Amandeep NDE Podcast Interview

  • 2 months ago
Jul 25, 2024
Amandeep interviews Heather Giamboi about her experiences of out of body travel to different levels of heaven with herdeceased husband Allen and the heaven of aGod.
00:00Heather, thank you so much and welcome to our podcast.
00:21It's wonderful to meet you.
00:22Thank you so much for having me here.
00:26So Heather, how did you get on to the path of spirituality?
00:33Well, when I was about 17 years old, I've told this before, but when I was 17 years
00:40old, I was a God seeker.
00:43And I had this insatiable urge to just search, like really strong.
00:51I would read in libraries 10 books a day.
00:53I sought in the city mentors, and I was searching.
01:00But after a period of time, I suddenly, it was like I hit a wall, and I felt like something
01:07was wrong.
01:08Like everything I looked at, there was something missing.
01:12And so at one point, I put my head against the dormitory wall, and I just began to cry.
01:16And I said, God, if there is a God, show me a real teacher.
01:22And I said that with sincerity in my heart, and I had tears in my eyes.
01:27And it was immediately after that, that I felt this strong inner guidance, this nudge
01:32to leave the art college I was in, which I was doing great, I loved it there, and go
01:39to a science university in the Poconos.
01:44And the very first, the first couple days I was there, I went in the college library,
01:51and I just closed my eyes.
01:53And I said, inwardly, I said, what am I ready for now?
01:57And it felt as though my hands were guided, were guided by the divine spirit, right to
02:04a book.
02:06It's the path I practice now.
02:09And when I touched this book and opened it, I didn't just read words, but I had, I suddenly
02:14had an out-of-body experience where I had a flash of this white, vast white universe
02:22that went on into eternity, like thousands and thousands of miles of just this endless,
02:30sparkling, brilliant whiteness, and a pure sound.
02:36And I could feel the presence of God.
02:39This is a heaven called the Annami lock, deep in the God world.
02:47But then years later, a number of years later, when I practiced it, I practiced out-of-body
02:53travel for many years, years later, I had a deeper experience of God.
03:01And I mean, I could talk about that now or share it later, but all of that opened me
03:10up to out-of-body travel, and it's basically the purpose of out-of-body travel is to return
03:19to God while living in the body.
03:25It's a beautiful thing to explore spiritually.
03:29And your show is beautiful the way you explore spirituality, too.
03:33Thank you.
03:35So, out-of-body experiences, for those that don't know what it is, could you just explain
03:42to us what happens when you have an out-of-body experience?
03:47Well, out-of-body experience, it's sort of like, there are a lot of people that know
03:52about near-death experiences, which are basically, you know, a person has a traumatic experience
04:01where they're hit by a car or something else that's really traumatic, and because of that,
04:08it literally sort of knocks them out of the physical body so that they're having this
04:12experience where they can kind of have a psychological distance from their physical body, they're
04:20outside of it.
04:23But in out-of-body travel, you're learning how to do that consciously, meaning a person
04:29doesn't have to get hit by a car in order to have that divine experience of leaving
04:34the body and touching heaven and moving towards God, that it can be a choice.
04:43One thing related to that is, there's really a double standard about that sort of thing.
04:50Do you know how a lot of people believe that training, like training in sports or training
04:57in career, is very important, it's like a priority?
05:03But related to spirituality, there's a double standard where there's this notion that you
05:10should just have an out-of-body experience, or you should just go to church, and nothing
05:16else is required, that it's not really, it doesn't really have the same weight.
05:23There's almost this notion that physical world training is very valuable, but spiritual training
05:31is sort of like, not important, but my husband and I, we've been studying out-of-body travel
05:43and teaching it for 29 years, and so after a period of time, there are these nine steps
05:52or levels that people go through to higher states of consciousness, to reach self-realization
05:58and God-realization and actual Vardhan spiritual mastership.
06:03And over the years, for several decades, we trained and we went through all of those steps.
06:09And it's just like, I mean, the analogy for it is grade school.
06:14When you go into grade school, you learn certain fundamentals.
06:18You learn how to write your name, you learn the alphabet, and then you move on to more
06:24advanced things, like writing sentences, or going from crawling on the floor to walking
06:30and then running.
06:31So it's the same thing with spirituality, when you're going through the different levels
06:35or stages.
