The Bill S25E61 Rescue Me

  • 2 months ago
The Bill S25E61 Rescue Me
00:00Sierra Oscar, from Sierra Oscar 2-1, on scene now.
00:12Received, Sierra Oscar 2-1. Ambulance ETA three minutes.
00:16Move aside, please. Move aside.
00:18She's in here. Lily!
00:20Thank you, sir.
00:21Come on, Chelsea.
00:23Where's the ambulance? I'll call the ambulance.
00:25No, no, no. Wait here. I want to treat her.
00:27Sierra Oscar, from Sierra Oscar 2-1. Recurrent call.
00:30Change location to number 19. We have an infant with a head injury.
00:33I don't think she's breathing.
00:34Right, sir. I want you to wait for the paramedics outside.
00:37When they arrive, direct them in here, OK?
00:38You got it.
00:39Off you go.
00:40Right, Lily. Lily, want to tell me what happened?
00:42I don't know. She fell out the high chair.
00:45I just heard a crash.
00:47No, no, no, Lily. You've got to leave Lil to it, all right?
00:50Wake up.
01:28Familiar address?
01:30If you thought your last day was going to be an easy one, stamp me.
01:32Wouldn't expect anything else.
01:34And your name is Mr...?
01:36Green. Charlie Green.
01:38Right, OK, Charlie. Did you see what happened?
01:40I don't know.
01:41I was just thinking about going down to the shops when there was a banging on the door.
01:45When I opened it, Lily was there.
01:47With Chelsea in her arms.
01:49She's in the right state, Lily was.
01:51She said there'd been an accident.
01:53OK, one sec.
01:54IBO flagged three nines calls from Lily Wright's address. Is it her?
01:58Chelsea. Looks like she's had some kind of a fall.
02:00She's got a massive cut to the head and she's unconscious.
02:03What's she doing in here?
02:04Some neighbours she brought around for help. Mr Green.
02:06Is there any sign of her boyfriend?
02:08See, I think that Gavin, if he's done this...
02:10Yeah, OK, well, first things first, have you looked in her flat?
02:14Then go do it.
02:15Sir, the paramedics say they need to get Chelsea to some huge ASAP.
02:19She started breathing again but she's still unconscious.
02:21Lily, I need a minute.
02:22I need to go with her.
02:23I need to know what happened.
02:24I don't know.
02:25She was in the high chair, I heard a thump.
02:27When I got there, she was on the floor.
02:29Was anyone else with you?
02:30No, look, please, I need to go with her.
02:32OK, Tom, take her in the car but then you stay with her, all right?
02:36Mr Green.
02:37Inspector Smith.
02:38Do you mind telling me what happened?
02:40Well, it's like I told the other officer.
02:42Lily turns up at my door with Chelsea in her arms.
02:45She said that Chelsea's had a fall.
02:48Did you notice anyone hanging around while you were waiting for an ambulance?
02:51You mean her other half, don't you?
02:54What makes you say that?
02:55I don't know what went on before.
02:57No, I didn't see him.
03:00Didn't see anyone.
03:01Thanks for your help.
03:03You two, grab Nate and start knocking on doors.
03:05I want to know if the neighbours saw or heard anything.
03:16Those things don't just tip over by themselves, not without help.
03:20Well, if Chelsea wasn't strapped in and she'd managed to stand up, it might.
03:26Bring him in as a suspect.
03:28Retrieve the whole place like it's a crime scene,
03:30at least until we know about Gavin, OK?
03:44Hang on.
03:46We'll have to wait here.
03:47We can still see her from here.
03:48I don't know what to do.
03:49It's OK, you don't have to do anything.
03:51They'll take care of her.
03:55How old's the little girl?
03:5618 months.
03:58Father's on conditional bail for violence towards her.
04:00Basically, he's not allowed anywhere near her.
04:02Well, if he has been, you want to know?
04:04Yeah, just a bit.
04:05Have you got the mother's clothes?
04:06Not yet, no.
04:07Fair enough.
04:11Anything from the neighbours?
04:12The usual, all the silence.
04:14Obviously, I'm going to keep on trying.
04:32Ah, look, if you're in a drive-away business,
04:34please press 1.
04:35If you want to sit someone up, you can press 2.
04:38Are you all right?
04:39I think I prefer mine.
04:40I'd like to speak to your brother, please.
04:42Is he about?
04:43What about?
04:45Yeah, why not?
04:46Things are pretty slow at the moment, anyway.
04:48Is he here or not?
04:55Sorry, what was the number for police harassment?
04:57Just so I know.
04:59What do you want?
05:00Gavin Downing.
05:01I'm arresting you on suspicion of assaulting Chelsea Downing.
05:03What assault?
05:04Your brother's a child-beating tosser.
05:06Press 3.
05:08There's evidence, do you understand?
05:10In you get. Come on, Jack.
05:18Do you want coffee?
05:24Where's Chelsea?
05:25Back taking her for a scan.
05:26Has she said anything else yet?
05:28No, not really.
05:30Do you want me to get somebody else to do this?
05:32Well, you've probably got the paperwork down back to the crisis
05:34you need to sort out, haven't you?
05:36Yeah, actually, I think I'd rather stay with you,
05:38see if that's OK.
