Hello Mr. Gu EP 03 Hindi Dubbed

  • 3 months ago
Hello Mr. Gu EP 03 Hindi Dubbed
00:00You don't know?
00:30Who Nanzo?
00:45When he thinks he is handsome and perfect man
00:48who has some weakness but people don't know
00:50He is afraid of crowd
00:52He gets scared when there are many people around him
01:00He is afraid of being alone
01:05He is afraid of being alone
01:09He is afraid of being alone
01:13He is afraid of being alone
01:33He is afraid of being alone
02:02He is afraid of being alone
02:32Is the food ready?
02:34Great! I am very hungry
02:36Don't waste the food like this
02:39I never eat the last part of the bread
02:42I never eat the last part of the bread
03:02What kind of juice is this?
03:24Fruit juice
03:25You mix carom seeds in fruit juice
03:27What mistake are you punishing me for?
03:29Carom seeds have vitamin C
03:31It reduces blood pressure and cholesterol
03:33And it suits people like you
03:37What do you mean by people like me?
03:39You are that strange person
03:40You are blind
03:41You are a mad person
03:55Can't you eat peacefully?
03:58Is it necessary to make noise?
04:01Then what is the use of this?
04:06You keep your way to yourself
04:08Why are you looking at me while eating?
04:10Because of your behavior like this
04:12I am not able to eat
04:14And also I am not able to taste the food
04:16Because of your behavior like this
04:18Even my taste of food is getting spoiled
04:21It's good that both of them are not married
04:26You are absolutely right
04:28It's good that we don't meet again
04:30Unless it's necessary
04:32Otherwise our mental and physical health will get spoiled
04:35I am full
04:36I am going from here
04:41Let's go to office
05:00Stop the car
05:01Ignore her
05:02Keep walking
05:07Open the door
05:19Don't you have any sense?
05:21Don't you know?
05:22Will you drop me to the university?
05:24It's nearby
05:25According to the 30th clause
05:27Party B won't disturb Party A
05:30I know boss
05:32I am late
05:33It's necessary to attend the career guidance course
05:35I can't be late
05:37If I wouldn't have spent the night with you
05:39I would have...
05:41It's your fault
05:43Do you know what you are saying?
05:45Just help me once
05:48I won't disturb you next time
05:50I won't come in your way
05:52I promise
05:55I won't let you go unless you give me a lift
06:06Let's go inside
06:09Nancheng University
06:10Thank you
06:15Let's go
06:26So did you spend the night with him?
06:29Stop it
06:30I am feeling sleepy
06:32What did you do last night?
06:34Tell us
06:36What did you do last night?
06:38Tell us
06:39I can't remember
06:41This is...
06:46He is so handsome
06:50I like him so much
06:52I don't know why she doesn't like him
06:55I left your bag in the car
06:58His bag?
06:59I saw it last night
07:01I don't know
07:07Hi everyone
07:08I am her future husband
07:11This girl is really nice
07:13There is only one problem
07:15Sometimes she likes to play pranks
07:23I don't always play pranks
07:25Don't pay attention to him
07:27Can I steal him for 2 minutes?
07:29He is hiding something from us
07:35Why did you tell him that you are my fiance?
07:38So can you make fun of me whenever you want?
07:42That's enough
07:45I am going to class
07:46Don't come here without work
07:49One second
07:53Give me the phone
08:06Do we need this?
08:08Yes because we have signed the agreement
08:13So remember
08:14From today we are engaged
08:19And yes
08:21I heard you made fun of me
08:24I understand
08:25I have to do my duty
08:26I have to behave like a wife
08:28But you don't have to behave like a fiance
08:31If everyone finds out that we are married
08:34I won't be able to date anyone
08:38Be polite
08:39I am in a hurry
08:42I have to go
09:13Why did you come here?
09:17Tell me now
09:18Is this true?
09:20What truth?
09:22About your engagement
09:24All the students know about it
09:27This wedding photo of yours
09:29Is displayed everywhere in the bridal shop
09:31Do you even know?
09:32When you come here
09:34They don't know
09:35They don't know
09:36They don't know
09:37They don't know
09:38They don't know
09:39They don't know
09:40They don't know
09:41They don't know
09:42Who told you to display their photos?