06:38It's like a process of unfoldment.
06:42And so that's a big part of out-of-body travel, is for myself, it's been getting the proper
06:50training and moving through those different levels of consciousness, because there are
06:56different planes, different, multiple layers of heaven.
06:59Could you share your first out-of-body experience with us, or any unique, I mean, I'm sure they're
07:08all different and unique, but anything that stood out that you'd like to share with us?
07:12Well, the one I just shared with you was my very first, was when I touched the book.
07:17I experienced the heaven of God-realization, it was the Anami Lhok, which means nameless
07:25And there are a lot of the lower worlds, heavens, that have the resemblance of the God-worlds,
07:32but they're different.
07:34But I can share another one, an early one.
07:39Well, I remember one time, when I was in my earlier years, I guess about 20s, I was
07:50sitting in a hotel conference room.
07:53There was a crystal chandelier sort of glittering overhead, and there were just, you know, the
08:00soft voices of people whispering.
08:04And I just closed my eyes, and I started to do a visualization.
08:09And in the visualization, I imagined that I was, I just imagined that I chanted a high
08:18vibration name for God, and then I imagined that I was in this dark, foggy woods, very
08:25dense and dark.
08:27And inside the woods was also a house that was dark and foggy inside too.
08:32So and then I imagined that there was a hose, like a giant hose, like the trunk of an elephant
08:39that started to suck the fog out, the darkness out.
08:44And I was just playing around, you know, just imagining this.
08:48But then what was kind of shocking or startling was in the next moment, all of a sudden, it
08:54was no longer I that was guiding the visualization, but all of a sudden, divine spirit took over.
09:02And it was going by itself.
09:05And what ended up happening was, the fog started to be sucked, completely sucked out of the
09:13house and the woods.
09:15And it was almost like all of the walls, like all four walls of the house, suddenly they
09:22just vanished.
09:23It was almost like they were made of glass.
09:26And in all directions, instead of the dark woods and the dark house, all I could see
09:32for for thousands and thousands of miles was just this endless, vast landscape, fields
09:39of pure light that just went on and on into eternity.
09:43And this holy melody, this heavenly sound.
09:47And there was this feeling of knowingness, and this love of God.
09:53And I was just, I felt like so joyful, peaceful and uplifted.
10:00And there was serenity.
10:03And I knew that I was in the pure positive God worlds, which is the first heaven of jivanmukti,
10:10which means spiritual freedom.
10:12That was an early experience I had.
10:17And I was just blown away.
10:22The level of upliftment, I felt so free.
10:25But first I have to say that what some people don't know is that sometimes when we visit
10:34a heaven, like I visited these different God worlds, I was just a visitor.
10:40But the goal, the real goal of out-of-body travel is to train with a spiritual traveler
10:48to not just be a visitor, but to be a permanent resident.
10:52Like that's your home, like where you live, you live there.
10:57It's sort of like that saying, my heart is in heaven, but my feet are on earth.
11:04It's that notion because you're training, first you put on the training wheels, you're
11:10riding the tricycle, and it's got the training wheels on the side.
11:15But then eventually the training wheels come off and you're just riding the bike.
11:21And what that is, is it's like we do spiritual exercises, they're the training wheels, and
11:28the master's writings, those are the training wheels and books.
11:32But then eventually you take the training wheels off and you're just riding.
11:37Your consciousness is in heaven while your feet are on earth.
11:40It's called dual awareness, like dual meaning two, two places at the same time.
11:46But it's sort of like when someone has a near-death experience, they're experiencing a miracle,
11:53like this is a miracle from God.
11:55But it's really like an invitation.
11:58Do you take that invitation and just stuff it back in your pocket and hang it on your
12:02wall, or do you use it as an admission ticket to get to the next higher level?
12:07And that's my focus.
12:11So Heather, what was so unique about your relationship with your husband, Alan, before
12:20he died and went to heaven?
12:24Well, Alan, Ji, and I both, for 29 years, actually, 29 years, both, we practiced advanced
12:36form of out-of-body travel for decades before we met each other.
12:41And then we met, we met each other later in life, and we were, we were both, we both loved
12:49God deeply, and love God deeply.
