Set on January 6, 2025, War Game is a real-life political thriller depicting a nationwide insurrection where members of the US military defect to support the losing Presidential candidate. Meanwhile, the winning candidate and his advisors—portrayed by an all-star cast of senior officials from the last five administrations—conduct war games in the White House situation room. With the country on the brink of civil war, they have just six hours to save democracy.
War Game will hit theaters August 2, 2024!
War Game will hit theaters August 2, 2024!
Short filmTranscript
00:00My fellow Americans, it is undeniable that this past election was stolen.
00:06To all those members of the armed forces, join with us to defend our liberty and land.
00:14Seated around this room is an incredible diversity of professional experience,
00:18spanning the last five presidential administrations.
00:21Most of you have sworn under oath to defend the Constitution.
00:24What happens when those in uniform break that oath?
00:27January 6th demonstrated a possible false sense of security.
00:31The next insurrection could involve members of the active duty military
00:35turning their weapons around on the folks that they are there to protect.
00:38One of the recommendations was to war game what that might look like.
00:42I am President Hotham, Chief Executive of the United States of America.
00:46You have six hours to avert a civil war and ensure the peaceful transfer of power.
00:50Mr. President, we are going to be starting the game in three...
00:53We are here to stress test our national security system.
00:57I want them to be prepared for the worst case scenarios.
01:03I have no idea if, at the end of this exercise, this country collapses or comes together.
01:08Where would we like to send a large body of armed crazies?
01:12You are confirming that there are National Guard that have, in fact, led protesters through.
01:19I'm going to flood this zone with fake pictures, guys.
01:21It's very difficult to find out what is real and what is...
01:23And they're actual.
01:25It is not compromising the proceedings of the election.
01:28Yeah, it is compromising the proceedings of the election.
01:31The entire Congress is still in a bunker.
01:35Now they're playing the game.
01:36Everybody back the table.
01:39You can authorize lethal force.
01:41Pause for just a second.
01:42Is that correct? You could have...
01:43We've done it on the southwest border.
01:46He's going to have to make a decision.
01:49Put your f***ing courage on the table.
01:51The United States could be on the brink of a second civil war.
01:56You've pissed off a lot of senior ranking folks from all five presidential administrations.
01:59Doing my job.
02:00Great job.