The Bill S25E51 Lost Soul

  • 4 months ago
The Bill S25E51 Lost Soul
00:01Police, fire or ambulance?
00:02I don't know.
00:03Look, something's happened.
00:04I think someone's hurt.
00:05News agents, Birmingham House and Ellis Estate.
00:07Your name, please?
01:13Till's still inside.
01:29Just stop.
01:30I'm in for it.
02:17We've got an audience.
02:28You ready?
02:39I hope you haven't just had your breakfast.
02:42The victim's a William O'Halloran, 67 years old.
02:45He was the owner.
02:46Does he live here?
02:49Voters have got his registered address.
02:50It's 57 Granby Ave, the other side of the estate.
02:52It's his daughter's home.
02:54Has she been informed?
02:55Yeah, she's coming down the nick later.
02:57Right, Sarge, just finished the first sweep.
02:59No one heard anything or saw anything, apparently.
03:02999 call?
03:03Anonymous, but we requested a trice.
03:07The shutter was sprung and the door was forced.
03:10So burglary gone wrong?
03:12Yeah, but as far as we can tell, nothing or any value's missing.
03:15If you ask me, it looks targeted.
03:18Okay, Eddie.
03:21The way I see it,
03:23is Mr. O'Halloran came through from the living area.
03:27Comes around here, around here.
03:30And this display, what are you doing?
03:32Go around there.
03:34There's big-sized tents everywhere.
03:36Right, this display's been knocked onto the ground,
03:39so I'm guessing that the attack started here.
03:43Or whatever he was able to remove
03:46because he made it around here.
03:52This is where he sustains the injury to his scalp.
03:55He's taken at least three hits.
03:58One opens the wound where the victim instinctively touches it,
04:02then touches the wall to support himself.
04:05The wound's open and bleeding now,
04:07so the second impact causes this.
04:11Was that the fatal blow?
04:13No, I don't think so.
04:15In fact, there wouldn't have been any blood on the weapon
04:18until after the second impact.
04:20And then we get this,
04:22and he's gone.
04:36Nah, we've checked already.
04:38Well, take the tapes anyway.
04:40Murder weapon?
04:42Not here.
04:44You're looking for something blunt, heavy,
04:46tire iron, baseball bat, that sort of thing.
04:48What about these prints?
04:50The scene was corrupted.
04:53Two of you have traced that 999 call to a mobile phone.
04:56It's registered to someone we know.
04:59Joseph Sisulu.
05:07How long has it been since you've seen the Sisulu family?
05:11Not for several weeks.
05:13Why that? You're still family liaison, aren't you?
05:16The man who murdered their son got off at trial.
05:18I know.
05:20I think my presence as liaison was doing more harm than good.
05:24Do you want me to go in on my own?
05:26It's not me they don't trust, Jo.
05:28It's the system.
05:30They thought they'd get justice.
06:04It's good to see you.
06:06How is everything?
06:10We survived.
06:13What can we do for you?
06:15What can we do for you?
06:17A man was murdered on the Ellis Estate last night, Mr Sisulu.
06:21Someone made an anonymous 999 call from a mobile registered in your name, Joseph.
06:27The mobile number was 07778926666.
06:33It's not one of ours.
06:41It's mine.
06:45I bought it for someone else.
06:47It was Mo, wasn't it?
06:49I wanted him to have some way of making contact.
06:52For emergencies.
06:54Joseph, we agreed.
06:56We agreed that Mo's had nothing to do with this family again.
06:59It wasn't his fault.
07:01We need to talk to Mo. He's a witness.
07:03Is he still living with his aunt?
07:05No, no, no. There was some trouble.
07:07The last I had of him was...
07:10What's this?
07:16Danny was my friend, my family. I'm sorry.
07:19It's on sign, but I know it's from him.
07:22Do you know where he is?
07:24He's not in trouble. We just need his help.
07:33Mo also needs help.
07:36Mo also needs help.
07:42Remember that, Jacob.
07:58Do you think that Miriam blames Mo for what happened?
08:03Danny and Mo are like brothers,
08:05so I suppose Mo being around is a constant reminder of what she's lost.
08:29Morning, detectives.
08:31What can we do for you?
08:33Mo, what are you doing here?
08:35Joseph told us where to find you.
08:37Are you going to be all right?
08:39That's right. I'll stay with Dee, yeah?
08:41I'll only be a second.
