The Ghost Detective S01 E10 Hindi Dubbed

  • 2 days ago


00:00:30I'm sorry.
00:00:50Just a little longer.
00:00:52I'm doing this for you.
00:00:54Soon you will be free.
00:00:56My child, you are in pain, aren't you?
00:01:16Dr. Gill, come.
00:01:18You wanted to come here?
00:01:20Yes, let's go.
00:01:26Let's go.
00:01:28Let's go.
00:01:54My child, nothing will happen.
00:01:58I'm here for you.
00:02:16Let's see.
00:02:18Is this the place?
00:02:20Look, there he is.
00:02:22Yes, there.
00:02:24He said semi basement.
00:02:26Is anyone there?
00:02:28Is anyone inside?
00:02:32Oh, it's open.
00:02:40There is no one here.
00:02:42A small room.
00:02:44Flower wallpaper.
00:02:46Window with bars.
00:02:48Drawer desk.
00:02:50A framed photo of mother and son.
00:02:56What's that?
00:03:06I think we are at the right place.
00:03:08Maybe she ran away in a hurry.
00:03:14Do you think Sioniu Hai took her before?
00:03:26Let's go.
00:03:38The bathroom floor and sink are still wet.
00:03:40Maybe they didn't take long.
00:03:42We should go out and check.
00:03:44I'll go too.
00:03:46Stay here.
00:03:48I'll call you if I get any evidence.
00:03:52Call me if anything happens.
00:03:54Let's go.
00:04:14A framed photo of mother and son.
00:04:24A framed photo of mother and son.
00:04:30Did he take the photo before leaving?
00:04:48I think that photo is with Sion.
00:04:54I think that photo is with Sion.
00:05:14Let's go this way.
00:05:16Let's go.
00:05:24Siyon wasn't here.
00:05:37But I think...
00:05:40Lee Dyle was here.
00:05:48What do you think? Are you listening?
00:06:24Let's go.
00:06:42I'm coming. Don't do anything alone.
00:06:45Why didn't you tell me before?
00:06:54I don't know.
00:07:25She left her son...
00:07:29...because he was sick.
00:07:33She took care of someone else.
00:07:35She ran away... live such a life.
00:08:05Is that why she left us?
00:09:02What are you doing?
00:09:05You tried to kill me, didn't you?
00:09:21I'm not a ghost.
00:09:23I'm a real human being.
00:09:27You can kill me.
00:09:34It's a good opportunity.
00:09:37Dyle won't interfere.
00:10:34Are you scared?
00:10:37Are you really scared?
00:10:42I'm not scared.
00:10:44I don't want to kill anyone.
00:10:47You'll have to live your life with this guilt.
00:10:51You have your whole life ahead of you.
00:10:53And your life is more important than catching Siyon.
00:10:57And that's why...
00:10:59...I'll do this job.
00:11:01I promise I'll catch whoever it is.
00:11:06Let's go.
00:11:09Let's catch them together.
00:11:13I promise...
00:11:15...I won't do anything without your permission.
00:11:26So you won't kill me?
00:11:28You'll regret this.
00:11:34Mr. Khan!
00:11:35Are you okay?
00:11:54Mr. Khan!
00:11:58Mr. Khan!
00:12:28Mr. Khan!
00:12:43Forgive me.
00:12:46I'm sorry.
00:12:54You were going through a bad time.
00:12:59I'm sorry.
00:13:02I couldn't bear to see you suffer.
00:13:06I know I shouldn't have done that.
00:13:13Forgive me.
00:13:21You killed me.
00:13:23How can you smile after killing me?
00:13:31How did you show everyone...
00:13:34...that everything was fine?
00:13:38That's not true.
00:13:40That's not true.
00:13:41Mr. Khan, wait.
00:13:42That's not true.
00:13:44That's not true.
00:13:54Wake up!
00:14:02Are you okay?
00:14:04What happened?
00:14:06Siyon was here.
00:14:23How is Dayal now?
