mi esta receta me gustaria hacerla en una hora
00:28:45pero lo voy a intentar
00:28:47quiero hacer una sopa Tom Cacay
00:28:49vamos vamos vamos
00:28:51inspirada en esta sopa
00:28:53que nos prepararon por primera vez
00:28:55unos de nuestros mejores amigos de Madrid
00:28:57vamos ahi
00:28:59hasta que no me hacen caso ya quedan los que no me quieren
00:29:01ya no me quieren a mas
00:29:03estoy totalmente ciego
00:29:05para no darte cuenta
00:29:07de que el se ha encargado de separar
00:29:09a todos estos buenos compañeros
00:29:11que llegamos al principio
00:29:13mi hermano Pancho Gary
00:29:15el resto ya no me quiere
00:29:17entonces ni me hacen caso
00:29:19si hubiera estado aqui Jason
00:29:21al grito mio
00:29:23pues yo creo que Galeano en algun momento de su vida
00:29:25habra leido Maquiavelo
00:29:27y el esta dividiendo pensando que asi va a vencer
00:29:29hermano Jason te quiero te extraño
00:29:31si lo consigo
00:29:33ya se lo contare
00:29:41esta vez no tienes 10 minutos
00:29:43tienes 35 minutos
00:29:45y aunque tu no me quieras
00:29:47yo a ti si
00:29:49claro que te quiero
00:29:51tus 35 comienzan ya
00:29:53asi que yo me decido por hacer un pescado
00:29:55en salsa
00:29:57de chile santandereano y piña
00:29:59este carnal
00:30:01aqui compa se va a lanzar
00:30:03unos chiles rellenos
00:30:05ya tengo la idea
00:30:07vamos a ver que tal nos va
00:30:09yo les dije
00:30:11nos la aplicaron
00:30:13yo les digo
00:30:15bueno Alicia Carolina y David
00:30:17no se si tengan en si algo asi como
00:30:19algo contra nosotros fuerte
00:30:21pero pues lo que se ve no se pregunta
00:30:23dice no no no
00:30:25nosotros no estamos
00:30:29hoy todos contra nosotros
00:30:31y nada estamos tres mosqueteros
00:30:33tenemos que seguir dandole para adelante
00:30:35dicen que cocina mucho pero
00:30:39bueno la verdad es que
00:30:41yo siento que Galeano
00:30:43se trae como un jueguito
00:30:45muy personal entre agresivo
00:30:47y venenoso con Alicia
00:30:57Carmen por favor ya
00:30:59faltan tres segundos
00:31:01dame por favor
00:31:03dos treinta minutos
00:33:17This is pineapple mango.
00:33:18No, it's pineapple.
00:33:19It's always been a part of our Sinaloan gastronomy.
00:33:22The shrimp coated in coconut, the sweet sauces.
00:33:25Try that coconut.
00:33:28And leave it in your mouth.
00:33:30And check if it doesn't give you an acid flavor.
00:33:31Try it first with one and try it.
00:33:34The bread or the panko is always a great friend of the breaded.
00:33:38Yes, Chef.
00:33:39I still have 20 minutes.
00:33:40Thank you.
00:33:41Ready, honey.
00:33:42Thank you.
00:33:43It's something I know in flavors and that I know how to prepare.
00:33:47Pancho, are you ready?
00:33:48Your 20 minutes start now.
00:33:51Thank you.
00:33:5220 minutes.
00:33:53I'll start cooking.
00:33:54I'm going to make a chili with meat with a good cheese that I already have there.
00:34:04Alice, what are we going to do?
00:34:07I'm making a shrimp broth with habanero.
00:34:11Habanero is 45 minutes.
00:34:13This is what you have to cook, right?
00:34:15What you've had to cook.
00:34:16Enough time.
00:34:17I hope you don't go too far with the chili.
00:34:20It's going to be a shrimp broth with habanero.
00:34:22Yes, with habanero.
00:34:23With habanero.
00:34:25And I'm making an avocado sashimi with a guanabana and habanero sauce.
00:34:31Let's see, let's see.
00:34:32What is the dish that we are going to judge?
00:34:33I had considered making some accompaniment.
00:34:36If it was a fish or something like that.
00:34:39No, one.
00:34:40So, habanero in the shrimp broth.
00:34:42Great combination.
00:34:43Very good.
00:34:44Lemon, maybe?
00:34:45There, on one side.
00:34:47And a little avocado.
00:34:48And there to put the broth inside?
00:34:51It gives me another perspective of how I can present the dish, right?
00:35:0035 minutes Santander chili.
00:35:03I've seen this in Colombia when I've been there.
00:35:06And it's spectacular for the ceviches.
00:35:08Now, my son is tasting it.
00:35:11With tatemadita pineapple too.
00:35:13I put a little bit of green pepper and a little bit of red pepper.
00:35:16And toasted onion.
00:35:18So that this also has a flavor that is more appetizing to the eye.
00:35:23And you're going to serve this with what, Herman?
00:35:24With a fish.
00:35:26And with this yellow sauce.
00:35:28And of course, the garnish.
00:35:30Remember what I told you.
00:35:32Start studying and practicing what is the salmon for the fish.
00:35:39What are you doing?
00:35:40Because I saw that it came out, as Carmen would say, fire.
00:35:43I'm going to make a chili like last time.
00:35:47But not so spicy so that your bite is not too spicy.
00:35:51Last time they were spicy.
00:35:53They're chilies.
00:35:54Is this the one you're going to present?
00:35:56No, I was looking at it to see if I could take care of the others.
00:35:59I don't know, but in a good way, I think you owe the presentation, friend.
00:36:04Well, you also have to recognize when you have them.
00:36:06It is supposed to be the one that is less spicy.
00:36:07No, not less.
00:36:08It's the one they use for nachos and so on.
00:36:10But sometimes, yes.
00:36:11It also depends on the season of the year.
00:36:13If a chili is more or less spicy.
00:36:15Let's see, Ché Belén, try it.
00:36:16Let's see in what month they made that chili.
00:36:20Ah, then pull it.
00:36:22Hey, let's see, let's see.
00:36:23Ché Belén starts eating like this.
00:36:25And I tell her, well, let me try it.
00:36:27Let's see.
00:36:29Give it a try.
00:36:31It doesn't taste like anything.
00:36:40Beautiful tiger milk ceviche with Peruvian chili.
00:36:43How long did it take you?
00:36:45Half an hour.
00:36:46I was trying it and trying it, and the truth is that it never made me sick.
00:36:48So, more milk.
00:36:49The delicious thing about a chili, a tiger milk, is the well-balanced combination of the flavor of chili and the moderate spiciness.
00:37:01I already have it, I already have it.
00:37:02This is called telepathy.
00:37:03I already have it, I already have it.
00:37:04So, you have pure meat here, and this is a very good move.
00:37:07I think I got a very nice chili that can be very well incorporated into a ceviche because it is Peruvian chili with Peruvian ceviche.
00:37:14Well, obviously.
00:37:16Beautiful, beautiful, my chef.
00:37:19How sad, because my friend Jason would have loved to be in this chili challenge.
00:37:25Gabriel, are you ready?
00:37:27Ready and focused, my Carmen.
00:37:29Ten minutes to cook, start now, Gabo.
00:37:33There is no time for anything, gentlemen.
00:37:35The first thing I start with is the most important thing, the tuna.
00:37:41Tell me everything, you had 25 minutes, you still have it, and you are using Serrano chili.
00:37:47Yes, it is a soup dish with vegetables, with coconut milk, well seasoned.
00:37:52I'm crazy to try your soup because I'm very much of soup and very much of coconut.
00:37:56How delicious, thank you very much, chef.
00:37:57Especially when you have Asian influence.
00:37:59Well, nothing, I'll leave you alone.
00:38:00Thank you, chef.
00:38:01Good luck.
00:38:02Thank you for the visit.
00:38:04Let's move on and see how it goes.
00:38:10Oh, Caro, are you finishing?
00:38:13What did you do, Caro?
00:38:14What are you doing here?
00:38:15I made a white fish, sautéed.
00:38:18I made what are the tomatoes, the cucumber, tomato and of course the chili.
00:38:24And are you going to put something crunchy or are you going to die like that?
00:38:27Something crunchy, well ...
00:38:28Diego, I would give you that advice.
00:38:30Yes, something crunchy.
00:38:32We went to the supermarket and I can't go back and I said ...
00:38:43How are you?
00:38:44I'm doing very well.
00:38:45I'm preparing a tuna tartare that I'm going to make.
00:38:48Well, a fresh tuna.
00:38:49I want to put, if I have time, the tuna in two preparations.
00:38:54Keep cooking, keep cooking.
00:38:56There are moments in life where at home you are not ready to receive visitors.
00:39:02But I can't open the door of my house and serve you as you deserve.
00:39:05Miche, I didn't bring lemon for the avocado.
00:39:07What if I put a little mescal on it?
00:39:09Does it work or tequila?
00:39:10So you can put a little touch on it and try it.
00:39:13Because trying it, what does it taste like?
00:39:14Wonderful tip.
00:39:15I'm going to use it another day, with more time.
00:39:18Get out of there, Gabriel.
00:39:20I already had two minutes.
00:39:21You have three minutes left.
00:39:32I had the fish shell and I made a croquante, as Chef Belen suggested.
00:39:40Gabriel, are you running a lot?
00:39:41No, nothing here, calm down.
00:39:44I love your good attitude.
00:39:46The ranch is on fire.
00:39:48It's like on the line with time.
00:39:50And more than I had 40 minutes, I didn't have 60 to make this dish.
00:39:5430 seconds.
00:40:03But don't expect a 50-minute dish to be the same as a 10-minute dish.
00:40:09You can't, you can't, gentlemen.
00:40:1210, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
00:40:24Hands up, guys.
00:40:26He took it out.
00:40:27He gave me time to chop the mango, which was like the last thing I wanted to do,
00:40:30because if I don't, I won't put mango on it.
00:40:32Do I have a dish to continue competing with immunity?
00:40:35Definitely yes.
00:40:36I got a fantastic dish.
00:40:38It's the perfect combination.
00:40:41Please come to the table while we prepare everything for the tasting.
00:40:45Thank you.
00:40:46I did a very good job.
00:40:47I hope it goes well.
00:40:48The chili that touched me is the worst of all of the chilies.
00:40:51I'm flattered.
00:40:52Because this is very speedy!
00:40:55Cooking in 10 minutes.
00:40:57You're the best.
00:40:58I'm not.
00:41:00You know I'm taking that one, but I know I'm going to take it.
00:41:03I wanted to come in first because I wanted that one.
00:41:06I wanted to pass.
00:41:07That's why I said, me.
00:41:08I wanted to pass, because I was going to pass.
00:41:10I was going to pass.
00:41:11I'm not going to pass on this.
00:41:12You can pass.
00:41:14You can pass.
00:41:15I'm going to pass.
00:41:17I didn't want to miss the opportunity to grab that.
00:41:19You've seen beautiful people saying,
00:41:21what about the next one?
00:41:23No, I grabbed the sweet chili,
00:41:25because it made me very crazy
00:41:27to be able to challenge myself to cook in 10 minutes.
00:41:30And here I am to have fun and play.
00:41:32Participants, come back to the kitchen.
00:41:35It's time for the tasting,
00:41:37what we like so much.
00:41:39My people, and you can't miss it,
00:41:41because here at Top Chef,
00:41:43things are good.
00:41:44Let's see my friend Toño's stuffed chili.
00:41:47I think it has a soft spiciness.
00:41:49My mouth is on fire.
00:41:50My God forgives him.
00:41:51It's very raw.
00:41:52The fish.
00:41:53The coconut oil was cut off.
00:41:55I think you've been constant lately
00:41:57in doing things wrong.
00:41:59He made a big mistake.
00:42:01Fatim, this is serious.
00:42:15I remind you,
00:42:16the best of this challenge
00:42:18will fight for immunity.
00:42:24Who do we start this hot tasting with?
00:42:27Kid, please come in.
00:42:31And I was very lucky that I was the first,
00:42:33so you're going to eat my soup,
00:42:35very rich, hot.
00:42:38What is this ghostly dish called?
00:42:41Patricia's ghost.
00:42:44Did Patricia die?
00:42:45I'm still here.
00:42:50Well, I have a friend who has been my mentor.
00:42:54With her I learned the good things of life.
00:42:57And once they invited us to a house,
00:42:59some Hindus,
00:43:01and I saw a more beautiful dish.
00:43:04And when I did like this,
00:43:06and I saw the devil,
00:43:08because it was spicy,
00:43:10I never forgot the ghost pepper in my life.
00:43:13I washed the ghost pepper very well,
00:43:15I removed all the seeds,
00:43:17I put it a little in the hot water,
00:43:19and I think it has a soft spicy
00:43:21that you feel at the end
00:43:23when you drink the soup.
00:43:25Tonight will be the revenge
00:43:27between the kid and the ghost pepper.
00:43:30As always, your seasoning is noticeable.
00:43:32At first, if you just taste it,
00:43:34it's very spicy.
