Facing the Loner Badass Girl Everyone Fears, Only I Talked to Her Every Day, And Then..

  • 3 months ago
Facing the Loner Badass Girl Everyone Fears, Only I Talked to Her Every Day, And Then..
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00My name's Takuto Abe.
00:02Just your average high school dude.
00:04Nah, that's a lie.
00:06I'm an introvert nerd.
00:08A little shrimp.
00:10Always chilling in the corner of the classroom, reading manga and novels.
00:14Well, my high school life isn't anything special, but it's not all that bad.
00:19In my class, we got some famous people from the school.
00:24She's Karen Saito, the super bad girl rumored to be the strongest around.
00:29Word is, she's got some scary people backing her up, and gets into fights every single
00:35If you cross her path, she won't hesitate to throw you down.
00:38No mercy.
00:40Those rumors keep everyone scared, so no one talks to her or comes near.
00:46Never talk to her.
00:47I wonder if she's really as scary as they say.
00:51Lunch break.
00:52It's a nice day today.
00:54Gonna read the rest of my novel in the courtyard.
00:57Wait, hold up.
00:59Someone there?
01:03Why is Karen here?
01:05Maybe I should move a bit further away.
01:08Oh, oops!
01:14Sorry, it's just this book.
01:20A book?
01:22Um, yeah, that.
01:25I see.
01:30My bad.
01:31Um, she really might be super scary.
01:36After school that day.
01:39Man, I was so shocked during the day.
01:42But hey, at least she returned my book, so it's all good.
01:46And who knew they had that out-of-print book I've been searching for in the library?
01:51Should've just talked to the teacher about it sooner.
01:54Alright, time to find that book I'm looking for.
02:00Why is Karen here?
02:02And she's reading the exact book I want to read!
02:05What should I do?
02:10What are you doing?
02:12Oh, well, I came to borrow that book.
02:16Ah, you mean this?
02:18Uh, well...
02:20Here you go, enjoy.
02:24It's pretty cool, this author's book.
02:28You're into it, right?
02:30It's from the same author as the one I picked up earlier.
02:34Oh, she remembered it.
02:36So that's why she let me have it.
02:39Well, see ya.
02:41Uh, hey, Karen!
02:46I really wanted to read it, so, uh, I'm super happy.
02:50Ugh, you're quite the dramatic one.
02:53You're welcome.
02:56Whoa, Karen is kinder than I expected!
03:00That day, I finished reading the borrowed book overnight.
03:03Ended up sleep-deprived, but who cares?
03:06Even though it's just one volume, the satisfaction and intricate storytelling are absolutely mind-blowing!
03:12I can't help but want to talk about the story analysis and my thoughts with someone.
03:17But I doubt there's anyone reading an out-of-print book like that.
03:21Just when I thought that, only one person who might have read it came to mind.
03:26And the next day...
03:30If it's Karen who lent me that book, she must be reading it too!
03:34I can discuss theories with spoilers and all if it's her!
03:38Gotta calm down!
03:40It's just asking for a little chat.
03:45Actually, she's still pretty intimidating.
03:49But I want her to hear my burning passion!
03:52Alright, here I go!
03:54Morning, Karen!
03:58Oh, it's you.
04:00What do you want?
04:02I finished reading that novel you gave me yesterday.
04:05So what?
04:07I wanted to share my thoughts and stuff.
04:10Since you lent it to me, Karen, I thought maybe you were also reading that out-of-print one, so...
04:18Oh god, the silence is scary!
04:23A sigh!
04:24Right, sorry for bothering you.
04:27I'll go back to my seat.
04:29Until the teacher arrives.
04:32I'll hear your thoughts.
04:33Thanks, Karen!
04:34So, listen, I wanted to say...
04:38And so...
04:40The teacher's here.
04:42Time's up!
04:43Get back to your seat.
04:45But I still have a lot to share.
04:47You think you can keep chatting during class?
04:50Then, uh, can we talk about this again?
04:53If I feel like it.
04:56Whoa, Karen can make that kind of expression!