00:14:26Do you think she's okay?
00:14:31I hope so.
00:14:32She's being given IV.
00:14:36But I can't say for sure.
00:14:38Are you sure...
00:14:40...she's a wandering soul...
00:14:42...without a body?
00:14:45You said she was a wandering soul.
00:14:48I'm sure.
00:14:50I'm sure.
00:14:52You said she disappears at 1 a.m.
00:14:54Like Siyon.
00:14:57Then why hasn't she been missing for the last 10 days?
00:15:00Why has she been missing since yesterday?
00:15:01Isn't that strange?
00:15:03You're right.
00:15:04I thought so too.
00:15:05Then I looked at her.
00:15:07She's still sick.
00:15:08And this usually happens.
00:15:10Because the body and the soul are connected.
00:15:12Her body thought it was an emergency.
00:15:14So she called the soul back into her body.
00:15:17So are you saying...
00:15:19...Mr. Lee's condition is critical right now?
00:15:22It's a miracle that he's been alive for the last 10 days.
00:15:27He's very lucky.
00:15:28He might have had a mild hemorrhage.
00:15:30Maybe he missed his target.
00:15:32Maybe Lee Chanmi doesn't have much experience.
00:15:34He must have killed someone for the first time.
00:15:35John Duggan is a hospital staff.
00:15:37So he must have been given more attention.
00:15:40But what do we do now?
00:15:42You said he came back at 9 last night.
00:15:45That means he can't come today.
00:15:47That's even worse.
00:15:51If he dies now...
00:15:54...when his soul is inside his body...
00:15:58...then he can never come back as a soul.
00:16:14Find out which medicine this is.
00:16:18It's okay. I'll take a look.
00:16:21I'll be right back.
00:17:00Don't worry.
00:17:03He'll come back.
00:17:06I'm sure he will.
00:17:13Don't worry.
00:17:18Yol, I...
00:17:22I really don't remember what happened that night.
00:17:26Did I...
00:17:31Never mind.
00:17:32It's okay.
00:17:35Nothing happened.
00:17:39But you were wearing your hearing aids, right?
00:17:42I thought... know what people want to hear and see.
00:17:52That's why I'm asking...
00:17:54Did you...
00:17:58Did you hear a woman's voice?
00:18:04I didn't hear anything.
00:18:08What did you think? Who could it be?
00:18:13My wife.
00:18:19You're very stubborn.
00:18:21Couldn't you wait for a while?
00:18:24What difference does it make?
00:18:26You must be tired. You just got back from work.
00:18:31This is heavy.
00:18:36Thanks a lot.
00:18:41Why don't you quit your job?
00:18:44We have a lot of money.
00:18:46Our flower shop is doing well.
00:18:49It's not that easy.
00:18:50I'm not kidding.
00:18:58You should do something that makes people happy.
00:19:01I don't like people who give you advice from the inquiry agency.
00:19:05Why do you say that? They're good people.
00:19:07I know.
00:19:09I want you to help other people in a different way.
00:19:14Help those who have been mistreated.
00:19:16You'll feel better.
00:19:18Become a detective like in the Hollywood movies.
00:19:23A detective?
00:19:25I want you to be proud of what you do.
00:19:28I love you, but I trust you.
00:19:31Why are you so serious? Smile.
00:19:38It's nothing.
00:19:40It's not that important.
00:19:49Is this a gun?
00:19:52It's a self-defense spray.
00:19:54If I misbehave again, spray me.
00:19:59Don't worry about me.
00:20:01Just spray me.
00:20:06I'm scared.
00:20:09I don't want you to get hurt because of me.
00:20:31I love you.
00:21:01I love you.
00:21:27You didn't get his number switched off, did you?
00:21:30How do you know?
00:21:33Everyone does that.
00:21:47Who is it?
00:21:48It's me.
00:21:50Detective Park.
00:21:53Wait a minute.
00:21:55Listen to me.
00:21:56Don't involve other people in this.