08:49Not here.
08:55Yeah, what is it?
08:56It's about that 999 call you made.
08:58I didn't make no call.
08:59Mo, we need to talk.
09:06Nice place.
09:11How you doing?
09:13No school?
09:16OK, Mo. Tell us about last night.
09:19It's just like I said when I made the call.
09:21I was walking on past the shop and I heard a crash.
09:24Like, something had been knocked over.
09:26Then I heard a shout.
09:27A man's shout?
09:28I guess.
09:29Mr O'Halloran?
09:30How would I know?
09:32And you didn't see anything? Anyone?
09:34Nah, I legged it, didn't I? I didn't want no trouble.
09:36Why would there be trouble?
09:38What does it matter anyway?
09:40It was too late, wasn't it? The guy's dead, right?
09:42How do you know that?
09:44Half the estate suite's body come out of that shop, innit?
09:46And you're worried that word might get out that you're a witness?
09:50Mo, Joseph asked me to help you.
09:54If you're scared, we can help.
09:57No, you can't.
10:00Listen, I did what I could, yeah?
10:02I'm done now, so leave me alone.
10:04Get off me, man!
10:06Get off me!
10:24Yeah, I found this on Mr O'Halloran.
10:26At first I thought the bloodstains were seepage from his wounds,
10:29but now I'm not so sure that's the case.
10:32Then what is the case?
10:37There's only traces, but it's enough.
10:40So Mr O'Halloran stuck it through into here, then, did he?
10:44That's unlikely, innit?
10:46That would mean he got attacked, came in here,
10:49then crawled out to where he got hit again.
10:53Now, I reckon someone came in here,
10:55grabbed this and used it to staunch the bleeding.
10:58And there's this.
11:00Is that our attackers?
11:02I can't be certain, except it's not Mr O'Halloran's.
11:06You better get a move on, then, eh?
11:33Mr O'Halloran's daughter's on her way to the station.
11:47Can I see him?
11:49Your father's body's been taken to St Hugh's.
11:54What happened to him?
11:56That's what we're trying to work out.
11:58Did William have any enemies, someone with a grudge?
12:03He'd had a couple of run-ins with some kids on the estate.
12:08Shoplifting, vandalism, nothing unusual.
12:12I went there a few days ago to drop off some things.
12:18Dad was scared.
12:21He said he'd been threatened.
12:25I thought he was overreacting.
12:28Do you know who it was?
12:32But I know when it was.
12:35So, here's the guy that Mo was talking to earlier.
12:37Mo called him...
12:39Dee, right?
12:41He's giving O'Halloran a hard time.
12:43And here's Mo.
12:45Seems like he's pretty good friends with Dee.
12:47What's going on with this kid, Banksy?
12:49Why is he hanging around this estate?
12:51The Sazulas were the closest thing that Mo had to a family.
12:53And now he thinks they don't want anything to do with him.
12:55He seemed angry.
12:57Well, Mo blames himself for Danny's death.
12:59On the night of the murder, Mo ran away and left his best friend to die.
13:02How'd you get past that?
13:04You'd better get a name for this guy, Dee.
13:06Get some stills to uniform.
13:28This is about what happened to William, isn't it?
13:32Do you know him?
13:34He's lived on this estate since they built it.
13:36There aren't many people around here that I don't know.
13:38Margaret, look at this.
13:40It's a picture.
13:42It's a picture.
13:44It's a picture.
13:46It's a picture.
13:48It's a picture.
13:50It's a picture.
13:52It's a picture.
13:54It's a picture.
13:56Margaret Lipinski.
13:58BC Bengal. Was William a friend?
14:00I wouldn't say that.
14:02He was a miserable git.
14:04But he didn't deserve that.
14:06Would you mind holding this?
14:08Of course. Cats?
14:10Strays, mainly.
14:12There's an old tabby I've made friends with.
14:14I like cats.
14:16Nocturnal, like myself.
14:18Right, well, um...
14:20Do you know this man?
14:22He's going by the nickname of Dee.
14:24Thank you. I can handle it now.
14:26Do you recognise that nickname, Margaret?
14:28Don't be silly.
14:30I'm too old for silly nicknames.
14:32Well, it's just that you said you knew everyone on the estate.
14:38You know him, don't you?
14:40His name's Devon Marshall.
14:42Lives over in Granby House, I think.
14:44You never heard that from me.