05:40Actually, it's a friendly face.
05:49Can you tell me what happened?
05:51She fell out the high chair.
05:53Why does everyone keep asking?
05:55Why won't you believe me?
06:01We arrested Gavin.
06:02Why? He hasn't seen her.
06:04He knows he's not allowed to.
06:06Not if he wants to make things right again.
06:08Have you had any contact with him?
06:13It was only on the phone.
06:15He called to see how we were.
06:17Well, he's not even supposed to do that.
06:21Has he been to the flat?
06:24He said we'd both give it time,
06:26so we don't have to be here when the court says.
06:29Well, this is just routine.
06:31A female officer is going to bring you a change of clothes
06:34because we need the ones that you're wearing for tests.
06:36Why? I told you what happened.
06:38Well, until we can speak to Gavin and confirm that what you said is the truth...
06:41It is! Gavin wasn't there. It was an accident.
06:43Why won't you believe me?
07:22Right, can you stay with her, but let me know if there's any change.
07:25All right? Yeah.
07:29Inspector Smith, sorry.
07:31I had another client meeting I had to finish.
07:33Well, social services, I bet your background's even worse than theirs.
07:36I'm getting bigger.
07:37So, it's Chelsea again?
07:40She's on a scale at the moment because she hasn't regained consciousness.
07:43Do you know what happened?
07:44Well, if you mean, was it Gavin, Lily says not.
07:48And she claims that Chelsea tipped her highchair over while she was out of the room.
07:53Gavin's waiting for me at the station.
07:55Can I talk to Lily?
07:57Yeah. She's in the relatives' room with PC Stamp.
07:59OK, thanks.
08:04Listen, whatever you think I've done, I didn't, all right?
08:08I just need to know where my little girl is.
08:10She was taken to St Hugh's this morning.
08:13With a severe cut on her head and she'd stopped breathing.
08:17Is she, er...
08:19Will she be all right?
08:21Where's Lily?
08:23She's with her in the intensive care unit at the moment.
08:26I need to go there.
08:27I need to see her, make sure she's OK.
08:29Well, that's not gonna happen.
08:30You can't go within a quarter of a mile of them, can you?
08:34Where were you between 8 and 10.30 this morning?
08:39I can't.
08:41You're not trying to say I had anything to do with Chelsea being hurt?
08:51I was at home.
08:52And is that your bail address?
08:54No, it's not.
08:56I moved to a mate's.
08:57He lives at 215 Walcott Drive.
09:01I was there till about quarter past ten.
09:04Well, then I left for work.
09:06Can anyone verify that?
09:07Yeah, they can.
09:08Dean can.
09:09Dean Gibson.
09:10He was there.
09:13So when you left the house, you went straight to work?
09:16Well, yeah.
09:17On the shop door, it says you open at nine o'clock.
09:20You never left the house till gone ten, how come?
09:23Well, John opens up, it's his shop.
09:25There's no trade to after ten o'clock.
09:27He doesn't need me.
09:29And what about Lily?
09:30What about her?
09:33When was the last time you had any communication with her?
09:36Well, I haven't.
09:37Because you said I'm not allowed to.
09:39That doesn't mean you haven't.
09:47We've talked on the phone.
09:48Of course we've talked on the phone.
09:49I want to make sure my daughter's okay.
09:51Look, I know you're not going to believe me,
09:53but all I want is for us to make a fresh start.
09:57Lily, Chelsea, me.
10:00Now, we can do it.
10:01I know we can.
10:06Now, go and check where I was this morning.
10:07Go and check.
10:08But if you're saying that I hurt Chelsea, that's not true.
10:13And you're just jumping to conclusions,
10:15and that's not fair.
10:18And you're just jumping to conclusions,
10:20and that's not fair.
10:21It ain't fair.
10:40Is that Gibson?
10:41No, he's not here.
10:43Come on.
10:44Dane, come after here, mate.
10:48Dane Gibson?
10:50How can I help you guys?
10:51Inspector Smith, PC Taylor, Sun Hill Police.
10:54Ignore the mess.
10:55Sure have seen a couple of the other Kiwis.
10:57Threw me a leaving party last night.
10:59Just the one night?
11:00Maybe two.
11:01So, what's up?
11:02Do you know a Gavin Downey?
11:04Yeah, sure.
11:05He needed a place to crash, so I gave him my floor.
11:08How long have you known him?
11:10Since junior school.
11:11Then on and off, whenever I'm around.
11:15I hadn't seen him for a while, so about a month ago.
11:18Do you know where he was this morning?
11:21He was asleep when I got up, which was about nine.
11:24Then went out about ten, as usual.
11:27After that, I don't know.
11:28Why, what's the problem?
11:29Is he in trouble?
11:30We needed to know where he was.
11:31You answered that.
11:32Thank you.
11:34If we need to talk to you again, where are you going to be?
11:36I'm here until the end of the week,
11:38and then I'm off to Cornwall.
11:40Mate of mine's got a few chalets,
11:41and I'm just caretaking till spring.
11:43Don't bother, mate, he's just going for the surf.
11:44What, in winter?
11:46Best time.
11:47Best waves.
11:50OK, cheers.
11:51No worries.
11:55I'm going to take his word for it.
