Puffin Rock Puffin Rock S01 E001 – Puffin Practice

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
00:30Puffin Rock
01:00C'est ce que nous, les Puffins Grown-Ups, faisons.
01:03Je veux devenir un Puffin Grown-Up.
01:05Ah, il y a beaucoup de temps pour ça, n'aie pas peur.
01:09Oh, regarde Papa Puffin maintenant.
01:11Il bouge avec sa poignée et flippe les feuilles avec ses pieds.
01:19On va chercher de l'alimentation, n'est-ce pas?
01:21Tu prends soin de Baba.
01:22Oui, Maman, je le ferai.
01:24Au revoir, Baba. Au revoir, vous deux.
01:26À plus tard.
01:30Allons, Baba.
01:32Suivons Maman et Papa et voyons ce que les Puffins Grown-Ups font tous les jours.
01:38Les Puffins Grown-Ups sont excellents à voler.
01:42Donc un Puffin comme Oona a son travail coupé si elle veut continuer.
01:48Et le petit Baba n'a même pas encore appris à hopper.
01:51Les Puffins sont beaucoup plus agréables en vol que dans la terre.
01:55Est-ce que tu regardes, Oona?
01:58Ah oui, Oona regarde attentivement Maman et Papa.
02:06Les Puffins vivent dans l'océan pour une raison.
02:08Des poissons!
02:12C'est comme s'ils volaient, mais sous l'eau.
02:16Les Puffins sont incroyables.
02:19Un Puffin peut porter plus d'un poisson dans son sac.
02:22En fait, assez peu.
02:25Et c'est un bon travail aussi, car Baba a faim.
02:29Oona a regardé attentivement Maman et Papa tous les matins.
02:34Voyons ce qu'elle a appris.
02:37D'accord, Baba.
02:38Pratiquons comme les Puffins Grown-Ups.
02:43Ah, regarde Oona.
02:45Elle passe avec son poitrine, comme son papa.
02:50Papa, Papa, Papa, Papa, Papa, Papa...
02:53Hahahahaha Papa! Concentrez.
02:58C'est la véritable pratique des Puffins.
03:04C'est mieux.
03:05Maintenant, pratiquons notre écrase.
03:11Les Puffins sont très bons à l'écraser.
03:13C'est comment ils faisent leurs poissons.
03:14All right! That's enough digging!
03:21Hey Baba! I said that's enough digging!
03:26Let's practice carrying fish!
03:29Una saw her mama and papa carrying lots of fish in their bills,
03:33and now she's having a go with the twigs.
03:37Now Baba, watch me very closely.
03:43Haha! Not that close!
03:47Right! Here we go!
04:04Baba, you have to concentrate!
04:07This is serious!
04:09We'll never be Grown-Up Puffins if we don't practice walking and digging,
04:12fishing, swimming and flying, and...
04:19Oh Baba, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
04:22I just wanted to practice being a Grown-Up Puffin,
04:25but I forgot to make it fun.
04:28No wonder you weren't concentrating.
04:30Why don't we just play a game instead?
04:37Baba Boo!
04:40Baba Boo!
04:43Baba Boo!
04:46Baba Boo!
04:49Baba Boo!
04:52What have you been up to today, Una?
04:55I wanted to practice being a Grown-Up with Baba,
04:58but he's a bit young and he wasn't really concentrating.
05:01Is that right, Baba?
05:03Did you learn anything from Una today?
05:10Would you look at that!
05:13Oh Baba!
05:18You were paying attention all along!
05:23A well-deserved reward there.
05:26Wait, he's not swallowing the fish.
05:30He's carrying two fish in his bill!
05:33Little Baba, carrying fish just like a Grown-Up Puffin!
05:38Just like a Grown-Up Puffin, yes!
05:40That's what I was going to say!
05:42Well done, Baba!
05:44And well done, Una!
05:46Thank you!
05:48Ah, big sisters are brilliant, aren't they Baba?
05:53And little brothers aren't so bad either.
