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Exposure 2024 s01e05


01:00How am I gonna tell it another song
02:24You know, tell me what happened or what I
02:28Stripped it's not really newsworthy
02:32Classic damsel in distress story really
02:37Surprised you're even up and functioning figured you said of your head stuck in the toilet
02:47No, I thought bullshit me Jack
02:53I'm worried about you
03:02Chase the guy from Cal's phone. We were about to meet up and he's better
03:10Where's it what I've been messaging him
03:19Because I want to know what he did but you don't know anything about this guy
03:25Jesus I said no
03:26You need you need to stop why would I have privacy like going through a phone?
03:31I mean, what the fuck are you as if that is the worst thing either of us have done to kill
03:38Why why why are we talking about that again because we never talked about it
03:46Just say that you regret it
03:50Say that you regret it say that you regret sleeping with me don't
03:57I don't
04:03Being with you that weekend was just I
04:10Was so lit up
04:15Just I
04:19Don't know
04:21You always made me feel that way
05:16Okay, yep, yeah
05:25Know it's okay. Sorry. It's just we don't need to go so fast
05:35What do you mean
05:42What if we just kiss for a bit
05:47Should I put my top back on no, no, no not at all
06:30Yes, sorry, that's all right
06:35Fuck um, I don't know what's wrong with me. Um
06:47That's okay, yeah, we can just stop it's over it's not here no, it's okay. No, it's like not it's
06:55You're so perfect
07:01I'm gonna feel like this. I feel
07:03I'm gonna feel crazy. Is it is it Carol? Oh, what's him?
07:12I am I promised Carol. Okay, and
07:21It felt important to respect that and and do right by that, you know, so
07:30Honestly, I didn't think it was actually any of your business, um, I
07:39Am I know where he lives
08:52Sorry, we just got in from school
08:57I'm here for the bike on your husband. Put it on my place
09:05Have one bike he's selling then I'll be buying a new one. What are you on about?
09:16Not inside, thank you. It's
09:18It's just one of the kids bikes the tires busted. Well, can we not just get a new tire?
09:23Yeah, the whole um wheels ruined Jesus Jim that was the new bike from Christmas
09:28Here I'll show it to you. It's just on the side
09:46You have a family
09:52Want to know what you did and I don't fucking care if I ruin this for you, okay
10:02Okay, what do you mean what I did we we had an affair
10:08You had an affair tell me what happened
10:15We um, we made it a pump and
10:20We kept in touch and it took off from there
10:25Why she did
10:28She really didn't tell you anything
10:37Okay, she
10:40She'd come down and we'd we would book a motel
10:45And it it was an escape for both of us
10:51I wanted to be there for
10:55Me and Carol had this
10:59Wisdom a sense of freedom. It didn't make sense that she could end up in such places when I saw the cracks. I
11:06Didn't want to abandon her
11:10I wanted to help up
11:13How are you gonna fucking hell I don't know it had gone too far we'd gone we'd got in too deep I mean I I
11:22Could see how much was affecting
11:25Affecting her. I didn't want to string her along. What more than you already did. She knew I was never gonna leave my kids
11:31You know, I called her up
11:33And I cut it for good
11:35And that was the night
11:40And she went quiet
11:58Why didn't she tell me about you
12:04said that you'd be vengeful and hateful and you wouldn't accept me which is completely fair enough and I
12:13Don't know I don't know she also she knew that you cheated with her boyfriend before but she loved you
12:21I am
12:24Just wanted to say that I
12:29I saw your photograph
12:34And it was really beautiful
12:44And it was really good
12:58Hey, okay
13:53Should be
14:08We've been trying to get a hold of you for ages, okay mom
14:14Yeah, I'm tired I'm really tired I'm like
14:20Can't sleep I need an MRI
14:29Well, you don't need an MRI
14:35But you do need to see someone talk
14:45I don't want to be like this
14:50No, I
14:55Watched the tape
15:01Tape Bali
15:09What are you talking
15:14Tell you what
15:18What happened over there
15:24Um, I
15:26Would have looked after you talk to me I
15:32Don't want to do this with you
15:35I'm your mother. I
15:38Don't want to do this with you. I don't want to do this with anyone. Okay
15:43Nothing happened you watch the tape and tell me nothing happened. Oh
15:50Watch it. We'll stop
15:54What he did was criminal I
15:59Saw it with my own eyes, who are you lying to me?
16:12You don't know what's on me to you
16:23Maybe we should take this to the place. No
17:46Like to go first
17:58You're prettier than you think how do you know how pretty I think I am
18:10Turn you made pretty quick tonight
18:17So what spicy questions if you go for me
18:24What's your weirdest fantasy
18:27Like a fetish not can be like anything just you know, do your worst
18:40Think of my brother dying I
18:46Think about being hit by a car
18:50And then I go to the hospital and I have to be there for ages and the doctor falls in love with me
18:56He's never met anyone like it's a rescue fantasy. Hey
19:01What's yours called
19:04Well, how does your brother die house fire
19:08If I'd have been there that second earlier, I could have saved him tragic
19:14Sir, did you also douse it in kerosene before?
19:21It won't happen by the way what
19:30You're not gonna fall in love with you
19:44Women like rescuing men not the other way around
19:49And leave
19:52That's not very nice
19:56That's sad just the way it is
20:03Acceptance is more quieter
20:07What are you like doing psychology or something I didn't teaching
20:21You're too good for him anyway
20:28My fantasy doctor
20:33Yeah, true, he's a bit of a prick were you a dork at school? Yeah, you were yeah massive
20:42What school you gonna teach I'm doing placement is shy hi
20:47And why do you want to be a teacher because I think it'll be fulfilling what the repetitive grind and the shit page
21:02You're gonna be a millionaire being a talentless photographer
21:08You haven't seen my work my friend told me
21:14She did not yeah, she said you've been a fucking clue. Well, she didn't
21:24You will be a good teacher bar
22:15Might just go to the bathroom. Yeah
22:17I'm just gonna turn this off
23:18I actually got my period. That's right. No, like I've got like a tablet. Oh, yeah. I'm good
23:35You can get breakfast in the morning we will
23:39Mm-hmm. I'm actually kind of feeling a bit sick. Sorry