11:56Well, we've got no choice at the moment.
11:58Except we battle Gavin,
11:59pending forensics on his clothes.
12:02Check us all there.
12:08What's happening with Chelsea?
12:09Do you know how she is?
12:10I haven't heard anything else from the hospital.
12:12Your same bail restrictions apply.
12:13No contact.
12:17Let's go.
12:24No, sir.
12:25Check the book.
12:26It's a new off-licence.
12:27No-one's seen Gavin for the last two or three weeks,
12:28or so they're saying.
12:29We also checked the CCTV from this morning.
12:31He's not on it.
12:32Got a few more doors to check, though.
12:33OK, Sally, you go and finish that off.
12:34You go down to the council offices,
12:36get their CCTVs, see if that gives us anything.
12:39And has anyone started a collection for Stampy?
12:42And Mel's got a card for you to sign.
12:43What are we getting him?
12:44A day at Brazzach.
12:45Ah, perfect.
12:50Yeah, it's all right.
12:51You can come in.
12:57What have you got?
12:58Come in.
13:01Right, this is only preliminary, OK?
13:03Just on the basic set-up.
13:05Victim's in a high chair, falls over,
13:08cracks her head on the table.
13:10That's what the mum said, yeah?
13:11Yeah, well, she wasn't telling you the truth.
13:13For a start, this table's been moved.
13:16These indentations on the carpet
13:20match the spacing between the legs of the coffee table.
13:24So the table's been moved this way.
13:27Its normal place is here.
13:29Also, there's blood on the corner and edge of the table.
13:34Now, if the child had fallen as described,
13:38the blood spray pattern would be on top
13:41and on the carpet over here, but it isn't.
13:44Also, there's blood on the side of this table
13:48that's been smeared.
13:50A rag, finger.
13:53Your real spray pattern... here.
13:59What's been described doesn't match the scene.
14:02Did you say the mother said she was looking after her on her own?
14:07Check the kitchen if I were you.
14:27Why is she covering for him again?
14:29I'll get Tony to talk to her.
14:31595 from Sierra, Oscar One.
14:38She's still in surgery.
14:40I'm sure you'll hear something soon.
14:42Lily, I know it's hard,
14:44but I need you to talk me through what happened again.
14:47She fell, I've told you.
14:49I know that, but I need to know the details.
14:52What were you doing when she fell?
14:56It was time for her snack.
14:58I put her in her high chair at the table with a couple of toys.
15:02Then I went to the kitchen to get her bowl.
15:05I was only gone for a minute.
15:11I was trying to decide what to give her.
15:15Then I heard this...this heavy kind of bump.
15:20I thought she'd pushed something on the floor, you know, off the table.
15:25And when I went in... was her.
15:30She was on the floor.
15:32She was on the floor.
15:34There was blood and she wasn't moving.
15:38Lily, what we found at the flat doesn't match that.
15:41Evidence suggests that Chelsea didn't fall from her high chair.
15:45Well, she did. You've got it all wrong.
15:47You're sure nothing else happened?
15:49Perhaps you remembered it wrong.
15:51That was what happened.
15:52Look, I don't want to think about it any more.
15:54I just want to speak to a doctor about my baby.
15:59Lily still says it was an accident.
16:02And there's nothing to put Gavin at the flat when it happened?
16:04Not so far.
16:05Then we have to consider the possibility that it was Lily.
16:08What? No way.
16:09Gavin did it before.
16:12Leon, it's pretty clear, judging by the state of the place,
16:15that she's not been coping all that well.
16:17And it's obvious that she's been drinking quite a lot.
16:22Sally called in to say a Mrs Macdonald from Lily's block
16:25had seen her in an argument with some fella.
16:27Apparently it was pretty heated.
16:28Figured it might be Gavin and Lily.
16:30When was this?
16:31Last week, Wednesday.
16:35Here you go.
16:46Who's that?
16:47Oh, well, the car is registered to a Colin James Wright of Albert Road Hotsky.
16:52Same surname as Lily's?
16:54That's going to be a relative, isn't it? It's probably her dad.
17:01Well, whoever it is, she's not happy with him, is she?
17:03We don't know what it's about. It could be about anything.
17:06Lily hasn't got a history of violence.
17:08Not that we know.
17:10Still nothing to put Gavin under your stay this morning?
17:12No, it's here, sir.
17:13Let's keep on that, yeah?
17:15We need to talk to this Colin Wright.
17:17Find out why Lily was behaving like that.
17:22We've never been what you call close.
17:24You know, how it is.
17:26Fathers and daughters.
17:29Look, has something happened?
17:30There was an incident this morning.
17:32What incident?
17:34Chelsea was hurt, and we're trying to find out how.
17:39You don't seem surprised.
17:40Are you?
17:42Is she just not coping?
17:43With or without that fella?
17:49Like I said, we're not close, but I call her now and then.
17:55You know, try and meet up.
17:56I suppose I knew things were bad, because it's the first time since Chelsea was born that Lily actually wanted my help.
18:05Your help with what?
18:07It was the other week.
18:08She needed me to watch Chelsea so she could go out.
18:11And that was the last time you saw her?
18:14And you ended up having her out, right?
18:17We've got CCTV footage of you and Lily outside her flat, and she was kicking off about something.