00:43:36At first, if you just taste the rice noodles,
00:43:39it does seem like there is a ghost,
00:43:42because you don't perceive the taste of the pepper so much.
00:43:46But like this, the soup is spicy,
00:43:49but it doesn't invade your palate.
00:43:51It's very good,
00:43:53and the color is very, very beautiful.
00:43:55Thank you.
00:43:56Thank you.
00:43:57It's raining flowers.
00:43:58Very good, my boy,
00:43:59I'm very happy.
00:44:01Well balanced,
00:44:02the spicy is very light,
00:44:06but if noodles alone,
00:44:08the noodles lower a lot of power
00:44:10to a broth that is very rich.
00:44:11I don't think it was wow,
00:44:13but the boy did well this time.
00:44:16You can feel the magical powders of the boy here.
00:44:18It's great.
00:44:20Thank you, boy.
00:44:21Thank you.
00:44:24I had a fantastic review.
00:44:27My dear Gabriel, give it to him, dad.
00:44:30I think he did a very good job
00:44:32to make 10 minutes.
00:44:37I take off the hat with Gabriel.
00:44:39It's called Correcaminos.
00:44:43Well, in record time,
00:44:44I really never imagined
00:44:45that I would have to cook in 10 minutes.
00:44:47I got the sweet chili,
00:44:49a chili that I really ate
00:44:51and I feel that it didn't sting so much,
00:44:53but it gave a very tasty taste.
00:44:55I decided to present it in two ways.
00:44:57One was together with the avocado
00:45:00and the other if it was chopped fresh
00:45:02on the top, which is with the tuna,
00:45:05and in the middle, a little mango
00:45:07to add a touch of sweetness to the figure.
00:45:10In Gabriel's case,
00:45:12I think it was not only a good move,
00:45:15it was totally strategic.
00:45:17I too, maybe,
00:45:18would have taken those 10 minutes,
00:45:21especially since it is a quick preparation.
00:45:23Well, I get a simple tartar.
00:45:28I don't see any cooking.
00:45:31Not at all.
00:45:32The chili,
00:45:33as the chili itself is very thin,
00:45:36you can feel the texture and it is very tasty.
00:45:39Where the chili plays well,
00:45:41you applied it very well.
00:45:43When Chef Toño tells me
00:45:44that he thinks it's something simple,
00:45:46in a way,
00:45:47as if 10 minutes
00:45:48were really an eternity.
00:45:50I swear it's not an eternity.
00:45:52I think you made
00:45:53very nice cuts of your tuna.
00:45:55It looks very careful.
00:45:56The ají dulce is also felt.
00:45:58I liked that you put the mango
00:46:01and the touch of avocado,
00:46:05That great challenge
00:46:06of being able to cook something in 10 minutes,
00:46:08and the truth is that you did it.
00:46:09It's a simple dish,
00:46:11but with flavor.
00:46:12It goes very well.
00:46:13Thank you very much
00:46:14for coming back to the station.
00:46:15Thank you.
00:46:16Thank you.
00:46:17Actually, they said it was very good,
00:46:18it was very tasty,
00:46:19and I keep that.
00:46:21The truth is,
00:46:22I thought they were going to say
00:46:24look at all these preparations
00:46:25you did in just 10 minutes.
00:46:27Gary, please.
00:46:28I'm coming.
00:46:29I'm very excited about this dish.
00:46:32I'm coming.
00:46:33Obviously, I already explained
00:46:34that I was going to make the foam
00:46:35in front of them
00:46:37so that it wouldn't fall.
00:46:38What's your dish called?
00:46:40I put moroso ceviche.
00:46:45The ceviche is based
00:46:46on a tiger milk,
00:46:47which is passion fruit milk.
00:46:49First, I smoked the fish.
00:46:52I smoked it
00:46:53and then added cilantro,
00:46:55and in that same broth
00:46:56there was fish with chili.
00:46:58If you taste it in the air,
00:46:59it also has Peruvian chili,
00:47:01which tastes like passion fruit.
00:47:03They're tasting it
00:47:04and I think they look very good.
00:47:07I think the tiger milk
00:47:08turned out delicious.
00:47:10The idea of using passion fruit,
00:47:13that citrus touch
00:47:14and at the same time sweetness,
00:47:16with a good thickness,
00:47:17added to your dish.
00:47:19I also liked
00:47:20that you combined it with cassava,
00:47:22Thank you, chef.
00:47:23Well, I think my friend Gary
00:47:24is a competitor
00:47:25who has really done well.
00:47:27Four immunities,
00:47:28super good.
00:47:29That's why he's here
00:47:30in the top nine
00:47:31of Touch VIP.
00:47:32Well, Gary, it has a very good flavor.
00:47:34It has acidity,
00:47:35it has sweetness,
00:47:36it has crunchiness.
00:47:37Here, my only criticism
00:47:39that I would give you
00:47:40is the cuts.
00:47:42You have to be constant
00:47:44because it's the presentation.
00:47:45You're right.
00:47:46It's the visual part
00:47:48and now,
00:47:49you can see the love
00:47:51for the food.
00:47:53I'll take that into account.
00:47:54Thank you, chef.
00:47:55The thing is,
00:47:56I didn't have much time.
00:47:57I was so busy.
00:47:58If I had 10 more minutes,
00:48:00I swear,
00:48:01I swear, chef,
00:48:02that I make the perfect cuts.
00:48:04I hope you're grateful.
00:48:05Good luck.
00:48:06You can go back, Eric.
00:48:07Thank you, chef.
00:48:09I feel like I have
00:48:10good chances of passing,
00:48:12but you know,
00:48:13you never know, top chef.
00:48:15Carolina, please.
00:48:17Carolina's dish,
00:48:18to me,
00:48:20is very rough,
00:48:21very grotesque.
00:48:23Let's see what the chefs have to say.
00:48:25It's called
00:48:26the Rocoto bed.
00:48:29It has an avocado bed
00:48:31with cream,
00:48:35It has a pumpkin bed, too,
00:48:37sautéed in butter.
00:48:41everything that is
00:48:42tomato, pepper,
00:48:43a touch of butter,
00:48:45garlic, of course,
00:48:47and it has a crispy fish.
00:48:50The dish looks beautiful.
00:48:52It has a lot of color.
00:48:54Overall, it tastes good,
00:48:56but the Rocoto
00:48:57is impregnating my palate,
00:48:59like hell itself.
00:49:01My mouth is on fire,
00:49:04and I'm Mexican.
00:49:06The fish is undercooked.
00:49:08It's a little undercooked.
00:49:11You can't even cut it.
00:49:12It's semi-raw.
00:49:14I don't want to justify myself,
00:49:15but I touched it everywhere
00:49:17and it was really super soft.
00:49:20I had it in the pan for a while.
00:49:23I agree with Belén.
00:49:24I'm not going to repeat the same thing.
00:49:25You're absolutely right.
00:49:27The proportion
00:49:29is where I have a problem here.
00:49:31I think it's a world,
00:49:33an avocado pool.
00:49:35I respect the judges' opinion.
00:49:38I think it's a bed.
00:49:40I thought it was a great idea.
00:49:42I've seen it before
00:49:43in other preparations.
00:49:45Thank you, Carola.
00:49:46Thank you.
00:49:48She made a big mistake,
00:49:50and I won't forgive her.
00:49:52Raw fish,
00:49:53there's no way.
00:49:56Come on.
00:49:57Let's go.
00:49:58To be honest,
00:49:59I see that my dish
00:50:00has a lot of possibilities.
00:50:02At least in terms of flavor,
00:50:04I guarantee you
00:50:05that it's delicious.
00:50:08This is called
00:50:10Cumbia fish.
00:50:15I got the Santanerian chili.
00:50:17It's Colombian,
00:50:18so it had to be called Cumbia.
00:50:20What I did was
00:50:22put the chili,
00:50:26red pepper,
00:50:27green pepper,
00:50:29and garlic.
00:50:30Then I made a sauce with the pineapple,
00:50:32and I made a reduction
00:50:34to have this sweet base.
00:50:36And I put the fish on the grill
00:50:38with garlic, onion,
00:50:39and all these chopped herbs.
00:50:41And to go with it,
00:50:43I made this avocado salad
00:50:45with potato
00:50:46to balance the flavor.
00:50:49My dear David,
00:50:51present a Cumbia fish
00:50:53that looks delicious.
00:50:59in terms of flavor,
00:51:01they'd be proud of you.
00:51:03The Colombians would buy you a Cumbia.
00:51:09The flavor.
00:51:11Now, what's missing?
00:51:13That's the one that would send you to jail,
00:51:15I think.
00:51:16What? What did I do?
00:51:17Because the fish is...
00:51:19Like Triton?
00:51:20Like Triton, it's very raw.
00:51:22The fish.
00:51:27My people,
00:51:28in this kitchen,
00:51:29you learn from everything.
00:51:32although there is a lot of pressure.
00:51:34Not only from Sastoria,
00:51:35but also from my colleagues.
00:51:37From my dear Alicia,
00:51:38my spiritual wife,
00:51:39who sometimes takes me out of the kitchen.
00:51:42But, gentlemen,
00:51:43join the hashtag
00:51:44Top Chef VIP 3.
00:51:46We're back,
00:51:47for Telemundo,
00:51:48the house of reals.
00:52:02in terms of flavor,
00:52:04I would say
00:52:05it's one of the most special
00:52:31It's raw.
00:52:32I'm only pretending because I know my fish is raw.
00:52:35Between us.
00:52:36It's very raw.
00:52:38David, how sad.
00:52:41So I pretended to be surprised, I got closer to the table.
00:52:45It's raw.
00:52:46The fish, remember, when it's this thick,
00:52:49and I mentioned that to you,
00:52:50seal it and then put it in the oven.
00:52:53Can I come back next time?
00:52:55Put it in the oven.
00:52:58I also give you a recommendation, besides putting it in the oven,
00:53:01you can work with the protein much smaller
00:53:04and make very nice cubes with its skin
00:53:07and work it much more minimalist and put it on the plate.
00:53:11Heard, chef.
00:53:12Thank you.
00:53:13But I tell you why.
00:53:14Because he won me the time because I was dedicating a lot to the chili.
00:53:19You can go back to your station.
00:53:21Thank you.
00:53:23Well, everyone has a hard time.
00:53:25They get demanding with me.
00:53:27It's okay, because they know where there is quality.
00:53:32I'm happy with my Thai soup.
00:53:34I hope to move on to the next round and fight for immunity.
00:53:38It's called Tom Kha Kai, Yurian and Eline.
00:53:47They are close friends of my wife and mine from Madrid.
00:53:50And the first time I tried this soup was at their house.
00:53:53They are not vegetarians, neither are we, but they told us,
00:53:55we have prepared a vegetarian dish that we love.
00:53:57It's an Icelandic soup.
00:53:58I liked it a lot.
00:54:00It looks, in the distance, rich, sophisticated.
00:54:04I started by browning garlic, ginger, serrano.
00:54:08Then I introduced the mushroom.
00:54:10Then I added the coconut milk.
00:54:12I also added a little red pepper, very, very thin,
00:54:16to give it a crunchy, pumpkin touch.
00:54:19Then I added a little more chili.
00:54:22I had several plates there, to get in and out,
00:54:24and to taste the flavor.
00:54:26I'm happy with what I've done.
00:54:28I think it's a good choice to use chili.
00:54:31I do feel that the coconut milk was cut off in the preparation.
00:54:37And maybe the flavor gets a little rancid.
00:54:42I don't know if it's the same coconut milk,
00:54:44or what made it taste a little rusted.
00:54:47Some ingredient that you have in the soup.
00:54:49Right, Galeano?
00:54:51I've tried, I've tried, I've tried the soup,
00:54:54I don't know how many times.
00:54:55It didn't taste cut off.
00:54:57My soup has betrayed me today.
00:55:00Galeano, I think you've been constant lately,
00:55:02in doing things wrong.
00:55:05The truth is, I would never have expected a dish like this from you.
00:55:11Well, gentlemen, the real Galeano is coming out,
00:55:14who doesn't cook.
00:55:15I consider you to cook very well, Galeano.
00:55:18This isn't you for me.
00:55:20You have to get ready to ride the horse again, my brother.
00:55:22What happens is that now you are realizing,
00:55:25because the competition is going up.
00:55:28Get on that horse again with gallard.
00:55:31And so you return to your station.
00:55:33Like this.
00:55:34Thank you, chefs.
00:55:35To you.
00:55:36Thank you.
00:55:37Where is Galeano?
00:55:41Patty, please come in.
00:55:44I am very pleased, very satisfied and very happy with what I prepared.
00:55:48Not everything that is spicy is chili.
00:55:51Ah, you chose the roughest.
00:55:53The spiciest in the world.
00:56:01I made a tatemada pineapple sauce with garlic, onion and chili.
00:56:06Well, three pieces of chili of each color,
00:56:09and I tried to balance them as best as possible.
00:56:11The protein is some shrimp coated in coconut.
00:56:14Had you ever cooked with this chili?
00:56:16Well, I have practically cooked with almost all the chilies.
00:56:19I think it was very well done.
00:56:21I am calm for my dear Christmas.