09:44What is this noise?
09:45Can't you keep quiet?
09:48Keep quiet
09:52He helped me
09:53So I am acting like we are in a relationship
09:57I am just pretending to be a fiance
09:59We are not in a relationship
10:01When are you going to register the marriage?
10:03We will talk about this later
10:05And tell me
10:06What if you really fall in love with him one day?
10:09Don't worry
10:11We can never like each other
10:13Even if the world ends
10:15Even if the aliens attack us
10:17There can never be romance between us
10:23Don't tell this to my brother
10:25The way you are answering
10:27My brother will slit his throat
10:30What if he threatens me?
10:32Be brave
10:34You can do it
10:35You know him very well
10:37You know him
10:38I can't do this
10:42If my brother threatens you
10:44And forces you
10:45You should keep quiet
10:48Do you want me to get killed by my brother?
10:52You know my life is at stake
10:57You will lose me
11:03I will do this
11:15Do you really want to marry him?
11:19When others said no
11:22And then I saw your wedding photos in the shop
11:25Were you going to tell me after the baby was born?
11:28Now you know about this
11:30Bless me
11:31You are getting married all of a sudden
11:33That too with him?
11:37I asked for a wish on my singles day
11:39And later
11:41A very handsome and muscular boy
11:43Who is very intelligent
11:45Loves me a lot
11:47I thought you didn't like him
11:50To be honest
11:51I was saying yes
11:54I am also a girl
11:56Why will anyone refuse such a love?
12:00You are right
12:03Don't be sad like this
12:05He is from a very rich family
12:07No one is buying me
12:10On my wedding day
12:11I will definitely give him and you a big gift
12:22Submit your work tonight
12:39You are also leaving?
12:52Mr. Lu
12:53We can start
12:57Looks like Mr. Gu is still missing
12:59How can he be so important?
13:02And this is amazing
13:05Such a person is running a company
13:09Tell me
13:10Who is in support of closing Zingian?
13:13Mr. Li
13:14Mr. Zhao
13:15Mr. Zuo
13:16Mr. Zheng
13:18And me
13:20And we
13:21In this Gu group
13:22We are 41% shareholders
13:24And those who want Zingian to continue
13:26They are Mr. Gu and Mr. Mu
13:28The 39% shareholders
13:30Means our share is more
13:32And maybe that's why Mr. Gu will be disappointed this time
13:36You forgot the small shareholders
13:38Mr. Lu, you forgot to count the small shareholders
13:42Who are they?
13:49This is the authorized letter of the small shareholders
13:51Actually, they chose me from the company
13:54And 4% of the shares belong to the small shareholders
13:58The shareholders who support Zingian Innovation
14:11Actually, we are very interested in Mr. Gu
14:13We can't ignore him
14:16Maybe that's why the small shareholders are with him
14:18And that's why he listens to other people
14:21I'm glad to hear that, Mr. Lu
14:22Let's assume that he won this time
14:24But what about the next time?
14:25And what about the meeting after that?
14:27So I suggest
14:29And I hope you will agree
14:31Zingian will be separated from the group in the future
14:33Everything will be independent
14:34Profit and loss
14:35And he will not be a part of this company in any way
14:41How is that possible?
14:42That's right
14:44Our group has been investing in Zingian
14:47So Mr. Gu should take the responsibility of all the shareholders
14:51All the profits will be achieved within a year
14:53Those who have invested can get it back
15:05We accept your condition
15:12Come here and see
15:13There is a 90% discount on all the books
15:15There is a 90% discount on all the books
15:16Come and take it
15:17I have all kinds of books
15:19Look, how much is this?
15:21Yes, there is a 90% discount on all the books
15:27Excuse me
15:28Sorry, sorry
15:29I'm sorry
15:30These books are not for sale
15:31I'm sorry
15:32This is big
15:34Hey, what did you do?
