God's Spiritual Guidance in This Cycle Transition- Gratitude

  • 3 months ago

In this Video Heather G. (Gah-Shy-Zah) shares with Shawn D. insights into transcending M.E.S.T. obstacles and turning them into profound spiritual stepping stones. Some aspects go into gratitude and the nature of reality and dying daily similar to having a near death experience to touch heaven to return to the God Head.
00:00Gratitude is like a tremendous, it's like realizing that you're receiving a tremendous
00:25gift. And then because you realize that it's a gift, you don't waste it. Because what's
00:32that saying? What you don't appreciate, you lose. And one of the things that I've found
00:39is that time and time again, is I've seen that chelas that sort of become lackadaisical
00:46and they don't appreciate it. They don't appreciate how blessed they are. They literally
00:50end up like throwing it away or it just passes them by. And I've seen that chelas that really
01:00are grateful. And like that example that Alanji gave about people that really know how bad
01:06the lower worlds are, are much more grateful. Because of that, they realize that they have
01:15this amazing gift, that they can study with the Master, that they can practice leaving
01:22their physical body. Even if it is the subtlest of things, like where they just see light
01:29and hear sound, or receive inner guidance, that they're so grateful for even the tiniest
01:37thing that the huray gives them. And that gratitude towards God, of even the subtlest
01:45gift, shows that they have a spiritual maturity, that they have a spiritual maturity to receive
01:54greater gifts.
01:57The huray is giving the true sincere seeker, and true sincere student, the atmanuk, a great
02:07blessing beyond human understanding. A secret. So I want to say, dear chosen ones, or dear
02:19blessed ones, that soon, basically certain changes are coming, 2024, basically things
02:33that you're not used to. Negative power gives tests. But you can know that you are not alone,
02:42that the Vardhan Masters are here for you, whether you are a true spiritual God seeker,
02:51or a true sincere student in Vardhan. The Masters, the Vardhan Travelers, help you in
03:01all aspects of your life, and all circumstances, if you give them permission. When we encounter
03:10challenges, we have gratitude, we can use our divine imagination regarding gratitude,
03:23to count even the subtlest of blessings, such as the story I shared a couple weeks ago about
03:32Ismat, and how he was grateful for the tiniest of blessings from the Vardhan Divine Spirit,
03:39this voice of God, the light and sound. Gratitude for all the spiritual gifts, it's basically
03:48being grateful to huray, God. There are spiritual gifts that you already have, if you take the
03:59time to be more aware of them. Like the saying, the chila is surrounded by the Vardhan the same
04:11way a fish is surrounded by water. It's just his awareness or consciousness that it's already there.
04:19Meaning, in a sense, we are swimming in this Vardhan. And the individual, the chila, is learning
04:31to be a co-creator with God. And we get what we expect. When we expect the worst, we manifest the
04:40worst, when we expect the best spiritually, we manifest the Vardhan. Meaning, you create the
04:50reality of what you focus on, but not as magic of a little self, but instead as guided by the Vardhan,
04:58this holy light and sound. When we see problems, and we try to see them from the human state of
05:10consciousness, it causes one to become overwhelmed and sad, succumb to the lower emotions of the
05:18actual body. But when we instead see through the eyes of soul what appears to be problems, and are
05:30filling ourselves with gratitude for all the spiritual things, for the spiritual gifts, no matter
05:38how small or how invisible to those who can't see them without eyes to see, there is a spiritual gift
05:49that you already have if you will take the time to see what's already there. And this is gratitude
06:04to create a better future. People are creators and basically get what they expect, and that is why
06:14gratitude is so vital. This is an aspect of spiritual mind control, meaning controlling
06:23your own mind, meaning you are demonstrating that you are responsible as a co-creator of your own
06:31universe. And you are also responsible for who you pull into the orbit of your consciousness. Is
06:40that individual polarized to the descending wave of reincarnation? Or is the individual that you
06:47pull into your consciousness on the returning wave of the sound current? Is the individual a destructive
06:54force pulling you away from your spiritual dreams and believing yourself as a spark of God? Or is
07:04the individual amplifying you spiritually? Meaning every choice you make, you are being a co-creator,
07:12a co-worker with the barden and the master. One reason why gratitude is so vital, it's like Plato
07:25said, noth suton, and that was written at the top, the entrance of different Greek structures or
07:34buildings, meaning know thyself. So it's very important to be humble before God. To be humble
07:43before God and have the humility of the virtue, one of the five virtues, which is humility, being able to be