05:00From that day on, Karen and I started talking a lot.
05:03During the morning break and lunchtime, whenever there was a chance, I would approach her.
05:08But most of the time, it's me talking about my impressions without her saying much.
05:13I'm happy that she listens, and after school, we often spend time together in the library.
05:18It seems like Karen also reads a lot in the library.
05:21We both read books.
05:23I share my thoughts, and Karen listens.
05:25Those modest and peaceful days continued.
05:30And one day after school...
05:32Today, this book...
05:34Uh, no way...
05:35I can't reach it!
05:37What are you doing?
05:39I wanted to get this book!
05:41Hey, don't be reckless!
05:43Want me to get it for ya?
05:45It's okay, I can reach...
05:49That was close!
05:51You okay?
05:54Nah, I mean, you okay, Karen?
05:57I'm fine!
06:01This feels like a scene from a novel I read before!
06:05Oh, right!
06:07Wasn't it like this, staring at each other?
06:12Your face is all red!
06:14Don't be so embarrassed!
06:16I can't help it!
06:18You're so beautiful, Karen!
06:21You have a nice body shape, you're gorgeous, and you even smell nice!
06:26Hey, hold on!
06:28Karen, you're too captivating!
06:31I get it, just shut up already!
06:34Just hurry up and pick up the book!
06:37It's impossible not to get excited about that!
06:40Move your hands already!
06:43Yes, ma'am!
06:45This feels like another scene too, you know!
06:48Shut up, just pick it up!
06:51Yes, ma'am!
06:53You're messing with my rhythm!
06:57Glad we got all these books sorted out!
06:59If you hadn't gone crazy, we wouldn't be in that mess!
07:04My bad, sorry about that!
07:07Next time, just tell me!
07:09I'll handle the high places!
07:11Thanks, I'll do that from tomorrow!
07:14By the way, how did you become a bookworm, Karen?
07:17It's all because of my sister's influence!
07:22I have an overachieving sister, you know?
07:25But her parents keep comparing me to her all the time!
07:29I got sick of that daily routine and ended up rebelling big time!
07:33Becoming a bad girl!
07:35But my sister didn't abandon me like that!
07:39She accepted me for who I am no matter what!
07:42And that's what she told me!
07:45Books can help your soul!
07:47They'll guide you through the important things!
07:50Started reading books from that point on and got totally hooked!
07:55Doesn't suit a bad girl like me, right?
07:58Being into books and all!
08:00There's no such thing as fitting or not fitting a bookworm!
08:06You can be a bad girl and still love books, you know?
08:09Besides, it's awesome how your awesome sister was the trigger!
08:16Shut up!
08:17Who asked you, shorty?
08:19Whoa, whoa, whoa!
08:22I thought these kinds of days would continue forever!
08:25But our peaceful daily life crumbled in an instant!
08:29The next day...
08:33What happened?
08:36That's a serious injury!
08:38We gotta get you to the nurse's office ASAP!
08:41Shut up!
08:42It's none of your business!
08:44It does concern me!
08:46You and I are friends!
08:48Quit annoying me!
08:50Stay out of my way!
08:54What's happening?
08:55Are they fighting?
08:57Did Karen mess up again?
09:00That's why punks are the worst!
09:06Takto's been so nice and yet she's got that attitude!
09:10She's definitely a scary one!
09:12That injury, it's gotta be from a fight!
09:15She must have been causing trouble since the morning!
09:18I'm scared, man!
09:20Yeah, it's better not to get involved!
09:23Nothing good will come out of it!
09:26From that day on, Karen kept getting injured almost every day.
09:30I wonder what's causing all this mess?
09:32Every day, I worry and try to approach her, but she avoids me.
09:36Even after school, when I go to the library, I can't find her.
09:41How can I meet Karen?
09:43Or, I mean, where does she go after school?
09:46Does she head straight home, or...
09:48Ugh, I have no clue!
09:50No matter how much I think, if I can't find an answer, there's only one option left!
09:55I have no choice but to follow her!
