• last year


00:08Look at you need to get home right now. The Allen's are here, and they're not happy
00:13You'd never do this take your money and go I was never about the money needed to teach someone there are consequences
00:19Take me and I Luke and let them go nice idea. That's only your brother. I have a problem with becoming with us
00:24All right, little world. I'll see you soon. He's Levi. Okay. No, he's not. Okay, Molly
00:29I welcomed you into my home. I let you and your brother stay all along. You knew what danger were putting us in
00:34I'm sorry. It's your fault get the hell away from me
00:37Ronnie you and I both know how expensive this treatment in Canada is the very last thing you needed
00:43Was to get sick from my work. I want you to sue me. She's making it up
00:48I think all of that is an act why would she do a place to live and money?
00:52She has this crowdfunding page and then now she's suing you. It's my money. It's my business
00:57You stay the hell out of it. It's not like I'm taking money in but the deal was insurance money
01:02I just got an email from the insurance company. I have rejected her claim. So what's your plan now?
01:17They just took him sis, I don't know where
01:23Look just stay home and keep an eye out in case they show up next door
01:29if they do
01:31Call me straight away
01:43Hey, I don't want to leave you on your own. I have nothing to say you go away
01:54Can you find out what's going on with me? Why what's happened?
01:57Well, he's been stabbed and no one he's telling me what's going on. I just don't know. I'll find out what's going on
02:10What's happened
02:12No, no, they're going to the chest tension. You know rocks someone's done a hack job of decompression
02:18Crap he's hypotensive. Have the police been informed? They're sending someone
02:24Hey, no, no, no Levi little patient. I need you to try and relax. I've got this. Let's set up the chest drain immediately
02:46Don't need your water. What do you need? I'll believe I not to die
02:54It's only been a few minutes yeah, but like he's also much blood when we what if I did something wrong you do good
03:00Everything's gonna be okay. We've got this
03:11Who was I Luca
03:12Seriously, if I could die and all you care about is your stupid brother. I'm here
03:16I know we wouldn't be here at all if it weren't for him. I know and I'm sorry
03:31Big step up running the garage by itself. Yeah sure is but I like the challenge well
03:36Enjoy yourself tomorrow love being your own boss will feel good. Thanks Irene
03:42Madeline you're a russet on no no everyone's away, so I thought I'd treat myself to a takeaway
03:47Enjoy it while you can it's right. We'll be out of business, and you'll be out of a job I
03:52Am trying to help a sick girl by sabotaging our business by using our business insurance
04:00I'm your friend your partner
04:02And you go ahead and you make a big decision like that without talking to me about it first well come on girls everyone makes
04:09Leah I thought you of all people would understand we are in a position to help someone who really needs it
04:16We can't help anyone if we're bankrupt
04:18What is it that serious?
04:21The insurance company won't pay this is what they do though. They drag their feet meanwhile Bronte is running out of time
04:29She really needs that money her life depends on it
04:32I know that she needs help
04:34But we are in this position because you encouraged her to sue us and that is on top of Joseph's claim
04:39I haven't forgotten and by the way you're in denial if you think the company gonna change their minds
04:45How are we gonna pay for this? I don't know yet, but I will work something out
04:49It's nice to know you've got my back I could say the same about you Oh walk away Irene cuz that's gonna fix everything
05:00Good just keep those fluids running through
05:04How you feeling?
05:07I'm happy to leave the doctoring to you for once
05:10You doctors are the worst patients. Oh
05:13No, come back. You'd be tired. I collapsed long do that
05:17We'll move you up to the respiratory ward as soon as a bed becomes available I need to tell Mackenzie
05:22Hey, you know you need to rest. Oh, I'll let back. No, so I'm pleased
05:27She must be freaking out did just save your life with cling wrap. I'll be tougher than you think
05:33Thank you
05:35Both of you just remember that next time you asked me to empty a bedpan. I think I've ever asked you to do that
05:41Yeah, well don't stop
05:44Hey, can I have a family of his BP's not quite where I'd like it right? Yeah
05:59Hey, is he okay? Is he alive? Yes, he's stable
06:02Oh the knife penetrated his lungs that we've inserted a temporary drain to reinflate it. Okay, is it working? Is he fine?
06:08It's looking positive
06:10He was very lucky and I heard that you were really big help told you
06:18We're gonna keep monitoring him and then as soon as the bed becomes available, we'll move him to a water but he's doing well
06:28What's going on?