12:53And the moment we met, we got together and we immediately were helping each other like
12:57blazes to try to reach our spiritual dreams, self-realization, and God realization, barden
13:03mastership, and it was really beautiful.
13:11He had and has such a raging sense of humor, and he has such a deep love of God, but it
13:24was just very funny because, well, we studied a lot of, we did out-of-body travel together,
13:31and we were also spiritual teachers together.
13:34So we'd often, you know, write books, spiritual books, or do out-of-body travel, or for fun,
13:41we'd look at past lives together, things like that.
13:48So you mentioned that in heaven, your husband gave you messages, laughter, protection, spiritual
13:54guidance, love, and help.
13:56Can you talk about any of those experiences?
14:00Yes, initially, Alan, at first, when Alan, before Alan died, actually, a week before
14:12Alan died, I just suddenly, everywhere I went, I would see puppies.
14:20I'd go to the grocery store, puppies.
14:22I'd go to the parking lot, puppies.
14:23I'd go to other places, more puppies.
14:25It was because he knows that I love puppies, and he was basically trying to comfort me.
14:35But even before that, I think it was a month or two before that, I was driving in the car,
14:42and I was feeling very, very miserable because I couldn't bear seeing him sick.
14:48It was too much pain to me to see him suffer like that.
14:54And with everything going on in the world, a part of me wished I could just vanish.
14:59And so I was driving my car, and suddenly I just, I fainted.
15:05And the next thing I knew, I woke up, and the car looked like it was driving itself.
15:12And it just, it literally, the moment, we were driving 65 miles an hour, the moment
15:19the left lane opened up, the car steered itself into that lane, into the middle meridian,
15:26and just slowed like the ice capades to a perfect stop.
15:31And when I got home, I told Alan about this, and he said, you wanted to leave, and you
15:39manifested that.
15:40He said, don't do that again.
15:42I said, you're right, you're right, I shouldn't do that.
15:48To be more positive, and he told me that it was the Master's protection, because in
15:55my path, and also, he was the Master, so he was the Living Barden Master, and the Master's
16:02protection is basically as a channel of God, just like the way a Christian will find that
16:08they're protected by angels, or depending on the person's, because, how can I put this?
16:16God can only show us, or reach out to us in the way that we allow in our reality.
16:24And so, his protection came to me when I was in that urgent situation, I could have perished
16:35in the car accident, but instead, the Master drove the car, the Barden drove the car, Divine
16:42Oh, yeah, what was the rest of your question, I'm sorry, my mind went blank.
16:51So, I'll just read the whole question.
16:53So, just that, you mentioned that in Heaven, Alan gave you messages, laughter, protection,
16:54spiritual guidance, love, and help.
16:55Can you talk about any of that?
16:56Yes, when Alan G was alive, he didn't like wedding rings, just because in past lives,
17:20he remembered past lives as slaves.
17:23And so, because of that, we didn't have a wedding ring.
17:27But then, I bought us, you know, those glow-in-the-dark gummy wedding rings, and it would glow like
17:34red and purple and blue and yellow.
17:37He said that was okay.
17:41But then, after he died, I was surprised because all of a sudden, out of nowhere, I find this
17:46gold wedding ring.
17:47And he says to me, he says to me, I should have married you, on the inner planes, I should
17:53have married you while I was living.
17:54I mean, we were married, but it wasn't like a normal way.
18:02And I thought that was so funny.
18:03You know, usually people don't, the one you love doesn't give you a wedding ring after
18:07they die.
18:08So, you got one after.
18:12After he died, it appeared.
18:16It was really funny.
18:19But, when he was alive, we always had all these cutesy, fun, spiritual things.
18:26We had a deeply spiritual relationship.
18:30We wrote spiritual books together.
18:32When he was sick, he was like, I can't do it.
18:36I'm too sick.
18:37I don't feel well.
18:38And I said, you know, just lie there, and I'll write it down, I'll write things down.
18:44And so that's how we wrote Thousands of Visits to Heaven, the Heart of God, and just transcribing
18:50what he was saying, and he was able to do it.
18:56And we always helped each other that way.
18:57We always had each other's back, because we had a very, we had and have a very deep and
19:03profound love, you know, sort of like, you treat the other person the way you want to
19:09be treated, like their best friend, and you have their back.
19:17So there was a lot of love.