15:3790% discount on so many books
15:39This is a loss
15:41I have to go back
15:42And that's why I have to sell all these books
15:44If I throw them away
15:45There will be a bigger loss
15:47I will earn you more than this
15:50University's commercial street is in Eastern Campus
15:53There are many bookstores
15:54So these will be sold at a low price
15:55Duck restaurant
15:56But there is no bookstore in the west
15:5850% discount on original copies
16:02I will sell all of them
16:04There is a 50% discount
16:05Come, come
16:07There is a 50% discount on all the books
16:10We have all the books
16:11Take whatever you want
16:12Take whatever you want
16:1350% discount on all the books
16:14It's very cheap
16:16I'm sure there are all original copies
16:19What are you doing here?
16:21Please forgive me
16:22You can't do business here
16:23Stop, stop
16:25I said stop
16:28I'm sorry
16:29I haven't been feeling well for a few days
16:30That's why I couldn't come to the meeting
16:32You don't look well to me
16:34And why did I hear that?
16:36And you are having a meeting with a beautiful girl here
16:42Actually she is his assistant
16:44Mr. Gu suddenly fell ill
16:46And that's why he doesn't know anything
16:49I don't like the atmosphere in Zingyung's office
16:51Do you know for whom?
16:52Not for Mr. Gu
16:53But for this innocent girl
16:55Look, she is beautiful
16:56And intelligent like you
16:57Miss Jiang
16:59Mr. Liu
17:01You are making me angry by telling a joke
17:04Can you give me more compliments, Miss Jiang?
17:07Mr. Gu has always told us
17:09That we have to work harder
17:10So that our work can be better
17:12So look
17:13I have drafted a new plan
17:15Please read it
17:17And you will see our hard work
17:19This case?
17:20Yes, okay
17:21I will read it carefully
17:30Zingyung is making a very good plan
17:32And I have no problem
17:33In reviewing this case
17:36So what about our agreement?
17:38Nothing else
17:39We just need a signature
17:42We have been busy for a long time
17:43So let's celebrate
17:44Today's party is on my behalf
17:45Mr. Gu
17:46Please come
17:48We will give you a treat instead
17:50I have booked a restaurant today
17:52All of you should come
17:54Of course
18:08I am busy
18:13Got it
18:21My fiancee is in an emergency
18:24I have to go to help her
18:26So I won't be able to come for dinner
18:27Mr. Liu
18:29Mr. Gu
18:30What happened?
18:31Should I go instead of you?
18:32You are with him
18:34I have to go myself
18:38I am sorry
18:44This is the first time
18:45And I wasn't able to do anything
18:47He asked about my brother
18:49And I can't tell my brother
18:51So I asked you for help
18:52You should be ashamed
18:53I won't do anything like this again
18:56Miss Zou
18:57You have broken the clause twice in one day
19:01I will do it
19:04I will be able to pay the fine after a few days
19:06I don't have money now
19:08This is not my problem
19:09Keep the third clause in your mind
19:11You can't ruin a single image of the party
19:14A poor man has to do something
19:16To survive
19:18Leave it
19:19You don't have to
19:21If this is the case
19:22Then why did you call me here?
19:24Stop troubling me
19:26I won't trouble you from now
19:27I understood
19:28I understood
19:35This is so difficult
19:52I won't trouble you from now
19:53I promise
19:55Sit in the car
19:56I will drop you
19:59You look like
20:01You have a soft heart
20:04Do you want to sit or not?
20:27Remember the agreement
20:28You won't run the stall
20:29And you won't ruin my image
20:31Don't worry at all
20:32The client is important
20:47Are you Mr. Gu's fiance?
20:50I was worried
20:52That's why I came
20:54Can you tell me
20:55Is everything okay?
20:57I was arrested
20:58For selling books at the stall
21:03It's a good thing
21:04That you are earning money
21:05And gaining experience at this age
21:09Next time
21:10Be careful
21:11Don't trouble Mr. Gu
21:13I won't
21:21I have a good identity in this
21:23If you want
21:24You can start your own stall
21:25Can I talk to you?
21:28Wow ma'am
21:29You are so nice
21:30I have a collection of nice clothes
21:33I used to sell them
21:34Can I get your permission?
21:38I was just asking
21:41Yes ma'am
21:42You should be with Mr. Luo right now
21:44He asked me to go to you
21:46And he was in an emergency
21:48He left early
21:49He asked me some questions before leaving
21:51I think
21:52We should revise the plan
21:55Sit in the car
21:56We will have to work till late today
21:58Excuse me
21:59Can I
22:00Have your
22:04Remember what I said
22:05Leave as soon as possible
22:09I will listen to you
22:22Don't you worry about that girl?