00:56:23She is a woman who knows what she is doing.
00:56:29Chef Toño hits the table.
00:56:31I say, he liked it.
00:56:38This is serious.
00:56:51Standing ovation.
00:56:54Thank you.
00:56:55Thank you very much.
00:56:57Thank you.
00:56:59God of my life, I sweated, I suffered, I felt that the chili was bursting in my throat.
00:57:04What a way to present and handle the chili in the right way.
00:57:09Thank you.
00:57:10Because you were the most intrepid,
00:57:12who chose the one that stings the most.
00:57:14Ah, I also added some mint leaves to the sauce.
00:57:18They make an impressive balance on your plate.
00:57:22I told her, Patty, everything that has to do with chilies, she knows.
00:57:27You do not fail to surprise us with your good seasoning.
00:57:31Thank you, Patty.
00:57:32Thank you.
00:57:33Thank you.
00:57:35Really, Christmas has a good seasoning.
00:57:37Patricia Navidad could open a chain of restaurants.
00:57:41I think we already know your flavors.
00:57:44And also, blindfolded, we could discover that they really are your dishes.
00:57:50Thank you very much.
00:57:51I am very proud of you.
00:57:52Oh, how beautiful.
00:57:53Thank you.
00:57:54Thank you very much.
00:57:55Patty and I are in direct competition.
00:57:58Which was better, India or Mexico?
00:58:06Thank you.
00:58:07Thank you very much.
00:58:08I knew she was going to do a great job.
00:58:09Because my brother-in-law knows a lot about chilies.
00:58:12Alicia, please.
00:58:15Thank you.
00:58:17I have the delicious broth.
00:58:21What is the name of your dish, Alicia?
00:58:23Passing is raw.
00:58:24No doubt.
00:58:28I made a fish and shrimp broth with habanero.
00:58:32Inspired by festive nights.
00:58:34And waking up in the morning in a hurry, as they say.
00:58:37Well, I made a habanero cream with guanábana.
00:58:41Guanábana in a broth?
00:58:44And avocado.
00:58:45So you can spice up the broth.
00:58:48And you add the avocado to combine it.
00:58:51I made it with habanero, shrimp, fish, anise, and rosemary.
00:58:57I really liked the consistency.
00:59:00But I think the combination of guanábana and habanero is a very delicious sauce.
00:59:05Well, now it does make a little more sense.
00:59:09The cream, because it increases the intensity of your soup.
00:59:13Of flavor.
00:59:14However, Alicia, you have to be very careful when using spices.
00:59:18In this case, you used star anise.
00:59:21Which is very invasive.
00:59:22So you feel a very strong presence inside the soup.
00:59:28Well, it's the idea.
00:59:29Even if it's the idea, you always have to find balance in the dishes.
00:59:33You feel so much that it competes with chili.
00:59:36Okay, thank you.
00:59:37When you have more time, you water it more.
00:59:39The protagonist was the chili.
00:59:40It was neither the anise nor the guanábana.
00:59:43For me, that guanábana gave the whole tower to what you had here.
00:59:49There are carelessness and accidents.
00:59:51This was a mixture of the two.
00:59:54Alicia wanted to experiment and no, girl.
00:59:57Soup, sweet with anise.
01:00:02Everything has already been said.
01:00:03I agree with my colleagues.
01:00:04You can go back, girl.
01:00:05Okay, thank you.
01:00:07Unfortunately, I think this afternoon we'll see you in the cell, Alicia.
01:00:15Come on.
01:00:16Come on, please.
01:00:18Here comes my little brother, Pancho.
01:00:20Come on, machine, come on.
01:00:22I'm ready.
01:00:23Let's see how it goes with my friend Toño's chili.
01:00:26Jalapeño, it's your turn.
01:00:27What did you do?
01:00:28My friend Toño's chili.
01:00:37I have this stuffed chili with ground meat, a cheese that came wrapped in a banana leaf,
01:00:41they call it a quesillo, an avocado mirror.
01:00:44I also made a mango cream to lower the spiciness and the crunchiness of the bacon.
01:00:49Following the advice of Chef Toño, they say that the sweet goes very well with the chilies,
01:00:53so there it is.
01:00:54Did you make a deal with the chili?
01:00:56In the same oil that I made the meat, I put the chili there, I put a little cream cheese,
01:01:02ground meat and the cheese.
01:01:04There it is.
01:01:07This is spicy.
01:01:08It's spicy, but it's also good.
01:01:10Many people think that all the chilies in Nogada are extremely spicy and stuffed,
01:01:16but no.
01:01:17The great chili in Nogada, you give it a try, of course, to warm up or fry,
01:01:20but it is juicy and what makes it delicious with the filling is the water of that chili
01:01:26mixing with the ground meat.
01:01:28So, I think you did something sensational here.
01:01:32I loved it.
01:01:34Thank you, Toño.
01:01:35Pancho, raw chili, it doesn't matter.
01:01:37It doesn't matter.
01:01:38It happens.
01:01:39I mean, please.
01:01:40I mean, this matter can't be more marked.
01:01:42I think it's a very good dish.
01:01:44It's bulletproof.
01:01:47Thank you, Chef.
01:01:48Thank you very much for coming back.
01:01:49Thank you.
01:01:50Good, brother.
01:01:51Very good.
01:01:52Very good.
01:01:53For that immunity.
01:01:54Let's go!
01:01:55I'm so excited.
01:01:57We are not chefs, and to be hosted on a plate like this, you get the feeling.
01:02:02The kitchen is on fire.
01:02:05Chefs, it's time to release, please.
01:02:10I'm hot.
01:02:12Poor guy.
01:02:13What I do have clear is that we didn't pass Don Salomón, or Doña Machado,
01:02:19or Doña Tejera, or a server.
01:02:28As I say about chili, mole and sesame,
01:02:30Patty went for the hottest one, Carolina Reaper.
01:02:35I still can't believe it.
01:02:36To be honest, for me, a delicious, balanced dish.
01:02:40The sauce tasted like chamoyosa.
01:02:43It was incredible.
01:02:44I have a lot of confidence that it will go well.
01:02:47I can talk about the kid, for example.
01:02:49What a delicious soup, the kid's.
01:02:51Very good texture in the noodles.
01:02:53He used the chili very well, the ghost, because he had to.
01:02:56And he balanced it very, very well.
01:02:59Unlike Alicia, I feel like I didn't understand her dish.
01:03:02She had a thick sauce, but she also had the soup.
01:03:05She used a lot of star anise.
01:03:07And I think it doesn't go well.
01:03:09I mean, the shrimp with the guanabana, the anise.
01:03:12I mean, it was too much for a single dish.
01:03:15I would have put the box on Alicia's plate, because I didn't find the combination.
01:03:19So, the truth is, bad.
01:03:21The chefs from now on will be more demanding, more demanding.
01:03:25I had in my conception of participating in Galeano as one of the strong ones.
01:03:30But I don't know if something is happening to him, but it's declining.
01:03:35I mean, this kid is exhausted.
01:03:38This kid is missing his buddy.
01:03:41I'm not in a good mood.
01:03:43What I want and I want in this circumstance, the truth, is to be alone.
01:03:47There's a vibe that I don't understand after I think they've been given the opportunity to cook fish.
01:03:53Twenty times where we've corrected them.
01:03:55We've given them advice.
01:03:57And not like that.
01:03:58Two raw fish.
01:04:00Yes, totally.
01:04:01From Carolina and from David.
01:04:02Sorry, but at this point in the competition, I don't understand.
01:04:06That's what I'm going for.
01:04:07I mean, I do see them at risk.
01:04:08Also, David, who is one of the strong ones, to my liking.
01:04:11How do you get a raw fish here?
01:04:13And it was a great dish, David's.
01:04:15There are mistakes, because, be careful, we are not professional chefs.
01:04:19I'm not even 50 years old cooking like a professional chef.
01:04:22On the other hand, our dear Gabriel, poet boy, in 10 minutes he made a dish.
01:04:29And he did it.
01:04:30Yes, yes, yes.
01:04:31I totally agree.
01:04:32And I think it's getting better and better.
01:04:35It's this pancho that made this jalapeño pepper filling, which was very good.
01:04:41That's where I say that sometimes judges, not everything is what it seems.
01:04:46I think we're more than clear with everything we do.
01:04:48Let's go there then and let's tell them.
01:04:50Let's go there.
01:04:51With all due respect, the spiciest peppers in the world.
01:04:53I want to imagine that the judges will be kind with the preparation time issue.
01:05:01Chefs, tell us, who will be able to compete for immunity tonight?
01:05:06Full of vitamin C, right now we tell you that five of you will participate in the next challenge.
01:05:16We are all looking forward to the immunity challenge, to win it.
01:05:19But only one will win immunity.
01:05:21This is your opportunity.
01:05:23It's not about the best dish, but the one with the fewest mistakes.
01:05:26The best dish of the night that goes indisputably to the next challenge is the dish of ...
01:05:34I consider that the chili of Toño today goes to the challenge of immunity.
01:05:49The best dish of the night that goes indisputably to the next challenge is the dish of ...
01:06:04I consider that the chili of Toño today goes to the challenge of immunity.
01:06:09The best dish of the night that goes indisputably to the next challenge is the dish of ...
01:06:17Paty, please.
01:06:20I love it, it was worth it.
01:06:22So much effort, so much work time, to be there in the stoves.
01:06:27I am very happy.
01:06:28The second best dish is the dish of ...
01:06:32I feel that I have good chances of passing.
01:06:40Niño, eighth.
01:06:43What an honor to have the second best dish of this competition.
01:06:49The third best dish of the night.
01:06:57Gary, cheer up.
01:07:00We are going for that immunity, the truth is that it is never too much.
01:07:03Fourth best dish is the dish of ...
01:07:15I hope that today we take that immunity.
01:07:19How could it be otherwise, after the praises that have been poured on his dish.
01:07:23And the fifth and last dish that goes to the next challenge of immunity is the dish of ...
01:07:33Oh, there I said who it will be.
01:07:42It gives me a lot of joy to be able to cook again, to be in a new challenge,
01:07:47doing something that I probably don't know what to do.
01:07:50I mean, I don't understand this, you win and your prize is to cook again, how?
01:07:55Guys, congratulations.
01:07:57Paty, Niño, Gary, Pancho and Gabriel, you were the best.
01:08:03And now, to be able to compete for immunity.
01:08:07Please come to the end while we prepare everything for the next challenge.
01:08:11Thank you.
01:08:12Thank you.
01:08:13It feels very nice that there is a beautiful harmony, recognizing the effort that we are all making.
01:08:19I hope that this challenge that comes from immunity, if I can, because I don't want to be in danger.
01:08:34Antonio came to my station and he thought or interpreted that I was making two dishes.
01:08:40He started telling me, it's just that you don't understand the challenge because you don't hear, right?
01:08:44As always.
01:08:45Because you didn't make a single dish and that's it.
01:08:47No, I was doing it.
01:08:48No, she made like a soup with a cream.
01:08:51But they come like that.
01:08:52Oh, it's just that you didn't hear, it's just that you don't listen, it's just that you didn't understand.
01:08:56I don't understand, I don't have data.
01:08:58Present the dish as it is.
01:08:59I don't know if you can explain, it's something else.
01:09:01From that point, from that appreciation of the judges, I think that from now on I have nothing to say.
01:09:07Because I don't know what the judges are looking for anymore, the truth.
01:09:10The cava this afternoon is going to be a lot of fun.
01:09:13No, and I can imagine everyone shouting Alicia, child, child.
01:09:19No, and Gabriel.
01:09:20Oh yes.
01:09:21Child, Gabriel, who else?
01:09:23What do you think of this breakup?
01:09:26What do you think of this breakup?
01:09:28Because, I mean, it's obvious that they left us the musketeers last.
01:09:32I mean, to hurt us.
01:09:34I'm going to deny that in here there are fiperine tongues.
01:09:41That, well, they never stop surprising you.
01:09:45And you don't know where they can hit your mouth to poison you.
01:09:48Pati, Niño, Gary, Pancho and Gabriel.
01:09:53Please, when you enter the kitchen, each one chooses the station they want.
01:09:58Okay, it's random.
01:10:00Come on, we're waiting for you.
01:10:02Come on.
01:10:03Good luck.
01:10:04Come on, Gary.
01:10:05Come on, come on.
01:10:06Come on.
01:10:07Come on, child.
01:10:08We are going to enter now, my four companions and I, to debate in the stoves to gain immunity.
01:10:15I see both Pati, Gabriel, Gary, Pancho and Niño super excited to gain this immunity.
01:10:22I see both Pati, Gabriel, Gary, Pancho and Niño super excited to gain this immunity.
01:10:42No, me here, in the last one.
01:10:44Me in the last one?
01:10:45No, me in the last one.
01:10:47I come with this a little weird energy.
01:10:50Today, I even got up praying loudly.
01:10:53Guys, the kitchen comes through the eyes.
01:10:57And it's a party of colors, textures and flavors.
01:11:01I'm going for everything.
01:11:02This mouth has nothing to gain from it.
01:11:04I hope God, today if he doesn't give us the hand and that immunity, comes with the hat.