18:24What was it about?
18:27I offered her some advice about Gavin.
18:32Told her she was well rid.
18:35She lost it.
18:37That's it?
18:40Look, I wasn't the best of fathers when Lily was a kid.
18:48I used to drink.
18:50So Lily doesn't find it easy to take advice from me.
18:55Has she lashed out before?
18:57Well, no.
18:58But like I say, she's stressed at the moment.
19:01She's a good girl, Lily.
19:04She just lets it all get to her.
19:09We'll let ourselves out.
19:10Thanks for your help.
19:13I don't know.
19:14It don't look good.
19:16I don't know.
19:17It don't look good.
19:18But lashing out at your hypocrite dad and hitting a baby are two very different things.
19:32I looked him up on Crimmin, and Colin did knock his wife about.
19:35There's no evidence to suggest that he ever hit Lily, but I'm guessing that's a fair or something.
19:40It's a classic pattern.
19:41Lily grows up in an atmosphere of violence then as an adult.
19:44She's drawn to a man with a tendency to violence.
19:47But we don't know if she's become violent herself.
19:49No, but given the recent circumstances, plus the added strain of looking after Chelsea on her own,
19:54maybe she's just reached breaking point.
19:59I think we need to start looking at Lily as the most viable suspect for Chelsea's injuries.
20:05What do you want to do?
20:08I'll get Tony to make the arrest so we can interview her.
20:15Even the best and most loving parents have their breaking point.
20:19Most are lucky enough never to reach it.
20:21But if they do...
20:22Yeah, I know, I know.
20:25But what's going to happen about Chelsea?
20:28Assuming she makes a good enough recovery to be discharged,
20:31I'll have to make a recommendation that she be removed from Lily for her own safety.
20:37Probably foster care if there's no suitable extended family.
20:44Don't worry, I'll make sure she's looked after.
21:08Lily, I need you to come down to the station with me to talk about Chelsea.
21:12I can't.
21:14Not now, I need to be here.
21:18You're not listening to me.
21:21I need you to come down to the station.
21:25I'm arresting you on suspicion of assaulting Chelsea.
21:30Doctors will make sure Chelsea's alright.
21:34But you know I didn't.
21:37You know how much I love her.
21:44It's okay.
22:22Leon, you ready?
22:25Look at her.
22:32Eighteen months holding in a coma.
22:36I just can't buy the fact that Lily had anything to do with this.
22:41I don't understand anyone that could do this full stop.
22:45Unless you can explain it better.
22:47There's only one explanation and that's Gavin.
22:50He's got an alibi.
22:52You believe it.
22:57What if his alibi turns out to be good and Lily did do it?
23:02Are you ready to deal with that?
23:05A case like this throws up all different situations and people that are going to make you sick to your stomach.
23:10She can't have done it.
23:12What makes you so sure?
23:14Because she's a mother who loves her daughter.
23:18But in a moment of anger.
23:22It's just not in her.
23:23No way.
23:25It's not in her.
23:28Come with me.
23:32You need to talk to us.
23:35You need to talk to us.
23:38You need to tell us what really happened this morning.
23:47Let's start with what's been happening the last couple of weeks since Gavin was arrested.
23:51What things?
23:53You had a row with your dad.
23:55That was something he said. It just got to me.
23:58But you lost your temper.
24:00A bit. It was his fault.
24:05Are you finding it hard coping with Chelsea on your own?
24:08It must be difficult having a kid around you all the time.
24:10Keeping up with the housework, shopping.
24:12I told you, I manage.
24:16Do you manage to get out at all?
24:18I don't know.
24:20Go to the pub?
24:21I can't afford babysitters.
24:23So you drink at home?
24:24What? So because I have a drink I'm a bad mother?
24:26Is that what you're saying?
24:27No. Of course not.
24:28Well I'm not. I love Chelsea. She's all I've got.
24:30What I want to know is how she really got hurt.
24:32It was the high chair. I've told you over and over.
24:34But all of the forensic evidence tells us that that's just not true, is it?
24:38I took my eye off her. That was it. It was the high chair.
24:50Interview terminated.
24:57You all right, mate?
24:59Yeah, fine.
25:03There's a woman through there whose baby could die.
25:06On top of that, it might be her fault.
25:08You've got enough on your plate without worrying about us.
25:11It's hard to not get through 30-odd years of frontline policing without developing a sense of perspective.
25:18I know.
25:21You're going to make a fantastic instructor.
25:24I just hope you can teach those young'uns a thing or two.
25:27Maybe I'll get a bit of respect for a change.
25:30You couldn't have more, yeah?
25:34But if you don't give me the chance to say this later...
25:39It's been an absolute pleasure, Tom.
25:43The pleasure's been all mine, sir.
25:53What is it?
25:57There we go.
25:59I found a separate patch of fresh blood on the doorframe in the hallway.
26:04It's not a lot, just a graze, I'd say, probably from an impact.
26:08The thing is, it's not Chelsea's blood.
26:11It matches the mother, Lily.
26:13There's also an adult hair long, partly dyed in association with the blood,
26:20probably from the injury to the back of her head.
26:23Right, well, if it happened at the same time, it'll prove Lily weren't there on her own.