19:18We used to write each other like 25 cards on holidays, but anyway.
19:25After he died, after he translated from this world, in heaven, huge joke around, in the
19:34other worlds, he said, in heaven, he said, Heather, now that I've, now that I've lost,
19:41now that I'm in heaven, I've lost all the weight, because he was overweight.
19:48So it was just kind of funny, his sense of humor.
19:54But anyway, he also comforted me in the sense of, I was in a lot of pain.
20:00And because losing him was difficult.
20:05And I just recall at one point, he, every single time, I would begin to, I would just
20:13about to cry, all of a sudden, the phone would ring.
20:16And it would be a student calling to comfort me, and saying, and so I wouldn't cry.
20:24And what that was, was later on, months later, this student tells me over the phone, he says
20:30that, because all my students practice out of body travel, he says to me that, Alan G.
20:36came to him on the interplanes and said, whenever I was about to cry, he'd say, comfort her.
20:44And so then immediately, they would call me at the very second that I was going to cry
20:50over and over again.
20:53That was one of the ways he comforted me.
20:55And then in terms of protection, I remember at one point, all of a sudden, well, I forgot
21:01to say this.
21:04I was told, he told me from heaven to write a book with him.
21:08And actually, a mystical person told me that I was destined to write a book with him.
21:17That would be the answer to many people's prayers.
21:24And that basically, it would help certain people's dreams come true, people who wanted
21:29to be closer to God.
21:34So I started writing this book, you know, every day.
21:37I lost my home, I lost him, I lost my home.
21:41And so I was living in Tampa, Florida.
21:46I was living in Tampa, Florida, sleeping on a cot.
21:50And so every day, I would just, I would look at his picture and close my eyes and meet
21:55him in heaven, such as the pure positive God worlds, which are heavens filled with radiant
22:03light and sound.
22:04And I would meet him and we would have conversations telepathically, and I'd write down what he
22:12says for the book.
22:14So after many months of this, like, God, many, many months went by.
22:21And then all of a sudden, some weird stuff started happening.
22:26My spirituality was under attack, my path.
22:31And some negative polarity people, they literally chased me, you know, religious persecution
22:45And Alan would protect me in different ways when this was happening.
22:53Like, for example, at one point, I woke up in the morning, and he says to me, Heather,
23:04stop driving your car.
23:05And I was like, what?
23:08You know, because I've never, I've never had a point where I not drive my car, I've driven
23:14for years.
23:16And so I just, and he said, he told me why.
23:21And so for six months, I canceled my car insurance, and I just stopped driving my car.
23:28And then many months later, many months later, I discovered that what he said was true, that
23:41he was protecting me from something harmful, you know, from heaven from the other side.
23:48And when I was in a lot of pain, like emotional pain from losing him, he told me, go to the
23:55beach, you know, that he wanted me to go to the beach.
23:59And he wanted me to do an out of body exercise there, so that I could surrender the pain
24:04into the ocean, to have it washed away.
24:08And he said, I'm going to help you when you go there.
24:11So I went there, and he did.
24:13And it was so funny, because I felt all this pain in my heart, and all this pain.
24:18And then it felt like this enormous burden was lifted off my shoulders.
24:23And so it was like, he helped give me a healing, it was the healing from the barden, divine
24:27spirit, which is this light and sound, the voice of God.
24:33And so many things, I can't even name them all.
24:37So I just want to go back to the weird stuff that happened to you, dark horses.
24:43Now, were these horses, were they like, not physical?
24:48Or were they like actual physical body people?
24:53It's, it's usually been both.
24:59I should probably explain something about that first.
25:06I at one point discovered something about myself that I didn't know, with my husband's help.
25:14At one point, there was a man who was a Satanist, and he was attacking my family with demons
25:21for like six months.
25:26And then all of a sudden, I see him, I see him on an inner level.
25:31And I'm shocked.
25:33This moment, when he sort of gave permission, divine spirit came through me.
25:39And, and I just pulled him out of this, this hellish lower astral place, into a place of
25:47greater freedom, and light and sound.
25:51And it was immediately after that, that he, he became a student and studied with us,
25:59and had certain experiences, out of body experiences, and had addictions taken away,
26:06had his karma worked out, things like that.