00:21:59It's very dangerous.
00:22:03I can't do it.
00:22:05You know it very well.
00:22:10I'm a police detective.
00:22:12I know everything about Sion.
00:22:14And I...
00:22:17I trust you completely.
00:22:19Leave everything to me.
00:22:21I'll catch Sion.
00:22:24Mr. Lee hasn't returned yet.
00:22:29Okay. I'll look for him.
00:22:31Tell me.
00:22:32How will you do that?
00:22:36Only I can see him.
00:22:42Why are you...
00:22:45trying to save him?
00:22:49Detective Park...
00:22:50I don't want to hear anything.
00:22:54Try to understand.
00:22:57When you came to the police station for the first time...
00:23:01I wanted to take you seriously.
00:23:04I wanted to trust you and help you.
00:23:07But I didn't do anything.
00:23:11And today I regret it a lot.
00:23:15I wish...
00:23:17I wish I could go back in time.
00:23:19I wish I could stop whatever happened to your sister.
00:23:21Then she would be alive today.
00:23:23Right now I'm worried about one thing.
00:23:27When will Mr. Lee return?
00:23:30What if he disappears forever?
00:23:33We just found out that he is alive.
00:23:36What if he dies again?
00:23:39What do you think?
00:23:43What do you think?
00:23:50What do you think?
00:24:03He is the last person I have.
00:24:09He was the first person to trust me.
00:24:12And to fulfill his promise...
00:24:15he came back.
00:24:16He came back.
00:24:18He knows very well...
00:24:21what I'm thinking.
00:24:23What hurts me.
00:24:28We both are the same.
00:24:36If I'm your priority then he is not the culprit.
00:24:40Then you quit.
00:24:47Listen to me, Yu.
00:24:53I didn't come to win you.
00:24:55And I never tried.
00:24:58I just want you to be safe and happy.
00:25:04If dial is not happy...
00:25:06and it's your real motive...
00:25:10then I can help you.
00:25:13Detective Park.
00:25:14Do what you want to do.
00:25:17I'll do what I can.
00:25:45Mr. Lee.
00:25:50Where were you?
00:25:52I thought you won't come back.
00:25:56Is the dial here?
00:25:59Is he alright?
00:26:01Are you alright?
00:26:03Why didn't you come back by 9 o'clock?
00:26:07Were you sick?
00:26:09Did someone hurt you?
00:26:15I'm fine.
00:26:17If you talk like this...
00:26:19Sangso will get worried.
00:26:23Did he get hurt?
00:26:38My friend.
00:26:40Are you alright?
00:26:42Did you eat anything?
00:26:47Why did you stop?
00:26:49Did he fall?
00:26:51Is he alright?
00:26:53Oh, so you guys are here.
00:26:55Is someone sick?
00:26:57Who are you?
00:26:59Kang Hoon Jong.
00:27:06Are you reporter Kang Hoon Jong?
00:27:11Have we met before?
00:27:13How do you know me?
00:27:15Did Lee tell you?
00:27:19Why did you come here?
00:27:22You can't go in like this.
00:27:24What are you doing?
00:27:26Don't look here and there.
00:27:28You are a reporter.
00:27:30But you can't see all this without my permission.
00:27:32You should go.
00:27:34Get out of here.
00:27:36The dial is not here.
00:27:38I didn't come to meet the dial.
00:27:41Maybe I know what the situation is.
00:27:54What does he know about this?
00:27:56Tell him to come straight to the point.
00:27:59But tell me why did you come here?
00:28:01The dial solves the cases.
00:28:04But it wasn't there during the Beverage Terror case.
00:28:07And I know you are hiding something.
00:28:08But I can understand you people.
00:28:11People don't believe you.
00:28:16I just want to know that
00:28:18Kindergarten abduction,
00:28:20restaurant manager's suicide,
00:28:22coma patient's abduction,
00:28:24staff's murder at Yoonsan hospital,
00:28:26and the Beverage Terror case.
00:28:28What is the similarity between all these?