01:11:09But although the variety is the pleasure, as the chefs often say,
01:11:15less is more.
01:11:18Chefs, tell us what this immunity challenge is about.
01:11:22They are going to prepare a dish where the starting point and the arrival point
01:11:29will be what they find under those bells.
01:11:38What do you think it is?
01:11:40Who knows, something…
01:11:42What do you use in the same ingredient?
01:11:46Less is more, they said.
01:11:47I like these challenges.
01:11:49Bells, surprises.
01:11:51Guys, what could it be?
01:11:53Maybe we have to combine an entrance with something.
01:11:58I would love for there to be something that I know, like a plantain.
01:12:03The patty, the patty, the patty, you know.
01:12:06Yes, the patty is there.
01:12:07I'm making a connection, yes.
01:12:09Because it can be something that is protein, but at the same time it can be the same sauce.
01:12:16I mean, it's something that can be handled in different ways.
01:12:21It's just that, look, one has a connection with aliens, and the other one with vision, well, they have…
01:12:27I mean, you can't do that.
01:12:29It's so close that I'm scared.
01:12:31Whatever it is, I'm not going to get frustrated.
01:12:32Whatever it is, I'm going to do it in front of everything.
01:12:35Gary, what's under that bell?
01:12:38I have no idea, no idea, no idea.
01:12:40Gary's face of suffering, always.
01:12:42But whatever it is, we're going to do it right.
01:12:45I mean, I'm eager to cook, I want to cook now.
01:12:48Pancho, Pancho, what's under your hat?
01:12:52A very sincere ranchero man.
01:12:55And what about the bell?
01:12:56I don't know.
01:12:57A lobster doing this.
01:13:00Mami, who knows?
01:13:01No, Pancho, but seriously, what could it be?
01:13:03I think it has to be a very well decorated dish.
01:13:05Very well decorated?
01:13:07Well, here at Top Chef, everything has happened.
01:13:09It's no wonder that they put something in us today, and that they want to mess with us.
01:13:13And you, Gabriel, what do you think?
01:13:15Always well decorated.
01:13:17It helps a lot.
01:13:18But here there is a succulent ribeye with some potatoes and some vegetables.
01:13:23You don't cook anymore.
01:13:25Your specialty.
01:13:27For me, I don't speculate anymore.
01:13:29Well, whatever it has to be.
01:13:30Look, better, on the count of three, you're going to uncover, okay?
01:13:34No, plantain again.
01:13:35It can't be plantain, macho.
01:13:37This has been the season where I've seen the most plantains in my life.
01:13:40To Juan.
01:13:42To two.
01:13:44To three.
01:13:50In my life, I always demand a lot, and that is a benefit.
01:13:54But in this competition, I don't think it will work for me.
01:13:58Subscribe to the YouTube channel of Telemundo Entertainment
01:14:02so you don't miss all the exclusive content of Top Chef VIP.
01:14:06We are back with Telemundo, the house of realities.
01:14:17Look, better, on the count of three, you're going to uncover, okay?
01:14:21No, plantain again.
01:14:22It can't be plantain, macho.
01:14:24This has been the season where I've seen the most plantains in my life.
01:14:26To Juan.
01:14:28To two.
01:14:30To three.
01:14:40Maybe they have to prepare something of that color, don't you think?
01:14:44It seems that the end of Top Chef has become a gym today.
01:14:47Alicia has brought some weights because she wants to be in shape.
01:14:50It's wonderful.
01:14:52Today you have a creative challenge.
01:14:55We want the final result of your dishes
01:14:59to reflect the color that each of you got.
01:15:03The stew, the recipe, all in one color.
01:15:07I think it's going to be a lot of fun in the anguish that exists.
01:15:11At least it's not an elimination.
01:15:13Everything has to have the same color,
01:15:16even if they are different shades, but the same color.
01:15:19If Patty got green,
01:15:21the whole dish has to be green.
01:15:25Wow, that's interesting.
01:15:27I like it. I like the challenge.
01:15:29Guys, something important.
01:15:31There are no dyes in the market.
01:15:37It's not going to be easy.
01:15:38What you can use are natural pigments.
01:15:44And something very important.
01:15:45To highlight those colors and make it monochromatic,
01:15:49it's important that you choose the right dish.
01:15:53I said, put an orange dish,
01:15:55all orange, so that it doesn't get green.
01:15:58And that all the elements of your dish have a meaning,
01:16:01and be a forceful dish that supports each element to the other.
01:16:06How difficult it has been for me,
01:16:07because I feel that all the preparations,
01:16:10at the time of preparing, change color.
01:16:12It's not easy, it's not easy. Green.
01:16:15Or red.
01:16:17With those pants that she brings me,
01:16:19full of holes,
01:16:20with boots,
01:16:22with a light green shirt,
01:16:26and seeing her exercise,
01:16:29it looks like a Dantesque image inside the cave,
01:16:32turning around with her feet as if she were Jane Fonda.
01:16:35It's an incredible thing.
01:16:36What do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do?
01:16:38You can get dyes through ingredients,
01:16:40as you have already used.
01:16:43Parsley, spinach,
01:16:45purple cabbage,
01:16:47squid ink, for example.
01:16:49There are many dishes that can be made with this type of monochrome.
01:16:58It sounds easy, but it's not that easy.
01:17:01Let's see what color each one has to cook.
01:17:05Child, what color did you get?
01:17:12Also a little bit of mourning.
01:17:14Child, bat.
01:17:17Gabriel, what is your color?
01:17:19Fire, passion.
01:17:24The truth is, I hardly use red.
01:17:26I don't know why, so there's not much connection.
01:17:30Patti, yours?
01:17:31Green, I want to see you.
01:17:35And green for me is, above all, hope and life.
01:17:40Pancho, your color?
01:17:41One of my favorite colors, orange.
01:17:45My people, really, orange means a lot to me.
01:17:48And you, Gary?
01:17:50I'm still thinking what to do.
01:17:53Yellow chicken.
01:17:54A dish with that color.
01:17:57No, no, no, no.
01:17:58That Gary from the blockade is coming in right now.
01:18:00Think, Gary.
01:18:03Guys, you have 60 minutes and the market is open.
01:18:07I think that with all the colors you put on him,
01:18:09you could do interesting things.
01:18:12I mean, give them a break, right?
01:18:14I mean, this is super easy.
01:18:22Very tasty.
01:18:25Let's go.
01:18:27Let's cook.
01:18:36Let's go.
01:18:43Help me.
01:18:44Well, chromatic means that everything has to have the same color.
01:18:48Whether it's different textures with the same color.
01:18:53Everything is complex.
01:18:54I think doing everything the same color...
01:18:57Oh, God.
01:18:58Let's see.
01:18:59Let's see if the chefs are not in tune.
01:19:04Pati, what did I get?
01:19:06Oh, no. Pati was on the other side.
01:19:07It's super easy. Green and yellow is easy.
01:19:09Well, apparently, some might think it's hard,
01:19:13but if you think about it, it's not that hard.
01:19:16All colors have their pros and cons.
01:19:25Kid, give it your all.
01:19:32Well, this challenge is a little difficult.
01:19:35For some, because we can't use artificial colors.
01:19:39It has to be all natural.
01:19:43What did Colonel Red get?
01:19:45Pepper, guys.
01:19:46Make a cherry pie.
01:19:48Everything is very difficult in this challenge, for me.
01:19:51If I had gotten green, I would feel extremely happy.
01:19:58It's a challenge of humility,
01:20:00and it's a very opportune moment to bring out your creativity as a chef
01:20:06and surprise the chefs with a nice plating.
01:20:19Galeado, my love, look.
01:20:20Learn to cook with flavors.
01:20:24No recipe.
01:20:27I already taught you how to make black rice.
01:20:30I don't know about anything else, but black rice, yes.
01:20:32Soon, I'll show you what I'm capable of with my black rice.
01:20:37If it's orange, I'll put a sweet potato on it.
01:20:39Pancho has the ability to solve anything.
01:20:44Do you like it?
01:20:45But the color is yellow, right?
01:20:47But obviously, we all know that one of Pancho's tactics
01:20:50is to ask the others, right?
01:20:52Paty, does it look orange?
01:20:54Yes, of course.
01:20:55Yellow, put...
01:20:57No, it's not yellow.
01:20:58Oh, put a little more red.
01:21:01There's no great science.
01:21:02Red and yellow.
01:21:04Together, they give you orange.
01:21:16Hi, how are you?
01:21:18Are you working with shrimp?
01:21:20Shrimp, lobster.
01:21:21Lobster, correct.
01:21:22Because I'm going to make a red pasta.
01:21:24Seafood pasta.
01:21:25What can you make red?
01:21:27It's very complex.
01:21:28There are very few options, I think, right?
01:21:30Why don't you use red peppers too?
01:21:33Think about it.
01:21:35So that it's a truly monochromatic dish.
01:21:38Because you're going for something very simple.
01:21:40I know.
01:21:41Which is pasta.
01:21:42So I don't think that's going to save you.
01:21:44I do know that I have the option of peppers,
01:21:47which can be stuffed with meat.
01:21:49Okay, I'll leave you alone. Focus.
01:21:51Thank you, my chef.
01:21:52I say, well, yes, it's definitely simple.
01:21:54We're going to complicate it a little more.
01:21:55We're going to make this pepper, we're going to make a meat,
01:21:57and we're going to do something like sea and land
01:21:59in a tomato sauce with pepper.
01:22:07What are you going to do?
01:22:08A puree of sweet potato mixed with carrot.
01:22:12And I have the salmon with orange.
01:22:15Do you need something crunchy?
01:22:17Because I'm telling you,
01:22:18my colleagues are going to tell you,
01:22:19what's crunchy?
01:22:20You know how they are in this part.
01:22:21You're right.
01:22:22I'm going to make some carrot sweet potatoes,
01:22:24but in the oil, to give it crunchiness,
01:22:26and what do you think?
01:22:27To give it a little height.
01:22:29And you're missing a sauce.
01:22:30And you have a wonderful market,
01:22:32and you have 20 minutes.
01:22:33Okay, I'll do it.
01:22:34The sauce, just lighten that one.
01:22:36Veleno, don't worry, the sauce is ready.
01:22:39A little bit of water, more liquid,
01:22:42and at the end, there you go, an orange.
01:22:45Tell me, Armando,
01:22:46what evil are you going to do with the black color?
01:22:49Look, I'm making squid rice in its ink,
01:22:54but I'm also making it with a base of black beans.
01:22:58As if it were this dish of Moros and Christians.
01:23:01Or what is it called?
01:23:02A Moro of black beans.
01:23:03Ah, look what a good idea.
01:23:05I have several preparations.
01:23:07I also want to fry the beans,
01:23:09to put them on my plate as decoration.
01:23:13Oh, I think I have a nice dish.
01:23:15What is squid in its ink, with rice,
01:23:18is a dish, let's say, legendary is the word.
01:23:21It's wonderful.
01:23:23It behaves very well,
01:23:24finished with lemon drops, acidity,
01:23:27some butter.
01:23:28That's all I say.
01:23:29Cheer up.
01:23:30With all my king.
01:23:31I'm going for that immunity.
01:23:33I'm going there.
01:23:38Pati, how are you?
01:23:41Green, I want you green.
01:23:43Well, I already have some asparagus here.
01:23:46I have the pumpkin seeds.
01:23:48I have here an avocado cream with celery.
01:23:50Very good.
01:23:51And I'm trying to make a fish.
01:23:53Let's see if I can paint it with spinach too,
01:23:56and make it green.
01:23:57And Pati, as always, I see her very well.
01:23:59Very good, very focused, with a very clear idea.
01:24:02It's the color that I think in the kitchen
01:24:04gives you more possibilities.
01:24:06When you split the fish,
01:24:08you put it in and wrap it,
01:24:10then it won't be green.
01:24:12And if not, right now I'm running for broccoli.
01:24:14And the broccoli, our bad idea,
01:24:16also put it with the asparagus.
01:24:19Put it in the cream.
01:24:20The more green you bring in your collaboration,
01:24:22it was fantastic.
01:24:23Thank you, thank you, Chef.
01:24:24The chefs always come to bring light,
01:24:27to give us wonderful, valuable advice
01:24:30that leads us to a better port.
01:24:39What are you doing, Gary?
01:24:40Where is Ratulo? Complain here.
01:24:42Aga, I'm the complaint department.
01:24:44Come from there, tell me everything.
01:24:46But a little bit they leave me last.
01:24:49How much turmeric?
01:24:50Half a cup, let's say.
01:24:51Half a cup?
01:24:52How many seconds was it?
01:24:53Calm down, now.
01:24:54Why don't you have to say right now,
01:24:55when they're giving me?
01:24:56What was the problem?
01:24:57Because I'm susceptible.
01:24:59I warned.
01:25:01You're in a TV show.
01:25:03You're going to fall.
01:25:05You're in a TV show.
01:25:06You're going to fall.
01:25:14What are you doing, Gary?
01:25:15Where is Ratulo? Complain here.
01:25:17Aga, I'm the complaint department.
01:25:19Come from there, tell me everything.