26:27Thanks, honey.
26:33Excuse me.
26:37How'd you hurt your head?
26:41You did hurt it. At the back?
26:43Well, it was an accident. I tripped.
26:47Another accident?
26:51Look, I want our doctor to check you out and make sure you're all right.
27:05OK, yeah, yeah, yeah. Brilliant.
27:08OK, don't worry.
27:21Mr Brain?
27:23Oh, how's it going on, the little one?
27:24The hospital are doing everything that they can.
27:26But there were a couple of things I wanted to go over with you about this morning.
27:29Like what?
27:31Are you sure you didn't see or hear anything before Lily came round for help?
27:36Is this about Gavin?
27:40Have you seen him coming or going from Lily's flat the last few days?
27:43No, I have not. I wouldn't want to, neither.
27:46What he did?
27:48I mean, I don't usually swear, but there's a name for people who hit kids.
27:51Lily turned you up?
27:54Did Lily tell you what happened?
27:56Well, some of it, but you can't keep things quiet round here.
27:59How well do you know her?
28:01Lily? Um, not very well, I suppose.
28:04I mean, I didn't even talk to her until about two weeks ago,
28:06and I was just watering the flowers, and she came past with a babe and said,
28:09how nice they looked.
28:11Yeah, I mean, I noticed that she's got something.
28:13Yeah, I did then. Used to be my job, Parks and Gardens. Retired last year.
28:16What do you know about the boyfriend?
28:18Well, how do you know? I mean, passing.
28:19I mean, I didn't even get to know Lily until after what he had done to Chelsea.
28:24Is there anything about their relationship?
28:26Anything you might have seen or heard? Anything at all?
28:30I don't know.
28:32This is all unofficial. Totally off the record.
28:35All we're trying to do is gather as much information as possible to help Lily.
28:39Yeah, well, it's just this once, about a couple of months ago, the summer,
28:44and she was struggling up the stairs with a buggy,
28:46and so I gave her a lift with it, and I saw that she had these bruises there.
28:49I mean, really yellow and green, and I said, they look nasty,
28:52and she just kind of pulled her sleeve down over it.
28:54You don't know how she got them?
28:56Well, they're not the sort of thing you get from bumping into things.
28:58You know.
29:00OK, thank you.
29:19Oh, my God.
29:49Sir, I've got something I think you should see.
29:51OK, I'm on my way.
29:56CCTV on Thompson Street.
29:5810-23, and there's Gavin.
30:00He must have been dodging every camera he could,
30:03but you can't get to the phone shop without passing this one.
30:06Well, I still don't put him anywhere near Lily's.
30:08I mean, I don't know what he's up to,
30:10but I'm sure he's got something.
30:12OK, I'm on my way.
30:14OK, I'm on my way.
30:16OK, I'm on my way.
30:17Well, I still don't put him anywhere near Lily's flat.
30:19And the CCTV is wearing his jacket,
30:21and we nicked him using his shirt sleeves.
30:23So why hasn't he got his jacket?
30:25Because he might have forensic evidence on it.
30:27OK, you two, search the shop.
30:29I'll get his room searched as well.
30:47OK, I'm on my way.
31:17OK, I'm on my way.
31:42I'm arresting you for assaulting Chelsea Downing.
31:44You don't have to say anything, but it may harm your defence
31:45and you may question something.
31:47Wait here.
31:51I said stay inside.
31:54I'll tell you what, mate,
31:56if I find out you've done it, I'll drop you myself.
32:01Right, do you want to take a seat?
32:04Right, we're investigating.
32:06Something to do with Gavin's missus?
32:08No, this is something to do with Gavin's 18-month-old daughter
32:11being so badly injured
32:13she's in hospital having a brain operation.
32:15What do you mean?
32:17You know there's a restraining order on Gavin.
32:19He can't go anywhere near Chelsea or Lily.
32:21Yeah, of course.
32:23Do you know how he got it?
32:25He got pissed.
32:27He had an argument.
32:29He trashed the place.
32:31And, well, you guys got involved and stitched him up.
32:33Now he's on my floor.
32:35No, the reason he's on your floor
32:37is because his daughter's sustained injury
32:39is consistent with being thrown out of a car.
32:41She hadn't been.
32:43Look, the guy's a mate.
32:45You know, he's a decent bloke
32:47and he's always first at the bar.
32:49Oh, I don't doubt that.
32:51Because another time we found Chelsea
32:53she was lying on the pub floor
32:55playing in broken glass, bawling her eyes out.
32:59So are you going to tell me the truth
33:01about Gavin's movements this morning
33:03or do I have to charge you with conspiracy
33:05to pervert the cause of justice?
33:07It's your choice.
33:10He asked me to lie.
33:14He said he was staying out at his ex's.
33:16But he never came back.
33:18What was he wearing?
33:20This morning, what was he wearing?
33:22I don't know. Jeans? Denim jacket?
33:25And you'll make a statement to that effect?
33:34Lily had some holiday brochures.
33:36She wasn't planning to go to Cornwall with you, was she?
33:40Just Gab for the weekend.
33:44Thanks for your help.
33:46No worries.
33:52I found the jacket stashed in the storeroom.
33:54Did he say anything?