00:28:30Have you ever thought about it?
00:28:32What was that?
00:28:34There is something which is a supernatural power.
00:28:36Beyond humans.
00:28:38I think there is a ghost
00:28:41behind all this.
00:28:44To be honest,
00:28:46I want to know
00:28:48who is behind the dial.
00:28:53Ask him why he wants to know all this.
00:28:56But why do you want to know all this?
00:29:00The thing is
00:29:03he is behind something
00:29:05which he
00:29:06didn't believe.
00:29:16to be honest...
00:29:18Listen, Kangun Chong.
00:29:20This is your last chance to apologize to Jun Sang.
00:29:22You know that, right?
00:29:25You have seen his death with your own eyes.
00:29:27And you
00:29:29made him sign a fake will.
00:29:33Tell me the truth.
00:29:34Tell me.
00:29:36Did you do it under someone's pressure?
00:29:38No, I didn't.
00:29:40Then how is it?
00:29:42You are trying to cover up
00:29:44the torture you did to him.
00:29:46That's not true.
00:29:48He didn't kill himself because of me.
00:29:50Then because of whom?
00:29:53Because of that girl.
00:29:55Which girl?
00:29:57I saw her.
00:29:59That girl wasn't a human.
00:30:01Are you out of your mind?
00:30:02Please believe me, Surgently.
00:30:04You are making a fool out of me. Shut up.
00:30:06Sir, please.
00:30:08If you were the Kangun Chong I knew,
00:30:12you would have realized your mistake.
00:30:15You are not bad.
00:30:17But you are a hollow man.
00:30:19I thought you would be a sensible man.
00:30:25But unfortunately, I was wrong.
00:30:38I want to be a part of this.
00:30:43But why?
00:30:45I know the dial will solve this.
00:30:48I will show you a project
00:30:50that I have worked on for 5 years.
00:30:52I think we can help each other a lot.
00:30:55Read it and call me if you need me.
00:30:59In simple language,
00:31:00we will help each other.
00:31:02I will show you everything I have.
00:31:05By the way, it's a good office.
00:31:14Look, Mr. Han.
00:31:16Don't trust him.
00:31:18Don't tell him everything.
00:31:20I will handle the rest.
00:31:22You don't have to deal with him.
00:31:31I took him lightly.
00:31:33But he turned out to be a traitor.
00:31:48He knows more than I thought.
00:31:53He is very smart.
00:31:55He is very smart.
00:32:06Do you want to lose your job again?
00:32:09This is not the way to do a deal.
00:32:11Don't be too smart.
00:32:13Oh, it's like this.
00:32:15I remember the article I wrote.
00:32:17I thought that was the only condition.
00:32:20And I had no intention of doing a job.
00:32:22I was just interested because
00:32:24Dayal was involved in it.
00:32:26Why did you go to Mr. Lee's office?
00:32:33Okay, look.
00:32:35Can I say something?
00:32:37I don't know for whom you are working.
00:32:39And what do you want to do with Dayal
00:32:41and her team of a few good men?
00:32:44But you made a mistake at one place.
00:32:46What nonsense are you talking?
00:32:48You want power to change this disgusting world.
00:32:50You think the reason you lost the case
00:32:53was power and authority.
00:32:57You lost because your defense was bad.
00:33:00Don't say no, but you didn't understand the case.
00:33:03You and Dayal are both.
00:33:09Besides this, there is one more thing
00:33:11that you may not know.
00:33:13Dayal can use you.
00:33:15But you can't use her at all.
00:33:17You can't use her at all.
00:33:22Dayal is dead.
00:33:39Changyal, you have learned a lot.
00:33:41If you agree with me,
00:33:43take a break.
00:33:57Don't worry so much.
00:34:00It may be safer for me
00:34:02to stay with Sionu's mom.
00:34:04At least she won't hurt me.
00:34:15Son, are you okay?
00:34:18I can drive.
00:34:20We will go to a safe place.