01:25:21But a little bit they leave me last.
01:25:23Belen, please.
01:25:25You're missing 10 minutes to finish.
01:25:28Let's see, tell me what you're going to do.
01:25:30Well, with all that, with chicken,
01:25:32leek, I made a more concentrated
01:25:34and we're going to put this right here.
01:25:35To reduce?
01:25:36To reduce with curry.
01:25:38Do you know how curry tastes better?
01:25:40When you put it in the pan.
01:25:42It brings out all its aromas.
01:25:44She gave me a super tip
01:25:46that I hadn't calculated,
01:25:48that I had no idea.
01:25:49You're going to start smelling.
01:25:51Oh, how delicious.
01:25:52Oh, right?
01:25:53We don't give those tips to anyone.
01:25:55But you're my mom.
01:25:57I'm your mom.
01:25:58I'm Gary's mom.
01:25:59I think it was a great advice.
01:26:01I think that changed everything for me.
01:26:03Well, did my visit help you, son?
01:26:05Yes, a lot.
01:26:06Thank you, chef.
01:26:07Don't get mad.
01:26:08No, never.
01:26:10I think the preparation is perfect with what we have.
01:26:22Is that avocado?
01:26:23I think it's spinach, sir.
01:26:25Oh, yes, yes.
01:26:26I see Patty like a fish in the water.
01:26:28I mean, I see her pretty calm.
01:26:30How delicious.
01:26:31Everything green is health,
01:26:32it's nutrition,
01:26:33it's healing.
01:26:36What are you making, Gabriel?
01:26:38I mean, shrimp, lobster, and meat?
01:26:41Yes, the logistics aren't at the beginning.
01:26:44It's so important to know
01:26:46what you're going to do.
01:26:47What you're going to do, of course.
01:26:50consider that they asked you
01:26:51to give me magenta,
01:26:52number 932
01:26:54in the color chart.
01:26:55I mean,
01:26:56you can't find anything red in there.
01:26:58Let's see.
01:26:59The background, the background.
01:27:00What am I going to do?
01:27:01Where am I going to do it?
01:27:02Oh, no.
01:27:03It's the boy.
01:27:04It looks like the one who has it the clearest
01:27:05is the boy,
01:27:06because, well,
01:27:07he got black.
01:27:08Well, maybe the boy
01:27:10might practice black magic.
01:27:13Or maybe he gets inspired
01:27:15in his soul
01:27:16or in his consciousness.
01:27:17I'm having a great time
01:27:19in the Caba this afternoon.
01:27:21It's pure fun.
01:27:23It's like
01:27:24being in a family.
01:27:28The Caba is very calm right now.
01:27:30What I don't know
01:27:31is how it's going to go
01:27:33from day to night.
01:27:35We'll see how it goes.
01:27:37Black like your consciousness.
01:27:39Oh, no.
01:27:42You said it right, Carmen.
01:27:43You said it very well.
01:27:45Have you met someone
01:27:46with a black soul?
01:27:49I think everyone
01:27:50has a bit of both souls.
01:27:52It depends on the moment
01:27:53and the circumstances.
01:27:54Because for you,
01:27:55I could be
01:27:56the best person in the world.
01:27:58And for someone else,
01:27:59I could be the worst.
01:28:00That's true.
01:28:01I don't know if the boy's soul
01:28:02is black or not,
01:28:03but divine,
01:28:06and bright,
01:28:07I'm telling you it's not.
01:28:08And how's your love life?
01:28:09Oh, very good.
01:28:11Not black like your soul.
01:28:12No, no.
01:28:14But there's already
01:28:15a marriage.
01:28:17I see a wedding.
01:28:18How's it going?
01:28:21Tell Frederick
01:28:22that I don't know.
01:28:24Before the show ends,
01:28:25I want to see that ring.
01:28:27I need to see
01:28:28that you give him
01:28:29that surprise ring
01:28:31here on the show.
01:28:32Because I saw that.
01:28:34Well, let's see if it's true.
01:28:45Top chef, VIP.
01:28:49Now the other part is missing,
01:28:50the flavor, the seasoning.
01:28:51Yes, of course.
01:28:52Look, I'm going to put it like this
01:28:53to give height to my dish.
01:28:55Did you see?
01:28:58Pacho, this is from Tik Tok.
01:28:59Is something missing there?
01:29:03Did you leave, Matiana?
01:29:04I have the sweet potato puree
01:29:06with carrot,
01:29:07I have the salmon
01:29:08with an orange sauce,
01:29:09I have the crunchiness.
01:29:11Well, let's see.
01:29:13Two minutes.
01:29:23Grab a funnel, Pancho.
01:29:32Do you like a funnel
01:29:33to put the sauce?
01:29:34A funnel.
01:29:36I have a sore throat,
01:29:37it hurts that I can hardly
01:29:38even touch myself,
01:29:39but he's my brother,
01:29:40and I need him to listen to me
01:29:41because we're
01:29:42being left alone here.
01:29:43I'll let you know.
01:29:45My brother Pancho
01:29:46has to win
01:29:50Let's go.
01:29:51One minute, guys.
01:29:53I hope it comes out.
01:29:55Put a nail in it.
01:29:56But I also came up with
01:29:57making a foam
01:29:58from the same funnel
01:30:00to take advantage of it.
01:30:01If I see that it's good
01:30:02and rich,
01:30:03then I present it.
01:30:04Then my dish
01:30:05will be as it is.
01:30:09Look, it was wonderful
01:30:10the fact of
01:30:11not changing the plans,
01:30:13but adjusting the plans,
01:30:15because in the end
01:30:17I used everything
01:30:18I was going to prepare
01:30:19for the sweet potato paste.
01:30:20I don't know, it was the paste.
01:30:21Thirty seconds!
01:30:23Right now Carmen
01:30:24is already in
01:30:25evil mode.
01:30:26Carmen has the ability
01:30:27to count ten seconds,
01:30:28she counts them in three.
01:30:30I mean,
01:30:31ten, nine, five,
01:30:32three, two, one, bye.
01:30:33It's over.
01:30:36Are you saying Carmen?
01:30:38But why me?
01:30:39Why are you naming me
01:30:40if I don't cook?
01:30:42count slowly!
01:30:44That I count slowly?
01:30:49More slowly!
01:31:03Oh Carmen,
01:31:04you really are evil.
01:31:13Record the mouth.
01:31:14Hands up guys!
01:31:19I feel like I'm giving away
01:31:20an immunity.
01:31:22I've put a lot of effort into it.
01:31:23I think they should see
01:31:24how I've come,
01:31:25how I've come,
01:31:26and say,
01:31:27well, give it to Pancho
01:31:28so he can feel
01:31:29what an immunity is.
01:31:30How did you see it, David?
01:31:31Well, it doesn't look,
01:31:32I mean,
01:31:33I didn't show the dishes.
01:31:34I don't know.
01:31:35Who did you see better?
01:31:36I think the boy.
01:31:40Gary's looks really good too.
01:31:41When I saw Gary
01:31:47The boy, right?
01:31:48The boy
01:31:49looks really good
01:31:50and sounds really good.
01:31:51And Crismas?
01:31:54Crismas is easy.
01:31:56Crismas, yes.
01:31:57He's all green.
01:31:58Gabriel, right?
01:31:59I really enjoy
01:32:00watching Coronel cook.
01:32:01It's fun.
01:32:03I didn't see Gary
01:32:04very well.
01:32:05I also think
01:32:06I saw him
01:32:07pretty clear, right?
01:32:08He was like...
01:32:09I think
01:32:10there are things
01:32:11that shouldn't be happening
01:32:12and they're still happening.
01:32:13And I
01:32:14talk about it
01:32:15because it's
01:32:16uncomfortable for me
01:32:18Like, for example,
01:32:19blowing things up
01:32:22or shouting ingredients
01:32:24or putting things
01:32:25from the cava to there.
01:32:26You can't be a cheerleader
01:32:27in the cava.
01:32:28But from there
01:32:29to telling him
01:32:30the ideas
01:32:31or the ingredients
01:32:32or passing him
01:32:33the recipes.
01:32:36if that had happened
01:32:37at the beginning,
01:32:38but now,
01:32:39at this point...
01:32:43the chefs
01:32:44will taste
01:32:45your creations
01:32:46and I hope
01:32:47you don't leave them
01:32:49Who do we start with,
01:32:51I'm happy
01:32:52with my dish.
01:32:53I did the challenge
01:32:56it's all yellow.
01:33:05Well, I think
01:33:06this dish was missing
01:33:08I think it's something simple.
01:33:09I could have done more.
01:33:10Tell us,
01:33:11how did you put
01:33:12this dish together?
01:33:13Today, I don't have
01:33:14a lot of stories
01:33:15and a lot of lips,
01:33:17I want to say
01:33:18that they took me
01:33:19very seriously.
01:33:20And you started.
01:33:23Can I help you
01:33:24so we can start
01:33:25talking about the dish?
01:33:27Pompis de mandril.
01:33:30You saved me.
01:33:36I wanted to play
01:33:37with a sea and land
01:33:38and it's a pimentón
01:33:39in the oven
01:33:40with ground meat,
01:33:42and shrimp.
01:33:43It's the most expensive
01:33:44pimentón in the world.
01:33:45Without a doubt,
01:33:46but we're
01:33:47in Top Chef VIP.
01:33:48And this comes
01:33:49in a tomato sauce
01:33:50which I made
01:33:51with these shrimp shells,
01:33:52natural tomato
01:33:53that I boiled.
01:33:54The red color
01:33:55really took me
01:33:56by surprise.
01:33:57Maybe I didn't know
01:33:58how to balance it
01:33:59and balance it.
01:34:00Because I feel
01:34:01that the red,
01:34:02everything you prepare
01:34:03looks different.
01:34:05a meat
01:34:06turns brown.
01:34:07Why didn't you
01:34:08put a red dish?
01:34:09There was one.
01:34:10It was so complicated.
01:34:11I didn't know
01:34:12how to balance it.
01:34:13It was so complicated
01:34:14the process
01:34:15that I don't feel
01:34:17delivering it.
01:34:19your preparation
01:34:20has a great flavor.
01:34:21Thank you, Chef.
01:34:22I do have to tell you
01:34:23that the challenge
01:34:24for me
01:34:25is not fulfilled.
01:34:27Because the meat
01:34:28is not red,
01:34:29but brown,
01:34:30if you notice.
01:34:32And also,
01:34:33the shrimp,
01:34:34if you notice,
01:34:35is white.
01:34:37A detail
01:34:38that can make
01:34:39a difference
01:34:40in this challenge
01:34:41that is monochromatic.
01:34:43my chef.
01:34:45your preparation
01:34:46has a great flavor.
01:34:47Thank you, Chef.
01:34:48I do have to tell you
01:34:49that the challenge
01:34:50for me
01:34:51is not fulfilled.
01:34:53Because the meat
01:34:54is not red,
01:34:55but brown,
01:34:56if you notice.
01:34:58And also,
01:34:59the shrimp
01:35:00is white.
01:35:02A detail
01:35:03that can make
01:35:04a difference
01:35:05in this challenge
01:35:06that is monochromatic.
01:35:08A detail
01:35:09that can make
01:35:10a difference
01:35:11in this challenge
01:35:12that is monochromatic.
01:35:14my chef.
01:35:16the meat
01:35:17tends to turn brown,
01:35:18and there,
01:35:19the challenge
01:35:20is not being fulfilled
01:35:21at all.
01:35:22The pepper,
01:35:23I don't know
01:35:24if you did it in the oven.
01:35:25In the oven.
01:35:27I would have put it
01:35:28a little more cooked
01:35:29and the sauce
01:35:30with another texture
01:35:31I would have liked more,
01:35:32a little smoother,
01:35:34If I had connected it
01:35:35from the beginning
01:35:36to the end,
01:35:37it would have been
01:35:38a little more
01:35:40If I had connected
01:35:41from the beginning
01:35:42to the plate
01:35:43and the color,
01:35:44it would have been
01:35:45a thousand times better
01:35:46because Gabriel solves it.
01:35:48I agree with Tita.
01:35:49For me,
01:35:50it's not fulfilled
01:35:52unless I'm wrong,
01:35:53but it's not red.
01:35:54For me,
01:35:55the plate is not red.
01:35:56Yes, yes.
01:35:57You can go back
01:35:58to your station.
01:35:59Thank you.
01:36:00Thank you, sir.
01:36:01In general terms,
01:36:02I've been told
01:36:03that the flavors
01:36:04are very good.
01:36:05For me,
01:36:06it's worth gold.
01:36:08thank you very much.
01:36:15I think I have
01:36:16a balanced dish.
01:36:17Let's see.
01:36:18Let's give it.
01:36:19It's beautiful,
01:36:20it's beautiful.
01:36:21What's your dish called?
01:36:22My dish is called
01:36:23Nemo's Cousin.
01:36:32This is a salmon.
01:36:33First I sealed it.
01:36:34I put it in the oven
01:36:35with an orange reduction
01:36:36and, well,
01:36:37I made a puree.
01:36:38It's sweet potato with carrot.