33:56Yeah, that we got it wrong and he wants a brief.
34:00You know what the danger is?
34:02If Lily keeps covering for him
34:04we're going to have to charge them both
34:06as a joint enterprise.
34:08To a jury she'll look as guilty as he is.
34:15Chelsea's out of surgery
34:17but it's still touch and go.
34:19I want you to interview Gavin.
34:23I'm not sure that's a wise idea, Gav.
34:27If we've only got one crack at this
34:29I don't think I can be objective enough.
34:34I can understand that.
34:37But I think you can keep a cool head.
34:38You can and you will.
34:45I'm going to interview Lily
34:47to see if I can get her to stop protecting him.
34:49But if I can't
34:51then they both go down together.
34:53Do you know how you're going to do that?
34:57Because I think if her walked out at the moment
34:59she'd rather go down than lose Gavin.
35:01Yeah, I agree.
35:03But if we don't try
35:05and we fail her
35:06then we fail Chelsea.
35:28I'm Inspector Smith
35:30attached to Sunhill Police Station.
35:32I'm in an interview room in Sunhill Station
35:33and I'm about to interview
35:35please give your full name and date of birth.
35:37Lily Anne Wright
35:3917th March 1984.
35:41Gavin Stuart Downing
35:4323rd November 1979.
35:46And the other person in the room is?
35:48James Rawlings, solicitor.
35:50Right, the time is now
35:5218.06 hours.
35:54Let's start from the beginning, shall we, Gavin?
35:56What time did you leave your home address this morning?
35:58You were the only one in the flat with Chelsea.
36:00And all the evidence says
36:02you must have done it
36:04because like you said
36:06you were the only one in the flat.
36:10But I think Gavin did it.
36:13But what I can't work out
36:15is why you'd be protecting him.
36:18Saying that he wasn't there
36:20if he had hurt Chelsea again.
36:22I mean, why would you lie about something like that again?
36:25I'm not lying.
36:26It was an accident.
36:29Well, I think you should know that we've arrested Gavin.
36:32And I'm pretty sure
36:34that we'll find forensic evidence on his clothes
36:36that place him at your flat
36:38when Chelsea was hurt.
36:40Why did you lie about where you slept last night?
36:43I didn't lie.
36:45Your flatmate tells us you didn't come home last night.
36:49Well, of course I did.
36:51I got home from the pub a bit late
36:53and he was asleep. What do you want me to do?
36:54So how come he never saw you this morning?
36:56I went out before he got up.
36:59So you were out?
37:08So where were you this morning up until 10.20
37:10when you got to the shop?
37:12I went out for a walk.
37:18There are a lot of boxes in your flat.
37:21You planning a move?
37:22No, we...
37:24I just want to get away from there.
37:26Somewhere different,
37:28not on the estate.
37:30Do you mean the two of you?
37:32Or do you mean you,
37:35and Gavin?
37:37All of us.
37:39After he's been to court,
37:41we're going to start again.
37:45In Cornwall?
37:47He's got a friend there.
37:49He owns Holiday Chalets.
37:50He can stay till he gets sorted.
37:52Help look after him.
37:54Sounds pretty good.
37:56Who's the friend?
37:58I don't know him. His name is Dean.
38:00So Gavin's got it all sorted, has he?
38:05So why hide the jacket, Gavin?
38:08Maybe because you knew
38:10it had Chelsea's blood all over it.
38:14How could it? I wasn't there.
38:16Look, I told you how many more times
38:18do I have to tell you?
38:21Can you get me out of here?
38:23I need to get out of here.
38:25I'm not going anywhere.
38:30I've met Dean.
38:33He doesn't own Holiday Chalets.
38:36About the only thing he does own
38:38is a surfboard.
38:40Yes, he's going down to Cornwall,
38:42but he's just the caretaker of the chalets.
38:44No, you've got it wrong. That's not it.
38:46Yes, that is it.
38:48And there was never any mention of you.
38:51This is just another one of Gavin's lies.
38:57I bet he said something stupid to you this morning, like,
39:00oh, come on, if we could just get away together,
39:02I can change.
39:06He did, didn't he?
39:09And all you had to do
39:11was stick to the story
39:13that Chelsea got hurt when she fell.
39:15That's it, isn't it?
39:17That's the truth, and that's why
39:18you've been protecting him.
39:26I know what you think I mean,
39:28but it's not like that, it's not.
39:31I've made some,
39:33some bad mistakes, I know that,
39:35believe me, I know.
39:37But when this court case is over,
39:39things are going to be different.
39:45Well, we can get out of here,
39:46get some space,
39:48move out of flats,
39:50get out of London.
39:52So it's living in London
39:54that's making you hit Chelsea?
39:56Is that what you're saying?
39:58If you move out of London,
40:00you'll stop hitting your 18-month-old daughter?
40:04Is that what you're saying?
40:07I think he phoned you from the pub last night,
40:10and he asked if he could come round.
40:13And you probably said no.
40:16But then he started talking about Cornwall,
40:19and how he had a plan.
40:22And I bet he even told you that he loved you.
40:27You're feeling lonely, so you give in.
40:31Have a few drinks, get a bit drunk,
40:34and everything feels all right again.
40:38Only it's different in the morning.