00:34:24I won't let anything happen to you.
00:34:30What is this smell?
00:34:40Think about it.
00:34:42Sionu couldn't do anything to me
00:34:43because her mom took me somewhere else.
00:34:46But if I was at her house,
00:34:48she might have hurt you, me,
00:34:50Mr. Sang or
00:34:52I don't know who else.
00:34:56It's not that
00:34:58she can hurt you or anyone else.
00:35:03We need to find you first
00:35:05before something worse happens.
00:35:09I am scared.
00:35:14I am scared
00:35:16that you might really disappear.
00:35:20Sion said the same thing.
00:35:33Shall we go?
00:35:37I found a clue in her mom's house.
00:35:39So I think
00:35:41we should go to the pharmacy.
00:35:44Okay, let's go.
00:35:55If Sionu reaches here before us,
00:35:57the pharmacist will be in her control.
00:35:59So don't take any unnecessary step.
00:36:01Take care of yourself and…
00:36:03Do you think I am a kid?
00:36:06Do you know
00:36:07that I have seen more than this?
00:36:10I have some experience too.
00:36:22Can you tell me
00:36:24why this medicine is used?
00:36:26I am sorry.
00:36:28We can't give such medical information to the public.
00:36:37I understand that you don't know me.
00:36:40But actually she is my mom.
00:36:43How can I tell you?
00:36:46We haven't met for many years.
00:36:48We just met.
00:36:51I am worried about my mom
00:36:53but she doesn't tell me anything.
00:36:56Can you tell me?
00:36:58Please help me.
00:37:03You are doing the right thing.
00:37:05Keep her busy with such things.
00:37:08When you were a kid,
00:37:10did you get separated from your mom?
00:37:12You look more than 25 years old.
00:37:14Your mom said that you are more than 7 years old.
00:37:17But you look older.
00:37:19Did my mom tell you all this?
00:37:21You should take care of your mom.
00:37:23Because of dementia,
00:37:25her last memory is probably
00:37:27when you were 7 years old.
00:37:31Is she taking only dementia medicine?
00:37:33Listen, count to 3 and cough.
00:37:351, 2, 3.
00:37:37I have already told your brother everything.
00:37:42My brother?
00:37:47He was innocent and was crying a lot.
00:37:50I couldn't control myself.
00:37:53I thought if my son was in his place,
00:37:55he would have done the same.
00:37:57He was here a while ago.
00:37:59I think you should talk to your brother
00:38:01instead of talking to me at this time.
00:38:04He is very innocent.
00:38:05You said that he is very innocent, right?
00:38:08Does he look
00:38:10fair and tall?
00:38:12Just a minute.
00:38:14Was he the one?
00:38:19Thank you so much.
00:38:26Yes, he was the one.
00:38:29Why would anyone ask about
00:38:31your mom's medicine
00:38:33other than your brother?
00:38:35I got the prescription.
00:38:37Let's go.
00:38:42I will talk to my brother.
00:39:01The one who came as your brother,
00:39:03he is Kim Gyol, right?
00:39:08When I went missing for the first time
00:39:10and came back to Kim Gyol's house,
00:39:12there was no one there.
00:39:14I think he is collecting information
00:39:16about CNO's mom.
00:39:18Another patient came today
00:39:20to thank you for taking care of Diyogjang.
00:39:22He was a very good and well-mannered boy.
00:39:24I am sure he was Kim Gyol.
00:39:28But I don't understand one thing.
00:39:30Why does he want information
00:39:32about CNO's mom?
00:39:33I don't know either.
00:39:36Do you know anything?
00:39:38Ayrang died
00:39:40because of Gyol.
00:39:42What did you say?
00:39:44He did exactly what he did
00:39:46to your mom and us that day.
00:39:51He didn't even spare Gyol that day.
00:39:55Or else I will kill Ayrang.
00:40:00Please don't do this.
00:40:01She was using Gyol's guilt.
00:40:18for now,
00:40:20we are one step behind Kim Gyol
00:40:22who is looking for me.