07:51humble, to apologize when we are imperfect, or when we make a mistake, that we can do a reversal, that we
08:01are showing that we can be responsible. Right now, it's almost symbolically like the road is splitting in
08:13two. And one road leads to repeating the same limited state of consciousness, such as the human consciousness
08:27that feels safe, and surrounding oneself with the objects, entertainments, and individuals that magnetize
08:36us to that lower state, such as being surrounded by those who don't believe in us spiritually, and try to
08:46pull us away from our spiritual center or spiritual power or awareness. The second road is the road of the
08:55burden, this voice or will of God, to become spiritually mastered in oneself, and to pass the test. Those in the
09:08negative, God does not condemn them. It is really the little self that receives its own creations. The negative power
09:17and God is testing the individual to see if they can be responsible and more sharp spiritually, meaning sink or
09:27swim. There are larger challenges happening in July and August 2024. For you are not alone, the barden masters, the
09:40spiritual travelers are here for you. If you give them permission, they can help you in your life and your
09:49circumstances. I was saying was that one of the blessings that the chelas students have is they have this enormous
10:03blessing of working with these ancient spiritual travelers, and some of them are thousands of years old. Like Fubi
10:16Kwan, he has been called one of the holy immortals in China. It actually reminds me a little bit of an analogy that
10:29Alan G. once gave. A lot of people seem to think that when it comes to spiritual things, all the rules no longer exist or
10:41apply. That related to spirituality, you don't need to work at it, you don't need to study, you don't need to have a
10:52competent, skilled individual to teach certain things. He gave the example of someone who plays tennis. Someone would
11:06think it would be kind of bizarre to say that you shouldn't take tennis lessons if you want to get good at it. You just
11:14naturally are good at it. Everyone is good at it. You don't need to practice and you don't need to work with a talented
11:23instructor. Everybody is just good at it.
11:32And yet many promote this common belief that the individual that you just don't need a spiritual teacher. You need a tennis
11:40instructor, you need someone to teach you to become a doctor, but you don't need a spiritual teacher. It's a half-truth that comes
11:50from the negative power. When it comes to being a gymnast, no one would question that you need lessons. But when it comes to
11:58spirituality, it's sort of just this double standard.
12:01I like the example of, if there is a man who is all day drinking beer and watching television on his couch, and then there's someone else
12:13who studied with great divine love out-of-body travel for 25 years and put love into it, and reading and contemplating, to say that
12:27everyone is the same, and that everyone is on the same level spiritually, and that there's no difference between the guy who's sitting on
12:38his couch drinking beer all day. And that's not to put him down, but to say that because the lower worlds have this mixture of truth
12:51mixed with illusion, it gives this illusion that everybody is the same, and you just don't need a teacher, you don't need a master. But that is
13:02looking at it from my perspective, from the astral consciousness, because from the astral level, everything does look the same. What's your
13:12point about that?
13:15That we need a teacher?
13:19That a common idea that the rules don't apply related to spirituality, like you don't need to work at it, you don't need a teacher, everyone's the same.
13:31I think no matter what level someone is at, if they are on any kind of spiritual path, then there's always something to be said about moving forward,
13:45going through certain experiences or obstacles. I mean, on the spiritual path, it's different. I mean, religion and spirituality are very different.
13:58But I think when people have near-death experiences, they usually come back and say it's all about love, and that it's about loving people. But then some
14:09people are a little more specific. And they say you're supposed to love anonymously, not obviously. You know, so it's like people come back with
14:19different perspectives on how to move forward. And it's usually because it's like an astral level, or below, you know, like causal or astral. So we don't, we
14:33don't get like the full truth from most of the teachers that are out there.
14:37Yeah, and part of it is their realization that a big part of it is knowingness, and knowingness and developing a knowingness, because there are, I guess you
14:58could say, at each level of heaven, and I should mention that these levels are not like dimensions, it's different, a different mapping system, that at each level of
15:09heaven, there are different faculties, you could say. Do you want to share anything about that? Or should I explain related to different faculties, like new
15:21intuition on the etheric plane?
15:24Yeah, well, we've already gone over what we said we were going to do timewise.