40:41Because now he's got a hangover,
40:43and he's got to leave again.
40:47I don't know why it happened.
40:50It was nothing.
40:53It was just about flowers outside.
40:57He said I was trying to change things.
41:01Like I didn't want him there anymore.
41:06Then he pushed me.
41:08I tripped on something.
41:10I remember falling, but nothing after that.
41:13So that's when you hit your head.
41:15I was sitting on the floor.
41:19Gavin said he tripped over the high chair
41:22that Chelsea had fallen.
41:24Do you think he tripped over the high chair?
41:27I need him.
41:29No, you don't, Lily.
41:31I don't have anyone.
41:33Well, what about Chelsea?
41:35She's got a whole load of growing up to do,
41:37and you want her to do that without her mother.
41:41Do you think he fell over the high chair?
41:45For the tape, please, Lily.
41:52Chelsea was hurt,
41:54and he said he couldn't stay,
41:56otherwise they'd know it was him
41:58and they'd never let us go away together.
42:01Gavin told me that I had to do something.
42:04So he left, and you found the ambulance.
42:14Consider banning this case
42:16and deciding it won't be granted
42:18because you failed to adhere to the bail conditions in the past.
42:20You'll be held here to appear in court tomorrow morning.
42:22You understand?
42:24Can I just talk to her?
42:26Tell her that I'm sorry?
42:28No. Come.
42:45Well done today, sir.
42:47You know, if he hadn't got a result on this,
42:49I might have had to put a few more years in
42:51until we got him banged up.
42:53Well, you still can, you know.
42:55I've made up your mind.
42:57Look, why don't you get off?
42:59Leon can take her.
43:01I don't see it through.
43:03You know how it is.
43:09Tony's going to take you to the hospital
43:11and you'll be able to see Chelsea as soon as you get there,
43:14She's pretty much out of the woods.
43:16I'm sorry.
43:18You just look after her, OK?
43:58You shooting off?
44:00Yeah, I think I'm going to go and get pissed.
44:02Oh, what, are Tony's there?
44:04No, there's a quiet little boozer at the end of my road
44:06that'll do me some good, I think.
44:08What, on your own?
44:10Look, Leon,
44:12we got a result.
44:14We gave a family a second chance.
44:17You made a difference.
44:19Be pleased with that.
44:21Yeah, I suppose.
44:23Now let's go and get smashed at Tony's.
44:25Let's do it.
44:37You need to let him go.
44:39Not until he tells me what he knows!
44:40Don't shoot!
44:42Grace, do you want to sit this one out?
44:44This is my case, Gav.
44:46It does read like you did the bare minimum, Grace.
44:48Joe, partner Grace on this one.
44:50A case like this should keep you up at night,
44:52but if there's no evidence, you've got to let it go.
44:55I let you down,
44:57and for that,
44:59I'm truly sorry.
45:34No, sir.
45:36No, not really.
45:38Do you want me to get somebody else to do this?
45:40You've got paperwork going back to the crisis
45:42you need to sort out, haven't you?
45:44Yeah, actually, I think I'd rather stay with you,
45:46if that's OK.
45:48I actually need to front your face.
45:57Can you tell me what happened?
45:59She fell out the high chair.
46:01Why does everyone keep asking?
46:03Why won't you believe me?
46:04We arrested Gavin.
46:08He hasn't seen her.
46:10He knows he's not allowed to.
46:12Not if he wants to make things right again.
46:14Have you had any contact with him?
46:19It was only on the phone.
46:21He called to see how we were.
46:23Well, he's not even supposed to do that.
46:26Has he been to the flat?
46:30He said we'd both give it time.
46:31He doesn't have to be here when the court says.
46:34Well, this is just routine.
46:36A female officer is going to bring you a change of clothes
46:39because we need the ones that you're wearing for tests.
46:41Why? I told you what happened.
46:43Well, until we can speak to Gavin
46:45and confirm that what you said is the truth...
46:47It is. Gavin wasn't there.
46:49It was an accident.
46:51Why won't you believe me?
46:52Why won't you believe me?
47:23She's in the right state, Lily was.
47:25She said there'd been an accident.
47:27OK, one sec.
47:29IBO flag three nines calls from Lily Wright's address.
47:31Is it her?
47:33Chelsea. Looks like she's had some kind of a fall.
47:35She's got a massive cut to the head and she's unconscious.
47:37What's she doing in there?
47:39That's her neighbour she brought around for help, Mr Green.
47:41Is there any sign of her boyfriend?
47:43See, I think that Gavin, if he's done this...
47:45Yeah, OK. Well, first things first.
47:47Have you looked in her flat?
47:50The paramedics say they need to get Chelsea to some human ASAP.
47:52She's started breathing again but she's still unconscious.
47:54Lily, I need a minute.
47:56I need to go with her.
47:58I need to know what happened.
48:00I don't know. She was in the high chair.
48:02I heard a thump. When I got there she was on the floor.
48:04Was anyone else with you?
48:06No. Look, please, I need to go with her.
48:08OK, Tom, take her in the car but then you stay with her, all right?
48:10Mr Green?
48:12Inspector Smith.
48:14Do you mind telling me what happened?
48:16Well, it's like I told the other officer.