01:36:41And I bathed it
01:36:42with a sweet sauce.
01:36:43Where is it?
01:36:44Yes, I put it there.
01:36:45What sauce is it?
01:36:48It's a little orange, yes.
01:36:49I think that,
01:36:50in terms of color,
01:36:51which is what they ask for,
01:36:52it's super monochromatic.
01:36:54It even has its chips.
01:36:56I think that your dish,
01:36:57in general,
01:36:58lacks strength.
01:37:01It lacks punch.
01:37:02I told you
01:37:03when I went to your station,
01:37:04try the puree.
01:37:06Did I add more things?
01:37:07Did I add more salt?
01:37:08Did I mix it?
01:37:10It's low in flavor.
01:37:13There it is.
01:37:19I think that
01:37:20some acidity
01:37:21is already done.
01:37:22More sauce.
01:37:24With more presence.
01:37:25Salmon is
01:37:26one of the best friends
01:37:28of glaciers.
01:37:30Very good friend.
01:37:31A glacier.
01:37:33I think I would have taken your dish
01:37:35to another level.
01:37:36I would have been much,
01:37:37much better, son.
01:37:38Because I think
01:37:39you managed a good cooking,
01:37:40you managed a good texture,
01:37:41and you managed the challenge.
01:37:42Thank you, chef.
01:37:43I already had the sauce,
01:37:44but I didn't want it to be
01:37:45so abundant,
01:37:46the sweetness.
01:37:47Because I said,
01:37:48sweet sweet potato,
01:37:49sweet puree.
01:37:50I thought the whole dish
01:37:51was going to be very sweet,
01:37:52in general.
01:37:53Thank you.
01:37:54Thank you, chef.
01:37:57Let's wait a little.
01:37:58I feel that
01:37:59light and shadow.
01:38:00All three agree
01:38:01with the colors,
01:38:02and I think that's
01:38:03the important thing
01:38:04in this challenge.
01:38:09I'm sure it's delicious.
01:38:11I have no doubt about that.
01:38:14I don't know how she did it
01:38:15at Christmas
01:38:16to get that green tone
01:38:18that is so fashionable
01:38:19right now
01:38:20in clothes.
01:38:22tell me the name
01:38:23of your dish, please.
01:38:24The dish is called
01:38:25Patricia's Hope.
01:38:35It's an avocado cream
01:38:37with celery
01:38:38and green tomato.
01:38:40The omelette
01:38:41is a crispy spinach omelette.
01:38:42The other one is cream
01:38:43and it also has
01:38:44some broccoli
01:38:45with asparagus
01:38:46and toasted pumpkin seeds.
01:38:48The green omelette,
01:38:49the green broccoli,
01:38:51gave it that color.
01:38:52Everything looks perfect.
01:38:54Well, Patty,
01:38:55the challenge is completed
01:38:57for the colors of the dish,
01:38:58for the elements.
01:39:00what did you add to the cream?
01:39:02Because I feel
01:39:03that it's bitter.
01:39:05And I don't feel
01:39:06your flavors here.
01:39:08Did you add the lemon
01:39:09at the end?
01:39:10No, I added it before.
01:39:12If it was bitter?
01:39:13Yes, it could be.
01:39:14When you cook lemon,
01:39:15it's bitter.
01:39:17I think maybe
01:39:18she trusted you
01:39:19and maybe she wanted
01:39:20to use too many ingredients.
01:39:22Did you make
01:39:23the omelette dough?
01:39:24I made the dough.
01:39:25Ah, okay.
01:39:26And you added spinach.
01:39:28So, the idea
01:39:29is not bad.
01:39:30But today,
01:39:31you did go
01:39:32with the stars
01:39:33up there,
01:39:34far away.
01:39:35You fulfilled
01:39:36the theme
01:39:37of colors,
01:39:40I miss you.
01:39:43They say
01:39:44the best hunter
01:39:45gets the hare.
01:39:46For God's sake,
01:39:47don't judge me
01:39:48so severely.
01:39:49That's all, girl.
01:39:50You can go back.
01:39:51Thank you.
01:39:52Thank you very much.
01:39:54my Patty today
01:39:55presented a very green dish,
01:39:56very hopeful,
01:39:57very alive,
01:40:01Got it.
01:40:03Come here.
01:40:05I fell in love
01:40:06with my dish.
01:40:07In terms of flavor,
01:40:08I like it.
01:40:09I hope you don't
01:40:10tell me anything
01:40:11that will please the judges.
01:40:13why didn't you
01:40:14get the yellow dish?
01:40:16Maybe he wants
01:40:17to see the contract.
01:40:18Oh, the soup,
01:40:19how cool.
01:40:20Tell us what you did.
01:40:21I made a curry
01:40:22and, well,
01:40:23I called the dish
01:40:24a dream to come true.
01:40:31I made a chicken
01:40:32base with bones
01:40:33and everything,
01:40:34and I started
01:40:35adding a lot of
01:40:36Chinese spices as well.
01:40:37At first,
01:40:38I wanted to make a rice,
01:40:39but I've already made
01:40:40several rice dishes,
01:40:41so I wanted to
01:40:42make it with udon.
01:40:44I cooked the chicken
01:40:45with mustard,
01:40:46with several herbs.
01:40:48I also added
01:40:49a little bit of curry,
01:40:50but like this,
01:40:51a pinch,
01:40:52because I know
01:40:53that the most concentrated
01:40:54curry would be
01:40:55in the marinade,
01:40:56let's say.
01:40:58And in the end,
01:40:59I combined everything.
01:41:00How much turmeric
01:41:01did you use?
01:41:02Ah, ah, ah,
01:41:03hold on.
01:41:04Half a cup, let's say.
01:41:05How much did you add?
01:41:06Half a cup.
01:41:07I told him,
01:41:08I told him precisely.
01:41:09Half a cup?
01:41:10I'm not going to tell you
01:41:11because if you spill it,
01:41:12it's going to be my fault.
01:41:13Yes, how much?
01:41:14How much did you add?
01:41:16How many seconds?
01:41:17No, what are you saying?
01:41:18How many seconds?
01:41:19No, no,
01:41:20I didn't say anything,
01:41:21I said half a cup.
01:41:22Gary turns around,
01:41:24and I don't really understand
01:41:25what he's saying,
01:41:26but the body expression
01:41:27tells me that
01:41:28you added a lot of turmeric,
01:41:29my friend.
01:41:31I understand that
01:41:33the goal is to give it
01:41:34a more yellow color
01:41:35and be smarter,
01:41:37because turmeric
01:41:38is what makes it look
01:41:39more yellow.
01:41:40But I wanted it
01:41:41very concentrated curry,
01:41:42that was my idea,
01:41:43but well,
01:41:44it's understandable
01:41:45and it's accepted.
01:41:49Is the color complete?
01:41:50I think he played me
01:41:51a little against the plate,
01:41:52I think if he had put it
01:41:53on a white plate,
01:41:54he would have highlighted
01:41:55the yellow more.
01:41:56For me,
01:41:57you completed the challenge
01:41:59Thank you.
01:42:00I see your yellow noodles,
01:42:01I see your yellow chicken,
01:42:02so you took the time
01:42:03to give it the color.
01:42:05I also see the yellow broth,
01:42:07it has a little more
01:42:08color intensity
01:42:10for me as I see it,
01:42:12but it is yellow,
01:42:13it is monochromatic,
01:42:15I see good cooking
01:42:16in your chicken,
01:42:17I feel the flavor
01:42:18here in your preparation.
01:42:20I liked the seasoning,
01:42:21I loved it.
01:42:23You can go to your station.
01:42:25Always your comments,
01:42:26always your comments.
01:42:29They are always your comments.
01:42:31But what comments?
01:42:33What do you have to be talking about?
01:42:34They are always your comments.
01:42:36But what comments?
01:42:37But why do you have to be
01:42:38commenting on anything?
01:42:39They are very indebted,
01:42:40everyone knows it.
01:42:49But why are they pissed?
01:42:52The boy said something
01:42:53and you can't say anything
01:42:54because they are pissed.
01:42:55What is pissed?
01:42:57If something went wrong,
01:42:58if it didn't go well,
01:42:59if it looks dry,
01:43:00what is pissed?
01:43:01Don't say it.
01:43:02Gary is a person
01:43:03who can't be told
01:43:04absolutely nothing.
01:43:05He is like,
01:43:06look at me and don't touch me.
01:43:07That anger
01:43:08can lead him
01:43:09to perdition.
01:43:10Not just here,
01:43:11but several,
01:43:15He had been accumulating
01:43:16a lot of things
01:43:17that have happened
01:43:18with the boy
01:43:20and of course,
01:43:21there came a time
01:43:22when it exploded.
01:43:23Because I was surprised
01:43:24half a cup of juice
01:43:25and half a cup of juice.
01:43:26That's why,
01:43:27but why don't you say it later?
01:43:28Why don't you have to say it
01:43:29right now
01:43:30when they are hitting me?
01:43:31But it wasn't me.
01:43:32It's like a loud thought.
01:43:33It's not your moment.
01:43:34Forgive me
01:43:35if I said it.
01:43:36What was the problem?
01:43:37Half a cup of juice,
01:43:39Why don't you tell me later?
01:43:40Why don't you tell me later?
01:43:41But what later?
01:43:42Why don't you tell me later?
01:43:43Because I am susceptible.
01:43:44You said the thought, boy.
01:43:45I am susceptible
01:43:46to criticism.
01:43:47But what is susceptible?
01:43:48I am like this.
01:43:49But well,
01:43:50calm down,
01:43:51but you have to calm down
01:43:52because you think
01:43:53you're gonna win the program,
01:43:54because you're gonna win the program.
01:43:55The time of the program
01:43:56is not one time.
01:43:57It's twice.
01:43:58It's three times.
01:43:59It's not two times.
01:44:00It's 30 times.
01:44:02they're going to fall.
01:44:03Oh, boy.
01:44:04Ten times.
01:44:05Nothing, it's not only me.
01:44:06Even Alicia del Baraya
01:44:07told you,
01:44:08Ania told you,
01:44:09Pancho told you,
01:44:10Mariano told you.
01:44:11Everyone told you.
01:44:12Everyone told you.
01:44:13Enough, enough.
01:44:15not everything,
01:44:16it's enough.
01:44:17Ten times.
01:44:18You're gonna take the camera.
01:44:19Enough, enough.
01:44:20Enough, enough.
01:44:21Calm down, calm down.
01:44:23Keep talking, calm down, calm down.
01:44:25Keep talking.
01:44:26Calm down.
01:44:28Easy, easy.
01:44:30Stop it, stop it, stop it.
01:44:32Calm down, calm down, calm down.
01:44:35Maybe my fault is that I say things like that.
01:44:38And the person who liked it, liked it.
01:44:39And the person who didn't, my love, I'm sorry.
01:44:41How do you destroy everyone?
01:44:42You always destroy everyone.
01:44:43Yes, yes, I have to destroy them.
01:44:45Don't smoke.
01:44:46Don't listen, don't listen.
01:44:48Calm down, calm down, calm down.
01:44:50And it turns on with reason.
01:44:51Because the child is very mischievous.
01:44:54He is very rude.
01:44:56And he is very disrespectful.
01:44:58I can't even talk.
01:45:00I'm leaving.
01:45:01I'm leaving.
01:45:02Let him win his contest.
01:45:03I'm leaving.
01:45:04With people like that you don't work.
01:45:06No, no.
01:45:07With people like that.
01:45:11I need water.
01:45:12I need, yes, but...
01:45:14Look, I got so nervous because I said 25.
01:45:18Listen, you are much more...
01:45:20I know.
01:45:21Don't wait, calm down.
01:45:24But what is that?
01:45:25But I said something.
01:45:27Calm down.
01:45:29Don't smoke.
01:45:30Calm down, please.
01:45:31Sorry, boss.
01:45:32Sorry, boss.
01:45:33But it's one after another, after another, after another.
01:45:35I can't stand it.
01:45:36They are comments.
01:45:37Come, come with comments.
01:45:39Join us.
01:45:40With everyone, with everyone.
01:45:41And not just with me.
01:45:42I had never seen a child as angry as today, honestly.
01:45:46All of us, when they take us to a point,
01:45:50we turn out to be people that maybe we didn't even know we were.
01:45:55That's the problem when they make their comments.
01:45:58But you can't have Gary like that.
01:46:00I know, but there are sensitivities.
01:46:03Relax, relax.
01:46:04There are sensitivities, Alicia.
01:46:06You can't say anything to him that he doesn't like,
01:46:08because it becomes an argument.
01:46:10That not only was Ibarrio, that this is already shocking him.
01:46:14No, because everyone is talking about the taste of the child,
01:46:17what is the taste of the child, what is the taste of the child.
01:46:20And he thinks like he discovered the kitchen.
01:46:23He thinks he made a wonderful dish.
01:46:25Well, he's a judge, he can't stand it.
01:46:27He can't stand it either.
01:46:30Neither, do you understand me? Neither.
01:46:32He also gets very rude.
01:46:34Of course.
01:46:35He also gets very rude.
01:46:36But Alicia, the judges are the ones who have to talk there.