15:30Pretty far. So I could describe it. I was recently reflecting on this about a teacher that I had a barn master who was my teacher in a past life. And he was this
15:43master of, of the Vartan Vidya, which is reading the soul records. But one of the things that I found interesting was, he was very, very selective about who became his, his
15:57chila, his student. And part of it was he, he could read people like a book. He could read the soul records, the Akashic records, all the different levels. And one of the
16:11things that was interesting was, he had a he had a philosophy that was similar to Zadok, from Jujiya, which was that, which was that the insincere, that basically, when when an
16:34individual skips, putting love into their practices on a daily basis, when they when they do something just for entertainment, just for entertainment, but not not truly, because they love truth, and they love God, that it can, in a
16:59sense, be insincere. And he said that the insincere poisons the sincere, and that he didn't, he would screen people out to make sure that, that those that practice were truly sincere. And he was very picky. I, he only had six students. But I could, I can mention that that's partly because the path was non-public. So it goes through cycles, you know, cycles where very few
17:28people practice it. And, and the Master is very selective, because he works with them one on one, and other times where it's more public, and other people are given the blessing, who normally would, who normally might not be able to make it. And, and so, and so, basically, it was something, I know, this
17:57sounds maybe, you know, maybe difficult to believe, but this was a past life on another planet. My teacher in that life, he had snow white hair and a beard and beautiful blue eyes, he was 14,500 years old. And his name was Naitomo. But anyway, one of the things, one of the things that I found interesting was that
18:27he tended to, he tended to only let those who had real knowingness enter as students, meaning they had this ability to try to get the answers on an inner level, at a higher level. And that, and that if, if individuals were more argumentative, or had a lot of
18:57apathy, didn't appreciate, appreciate the blessing of it, then, then he would withdraw his presence. And that was because he wanted people that were sincere, people that had a sense of divine knowingness or intuition, meaning they had to be at a certain state of spiritual unfoldment, more advanced. And I guess the way
19:27he put it, to quote him, he said, quote, You would not give a dangerous weapon to an irresponsible child. And you don't give divine knowledge and wisdom to an irresponsible soul. And I know that sounds kind of harsh. But he had high standards, he set the bar very high. And, and because of that, it was sort of like
19:56motivating students to go beyond what they thought they could. And a lot of that has to do with gratitude, because when someone is really grateful, they're more motivated. They're more motivated. It's just sort of like you see a gymnast, someone who loves gymnastics, they love it. It's, it's just something that they're grateful for, something they love to do. They might, like if somebody is in the Olympics, they'll be
20:26practicing eight hours a day. I'm not saying that spiritually, someone has to spend that much time, that much time. Even if someone just does it for a half hour, an hour. But I guess the point is, is when we are grateful for something, when we love something, and sometimes going through challenging life situations makes for motivation. But, but when I
20:55followed him as a teacher, I was not as, as harsh. I let, as a vehicle of the Vardhan, I let a lot more people who were allowed to enter to the path, it sort of, it changed. And, and, and that's, that's what, what happens. It's sort of like different beings, different Vardhan Masters or channels, or spiritual teachers or channels for different, different things.
21:25I've repeated over and over recently, it will become urgent that you learn to, learn to close your eyes, tune out the outer sounds and project a soul. Go within to meet with the Masters and seek their guidance, their counsel, their help. You must be patient with yourself. Like Ismad was, sometimes he would seek inwardly and nothing would come to him.
21:55But he would persist and repeat and repeat until eventually it did. He never blamed the Master, he never blamed God, he took personal responsibility.
22:06Even if you are not a Vardhanist, the spiritual travelers can be there for you. If you are a sincere seeker, or a true sincere initiate, you are under the Master's protection. We call the Murgatma the Living Vardhan Master, who is Phuppi Kwanz, and I am the Outer Master.
22:32But one thing, one thing to mention is that one of the great traps of the negative power is for the chila or the individual to become too comfortable with leaning on the mind, with relying on the mind.
22:56And what is the mind? The purpose of the mind is to steer the individual sometimes off course. The negative power can use the mind to steer the individual off course with the mind and the little self.
23:10Then the opposite side of the coin would be to listen to the Vardhan instead of the mind. To follow the guidance of the Vardhan, this voice of Hure, which sometimes requires that we go outside of our comfort zone of the human self or human logic.
23:31Sometimes it won't even make sense to the mind, because spirit is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, all-knowing, and can see a far bigger picture than we can as the little self.
23:49And this is why relying on the Master and the Vardhan is choosing the second road, which is that road towards Hure, God.
24:03So one of the things I again suggest is it is important to be truly humble, not blaming others, but instead face and overcome our own spiritual insufficiencies.
24:19Face and look into the mirror of truth. Do a reversal when you make a mistake.
24:28And build a divine fortress of soul, or God-self, a little bit like if you see in the Superman movie, how he had a fortress of solitude.
24:41That the true, sincere student in his daily spiritual exercises of Vardhan goes into his fortress of solitude, where he can communicate with this light and sound of God, and communicate with the Master of Murugatma, Phobikwans, and the ancient masters like Yelbul Saqabi and Reba Zarathustra.