14:46Of course not.
14:50Devon Marshall,
14:52who has plenty of form.
14:54Been in and out of secure accommodation
14:56from the age of ten.
14:58Youth offenders from fifteen.
15:00Grew up in care.
15:02Form, as I've said, for assault,
15:04theft, and GBH.
15:06All this before the age of sixteen.
15:08And since?
15:10Off the radar. Suspected of low-level dealing,
15:12but, uh...
15:14What happened to make him stop?
15:16Probably hasn't.
15:18Just surrounded himself with people to do his dirty work for him.
15:20Well, Moe's a witness, not a suspect.
15:22We know he's been hanging around with Devon.
15:24He's hiding something.
15:26He's probably protecting himself, Gov.
15:28How are the Sassulos?
15:30Still grieving.
15:32Could that help you get through to Moe?
15:34Or at least understand where he's at?
15:36Things were a bit strained, sir.
15:38Is there anything that we can do?
15:40Leave them alone.
15:42So, Gov, we got a witness
15:44says he saw a tall, icy, three young male
15:46running from the scene around about five o'clock this morning.
15:48What's the record?
15:50Tall, icy, three male?
15:52You're not thinking Moe, are you, Gov?
15:54Moe's hardly tall.
15:56Unless you think all icy, three males look the same...
16:02Sorry, Gov, I didn't mean that.
16:04I know what you meant, Banksy.
16:06I also know that tall, icy, three male
16:08fits Devon Marshall's description.
16:10Test the water, but carefully.
16:12He needn't know that Moe made the call.
16:34Hey, you man bounce, man.
16:48He ain't here.
17:02He ain't here.
17:06Moe, he's not here.
17:08Is that your gang, then?
17:10Man, you've been a cop way too long
17:12if you're thinking gang
17:14every time you see a few black kids on the estate.
17:16I know what I meant.
17:18Yeah, that's exactly what you meant.
17:20I don't blame you or nothing.
17:22It's the environment you work in, innit?
17:26Any time you feel like getting to the point?
17:28Yeah, we want to ask you a few questions.
17:30Do I need a solicitor?
17:32Well, that depends.
17:34Where were you between four and five this morning?
17:36Ah, I see.
17:38A white man was killed this morning
17:40and it's time to round up the usual suspects, yeah?
17:42Only one suspect.
17:44Why was that?
17:46Why was that in my flat, why?
17:48Because you threatened Mr. O'Halloran
17:50in his shop two days ago.
17:52Nah, that was just
17:54messing around, man.
17:56You don't look like the type to just mess around, then.
17:58Hey, you'd be right about that.
18:00But you're wrong about me having anything to do
18:02with that dude being killed.
18:04You don't seem that bothered.
18:06I'm not. The man was a racist.
18:08You didn't know?
18:12Ask around.
18:14Ask Mo what he had to say about Danny.
18:16Danny Sissoula?
18:18Got what was coming to him, apparently.
18:20I'm just saying, like,
18:22maybe O'Halloran got what was coming to him, too.
18:24Maybe he got it from you.
18:26Yeah, well, like I told you,
18:28I was at my place.
18:30I don't suppose there's anyone that can verify that.
18:38Where was I between four
18:40and five a.m.?
18:42Your flat with me.
18:44What happened to your face?
18:46I got in a fight.
18:48Who with?
18:50Doesn't matter. Khadija, is it?
18:54Well, take your word for it.
19:00Nah, a bit young for me.
19:02Khadija's just a mate.
19:04Why, are you
19:06interested, blood?
19:08Thank you
19:10for your help, Devon.
19:12Hey, you know where
19:14to find me.
19:16Can we meet
19:18back at the station?
19:24Mo has
19:26a good heart, whatever you're
19:28thinking. He told me he needed
19:30help, that's why I'm here.
19:32School told me he'd been excluded two
19:34weeks ago. For fighting?
19:36Anything serious?
19:38Teacher said
19:40it was about Danny.
19:42Kids more been hanging
19:44around with... Devon Marshall's gang.
19:48They were talking about
19:50Danny. They were saying they were
19:52glad his killer was released.
19:54Why? Oh, because it
19:56meant he'd get the justice he desires on the street.
19:58Someone took offence.
20:00Probably just hot air, I'm sure.
20:02And Mo was part of this?
20:12I saw Mo this morning.
20:14How was he? A bit
20:18He wasn't saying much.