00:40:24That means,
00:40:26CNO is one step ahead of us.
00:40:28To put it bluntly,
00:40:29if our clues don't work,
00:40:31it won't matter.
00:40:33But if we find Kim Gyol,
00:40:35we will find both
00:40:37CNO and my body.
00:41:00What happened to that pharmacist?
00:41:09Didn't you kill him?
00:41:11I just wanted a prescription from him.
00:41:13She won't be able to tell Yul anything.
00:41:16Don't you remember what I told you?
00:41:18Kill every person
00:41:20with whom you can get information.
00:41:22I don't care about Yul.
00:41:24I don't care about Kim Gyol.
00:41:26I don't care about Kim Gyol.
00:41:27Kill every person
00:41:29with whom you can get information.
00:41:31Do you know why this is important?
00:41:33Because Yul saw what you saw.
00:41:35To find Dale's body,
00:41:37she will go wherever we go.
00:41:39And I don't want Yul
00:41:41to find her before us.
00:41:45Don't forget,
00:41:49you are going to church now.
00:41:57If you don't get any information,
00:41:59kill him this time.
00:42:01But we can get caught by the police.
00:42:03We will kill him only if we need to.
00:42:05You promised to listen to me.
00:42:07So was that a lie?
00:42:10I will listen.
00:42:19What if Yul bumps into me next time?
00:42:28Jong Dae!
00:42:30Jong Dae!
00:42:32Are you alone?
00:42:34Yes, why?
00:42:39I want you to find her as soon as possible.
00:42:43Who is she?
00:42:45The terrorist who was in the travel exposition
00:42:47who is being controlled by Sion.
00:42:49Show me.
00:42:51Let me see.
00:42:53Let me see.
00:42:58So, this man put poison in the drink
00:43:01because Sion was controlling him.
00:43:06I understood when you guys stopped talking
00:43:08as soon as I came.
00:43:10You said there is no one here.
00:43:12Anyway, no problem.
00:43:14Whatever it is, we will catch him.
00:43:16Now that things have changed,
00:43:18we won't get into questions and logics
00:43:20because it will create more confusion.
00:43:22But yes, if you turn out to be wrong,
00:43:24I will destroy you.
00:43:27But why?
00:43:29By the way, I don't think anyone is controlling him.
00:43:32For now, keep him under suspicion
00:43:34and start the investigation
00:43:36so that his photos can find him.
00:43:51If she has left the house,
00:43:52then I know where she must have gone.
00:44:01You might have an idea.
00:44:04Because you have been a volunteer for Dementia.
00:44:08Her son, whom she had left as a child, died.
00:44:11That child's father…
00:44:14I know.
00:44:16He has lost contact with her.
00:44:18But she saw the news
00:44:19and went to her son's funeral.
00:44:22But her last rites were performed.
00:44:25And ashes were thrown.
00:44:27After her dementia developed,
00:44:29she felt that her son was alive.
00:44:31She used to go there every day
00:44:33without knowing why she was going there.
00:44:36And she used to go to that place
00:44:38and cry every day.
00:44:46Will you tell me where that place is?
00:44:47Will you tell me where that place is?
00:44:50If you look to the left when you come out,
00:44:52you will see a hill.
00:44:54Does she go there at the same time every day?
00:44:59She goes there at any time.
00:45:01She goes there suddenly
00:45:03as if something magical
00:45:05has happened to her.
00:45:08It's okay.
00:45:10It's okay.
00:45:12You are doing a good job.
00:45:25Shall I
00:45:27help you
00:45:31your son?
00:45:34Can I
00:45:36help you in any way?
00:46:04Come on.
00:46:05Come on.
00:46:33Did you find out?
00:46:40If you look to the left when you come out,
00:46:43you will see a hill.
00:46:47Very good.
00:48:12He is our pastor.
00:48:14Yes, he is the one.
00:48:16Is he okay?
00:48:18Did he get hurt?