25:09And so, as I said before, July or August, there will be changes, and there will be two roads, as I said before.
25:25One road is the road of doubt, disillusionment, sadness, and following the mind, or the entities of the lower worlds, or those who are stuck in the human consciousness, allowing those in our personal psychic space and allowing them to pull us down.
25:51Those who don't believe in us spiritually.
25:55And then the second road, which again is the road of the Vardhan, it is this returning wave of the sound current.
26:04The second road is the road of knowingness, seeingness, beingness.
26:11The second road is dwelling in the pure positive God worlds, and learning to rely, have total reliance on the ancient Vardhan masters, and to count our blessings instead of drowning in complaining.
26:29So instead of drowning in complaining that the individual Lord Chila is counting his blessings, and we can deepen this process in our spiritual exercises to be grateful for even the subtlest divine love that comes to us, this light, this sound.
26:51Because when we appreciate it more, and we have more of a love bond with God and with the masters, then experiences will open up to us.
27:03I've seen some individuals who are flying, soaring spiritually.
27:09It's because they have this enormous gratitude that it opens up their heart, and it opens up doors.
27:17And then I've seen several others who are filled with complaints, who are focusing on lack, who are centered in doubt.
27:28They are not using their knowingness, and they are following other voices, like the voices of the cow, lower entities, or the complaints of the mind.
27:40And that allows them, like a boat anchor, to be dragged down to the descending wave, instead of the returning wave on the sound current home to the Heuray God.
27:55That is the second road.
27:58It is the returning wave of the sound current home to Heuray God, with the steps like self and God realization.
28:10Now, as I've said before, the Vardhan Chila, or spiritual seeker, God seeker, you can have this inner contemplation, this inner spiritual exercise, this inner communication, that I've said before is a little bit like Star Wars.
28:37Where the student has this telepathic communication with this three-dimensional image of his master.
28:49And it's important to differentiate between mind and Vardhan, as we were saying before.
28:57Because the mind will give a very powerful illusion, a very powerful illusion that we're going in the right direction.
29:05And when in fact it's going a different way.
29:10Oh gosh, I remember one time, there were physical level mocked up miracles, and so called guidance, but it was coming from a lower level, it was coming from the physical, super physical astral.
29:29And because it seemed miraculous, we followed it one evening at night when it was dark.
29:38And that guidance nearly led us right off a cliff, like to walk off a cliff.
29:44But then we had to go back on the inner, and go to a much higher level of consciousness.
29:50Not the astral level, not the super physical level, which can have powerful miracles from the negative power.
29:55No, we had to rise above the problem band, and focus on the pure positive God worlds.
30:04The Heuray and the Masters, the Vardhan.
30:08And then we were given guidance that was on a much higher level, that led us in a direction of progress.
30:19So that's a scary example that following the mind can be dangerous.
30:27Sometimes people end up committing spiritual suicide because they're following what seems logical to their mind.
30:35Or they may see a magical entity that grants them some kind of blessing, so called blessing or miracle.
30:44Many people don't realize it's the negative power has the power to manifest miracles and wonders.
30:52And if you look at the lower heavens, they're filled with miracles and wonders.
30:56How do you differentiate between illusion or maya and truth?
31:02It means having to desire God, the Heuray, the Vardhan, greater than the things of this world.
31:14Alan G. and I, we would focus on how important it is to spend more time with God, Heuray, in our Vardhan, out of body tuza practices.
31:28As well as projecting a soul and experiencing the holy book, the Cherokee Heuray, in these temples of golden wisdom.
31:37It is a book that radiates a light, a luminosity, where you can experience the wisdom just by being, beingness in its presence.
31:53And he once also said to me that I also need to spend more time in nature, in the forest, or by the water.
32:04If this, the Vardhan, just guides me to a certain place to spend in nature and contemplate spiritually, he said that maybe I should consider doing that every day.
32:20And giving divine love to all forms and all kingdoms.
32:27We discussed that before, the different kingdoms, plant, animal, mineral, humanoid and god, man, kingdom, so forth.
32:36But it's most especially, first and foremost, to muster the divine love and focus and attention on the Heuray, God, the Vardhan, divine spirit, and the master, Phobiquant, as well as the ancient masters.
33:00And I want to repeat again, dear beloved ones,
33:13low sound frequencies, trauma and drama, war and strife and tribulation in this Kali Yuga cycle.
33:26But, it's like, it's like Palji said in Ashariat, or rather, Yavosakavi, that the individual faces the cave of fire, water, test of water and ice, but he is resilient in his perseverance.