05:55Isn't that right, Una?
05:57Baba loves Una.
05:59Yeah, what a happy Puffin family all together, on Puffin Rock!
06:30What's that?
06:33No, Baba, I think it's an egg.
06:35Yep, it's definitely an egg.
06:37A Puffin egg, maybe.
06:39It's not a Puffin egg.
06:41They're white, not blue.
06:43That's what I was thinking.
06:45Actually, it's definitely not a Puffin egg.
06:51Well, eggs are white too.
06:54What kind of eggs?
06:56What should we do with it?
06:58Hmm, we could eat it.
07:00No, Zee, you can't eat everything.
07:06You could fall out of your nest, little egg.
07:09Don't worry, we'll help you find your Mama and Papa.
07:13OK, so I won't eat it.
07:16But if it's not a Puffin or an egg, what is it?
07:20Oh, no, I think it's a seagull egg.
07:22Oh, no indeed, Una.
07:24Puffins and seagulls don't exactly get along, do they?
07:27We'll have to take the egg home to the seagull's nest.
07:33Don't worry, Baba, I'll look after you and Egg.
07:36That sounds like a big job.
07:38I think I'll have a little snack first.
07:40No, you'll have to eat later, Mossy.
07:43He's ready to go.
07:45This little egg needs his Mama and Papa quick.
07:48Let's take him home. Come on.
07:51Good luck, guys. This is a tricky mission.
08:09Don't worry, Egg.
08:11Watch out for the seagulls, Una.
08:19Or should I say seagull?
08:22Oh, that's good.
08:28Quick, into the nest!
08:36Oh, no!
08:43Look, I found some seagull eggshell.
08:45But it's brown, not blue.
08:48Oh, so that means...
08:50Our egg isn't a seagull egg.
08:58Right, so it's not a seagull,
09:02but it's got a foot and a beak.
09:06It's black and fluffy and...
09:09Oh, hold on. I know this bird.
09:11It's, uh...
09:14It's noisy, isn't it?
09:17Hello, little chick. What's your name?
09:22Don't worry. I'm sure your Mama is nearby.
09:29Aw, the little chick thinks Una is Mama.
09:33Let's get out of here!
09:47Oh, would you look at that!
09:49The little chick's copying Una.
09:52Hey, hey, where are you going?
09:54No, no, no, not the cliff edge.
09:56It's dangerous for a little chick.
10:03Well, I never.
10:05They're guillemots.
10:07They don't even live on Puffin Rock.
10:09Is that your Mama and Papa?
10:11No, they're not.
10:13They're guillemots.
10:15They don't even live on Puffin Rock.
10:18I think that's a yes, Una.
10:21But how are you going to get the chick down there
10:23before those seagulls get too close?
10:27Quick! I know a way down. Follow me.
10:43Ah, well done, Una, Baba and Mossy.
10:46The chick's back where he belongs, with his Mama and Papa.
10:51You know, Una, I think that means thank you.
10:54And what better reward for a puffin than some lovely fish?
10:58Mmm, thank you.
11:01And what better reward for a puffin than some lovely fish?
11:04Mmm, thank you.
11:06And what better reward for a puffin than some lovely fish?
11:09Mmm, thank you.
11:12What about me?
11:23Bye-bye, little chick.
11:27I'm so hungry.
11:29Mossy, you're always hungry.
11:33Helping poor defenseless chicks is hungry work here on Puffin Rock,
11:36so it's time to head home for dinner.
11:39It's always dinner time for pygmy shrews.
11:48It's a lovely afternoon on Puffin Rock.
11:51Bees are buzzing, frogs are jumping, and the puffins are...
11:57What is Baba doing?
12:00Ah, I see. He's just being Baba.
12:05Everyone is enjoying the sunshine, even Otto.
12:08Hello, Otto. What are you doing up?
12:10Owls are nocturnal. They usually sleep in the daytime.
12:13So he must be very excited about something.