09:59Fired up the next day after making up my mind,
10:02I stealthily followed Karen after school.
10:05Where the heck is she going?
10:07Hey, look who showed up again as usual!
10:11Is that shorty really that important?
10:13Just leave that gloomy nerd alone, man!
10:16Shut up!
10:18I'm just being a punching bag, ain't I?
10:20Don't you open your big mouth!
10:22Besides, that guy is someone precious to me!
10:25I won't let anyone lay a finger on him!
10:28Oh yeah? Is that so?
10:31Then, shall we give you another painful experience today?
10:35Hold up! Wait!
10:38Why are you here?
10:40What's going on?
10:42Huh? This girl right here just has been protecting you, that's all.
10:48I heard he's become good buddies with you lately while looking for an opportunity to beat up Karen.
10:55That buddy. In other words, I was blackmailing her using your relationship.
11:01This guy was acting like a vigilante trying to control the team and guys like us.
11:07It was freaking annoying.
11:09It's laughable how she pretends to be a hero of justice while being just as shady.
11:14Is it true?
11:17You should have just left me alone!
11:20You don't want to see someone who's important to you getting hurt, right?
11:24Hey, save that romance thing for later.
11:28We're gonna beat both of you up right now!
11:32Hey, you! I told you not to lay a finger on him, didn't I?
11:37What? Shut up! Let's show her what we've got!
11:47A few minutes later.
11:53I'm just like these guys, too. Scary, right?
11:57So if you understand, never get involved with me again.
12:01Doesn't matter.
12:03For now, let's treat your injuries. Come this way.
12:07Sorry for getting you involved, Takuto.
12:10Being with me might lead to more trouble, so I won't be by your side anymore.
12:17I want to be with you, Karen.
12:19Thanks for protecting me earlier, and sorry I couldn't protect you.
12:25For me, you're an important person, but I've only been protected by you.
12:30It's okay. I wanted to protect you.
12:34A bad girl like me, you were the only one who treated me kindly.
12:39Just you.
12:41You're a kind person, Karen.
12:43There's no bad person who loves books, and recently you look so down and out.
12:48I wanted to protect you.
12:51What about before?
12:53Just helping out kids getting picked on.
12:56I was too lazy to tidy myself up, so I just went to school like that.
13:01And crushing other teens was because the people in the neighborhood were troubled.
13:06Like the ladies in the shopping district or the folks at the supermarket.
13:11But well, someone happened to take pictures of me while I was in a fight.
13:16They got posted on social media and rumors started spreading like wildfire.
13:21You're a hero.
13:23That's not true.
13:25But you are! Injuries and fights aside, it's about crushing the strong and helping the weak.
13:31Let's clear up everyone's misunderstandings.
13:33No need for that useless stuff. No one will understand anyway.
13:38That's not true. If we talk, everyone will understand.
13:42Because you're incredibly kind and amazing.
13:49It's the first time someone has said that to me.
13:53Thank you.
13:56And so, the clear up misunderstandings operation was carried out with me and Karen.
14:02Starting with greetings, Karen slowly made the class understand that she's not scary.
14:07It took a little time, but the misunderstandings gradually cleared up.
14:11By the way, those guys who threatened Karen were exposed with the help of the shopping district folks and the kids Karen helped.
14:20Their bad behavior came to light, and they ended up getting expelled from school.
14:25The daily life changed little by little.
14:28But the one-on-one reading time with Karen remained the same as always.
14:33Don't you read with other kids like this?
14:37Nah, it's fine. I like it this way.
14:41I told you, I like spending time with you.
14:44Really? That's great. Me too.
14:48Is it because we're friends?
14:51Huh? Um, well, uh...
14:55Come here for a sec.
14:58Huh? W-wait!
15:00I want to be more than just friends with you.
15:04Wha-? Um, uh, well, yeah. Let's be together!
15:09The after-school library from now on is bound to become even more exciting!
15:15Hi! It's me, Mel! Thanks for watching my channel!
15:21I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos too!