01:46:38The judges are the ones who have to talk and the others have to shut up.
01:46:42No, but you also put yourself in the position of others sometimes.
01:46:57He also gets very rude.
01:46:58Of course.
01:46:59He also gets very rude.
01:47:00But Alicia, the judges are the ones who have to talk there.
01:47:02The judges are the ones who have to talk and the others have to shut up.
01:47:05No, but you also put yourself in the position of others sometimes.
01:47:10Gary has shown that he is not willing to put up with the nonsense of the child.
01:47:15Today was definitely and unfortunately the drop that spilled the glass.
01:47:20Guys, are we ready to continue?
01:47:25I'm here.
01:47:26A big apology.
01:47:27Really, forgive me.
01:47:29My God.
01:47:30And forgive my colleagues, really.
01:47:33Listen to me very well, please.
01:47:34It's Dargo this, we all get tired.
01:47:37We all get tired.
01:47:40But we are adults, for the love of God.
01:47:42Of course.
01:47:43Respect above all.
01:47:45Of course.
01:47:47We are already big.
01:47:49Of course.
01:47:52It's over.
01:47:54I think it's not even the desire to win, it's not even the desire for money, even less.
01:47:59I think it's a fatigue and an emotional stress that have brought us to this point.
01:48:06I consider that the control of both sides was lost and that it was not necessary to reach that extreme.
01:48:14Child, please.
01:48:17Let me see if everything comes out and has the color I want.
01:48:23My idea, when I take it to the chefs, to see if I like the cream as it tastes, to also put it around my plate.
01:48:30The child's plate looks black, like his soul.
01:48:33I was going to present a cream that was going to be done in honor of Jason, who is not here, but I was left white.
01:48:40So I'm not going to present it.
01:48:42The truth is that I got lost in this dish, as I am doing lately.
01:48:47Child, tell me the name of your dish.
01:48:49And what did you do?
01:48:50My dish is called We are all Africa.
01:48:54In honor of that continent that I adore, because I think we all have African roots and we have to honor Africa.
01:49:02I used black beans, which I took to make a cream and put it underneath.
01:49:07And I also made a caramelized rice in its black ink.
01:49:11And I also used the texture of the beans, which I took to make a cream and put it underneath.
01:49:19And I also used the texture of the black beans, which I took to make a caramelized rice in its black ink.
01:49:27I hope you like it.
01:49:28Obviously, from the outset, the child's plate already tastes bitter to me and I haven't even tried it.
01:49:33By color, at first, the challenge is not met.
01:49:39Because you added a micro, I think they are cilantro micros, right?
01:49:44What did you add?
01:49:45Yes, exactly, sorry.
01:49:48Now I'm going to try.
01:49:50I think we're going to something very superficial, to my eyes.
01:49:53It's a dish for me, black in all its preparation.
01:49:57Well, but he put it to decorate.
01:49:59He's crying.
01:50:01He's crying, poor thing.
01:50:04Well, my child, as always, you feel your taste here on this plate.
01:50:08Good cooking of the rice.
01:50:10I liked that you made the rice with squid ink.
01:50:13Also, that the squids, you took the time to absorb the black color so that they were lost between the rice.
01:50:19I think it's a good idea, the issue of the black bean cream.
01:50:22Also, I had never tried it, nor would I have imagined that it would go so well.
01:50:26There is flavor in your dish.
01:50:28Of course, thank you.
01:50:30He seasoned them very well, he made very nice and very tasty things.
01:50:34It goes very well with seafood, beans, completely black.
01:50:38The squids are in their place.
01:50:40It has concon.
01:50:42I call it the concon.
01:50:43The concan.
01:50:44It has a lot of concan.
01:50:46Just like Tita calls it chili.
01:50:48Toño and I are already fans of the concon.
01:50:50But, unfortunately, it has that green touch.
01:50:54Yes, it's gone.
01:50:55Really, a thousand apologies.
01:50:57Oh, boy.
01:51:00It's important to always listen, kids.
01:51:03It's invalid.
01:51:04It didn't meet the monochromaticism they were asking for.
01:51:08You can go back.
01:51:09Thank you.
01:51:12I think he fulfilled the challenge, and I don't think that because of a green sprig,
01:51:16he didn't value everything else.
01:51:19I only say, karma.
01:51:21You make fun of a dish, and you lose because of a parsley leaf.
01:51:26Alicia, if at this moment Gary says something uncomfortable for the kid...
01:51:30No one, the kid doesn't even turn around, doesn't mutate.
01:51:32Well, but...
01:51:33The kid is also told how much f***ing, how much rudeness there is.
01:51:36The kid doesn't even turn around.
01:51:37Things always come from the same person.
01:51:41Inadequate, disrespectful, with gigantic egos that don't fit in the kitchens of top VIP chefs.
01:51:47The perfect f***ers, who know everything, are the ones who have f***ed others.
01:51:50And then, the villain is Galeano, and the bad guys are the foresters.
01:51:54Son of a b***h.
01:51:55Babelo, it's going to be a witchcraft.
01:51:58He's going to like it a lot.
01:52:00He messed with the wrong people.
01:52:02But nothing, next time.
01:52:04But nothing, next time.
01:52:05We're still here, my love.
01:52:06Until the end.
01:52:07Because now I'm going to the end.
01:52:10Until I win.
01:52:11In the name of God.
01:52:12And you.
01:52:14Many blessings, really.
01:52:15Many blessings for you.
01:52:17And I'm going to give you the 200,000 so you can see who I am.
01:52:26Son of a b***h.
01:52:27Babelo, it's going to be a witchcraft.
01:52:30He's going to like it a lot.
01:52:31But nothing, next time.
01:52:32But nothing, next time.
01:52:34But nothing, next time.
01:52:35We're still here, my love.
01:52:36Until the end.
01:52:37Because now I'm going to the end.
01:52:39Until I win.
01:52:41In the name of God.
01:52:42And you.
01:52:43Many blessings, really.
01:52:45Many blessings for you.
01:52:46And I'm going to give you the 200,000 so you can see who I am.
01:52:49I know you won't believe me, but if he's doing well, I'd be happy.
01:52:53And if he wins the immunity, I'd be happy too.
01:52:56Because I also know he has good taste.
01:52:58And to Cesar, what he is to Cesar, I'm not going to let him down.
01:53:00I'm not going to take that away from him.
01:53:02God bless you.
01:53:03Likewise, my love.
01:53:04God bless you.
01:53:05May he take him in your heart and forget your grandparents, your father, who has all this.
01:53:09No, no, no, no, no.
01:53:10Break that.
01:53:11No, no.
01:53:12Kid, please.
01:53:13Don't mess with the family.
01:53:14Break that chain.
01:53:15Don't mess with the family.
01:53:16I'm asking you.
01:53:17I'm asking you.
01:53:18Break that chain.
01:53:19I'm asking you.
01:53:20I'm asking you.
01:53:21I'm not messing with your family.
01:53:22I haven't mentioned your family.
01:53:23Please, kid.
01:53:24I'm not messing with anyone.
01:53:26I'm saying what I feel from the bottom of my heart.
01:53:27But yes, but no.
01:53:28Don't mess with my family.
01:53:30I don't think the family gets involved in the problems.
01:53:33The family is untouchable.
01:53:37And he has to work on that.
01:53:39I've told him that as a psychologist and as a spiritual person.
01:53:43Oh, how unpleasant.
01:53:46The control of the tongue is sometimes much more complicated than the control of anger.
01:53:52For me, Yagari died there.
01:53:55Do you know what's the worst part?
01:53:56That he's unconscious.
01:53:57Because he says things and he doesn't realize it.
01:53:59But sometimes he says things at the wrong time.
01:54:01And when they're putting you there, imagine,
01:54:05they're telling you that your plate, tatatatata,
01:54:07and someone makes a comment like, eh, it's normal.
01:54:11It's normal that you get upset.
01:54:14To a greater or lesser extent, it's normal that you get upset.
01:54:17It's logical.
01:54:18I don't understand these powers he has,
01:54:20how they don't work to apply it a little more
01:54:23and put his hand, his whole fist in his mouth
01:54:26to stay quiet when he has to stay quiet,
01:54:28which he does most of the time, instead of talking s**t about anyone.
01:54:31Since I've known the boy for a long time,
01:54:33not only in this reality,
01:54:35he's always made very hateful comments.
01:54:38I warned him that the cava was going to get good this afternoon.
01:54:42The fujoro and the gas, dad.
01:54:45Did I warn him or not?
01:54:47Chefs, it's time to deliberate and know which one of them
01:54:51is going to win immunity tonight.
01:54:53Go ahead, please.
01:54:59I just want to pass the page
01:55:02and I don't want to give more energy to that.
01:55:05Cut it off.
01:55:07Tie those demons, because it happened to you this time with me,
01:55:11but one day it can happen to you with another person
01:55:14and it can go very badly.
01:55:16Well, a big challenge is the monochromatic dishes,
01:55:19even if it seems simple,
01:55:21it has a lot of science and you have to know how to use each element.
01:55:25I really have a lot of faith in my colleagues,
01:55:28I have a lot of faith in Paty,
01:55:30that she will get that immunity, I hope so.
01:55:33Well, in nature you can get pigments from an infinity of plants,
01:55:37fruits, I don't know,
01:55:39they had all the market there,
01:55:41I feel that some of them fell short in some things,
01:55:45like for example Gabriel.
01:55:47I can't understand in the end if yes or no,
01:55:50and well, maybe they will discuss it,
01:55:52but they told me they knew very well,
01:55:54so maybe we are on the right track.
01:55:56For example, Paty, green, a very simple color,
01:56:00she fulfilled the challenge for the color,
01:56:02but in terms of flavor,
01:56:04Paty, she was bewitched by an extraordinary ingredient,
01:56:08and in terms of flavor,
01:56:10Paty, she was bewitched by an extraterrestrial.
01:56:12It seems that they put there like 25 coins of a cent.
01:56:14I don't know.
01:56:15Yes, a chile.
01:56:16A chile was put like that.
01:56:18Of course I wish, I hope,
01:56:20that this verdict is taken into account,
01:56:23everything that they themselves said,
01:56:25and that they do not give in to a dish
01:56:27that they themselves are criticizing more than others.
01:56:30Pancho, Panchito, yes,
01:56:32he fulfilled the challenge,
01:56:34but very faint flavors, right?
01:56:36Actually, Pancho did a good job.
01:56:39I hope the chefs take it into account.
01:56:42And the boy, who unfortunately,
01:56:44his dish was so delicious,
01:56:46and he comes for that little green touch,
01:56:48I think he chipped,
01:56:49at the end, like he accelerated,
01:56:52because of the pressure of time,
01:56:53and he forgot what the challenge was,
01:56:55he put that little green touch in his rice,
01:56:58that he gets out of the challenge.
01:57:00I am very satisfied
01:57:02that my dish was the best.
01:57:04Gare's dish,
01:57:05which was also very tasty,
01:57:07and he achieved the yellow color,
01:57:09the sauce with more intensity,
01:57:11the chicken too,
01:57:13the pasta too,
01:57:14that is, he also fulfilled the challenge.
01:57:16He fulfilled it,
01:57:17even if he missed the spoonfuls of turmeric.
01:57:20I think that Gabriel Coronel,
01:57:22Patty and the boy,
01:57:24in this challenge,
01:57:26are my roosters.
01:57:27Three fulfilled the challenge.
01:57:28Of those three,
01:57:29we have to choose one.
01:57:30And I think we already know which one.
01:57:32I have it very clear.
01:57:33Well, let's go.
01:57:34Do you agree, Toño?
01:57:35Let's go.
01:57:36Let's go.
01:57:37Let's say it.
01:57:38Let's go there.
01:57:39Let's go there.
01:57:45who will be the winner of immunity tonight?
01:57:48Regardless of what happened here tonight,
01:57:51we are going to judge the challenge.
01:57:53We will take into account who fulfilled it
01:57:56and made fewer mistakes.
01:57:58It's time for the verdict,
01:58:00as we say here between us
01:58:02the time has come.
01:58:05Well, guys,
01:58:06there are three monochromatic dishes
01:58:08that fulfilled the challenge.
01:58:13And those dishes are...
01:58:25and Pancho's.
01:58:28My dear boy,
01:58:29by unanimous decision,
01:58:31we say that your dish
01:58:32was the one with the best flavor.
01:58:35Thank you.
01:58:36Because it had everything,
01:58:37it had crunchiness,
01:58:39it had flavor,
01:58:40it had umpteenness.
01:58:41You also made the protein black.
01:58:45the parsley left you out.
01:58:47I am satisfied,
01:58:49although Gary is hurt,
01:58:51that my dish was the best.
01:58:54The best dish of tonight
01:58:56and that takes immunity
01:58:58is the dish of...
01:59:02The best dish of tonight
01:59:04and that takes immunity
01:59:06is the dish of...
01:59:12Here it is step by step
01:59:13and you live in the present.
01:59:15And right now, in the present,
01:59:16the most important thing
01:59:17is to gain this immunity.
01:59:18And of course I want to win it.