06:30Levi was stabbed
06:32Wait, so you're the witnesses. I was calling to interview
06:34Why didn't you say anything? Hey, can I go and see him? Yeah
06:42Where's your brother I thought you two were hanging out Molly what's going on?
06:57Here we go love oh, thank you Irene. Sure. You don't want me to say and help out. No, no, everything's all right
07:04Thank you. Hello. Hey, I know that it's like there's any chance of getting some dinner
07:10I've had a pretty long shift. Yeah, I'll throw something together for you. Thank you
07:16Bad day darling. Yeah. Yeah, Levi got brought in. He was stabbed
07:21What what happened? I don't know some kind of break-in at the house. I think is he gonna be okay
07:27You know, he's gonna make a full recovery. That's a relief. Yeah, not everyone gets to leave hospital. I
07:34Am NOT denying that Bronte is sick
07:36I do feel for her, but I don't see why our business should go under what am I missing?
07:41The insurance company denied our claim to pay her and Joseph out
07:46Right. What would that mean? Can you appeal that? Oh, yeah, you can appeal it
07:50All right, but it'll take forever and Bronte doesn't have for it
07:54No, I understand
07:56But surely if the insurance company is not going to pay then you could ask Bronte not to sue Dana
08:01I am already getting enough grief from Leah without you weighing in take a seat. I'll bring you a salad. I
08:10Tried I just can't make a C sense
08:15Did you recognize any of the attackers
08:19Do you know who stabbed Levi Molly
08:23No, I don't sorry
08:26Why was I Luca and all of this?
08:29I'm trying to help but you're not making this easy. Just be straight with me
08:38It's everything. Okay. Yeah, I just came to let you know that Levi's been moved to a ward room. Sorry to interrupt it
08:43Oh, no, I'm glad he's doing better
08:46When can I take his statement? He's probably not up to it tonight. Maybe come back in the morning. Sure
08:52Can I check on him? Yeah, sure. He's on the second floor. If you go upstairs nurse will show you where to go. Thank you
08:58I've got to keep moving, but I'll see you at home. Yeah
09:46What happened to your brother? Is he okay?
09:49No idea he might answer is fine and no one knows anything
09:58What did you tell Rose
10:01Nothing, of course you didn't
10:06Sort it out. I just need to find out where the islands have taken my brother
10:14I'm really glad you're okay
10:22You're Kenzie, yeah
10:29I was just really scared. I was gonna lose you lucky you were there to say
10:35You sleep
10:37I'll be right here. Okay
10:50Dana I really don't want to have this conversation again
10:54You heard Bronte she needs this money to get to Canada
10:58I know that but if you explained to her that you could lose the diner that I'm sure
11:04Bronte being I consider a person you're pushing it
11:06She would understand and she would pull out of suing the diner and that would be the problem solved
11:12I get that you are trying to help but I am NOT gonna change my mind
11:19You know that I am NOT trying to hurt you Oh
11:23love I
11:24Know that I know that but between you and Leah
11:28But what about Leah because this seems to be affecting your relationship massively and an appeal could take months
11:35Do you want to fight with her the whole time the insurance company will pay up eventually?
11:39But what if they don't?
11:41Can you really live knowing that you have bankrupted yourself and your best friend?
11:45Because this is not just about the money and it's not about Bronte or the dino you could lose Leah over this
11:51We've been through worse, but Dana
11:54Leave it
12:13Sounds like you're handling the pressure. Well, yeah, I'm feeling good ever since I got my tape results back
12:21Have you guys seen our Luca? Nah, I thought he'd be hitting me up for a ride in my car by now
12:26If you see him, can you let me know? All right. Yeah, sure
12:31We'll catch you guys later. Hey, good luck flying solo the garage. Thanks
12:37Hey Molly, okay
12:40Yeah, why do you need to find your brother so urgently?
12:45Does this have something to do with what happened to Levi
12:48Someone say it does no
12:50But you seem stressed should you be talking to the police I'm gonna do that why not it's complicated Brie
13:46How you feeling a little more soon
13:53Thank you for what you did yesterday if you hadn't have acted so I don't say it you're here now that's all that matters
14:05Did you slip in a chair home I did
14:09Now that's love. Mm-hmm, and you owe me
14:12Good morning. Obst. I'm roses here. Hey, hey
14:18Hey Don, I've been better. Yep for giving you a statement or should I come back? Yeah. Yeah, I can talk. Yeah
14:24Do I need permission?
14:27Thought Molly might still be here
14:30Hey left last night. I'll chase him up separately
14:34Mac I will get your version of events, but I'm gonna start with Levi. Yeah, no problem. Might as well just jump into this
14:41Better to do it while it's still fresh in my mind. Absolutely
14:45Okay, Levi, can you start with when you first arrived in place?