48:18Lily turns up at my door with Chelsea in her arms.
48:20Chelsea's had a fall.
48:24Did you notice anyone hanging around while you were waiting for an ambulance?
48:26You mean her other half, don't you?
48:30What makes you say that?
48:32I don't know what went on before.
48:34No, I didn't see him.
48:38Didn't see anyone.
48:40Thanks for your help.
48:42You two, grab Nate and start knocking on doors.
48:44I want to know if the neighbours saw or heard anything.
48:51Those things don't just tip over by themselves, not without help.
48:55Well, if Chelsea wasn't strapped in and she'd managed to stand up, it might.
49:01Bring him in as a suspect.
49:03Retrieve the whole place like it's a crime scene,
49:05at least until we know about Gavin, OK?
49:09Right, can you stay with her, but let me know if there's any change.
49:11All right?
49:16Inspector Smith, sorry.
49:18I had another client meeting I had to finish.
49:20Right, well, social services, I bet your background's even worse than theirs.
49:23I'm getting bigger.
49:25So it's Chelsea again?
49:29She's on a scanner at the moment because she hasn't been going to work for a while.
49:36She's on a scanner at the moment because she hasn't regained consciousness.
49:39Do you know what happened?
49:41Well, if you mean, was it Gavin, Lily says not.
49:44She claims that Chelsea tipped her highchair over while she was out of the room.
49:49Gavin's waiting for me at the station.
49:52Can I talk to Lily?
49:54Yeah, she's in the relatives' room with PC Stan.
49:56OK, thanks.
50:00Listen, whatever you think I've done, I didn't, all right?
50:04I just need to know where my little girl is.
50:06She was taken to St Hugh's this morning with a severe cut on her head and she'd stopped breathing.
50:12Is she, er, will she be all right?
50:16Where's Lily?
50:18She's with her in the intensive care unit at the moment.
50:21I need to go there.
50:23I need to see her, make sure she's OK.
50:25Well, that's not going to happen.
50:27You can't go within a quarter of a mile of them, can you?
50:30Where were you between 8 and 10.30 this morning?
50:33Come on.
50:35You're not trying to say I had anything to do with Chelsea being hurt.
50:45I was at home.
50:47And is that your bile address?
50:49No, it's not.
50:51I moved to a mate's.
50:53He lives at, er, 215 Walcott Drive.
50:57I was there until about quarter past.
51:00Hang on.
51:02We have to wait here.
51:04You can still see her from here.
51:06I don't know what to do.
51:08It's OK, you don't have to do anything.
51:10They'll take care of her.
51:13How old's the little girl?
51:1518 months.
51:17Father's on conditional bail for violence towards her.
51:19Basically, he's not allowed anywhere near her.
51:21Well, if he has been, you want to know.
51:23Yeah, just a bit.
51:25Have you got the mother's clothes?
51:26Not yet, no.
51:28Fair enough.
51:31Anything from the neighbours?
51:33The usual, all the silence.
51:35Obviously, I'm going to keep on trying.
51:52Ah, look, if you're going to drive away, build yourself up.
51:54Ah, look, if you're going to drive away business, please press one.
51:57If you want to sit someone up, you can, er, press two.
52:00Ah, you all right?
52:02I think I prefer mine.
52:04I'd like to speak to your brother, please. Is he about?
52:06What about?
52:08You want to spend the rest of the morning finding stock receipts for me?
52:10Yeah, why not? Things are pretty slow at the moment, anyway.
52:12Is he here or not?
52:19Sorry, what was the number for police harassment, just so I know?
52:22What do you want?
52:24I'm arresting you on suspicion of assaulting Chelsea, Danny.
52:27Your brother's a child-beating tosser.
52:29Press three.
52:31There's evidence, do you understand?
52:33In you get. Come on, Jay.
52:41Do you want coffee?
52:46Where's Chelsea?
52:48I've taken her for a scan.
52:50Has she said anything?
52:55Sierra Oscar from Sierra Oscar 2-1, on scene now.
52:58Received, Sierra Oscar 2-1.
53:00Ambulance ETA three minutes.
53:02Move aside, please. Move aside.
53:04She's in here.
53:08Thank you, sir.
53:12Where's the ambulance? I'll call the ambulance.
53:14No, no, no. Wait here. I want to go treat her.
53:16Sierra Oscar from Sierra Oscar 2-1.
53:18Recurrent call.
53:20Change location to number 19.
53:22We have an infant with a head injury.
53:24She's screaming.
53:26Right, sir. I want you to wait for the paramedics outside.
53:28When they arrive, direct them in here, OK?
53:30Right, Lily. Lily?
53:32Tell me what happened.
53:34I don't know. She fell out the high chair.
53:36I just heard a crash.
53:38No, no, no, Lily. You've got to leave now.
53:40I can't.
53:42Wake up.
53:54I can't.
54:19Familiar address?
54:21If you thought your last day was going to be an easy one, stamp me.
54:22Wouldn't expect anything else.
54:24And your name is Mr...?
54:26Green. Charlie Green.
54:28Right, OK, Charlie. Did you see what happened?
54:30I don't know.
54:32I was just thinking about going down to the shops when there was a banging on the door.
54:34When we opened it, Lily was there with Chelsea in her arms.