12:15Hello, Una. Don't forget, tonight's the night.
12:18The full moon.
12:20Not just a full moon, a super moon.
12:23A super moon?
12:25Oh, no wonder he's excited.
12:27That's when the moon is at its closest to the earth.
12:30That only happens once in a while.
12:32It will be so big and round, Una, it will light up the whole island.
12:36It sounds beautiful.
12:38It will indeed be beautiful.
12:40I'm going to join Papa for a nap.
12:43You should do the same. I'll come and get you at moonrise.
12:49I can't wait to see the moon.
12:51How about you, Baba?
12:53Ah, Baba, you'd better have a little nap too.
13:00I'm too excited to sleep.
13:02I'm going to tell everyone about the moon.
13:06What's that you were saying, Una?
13:08I was just saying, I'm going to tell everyone about the moon.
13:13The moon. Big round thing in the sky at night.
13:17What about it, Una?
13:19That's just it, Monsey.
13:21Tonight is going to be even bigger than usual.
13:24It's a super moon.
13:26A super moon. Now that I would like to see.
13:29Then meet me in Ottawa at the borough, Monsey, at moonrise.
13:33I'm off to the meadow to tell May.
13:39May! May! Tonight!
13:42Moon! Big rise!
13:45Oh, slow down, Una.
13:47We're all staying up late tonight.
13:50Ooh. Why?
13:53To see the moon, May.
13:55To see the super moon.
13:57It's going to light up the whole island.
13:59Ooh. That sounds brilliant.
14:02Oh, it will be.
14:04I'll come and meet you later. I must go and tell Sulky.
14:10That is one excited puffling.
14:14Are you okay, Una?
14:16The moon, Sulky. We're all staying up late to see it.
14:19Oh, I don't know, Una.
14:22I don't usually stay up so late.
14:24But it's going to be so beautiful.
14:27It's a super moon. And it won't be long now.
14:31The sun is going down already.
14:33I know, I know. We'll come back here just as soon as the moon is out.
14:37And we'll all see it together.
14:41I can't wait to see the moon.
14:43The beautiful super moon.
14:47The sand's all warm.
14:50That looks nice and comfy.
14:53Oh, uh, Una?
14:56Uh-oh. Una's falling asleep.
14:59She's been running around all day, and she usually sleeps at night.
15:05She is a diurnal bird, after all.
15:08And there she goes.
15:17The owls are wide awake.
15:19Being nocturnal, they love the night.
15:21They're really enjoying themselves.
15:23You could say they're having a hoot.
15:30Are you staying up late too? To see the moon? The super moon?
15:34No, Otto. We're worried about Una.
15:36We're meeting her here. Where is she?
15:39She's not been home, Otto. We don't know where she is.
15:43Hi, everyone. Have you seen the moon yet?
15:46No, Mossy. We're looking for Una. Do you know where she is?
15:49Last time I saw her, she was going to see me.
15:52Then we'll go to the meadow.
15:54What about Baba?
15:55You stay here with Baba. We'll go and look for Una.
16:01Hello, Mossy. Have you seen the moon?
16:04Not yet. We're looking for Una.
16:06Have you seen her?
16:07Last time I saw her, she was going to see Silky.
16:10Then we need to head down to the shore.
16:12To the beach!
16:17Have you seen the moon yet?
16:19No, Silky. We're looking for Una. Have you seen her?
16:22Oh, last time I saw her, she was...
16:26Come on!
16:29Una! Thank goodness! We find her!
16:33She must have tired herself out. She so wanted to see the moon.
16:39Una... Una...
16:43The man! Did I miss the...
16:46No, Una. Look!
16:49Wow! It's beautiful!
16:54So glad we all saw it together.
16:57I'm so glad you made us stay up late to see it, Una.
17:00It wouldn't have been the same without you.
17:06What? It's ages since supper.
17:09Ah, Mossy. You've ruined the moment.
17:12But what a super adventure! And what a super moon!
17:27Subtitling TITRAFILM