22:24She still wants to work
22:26I think she is too young
22:33Can I drive?
22:34You are worried
22:35And you haven't eaten anything
22:37Food will be fine for you
22:39I got this for you
22:41No, leave it
22:42I won't eat here
22:47I am very angry
22:5214th February
22:53Valentine's Day
22:54Selling roses
22:55That too men's dormitory
22:56Against the rules
22:5712th March
22:58Arbor Day
22:59Selling plants
23:00That too
23:011st April
23:02Fool's Day
23:03You have posted advertisements everywhere
23:05So that everyone gets pranked
23:07Go Singsh
23:10You are really good at grabbing business opportunities
23:13Forgive me ma'am
23:14I will take care of all this
23:16Small problems are fine
23:18You have troubled the thieves too
23:20You have ruined the water pipes of the dormitory
23:23How can they enter my dormitory?
23:25This is wrong
23:27I have told you so many times
23:29I don't think you will be able to study
23:31If you keep doing this
23:34Don't do this
23:35I don't want a negative record to get a good job
23:39My family's...
23:42We are in debt of lakhs
23:44We both work very hard to repay the debt
23:47But sometimes
23:48We don't get a job
23:55Stop crying
23:57Stop it now
24:06You have 2 months for graduation
24:08You can apply for leave from school
24:11Take care of yourself
24:24Forgive me
24:30Our dormitory is in a very bad condition
24:32Someone jumped into the walls
24:34Don't be crazy
24:35We have security guards
24:37They will catch them
24:39What about the damage done?
24:42My new leather shoes are all wet
24:45This is also torn
24:46It was so difficult to get it
24:48It's all Ching Ching's fault
24:50Whatever happened today
24:51It's all because of her
24:53She should have kept the debtors away from the house
24:57Do you think
24:58That thief will trouble us again
25:00If we give them...
25:09Forgive me
25:11Because of me
25:12All these problems came
25:14I will take care of all your problems
25:17I will leave today
25:18Then this problem will never come again
25:23It's okay
25:24I can do it
25:25I will repay all the debts
25:27And slowly get over this problem
25:29Do your best, Ching Ching
25:34I'm going first
25:35Hurry up
25:43Are you missing me?
25:45Yes, a lot
25:46I'm missing you every minute, every second
25:48Why are you calling me so late at night?
25:51I have left the dormitory
25:53Can I stay with you tonight?
25:55Why did you leave your dormitory?
25:58I will tell you when we meet
25:59I will be right back
26:01No, I have come with my mom to Lohol lake
26:05When will you come back?
26:08Ching Ching
26:09Ching Ching
26:14What is this problem now?
26:16The battery had to die now
26:22It's too late
26:23Susu is also not at home
26:25I have no choice but to trouble that mad man
26:39Oh no
26:41He didn't come
26:43Let's go
27:13Let's go
27:32Mr. Gu
27:33Mr. Gu, open the door
27:43Open the door
28:07He lives in another flat
28:09I was so scared
28:12Welcome home
28:13I'm sorry
28:14I thought someone was after me
28:16I came here to hide
28:19I'm turning on the lights for you
28:37Oh, it's a robot
28:39I'm scared
28:41I'm turning on the air conditioner for you
28:43No, no, no need
28:45I'm playing a nice song for you
28:47No, no, no, no, no, no
28:49Can I know what you want?
28:52I don't want anything right now
28:54Thank you
29:01He is not at home
29:03I will apologize to him when he comes back
29:10I apologize for the trouble
29:13It's okay
29:20I have an overcoat
29:21Wear it when you get down
29:24What about you?
29:25If I take it, I won't be able to take care of you
29:28I have extra clothes
29:29Don't worry about me
29:40This belongs to that girl, right?
29:44I think she left it here when she dropped out of the university
29:47Keep it
29:54How long have you been dating her?
29:56You didn't even tell me
29:58It hasn't been long
30:05I'm sorry
30:06I'm sorry
30:36Hello, police station?
31:06I'm sorry
31:36I'm sorry
31:47Jianqing, you are here?
32:06I'm sorry