20:20How did we let Mo get sucked
20:22into that world?
20:24Well, I think he feels shame
20:26about what happened to Danny.
20:30He was let down badly.
20:34By the police.
20:38By me.
20:40I think it's more than
20:42that. Sometimes I think
20:44even though we lost a son,
20:46Mo lost much more.
20:50At least we still have
20:52each other.
20:54I just don't believe Mo
20:56would be involved in this.
20:58The only other possible witness is
21:00Mo Campbell, but he's holding out.
21:02Because he's scared?
21:04Yeah, what we heard, the victim's quite openly racist.
21:06If every kid on the estate committed
21:08murder every time they heard a racist comment...
21:10It's speculation, Banksy.
21:12No, it'll become a line of inquiry.
21:14We'll be profiling on the basis of skin colour rather than motive.
21:16O'Halloran's skin colour might be the motive.
21:18What about O'Halloran's comments on Danny
21:20Sissou, then? What, you think he might have mouthed off
21:22the wrong person? What did Joseph say?
21:24About Mo, not much.
21:26He mentioned Mo got into a fight at school,
21:28and the gang he was hanging out with, they've been talking about
21:30paying back on Danny's killer.
21:32And Mo's defending that?
21:34I think it was just talk.
21:36All I'm saying is that we keep an open mind.
21:38Yes, the suspect is black.
21:40The victim might have been a bigot.
21:42But the evidence so far is circumstantial.
21:50Sorry, um...
21:52The print I found on the bathroom door at the shop
21:54got a hit.
21:56Devon Marshall?
21:58Uh, Morris Campbell.
24:20It won't be if it helps us catch the killer.
24:28I can't.
24:29I'm too old, too.
24:31Look, I understand and I can't force you.
24:32I will tell you this.
24:33No one should be made to feel afraid in a house they've lived in their whole life.
24:47No one should.
24:48He was black, fairly tall, not as tall as you, though, Benjamin.
25:01He was wearing one of those hoodie things, came from the direction of William's store.
25:06He was carrying something, looked like a stick, only heavier, and the next time I saw him,
25:12he was running that way, but without it.
25:19Bag it up.
25:23Now Mo is a suspect in this murder case.
25:28Yes, but I can't prove that unless I speak to Mo.
25:33So we need your help.
25:35You can't possibly be serious.
25:38Joseph, tell him.
25:41What do you think has happened?
25:43We now know that Mo was inside the shop.
25:45We also know he called 999, and I have reason to believe he tried to help the victim in
25:49other ways.
25:50I think Mo was forced into it somehow, intimidated.
25:57So you want us to put our family's safety at risk.
26:01What about these people that you think forced Mo into this?
26:04What if they come here?
26:05What if they come after us?
26:06All I can say is that I don't believe they will.
26:08But you can't guarantee that.
26:17Okay, tell me, why should I do this thing?
26:21I mean, am I helping you, or am I helping Mo?
26:25It can't be both.
26:27You tell me, Jacob.
26:29I mean, you're asking me to use this boy's trust in me to betray him?
26:36What will happen?
26:38What I do know is that he'll stand a better chance if you help us to help him.
26:42Mo's got to take responsibility for what he's done.
26:45And I think he'll understand that, coming from you.
26:50Joseph, no, you cannot put your family at risk like this.
26:54I understand, Miriam, but we cannot turn our back on this boy.
26:59I mean, I don't believe Mo is capable of beating a human being to death.
27:06Okay, what do you need me to do?
27:22This is the right thing to do, you know.
27:25Lima 1 from Lima 2, target Tango 1 approaching west on Rudkin Road.
27:31Copy that, Lima 2. Hold position till my word.
27:36Copy that, Lima 2.
27:39Copy that.
28:06How are you feeling?
28:16So, uh...
28:21What's happening?
28:24I don't know.
28:26I don't know.
28:28I don't know.
28:30I don't know.
28:32I don't know.
28:34Everything's just...
28:38It's just been so crazy, you know.
28:40You should have called me, I'd hear you before.
28:42I did, I was asleep.
28:45I just, my mind is...
28:47What's he doing here?
28:49I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
28:51What the hell is going on?
28:55What have you done?
28:57It's going to be all right, man.
28:59No, no, it's not.
29:01I can't believe you grasped me up.
29:03I had no choice.
29:06Lo, just come down the station and talk to...