01:59:20The best dish of tonight
01:59:22and that takes immunity
01:59:24is the dish of...
01:59:26The best dish of tonight
01:59:28and that takes immunity
01:59:30and of course I want to win it.
01:59:31It's yours, Gary.
01:59:37I told you, I told you.
01:59:41I think once again
01:59:43the least worst won.
01:59:48Thank you God
01:59:50and thank you mommy
01:59:51for a new triumph.
01:59:52Thank you, thank you.
01:59:53Thank you, chef.
01:59:54I don't agree with the chefs,
01:59:56but in the end,
01:59:57they are the ones who dictate,
01:59:59they are the judges.
02:00:00I feel happy
02:00:01for my friend Gary,
02:00:02but I don't agree.
02:00:03I think I was played
02:00:05by Chueco this time.
02:00:06Can I say something?
02:00:07I know I already apologized,
02:00:10seriously, from the bottom of my heart.
02:00:12And that God is
02:00:13and my mommy is a witness.
02:00:15It wasn't my intention.
02:00:16I'm sorry, really.
02:00:18I think
02:00:20making mistakes is human.
02:00:21We all have those moments,
02:00:23but well,
02:00:24we have to control them.
02:00:25He apologized.
02:00:26I apologize if I said something
02:00:28but the truth is
02:00:29there are too many.
02:00:30I don't want to argue anymore,
02:00:33I'm sorry.
02:00:34Seriously, I'm sorry
02:00:35because this is not the example
02:00:36I want to give to the people
02:00:37who are watching us
02:00:38and much less to my daughter.
02:00:40Oh, come on, honey,
02:00:41don't worry.
02:00:42So, I'm sorry, my friends.
02:00:44From me,
02:00:45this won't happen again.
02:00:47I'm sorry.
02:00:50He apologized.
02:00:51He's a gentleman,
02:00:52he's a gentleman.
02:00:53Very good.
02:00:54I'm going to say a few words.
02:00:55Of course, boy.
02:00:56I think making mistakes is human
02:00:58and I wholeheartedly forgive him.
02:01:03The only thing I tell him
02:01:04is that he should work
02:01:06a little on that.
02:01:08Oh, my God.
02:01:10Because sometimes
02:01:11that can be very terrible.
02:01:13That's why there's a lot of violence.
02:01:17Because at some point,
02:01:18life can change
02:01:20for anyone.
02:01:21You don't apologize.
02:01:23And the boy
02:01:24should apologize too.
02:01:27I apologized to him
02:01:28while also waiting for an apology
02:01:30and saying,
02:01:31well, it's over here, but no.
02:01:36The boy is right, boy,
02:01:37but he didn't say anything either.
02:01:38Yes, but the boy also has to learn
02:01:39to control his mouth.
02:01:40Yes, yes, yes.
02:01:41Yes, Alicia,
02:01:42because several times
02:01:43he has thrown hard.
02:01:44Yes, but...
02:01:45They both made a mistake.
02:01:48You have to learn
02:01:49to shut your mouth.
02:01:51I forgive you.
02:01:52God is with you.
02:01:53He asks a lot from you, Gary.
02:01:54I forgive you too.
02:01:55No, no, but it's okay.
02:01:56I also forgive you
02:01:57for all you've done.
02:01:58It's impressive.
02:01:59But listen to me.
02:02:00Okay, I'm listening.
02:02:02Look, your dish was the winner.
02:02:05They gave you that great opportunity
02:02:07to win right now.
02:02:09And what happened?
02:02:12It's a $%&!
02:02:15I had to say it.
02:02:16You won.
02:02:17No, but that goes beyond, boy.
02:02:20No, that doesn't go beyond.
02:02:21That's what you don't accept.
02:02:23Sometimes you don't accept
02:02:24certain comments
02:02:25that you have to accept.
02:02:26They're the ones who judge me,
02:02:27not you, please.
02:02:28I don't want you
02:02:29to keep telling me things.
02:02:32Because it hurts me
02:02:33and it affects me
02:02:34and I don't want it.
02:02:35It's the only thing I ask of you.
02:02:36I asked you for it
02:02:37since week two.
02:02:40I think Gary,
02:02:41in some way,
02:02:42at this moment
02:02:43when he showed us
02:02:44such a vulnerable part of him,
02:02:46he took off his clothes
02:02:47in front of us.
02:02:49I forgive you, he says.
02:02:50Let the $%&!
02:02:51measure his mouth.
02:02:52Say it to anyone.
02:02:53Not to me.
02:02:54It hurts me.
02:02:55It hurts me.
02:02:59That's it.
02:03:01I don't see adults.
02:03:02Here I see two kids
02:03:04who lose control
02:03:07One loses control
02:03:08of his tongue
02:03:09and the other
02:03:10loses control
02:03:11of his anger.
02:03:16What can I tell you?
02:03:19What Chef Toño
02:03:20was saying a while ago
02:03:21was that
02:03:22Chef Toño
02:03:23is a competition.
02:03:24It's a long road.
02:03:27These things happen.
02:03:28It's normal.
02:03:30We're human.
02:03:31There's fatigue.
02:03:32There's stress.
02:03:33There's pressure.
02:03:34There's pain.
02:03:35There's wear and tear.
02:03:37There's joy.
02:03:38There's boredom.
02:03:39There's an amount,
02:03:40an infinity of things,
02:03:42of emotions found.
02:03:44What a $%&!
02:03:45of pain.
02:03:46They already said it
02:03:47in all languages.
02:03:48I can't defend him
02:03:50No, well, no.
02:03:51No, it's just that the kid...
02:03:52I understand
02:03:53that sometimes he
02:03:54gets carried away.
02:03:55We know him
02:03:56and we understand him
02:03:57and we don't care
02:03:58what he says,
02:03:59but there are people
02:04:00who don't, Alicia.
02:04:01Of course,
02:04:02the thing is that
02:04:03they're all over the place
02:04:04until they fix it.
02:04:05No, it's just that
02:04:06Gary told him,
02:04:07Gary told him,
02:04:08kid, I know you're like this.
02:04:09Don't tell me
02:04:10because Gary is like this.
02:04:15I understand
02:04:16each one of you
02:04:17in your position.
02:04:18I hope that
02:04:19you can solve
02:04:21and Gary,
02:04:23Thank you.
02:04:24You have won
02:04:25the immunity of this night
02:04:26and you are in the
02:04:27top 8
02:04:28of this competition.
02:04:29Thank you, thank you.
02:04:30Seriously, thank you.
02:04:32the rest of you
02:04:33to rest
02:04:34and to keep studying.
02:04:35The effort is noticeable
02:04:36every day
02:04:37and the work in the kitchen
02:04:38will keep demanding more.
02:04:40more patience,
02:04:41more work,
02:04:42more study
02:04:43and rest, please.
02:04:44Thank you.
02:04:45Thank you for everything.
02:04:47Sorry, really.
02:04:48From the bottom of my heart,
02:04:49I'm sorry.
02:04:50Gary is more likely to have peace
02:04:51than reason.
02:04:53People don't tell him,
02:04:54they don't dare
02:04:55because they know
02:04:56his temperament
02:04:57and people here
02:04:58are afraid of him.
02:05:02It's not fair.
02:05:03There is a respect,
02:05:04a line
02:05:05that has to be respected
02:05:06and, really,
02:05:07I don't agree
02:05:08with what happened today.
02:05:09I'm sorry.
02:05:10Everything is...
02:05:11Oh, no, man,
02:05:13Calm down, now.
02:05:14When my colleagues
02:05:15come to the cell,
02:05:16the first thing
02:05:17I think of
02:05:18and from the bottom of my heart,
02:05:19what comes out of my heart
02:05:20is to get up
02:05:21and hug Gary.
02:05:23It's all right.
02:05:24I'm sorry.
02:05:25I didn't mean to.
02:05:26It's all right.
02:05:27I swear.
02:05:28It's all right.
02:05:29It's all right, baby.
02:05:30Calm down, calm down.
02:05:31It's all right.
02:05:32It's all right.
02:05:33Calm down.
02:05:34It's not serious.
02:05:35Hold on, hold on,
02:05:36but I can't, baby.
02:05:37It's all right.
02:05:38It's all right.
02:05:39Mark your lines
02:05:40and that's it.
02:05:41Calm down, baby.
02:05:42Mark your lines
02:05:43and that's it.
02:05:44And we finish
02:05:45the party
02:05:46in peace.
02:05:47I'm sure
02:05:48that Gary
02:05:49feels bad
02:05:50and he doesn't have
02:05:51to feel bad.
02:05:52Gary made a mistake,
02:05:53he admitted it
02:05:54as an adult
02:05:55and he offered
02:05:56a sincere apology.
02:06:00You have to work on that
02:06:01because that can
02:06:02lead you to win
02:06:03or lose.
02:06:04I've always seen him.
02:06:05You can see it
02:06:06in the comments.
02:06:07He's always said
02:06:08I see him
02:06:09as the winner
02:06:10of the contest.
02:06:11He's always studying you.
02:06:12He's never
02:06:13spoken negatively.
02:06:14You have to work on that
02:06:15because it comes
02:06:16from your ancestors.
02:06:17It comes from
02:06:18past lives.
02:06:19It comes from
02:06:20your grandfathers.
02:06:21I've never been
02:06:22to a reality show
02:06:23and I wanted to do it
02:06:24so that people
02:06:25would know me.
02:06:26So that he would
02:06:27come up with these things.
02:06:28People like that
02:06:29can't be on a show
02:06:30like this.
02:06:32You know what's worse?
02:06:33I apologized.
02:06:34Yes, I'm sorry.
02:06:35I apologized to him.
02:06:36Yes, I said
02:06:37I'm sorry.
02:06:38The violence.
02:06:39No, no, no.
02:06:40You can't be with
02:06:41your grandfather
02:06:42or your father.
02:06:43That's why
02:06:44I apologized to him.
02:06:45No, he mentioned
02:06:46his grandmother
02:06:47and his mother
02:06:48and I don't know what.
02:06:49No, no.
02:06:50Gary told him.
02:06:52He says that to me
02:06:53and I don't give a f***.
02:06:54Gary, I was like that.
02:06:55So much witchcraft
02:06:56and so much stuff
02:06:57and so much divination
02:06:58and so much energy
02:06:59and so much spirituality
02:07:00and so much
02:07:01giving f***ing advice
02:07:02to not even know
02:07:03how to behave
02:07:04in a situation.
02:07:05It simply
02:07:06wasn't the right time.
02:07:07But I thought
02:07:08in a loud voice.
02:07:09I know.
02:07:10But you said it
02:07:11and I heard you
02:07:12and it wasn't the right time.
02:07:13Two hours later
02:07:14you tell him.
02:07:15And that's it.
02:07:16But you know
02:07:17he brings it up
02:07:18with you
02:07:19and you tell him
02:07:21for the third
02:07:22or fourth time.
02:07:23But what fourth time?
02:07:24He doesn't like
02:07:25me telling him anything.
02:07:26Ask him.
02:07:27I don't know.
02:07:28What fourth time?
02:07:29I don't know.
02:07:30I should have told you
02:07:31not to tell him anything.
02:07:32And he told you
02:07:33not to tell him anything.
02:07:34But before that
02:07:35he gives me proof
02:07:36that it's on camera
02:07:37and I tell him
02:07:38it's good,
02:07:39I liked it.
02:07:40His dish.
02:07:41I've talked to him
02:07:42a thousand times
02:07:43and I've told him
02:07:44you have to learn
02:07:45to control your tongue.
02:07:46And they gave him
02:07:47the award
02:07:48because it looked brown.
02:07:51It didn't look
02:07:52like the color it was.
02:07:53They gave him the award.
02:07:55Imagine if you lost today.
02:07:57He would throw you
02:07:58on the balcony.
02:07:59Look at him
02:08:00when he gets there.
02:08:05Not with me.
02:08:07And there's that
02:08:08he's talking about me.
02:08:09There's that he talks about me.
02:08:10So he can see
02:08:11that I'm very good
02:08:12but I'm a bitch.
02:08:15And I don't give a fuck
02:08:16about men.
02:08:18I'm a very good person.
02:08:19I don't hurt anyone.
02:08:21I don't give a fuck
02:08:22about him.
02:08:23Not anymore.
02:08:24There's a before
02:08:25and after
02:08:26of the prodigal child
02:08:27after this.
02:08:28This is a game of salvation.
02:08:29Anything can happen here.
02:08:31It's here, it's here, it's here.
02:08:32The ice cream maker.
02:08:34Rodrigo Vidal.
02:08:35Oh my God.
02:08:36You're going to have to
02:08:37make an ice cream
02:08:38but the flavor
02:08:39has to be personalized.
02:08:40It tastes more like an ice cream.
02:08:42It's an
02:08:43incognito ice cream.
02:08:44I liked it.
02:08:45It doesn't help you at all.
02:08:46Don't argue.
02:08:48Or I have a little problem.
02:08:49I'm not sure
02:08:50what's going to happen.
02:08:51I'm going to tell you
02:08:53but you know
02:08:54it's even more risky
02:08:55than we think.
02:08:56Oh, thank God.
