• last year
3 Copenhagen Plank Variations to Upgrade Your Core Workout | Liz and Eb | Men's Health Muscle
00:00You've done side planks before but never quite like this. Here are three other
00:04ways you can upgrade your side plank game and really start to challenge more
00:07than your abs too. So Liz is doing what's called a grounded Copenhagen plank.
00:11Now she's got that bottom leg off the ground and that's really gonna attack
00:15her hip adductors. Trying to hold this one for 10 to 15 seconds is a really
00:19really good way to start to upgrade your side plank. Once you have that down you
00:23can try the elevated Copenhagen plank. Now our entire torso is parallel to the
00:27ground. That's that much more challenge for both our abs and that inner hip
00:31adductor. You're gonna get a lot of great work for your inner hip side of this one.
00:35Third option up is now we're gonna take the elevated Copenhagen plank and we're
00:39gonna add load to this as well. This is gonna push your abs to the limit. It's
00:43again gonna keep attacking those inner thighs. You're gonna really really build
00:47a ton of core strength with all of these options.