29:08Lima unit, go, go, go, go!
29:13Easy, easy, easy.
29:15Stop, stop, stop!
29:17Get off me!
29:19Let him do the job, Joseph.
29:21You do not mention when questioned something which I rely on.
29:26Do not let me lose another son, you hear me?
29:28PC girl's witness, Margaret Lipinski.
29:30She failed to pick Mo out at once.
29:32She did get a good look at him?
29:34Well, he was dark, but she's pretty certain.
29:36So, if the person Margaret saw wasn't Mo,
29:38it's possible there was two of them.
29:40So, there was a fight, O'Halloran gets hurt,
29:42Mo tries to stop the bleeding, can't,
29:44so panics and calls 999.
29:46Meanwhile, the other person finishes the job.
29:49Devon Marshall?
29:54Devon Marshall?
29:58Out you walk.
30:24Give it a rest, Devon.
30:26If we were after your low-quality hash,
30:28we'd have brought a drug stock.
30:30Why are you here?
30:32If you're looking for Mo, he ain't here.
30:34Oh, we've already got Mo.
30:36We're here to talk to Khadija.
30:38What do you want with her?
30:40Just to chat.
30:44So, what's going on with Mo?
30:46He's been arrested.
30:50He's been arrested.
30:52So, what's going on with Mo?
30:54He's been arrested for murder.
30:56But we believe he didn't act alone.
31:00Good for you.
31:04He'd be willing to give us a DNA sample to show good faith.
31:06You can arrest me and take it.
31:08You've got the evidence.
31:12You don't, do you?
31:14What do you want?
31:16Just to talk.
31:18Without intimidation.
31:20What are you talking about?
31:22You don't have to do this, you know.
31:24Do what?
31:26Protect him.
31:30You have no idea what you're talking about.
31:32Listen, I know violence.
31:34I know violence.
31:36All my life.
31:38Until I got away.
31:40And Devon let me stay here.
31:42Devon's been a good mate.
31:44And that's all?
31:46So, you owe him?
31:50First thing you got right.
31:52And what about Mo?
31:54See, I think you and Mo are the same.
31:58He's a good lad.
32:00He's been through it.
32:02So, are you really going to stand by Devon and let Mo swing for this?
32:06I've made my choice.
32:08I've made my choice.
32:23Where were you at 4.50am this morning, Mo?
32:25Outside O'Halloran's newsagents.
32:27Heard a man in pain. I called 999.
32:29And did you go inside at all?
32:35Was there anyone else with you inside the shop, Mo?
32:39But you were inside the shop.
32:41I was...
32:43I heard the scream and I went in to help.
32:49It's just that we have a witness
32:51who claims to have seen someone else
32:53at the same time.
32:55Was it your idea?
32:57Or the other person's?
33:01To kill Mr. O'Halloran.
33:03I didn't kill anyone.
33:05I believe you.
33:07So who did?
33:09Look, you've got it all wrong.
33:11I'm telling you, I don't know anything.
33:19How did you meet Devon Marshall?
33:23He's well known around the estate.
33:25He's a mate.
33:27Gave me a place to stay.
33:29Did he ever talk about Mr. O'Halloran?
33:32Devon didn't mention how he had an argument with him
33:34over how Danny's killers
33:36should get the justice they deserve.
33:38So what? It's true, isn't it?
33:44Don't you do that.
33:46And judge me.
33:48Because you were with us.
33:50Don't pretend you don't feel sick every time
33:52you think about that man getting away with it.
33:54What's wrong with wanting justice?
34:02Exhibit BG7.
34:04Photographs of the victim,
34:06William O'Halloran.
34:08I don't want to see that, Mo.
34:10Who were you protecting, Mo?
34:15This person took a stick,
34:17broke into someone's home in the dark.
34:19An old man.
34:21They fought him.
34:23Hit him over the head several times
34:25until he was dead.
34:27It's the difference between justice
34:29and wanting revenge,
34:31but I think you know that, Mo.
34:33Because that's why you called 999.
34:39Look at what they did.
34:43An innocent man.
34:51You don't know anything.
34:55You think I haven't learnt my lesson
34:57from watching Danny die?
35:03You've got to take responsibility for your actions.
35:07So who is responsible for this, Mo?
35:13It's my fault.
35:17It's all my fault.
35:27It's all my fault.
35:50Joseph, we're taking a break.
35:58What is it?
