• 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Investimenti in crescita nella regione e un piano decennale che porterà infrastrutture e ricadute economiche importanti. È quanto è emerso nel corso della presentazione del Bilancio di Sostenibilità Territoriale della Calabria di A2A. “Il nostro piano industriale prevede risorse per il settore idrico ma anche per il ciclo dei rifiuti”, ha affermato l’AD Renato Mazzoncini. “Per noi la Calabria è strategica”. Soddisfatto il governatore calabrese, Roberto Occhiuto: “Felice che un’azienda come A2A investa qui”.


00:0020 million euros of investments in infrastructure, with an increase of 78% compared to 2022,
00:17and 36 million euros in economic value distributed on the territory.
00:22These are the data relating to the balance of territorial sustainability of Calabria,
00:28which ADOE has added to the third edition, presented by its Delegate Administrator Renato Mazzoncini
00:34in Gizzeria Lido, in the conference room of the Marechiaro Hotel.
00:38In the presence of Governor of Calabria Roberto Piuto and President of the Anci Calabria Rosaria Succurro,
00:45a focus has been made on the environmental, economic and social performance of the group on the territory in 2023
00:52and the planned activities for the coming years.
00:56The investments in the next few years, contained in our decennial industrial plan for Calabria,
01:02are more than 300 million euros, in the sectors of water, hydroelectric, water cycle and waste cycle,
01:10three of which are energy, water and waste, and the central issues with which Calabria is facing,
01:17on which ADOE can certainly be an important player.
01:20For us, Calabria is a very strategic and important region,
01:24and we are working, also in collaboration with Sorical,
01:29to give a hand on the whole issue of the water cycle.
01:33In addition to these great projects, the region has launched an interest demonstration
01:37for the new thermal thermalizer Giugioia Tauro,
01:40precisely to close, in the best and most efficient way possible,
01:44the urban waste cycle in Calabria, and we have presented ourselves.
01:48The dialogue with local administrations, let's say from the region,
01:52is extremely constructive.
01:54Luca Bianchi, Director General of Svimez, also took part in the meeting,
01:59who anticipated some of the results of the report made in collaboration with ADOEA,
02:04a prospectus for the protection of the water resource in Calabria,
02:09in which the need for an integrated approach for the best water management was highlighted.
02:15Calabria is facing an important water crisis,
02:19this imposes not to waste even a liter of water,
02:23this means making investments,
02:26and hydroelectricity can be an opportunity to improve investments in the mountains,
02:31and then investments are needed throughout the valley system to avoid dispersion.
02:36On this there is an investment plan of almost two billion for the next few years,
02:40and as Svimez we have evaluated,
02:43that can activate an important growth and above all a new occupation.
02:48To draw the sums of a long day of confrontation,
02:51which also saw the stakeholders of the territory,
02:55on issues such as ecological transition and biodiversity,
02:58the governor of Calabria, Roberto Occhiuto.
03:02The region must do its job,
03:05that is, it must build a favorable institutional context for attracting investments,
03:10which go in the direction of making Calabria more eco-sustainable,
03:15and to ensure the rights denied to the people of Calabria for too long,
03:20the right to always have water everywhere,
03:23the right to have clean cities and not invaded by refugees.
03:28I am very happy that companies of primary importance such as 2A, but also others,
03:34have found in Calabria a region
03:38where to identify the headquarters of their important investments.