33:50And he is the Atmanak, the Atmanak is always facing towards the Heuray, meaning the Murgatma is his north star, the spiritual traveler.
34:05So it's important to summon up a great and powerful focus on the Vardhan, filling ourselves like a cup with the Vardhan, this light and sound.
34:19And realizing detachment is important, meaning being able to let go and let God.
34:30Detachment is being willing to let go of the familiar, meaning thinking that we know as the little self what is best with our mind.
34:40And realizing that God, Heuray, the Vardhan, divine spirit, and the spiritual traveler, it's just for bequants, knows far more than we do in the little self.
34:59And that trust is sometimes, it can be like being willing to step or walk on water when we don't know how deep it is.
35:12It requires courage and bravery to take a leap of faith.
35:18Meaning, in a sense, you must rise above the problem band, rise above the problem band, rise above the chaos, rise above the chaos merchants.
35:34Who, as Paul G. would say, manufacture chaos of the lower worlds and see all from pure soul with a 360 degree viewpoint that knows.
35:49And this is part of how to pass the test of the negative power.
35:55For those in the negative, it has a lot to do with compassion and wisdom, showing a greater level of compassion, wisdom, and sincerity.
36:05For those in the positive, it has to do with showing a level of claiming one's spiritual power, not being willing to be squashed like a bug.
36:19And in the negative, not doing so much squashing, as a result, what is that saying, I said before, what we create is what we receive.
36:34And so these are part of the test of the negative power and the hero you're giving.
36:41Meaning, can we, in the quinn bodies, show that we can be responsible?
36:49Again, if someone is so-called negative polarity, there are certain enormous gifts and blessings coming, and they are not excluded from it, but must prove themselves worthy, sincere, compassionate, self-correcting, doing reversals.
37:19And demonstrating great wisdom and great responsibility.
37:25The negative power doesn't give one true power unless they demonstrate, and the hero does not give one great power unless they demonstrate that they won't be a fool with it.
37:41That they can be responsible.
37:49Meaning, if those who do will be among the few who step into this greater divine power.
37:58The middle path is being neither for nor against.
38:03Meaning, many in the lower worlds are split.
38:07They split their consciousness between good and evil, up and down, right and wrong, and so forth.
38:17But the middle path is being neither for nor against.
38:21And therefore it is neutral.
38:25And therefore it is like what Ahunji described as the spinning top in the eye of the storm.
38:34Where everything is flying around it, and it is in perfect state of harmony and balance.
38:43It is the Vardhan.
38:48This light and sound of God.
38:55Because, and then many people know about this, what we're grateful for we receive more of.
39:01So when somebody is really grateful for the spiritual things, for the divine things, for the high path, then what are they going to get?
39:11They're going to get more gifts within the high path.
39:15And those who take it for granted, sometimes they end up losing what they take for granted.
39:23And that's because the negative power will test them to see what they want more.
39:31You know, it tests everyone, do they want the things of this world or the things of God?
39:37And so we're very blessed.
39:41We're very blessed.
39:44I really want to thank you, Sean, for coming on the show.
39:53I really appreciate everything that you shared.
39:58It was really, really inspiring.
40:00And I know that you pushed yourself to do it anyway, even though you weren't feeling great today.
40:07And I really want to thank you for the divine love of doing that, of speaking with me in spite of the setback.
40:16Thank you.
40:18I enjoy talking with you.
40:20Even when I'm not feeling too great, it's nice to talk with you.
40:24Even when I'm not feeling too great, it's nice to talk with you.
40:27I know a lot of chelas love talking to you because you give them so much unconditional love.
40:32Which, you know, is a rare thing.
40:35Well, that's one of the things, too, is that the chelas or students in Borankar are just really magnificent, magnificent, beautiful beings.
40:45And I feel very, very lucky and blessed to talk with any one of them and to see when they start to fly, to spread their wings and fly more.
40:56It's a miracle.
40:58And really, when we see the best in each other, we can lift each other up more.
41:09We're very, very blessed.
41:12We're very, very blessed.
41:13Because all of the chelas are these magnificent, magnificent beings.
41:21If they just know, as soul, how wonderful they are.
41:26And not as a little self, but as a soul.
41:31Well, yeah, the little self, too, but especially a soul.
41:38Thank you.
41:40And you're very appreciated, too.
41:42You bring a lot of light and sound in my life and in the lives of other chelas.
41:53And the Masters love and appreciate you, too.
41:56Just like they appreciate the chelas.
41:59Thank you.
42:02May the blessings be.
42:11Thank you.
42:41Thank you.