36:04Mo's claimed responsibility
36:06for Mr O'Halloran's death.
36:10Stupid boy.
36:13I went in there to try and save him.
36:15He doesn't want to be saved.
36:17He wants to be punished
36:19for what happened to Danny.
36:29The Governor wants to see us.
36:39Now more than ever, I think Mo's lying.
36:41He's protecting someone.
36:43Why would he do that?
36:45Devon is so confident.
36:47It has to be about more than Khadija's alibi.
36:49Any forensics on the murder weapon?
36:51Yeah, but none that were usable
36:53after it had been wiped on the hoodie.
36:55What is that? It's not a hockey stick, is it?
36:57It's a hurling stick, apparently.
37:01So where does a kid like Mo
37:03get one of these from?
37:27What's he going for there?
37:33That stick was O'Halloran's.
37:41It was there all the time.
37:49I'm not suggesting self-defense.
37:51I'm just saying they didn't necessarily go into the shop
37:53to attack William O'Halloran.
37:55Well, at least not Mo.
37:57What, you're saying that Mo had no part in the attack?
37:59I don't think you can say that for sure.
38:01All right, there you go.
38:03On the hoodie, found a Mo's blood and tissue
38:05that is definitely confirmed
38:07as Mr. O'Halloran's
38:09and almost certainly wiped from the murder weapon.
38:11Any traces of Mo Campbell?
38:15We've got some hair samples.
38:17Now, the thing is, they're quite long,
38:19so there's a good chance they belong to a female.
38:23How many girls hang about in your group?
38:25A couple.
38:27We've only spoken to one.
38:31This wasn't Khadija.
38:33How long have you known her?
38:37Six months.
38:41Would you say you were close?
38:45She's Latmer.
38:49We stay together sometimes.
38:55You can't protect her, Mo.
39:03Did you break into the shop with Khadija?
39:31It was my idea.
39:33Darren had been talking about the guy.
39:35What did he say?
39:37We both said it would be a good idea
39:39if someone taught him a lesson.
39:41You and Khadija?
39:43It seems...
39:45that he was there.
39:47He came out of the stick.
39:49Went for me.
39:51Khadija, she...
39:53she pushed him away, but he wouldn't stop coming.
39:57And she got the stick and...
39:59hit him onto the floor.
40:03It's OK. Go on.
40:05He was bleeding.
40:13Really bad.
40:15I tried to stop him,
40:17but he kept knocking me away.
40:19And he...
40:21he swore at her.
40:23You effing black bitch.
40:25You ugly, useless bitch.
40:27And she just hit him.
40:29Real hard.
40:31And again.
40:35And again.
40:39And he...
40:41and he...
40:43he made this noise.
40:47I'm sorry.
40:55I'm sorry.
41:11I'm sorry.
41:21You know why we're here, don't you?
41:23Khadija Wilson, I'm arresting you on suspicion of murder.
41:25You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence.
41:27If you do not mention one question,
41:29something which you later rely on for anything you do say,
41:31it may be given in evidence.
41:33Do you understand?
41:35What, happy now, yeah?
41:37I couldn't be less happy.
41:39Another family destroyed, Devin.
41:41We'll be here for Khadija more when they get out.
41:43We're tight like that.
41:45We're their family.
41:47Family, you?
41:49You use people.
41:51That's not my idea of family.
41:53And they are.
41:55See, we got each other's backs out here.
41:57You think they got yours?
42:01I'll be watching you, Devin.
42:03I'll be watching you,
42:09Hi, Devin.
42:21I brought someone to see you.
42:25Do you understand the procedure?
42:27What happens next?
42:29I'm going to jail, aren't I?
42:31There's a few things to do before we start worrying.
42:33I'm going to jail, aren't I?
43:02I want to apologize.
43:06I haven't been there for you,
43:08not since Dan's death.
43:10I let you believe that I blamed you.
43:13But I don't.
43:17I'm scared, Joss.
43:20I know.
43:22I am too.
43:24But we'll get through this together.
43:26I don't think I can.
43:30I'm not sure I can do this.
43:33I've been there for you.
43:36Every step of the way.
43:40I ran away.
43:43I left it.
43:45If only I'd stayed and tried to help.
43:47You can't blame yourself for what ifs.
43:49Only for what you do.
43:52Today you did the right thing.
43:55You did the right thing.
44:02You did the right thing.