14:51So now you want to pay someone to gather evidence for an appeal love we need to fight
14:57Collect evidence force their hand
14:59So, how would it work?
15:01Okay, I've been online
15:03We can get an independent health and safety inspector to come here and and give us the answers
15:11We need so what you're saying is you now want to throw thousands of dollars more at the issue
15:18Yeah, look I grant you it it won't be cheap
15:21And there's no guarantee that we're gonna get the outcome that we want
15:24All because you want to have a conversation with your housemate who is suing us
15:30But even if I talk to her, there's no guarantee that all of the problems will be solved
15:36Half the debt that we're facing this insurance thing again, but if the insurance company have to pay up
15:42Everybody wins
15:44Including Bronte. She can go to Canada get the treatment. She needs before it's too late
15:48Okay, so what if they find us at fault?
15:51Can't you see that I am trying to protect people like Marilyn here our employees from losing their jobs
15:57Does that not matter to you? Of course it does but we can't let the insurance company win
16:02How long have we been paying them for? Hey?
16:05People are starting to stare
16:07Do you have to fight about this your friends? Yeah. Well, I'm starting to think your auntie doesn't know what a friend is
16:14No, I'm sorry love, but you're not supporting me and you sure as hell don't understand that I'm trying I do understand
16:21But this isn't just about Bronte. Yes for me it is. I am trying to be there for her
16:29God knows no one else is
16:34We came home with Mac to find a woman and two guys in the house
16:41What did they want
16:45So it was a robbery
16:48I don't know to be honest. It's all a bit hazy
16:53Hey, you okay take your time
16:56Do you remember the names of any of these people?
16:59Also, I'm gonna need descriptions. I was a bit busy getting stabbed
17:04But they did seem to know I look her and Ollie pretty well wait, so I Luca was there
17:15Can I talk to you outside please is this something I should be a part of
17:21No, it's between Mac and me
17:27Back in a sec
17:35What do you want
17:38Have you given Rosie's statement yet, no I
17:43Need you to do me a favor don't you dare ask me to laugh you I'm not
17:47Okay, I just need you to downplay the connection between the Allen's and my brother not gonna happen
17:52You have no right to ask me to withhold information. It's not like I've never kept a secret for you and I'm eating me
17:58Someone could stabbed him Ali this isn't an issue over a broken heart
18:02If the Allen's find out that the cops are after him who knows what they'll do to him
18:06I have no trouble throwing him right under the bus
18:10What if it was your brother
18:15If it was Dean in this kind of trouble, what would you do for him?
18:28Thanks again for talking to me hopefully Mac can remember more than I can
18:32Yeah, anything she can give us will help. We need to find these people
18:37Hey, hey, how you feeling?
18:41Yeah, I'm fine just a bit tired
18:44We're actually I'm finished here
18:46So why don't we go outside to do your statement and we can give Levi some time to rest Oh look
18:50I'm shattered is there any way that we can postpone this I'll only be asking a few questions back
18:54We can do your full statement later look Rose. I promise I'll call you just as soon as I've had some rest
19:01She's been through hell
19:03Is um Molly still here I have some questions for him too. I don't know. I don't know where he went
19:12I'll be in touch
19:21Hey, okay, I'm getting nowhere fast with this investigation. Yeah, I
19:28Know something's going on
19:32But why don't anyone talk to me Molly asked me not to tell her any more than you already had
19:38What's the hell? I know I just
19:43Cannot believe he's putting me in this position right now. This is so wrong. Yeah, it is
19:47I don't I think he's just really worried about what they'll do to his brother. I'm worried about you
19:54Everything okay
20:00Pretty sure what he's asking you to do is illegal. I'm aware of that
20:05Need you to put yourself first
20:07Yeah, but
20:08Knowing what the Allen's are capable of look it doesn't deserve to die
20:13Max I
20:16Just don't like the sound of this, so what do I do?
20:21Okay, what's wrong? Hey?
20:33Grab the recess trolley, let's get some
20:36And Levi, please, please don't do this to me
20:54See Ron Kenzie, whatever it is. I don't want to know about it. I need that X right now
21:00Is he gonna be all right Mac? I'm sorry. We need to move
21:03Levi's at the hospital right he started his new job. Why do I get as a patient?
21:09Should I even be here? Why would you say that? I can't leave out of my life. Hey, he's your brother
21:14He's been attacked without care
21:18You going in