00:48:20Did he tell you where he was going?
00:48:22A man came to meet him a while ago.
00:48:25I went out of the church for a while.
00:48:28He left when I came back.
00:48:31Was he the man?
00:48:33Yes, he was.
00:48:35He was asking questions about a woman in our church.
00:48:39I didn't know that woman.
00:48:41So I asked the pastor.
00:48:43Excuse me.
00:48:54Mr. Khan,
00:48:56should I tell you that the girl came to the church
00:49:01and maybe she hit someone.
00:49:03Why did she have to hit someone?
00:49:35I need to calm down.
00:49:38I need to control myself.
00:49:51Mr. Lee.
00:50:00What is the matter?
00:50:04Why are your eyes red?
00:50:07The girl's house was also red.
00:50:17As John said,
00:50:22will you turn into a bad soul because you
00:50:27saved people's lives?
00:50:34Will you also hurt people like Sion?
00:50:45But why did you do that?
00:50:50You shouldn't have done that.
00:50:56I told you that I will kill Sion.
00:50:59This is happening because
00:51:02you held a knife.
00:51:05I needed your help to catch him.
00:51:08I didn't tell you to sacrifice yourself.
00:51:14Why are you doing this?
00:51:20I know
00:51:22that instead of harming you people,
00:51:25you will prefer to die.
00:51:32I don't want you to do anything like that.
00:51:37I can't see you being like that.
00:51:40I know that I am already scared
00:51:44that you might disappear.
00:51:55I am sorry.
00:52:19Forgive me.
00:52:22Don't worry about me.
00:52:25Forgive me.
00:52:40Listen to me carefully.
00:52:42If I try to harm you,
00:52:45then please run away.
00:52:47Pretend that it's not me.
00:52:50Don't try to stop me. Just run away.
00:52:53You tell me what will happen after that.
00:52:58What will happen to you?
00:53:23I will love you.
00:53:26I love you.
00:53:51Why do I keep forgetting?
00:53:54I shouldn't forget.
00:53:56I shouldn't forget.
00:54:27I will come back.
00:54:29I will come back before 1 o'clock.
00:54:31I will cover your face.
00:54:40IV fluids.
00:54:56IV fluids.
00:55:09Please don't go like this.
00:55:28Please don't cry.
00:55:34This is you, right?
00:55:38This is me.
00:55:42My dear child.
00:56:16Where are you?
00:56:21What is this place?
00:56:23And why did you come here?
00:56:24These are dangerous.
00:56:26Where are you?
00:56:39My shoes are very small.
00:56:43Where are you?
00:56:44You bought those shoes for me, right?
00:56:47That's why I kept them very carefully.
00:56:49You told me that you will buy another one.
00:56:51But you didn't come back.
00:56:53So those shoes became small for me.
00:56:54Please forgive me.
00:56:56Please forgive me.
00:57:32Did Dayal come here?
00:57:43Let's go.
00:57:59He can't protect you.
00:58:00He can't even stop Sion.
00:58:04If you bump into him again,
00:58:07tell him.
00:58:09He might have found Dayal's body by now.
00:58:13Dayal is going to disappear this time.
00:58:20Come with me.
00:58:21I will save you.
00:58:22I will save you.
00:58:24I will save you.
00:58:35You can't stop Sion.
00:58:51No, Mr. Lee.
00:59:05Mr. Lee.
00:59:08Let me go.
00:59:10Please come to your senses.
00:59:16I am angry.
00:59:24I am angry.
00:59:46Be careful.
00:59:48Mr. Lee, please.
00:59:49You should have come then.
00:59:51And you should have protected me.
00:59:53If Dayal comes back,
00:59:56will you be able to face him?
00:59:58Why did you do all this?
01:00:00Why did you write that Dayal is dead?
01:00:02There are many ghosts behind these cases.
01:00:04And this is the truth.
01:00:06You have to find my body.
01:00:07And when you find it,
01:00:09kill me.
01:00:11Yes, kill me.