44:11You didn't need to give me a lift.
44:14I just wanted to say thanks.
44:16I had nothing to thank me for.
44:18We did what we had to do, that's all.
44:26Where's Miriam?
44:28Oh, she's taken herself to Scotland.
44:30Is everything alright?
44:33Miriam and I will be fine.
44:35We just need a little time and space.
44:37That's all.
44:39Look, um...
44:41If there's anything I can do...
44:45You could stay for dinner.
44:47You know, I can't remember the last time I was alone in the house.
44:51Of course.
45:00I love you.
45:18I knew those kids were trouble.
45:20Always hanging around Maxine's flat.
45:22Why didn't you tell me my daughter was dead?
45:24I'm very sorry, we didn't know she was your daughter.
45:26She didn't die right away, did she?
45:28Elliot Johns, shoot your daughter.
45:30Maxine is yours.
45:32Softly, softly.
45:33No, I want the truth.
45:34Gav, the forensics are compromised.
45:36He's lying.
45:38You can call it a cop's instinct if you like.
45:58I'm sorry.
46:22Mo are like brothers.
46:24Mo being around is a constant reminder of what she's lost.
46:32Oh, it's quiet, man.
46:34What are you saying, bro?
46:47Morning, detectives.
46:50What can we do for you?
46:52Mo, what are you doing here?
46:54Joseph told us where to find you.
46:56Are you going to be all right?
46:58It's all right, I'll stay with Dee, yeah?
47:00It'll only be a second.
47:08Not yet.
47:14Yeah, what is it?
47:15It's about that 999 call you made.
47:17I didn't make no call.
47:18Mo, we need to talk.
47:23Nice place.
47:28How are you doing?
47:30No school?
47:33OK, Mo, tell us about last night.
47:36It's just like I said when I made the call.
47:38I was walking on past the shop and I heard a crash.
47:41Like something had been knocked over.
47:43Then I heard a shout.
47:45A man's shout?
47:46I guess.
47:47Mr O'Halloran?
47:48How would I know?
47:49And you didn't see anything?
47:51And you didn't see anything?
47:53Nah, I legged it, didn't I?
47:54I didn't want no trouble.
47:55Why would there be trouble?
47:57What does it matter anyway?
47:59It was too late, wasn't it?
48:00The guy's dead, right?
48:01How do you know that?
48:03Half the estate saw his body come out of that shop, innit?
48:05And you're worried that word might get out that you're a witness?
48:09Mo, Joseph asked me to help you.
48:13If you're scared, we can help.
48:15No, you can't.
48:18Listen, I did what I could, yeah?
48:20I'm done, now, so leave me alone.
48:22Get off me, man!
48:41Yeah, I found this on Mr O'Halloran.
48:44At first I thought the bloodstains were seepage from his wounds,
48:47but now I'm not so sure that's the case.
48:49Then what is the case?
48:55There's only traces, but it's enough.
48:58So Mr O'Halloran stuck it through into here, then, did he?
49:03The victim's a William O'Halloran, 67 years old.
49:06He was the owner.
49:07Does he live here?
49:10Voters have got his registered address.
49:11It's 57 Granby Avenue, the other side of the estate.
49:13It's his daughter's home.
49:15Has she been informed?
49:16Yeah, she's coming down the nick later.
49:18Right, Sarge, just finished the first sweep.
49:20No-one heard anything or saw anything, apparently.
49:23999 call?
49:24Anonymous, but we requested a trace.
49:28The shutter was sprung and the door was forced.
49:31So, burglary gone wrong?
49:33Yeah, but as far as we can tell, nothing or any value's missing.
49:36If you ask me, it looks targeted.
49:39OK, Eddie.
49:42The way I see it,
49:44is Mr O'Halloran came through from the living area.
49:47Comes around here,
49:49around here,
49:50and this display's been pointed in.
49:52Go round there.
49:54There's big-sized tents everywhere.
49:56Right, this display's been knocked onto the ground,
50:00so I'm guessing that the attack started here.
50:03Or whatever he was able to move,
50:06cos he made it round here.
50:12And this is where he sustains the injury to his scalp.
50:15I'm thinking at least three hits.
50:18One opens the wound,
50:20where the victim instinctively touches it,
50:22then touches the wall to support himself.
50:25The wound's open and bleeding now,
50:27so the second impact causes this.
50:31Was that the fatal blow?
50:33No, I don't think so.
50:35In fact, there wouldn't have been any blood on the weapon
50:38until after the second impact.
50:40And then we get this,
50:42cos he's gone.
50:44He's gone.
50:58No, we've checked already.
51:00Well, I'll take the tapes anyway.
51:02Murder weapon?
51:04Not here.
51:05You're looking for something blunt, heavy,
51:08tie-iron, baseball bat, that sort of thing.
51:10What about these prints?
51:12The scene was corrupted.
51:15Two of you have traced that 999 call to a mobile phone.
51:18It's registered to someone we know.
51:21Joseph Sisulu.
51:29How long has it been since you've seen the Sisulu family?
51:33Not for several weeks.
51:35Why that? You're still family liaison, aren't you?
51:38The man who murdered their son got off at trial.
51:40I know.
51:41I think my presence as liaison is doing more harm than good.
51:45Do you want me to go in on my own?
51:48It's not me they don't trust, Jo.
51:50It's the system.
51:52They thought they'd get justice.
52:26It's good to see you.
52:28How is everything?
52:33We survive.
52:36What can we do for you?
52:39A man was murdered on the Ellis Estate last night, Mr Sisulu.
52:43Someone made an anonymous 999 call from a mobile registered in your name, Joseph.
52:48The mobile number was 07778926666.
52:55It's not one of ours.
53:03It's mine.
53:06I bought it for someone else.
53:08It was Mo, wasn't it?
53:10I wanted him to have some way of making contact.
53:13For emergencies.
53:15Joseph, we agreed.
53:17We agreed that Mo's to have nothing to do with this family again.
53:20It wasn't his fault.
53:21We need to talk to Mo.
53:23He's a witness.
53:24Is he still living with his aunt?
53:26No, no, no.
53:27There was some trouble.
53:28The last I heard of him was...
53:36was this.
53:41Danny was my friend, my family.
53:43I'm sorry.
53:45It's on sign, but I know it's from him.
53:47Do you know where he is?
53:49He's not in trouble.
53:50We just need his help.
53:58Mo also needs help.
54:01Remember that, Jacob.
54:18Do you think that Miriam blames Mo for what happened?
54:22Danny and Mo?
54:23That's unlikely, isn't it?
54:25I mean, he got attacked, came in here,
54:28then crawled out to where he got hit again.
54:31Can I?
54:32No, I reckon someone came in here,
54:34grabbed this and used it to staunch the bleeding.
54:37And there's this.
54:39Is that our attackers?
54:41I can't be certain, except it's not Mr. Howland's.
54:45You'd better get a move on then, Eddie.
54:58Mr. Howland's daughter is on her way to the station.
55:28Can I see him?
55:30Your father's body's been taken to St. Hugh's.
55:35What happened to him?
55:36That's what we're trying to work out.
55:39Did William have any enemies?
55:41Someone with a grudge?
55:44He'd had a couple of run-ins with some kids on the estate.
55:49Shoplifting, vandalism, nothing unusual.
55:53I went there a few days ago to drop off some things.
55:59Dad was scared.
56:02He said he'd been threatened.
56:06I thought he was overreacting.
56:09Do you know who it was?
56:13But I know when it was.
56:16So here's the guy that Mo was talking to earlier.
56:18Mo called him...
56:20Dee, right?
56:21He's giving O'Halloran a hard time.
56:24And here's Mo.
56:26Seems like he's pretty good friends with Dee.
56:28What's going on with this kid, Banksy?
56:30Why is he hanging around this estate?
56:32The Sazulas were the closest thing that Mo had to a family.
56:34And now he thinks they don't want anything to do with him.
56:36He seemed angry.
56:38Well, Mo blames himself for Danny's death.
56:40On the night of the murder, Mo ran away and left his best friend to die.
56:43How'd you get past that?
56:45We'd better get a name for this guy, Dee.
56:47Get some stills to uniform.
56:56I don't know.
57:12Emergency, which service do you require?
57:15Police, fire or ambulance?
57:16I don't know.
57:17Look, something's happened.
57:19I think someone's hurt.
57:21News agents, Birmingham House and Ellis Estate.
57:25Name, please?
58:19The tail's still inside.
58:21All right.
58:32Just stop.
58:33Don't move for him.
58:55Don't move.
59:23We've got an audience.
59:34You ready?
59:45I hope you haven't just had your breakfast.