26:09But after that experience, after that out of body experience, my husband came to me and he said,
26:15Heather, like the Vardhan video opened up, you help, you're able to help people into
26:21in the negative polarity to, to make certain leaps.
26:27You know, not everybody is ready for Vardhankar per se.
26:31But, but it's sort of like helping people to, no matter, no matter how, like it, if somebody
26:41thinks that they're unspiritual, or not advanced spiritually, or they have preconceptions about
26:47themselves, that they're not good enough, or they don't have enough experiences, that God
26:53and divine spirit, the Vardhan can see through the illusion.
26:57Like a lot of people identify with their human body.
27:01A lot of people identify with their little self.
27:04A lot of people identify with their mind and their, and their behavior, their karma.
27:10But we're none of those things.
27:12Our true self, God can see underneath all of that illusion and see that how special someone is,
27:20regardless of their past and regardless of what they think they are.
27:25And, and when we're more, when we become more of our, our God spark, we're like a spark of God.
27:36Then, then we can realize more of our hidden potential.
27:40And that's what happened to him and he revealed to me that I had that specialty area.
27:45So, related to, related to backtracking to what you were saying, sorry, I'm a little off topic.
27:53I, the reason it was destined to happen that way, that I, that I was chased that way,
28:03not just because the word God is like a curse word to them, but also because,
28:12but also because it was meant to draw their attention so that they would have an opportunity.
28:18That, that some, there are some of them, I was shown on an inner level,
28:23that there's some people in the negative polarity who in this lifetime can have a certain blessing.
28:32Can make this huge leap in consciousness in this new cycle that we're entering into.
28:37But that's an individual choice. Not everybody wants the same things.
28:45If someone doesn't have like your type of specialty,
28:50how can they protect themselves from this dark forces and dark entities?
28:57Well, one of the things is,
29:00when you're, when you know that you're a spark of God,
29:03like this spark of God that has the creative expression of God,
29:10then you know that you create your own reality.
29:14And there was one point where I was being attacked greatly,
29:18oh boy, by some people that were powerful wizards in the Middle Ages.
29:22God, it sounds like something out of Dungeons and Dragons.
29:25Dungeons and Dragons.
29:29But later on I realized that you have to give permission for something to exist in your universe.
29:36And you're the creator of your reality.
29:39And so,
29:42a part of it is the being able to discipline and control,
29:46spiritually mind control your own mind,
29:49and have control over it.
29:51And not, it's sort of like,
29:53I guess a good example of this is,
29:56there was one time where I was watching alternative news too much,
29:59and it was negative.
30:00And I was filled with worry and upset.
30:03And my husband said,
30:05Heather G, trust in God.
30:09And I was like, oh, you know, you're right.
30:11I have to trust in God.
30:13And so I took my attention off of all that,
30:18and instead placed it more on God,
30:20and more on filling myself with the Vardhan, this light and sound.
30:25And that's part of the thing related to entities and so forth.
30:29To protect yourself, you have to control your mind, spiritually.
30:33Now this is not the bad kind of mind control,
30:35this is the kind of spiritual mind control
30:38where you're being responsible,
30:41because your thoughts are like creation,
30:43of creation of your thoughts and your actions.
30:46Because right now, this time in history,
30:49it's like the negative power in God
30:52is testing individuals to see if they can be responsible
30:56with their creations.
30:58Because it's sort of like they will be experiencing their creations
31:03from past lives and the present.
31:05Meaning what we create, we also create for ourselves.
31:10If somebody is having negative, dark thoughts about another person,
31:15what are they creating for themselves?
31:18So we experience our own creations.
31:21And that's going to come to a height in this cycle.
31:26But that's one of the ways.
31:29So if someone is experiencing a loss of a loved one,
31:35what message or advice would you want to give to them?
31:40One of the things that my husband, Alanji, told me in heaven,
31:43from the other side,
31:45is that very often when it comes to spiritual guides and beings, masters,
31:53that people have no problem with the idea of communicating with them.
31:59But when it comes to a lost loved one,
32:02they don't put them in the same category, he said.
32:05That they have to realize that when somebody passes into the other world,
32:11that they have access to a whole vaster library of consciousness
32:18and things that they didn't know before.
32:21And that they can help you because they love you.
32:24And that's what he was doing for me.
32:27And that's how he helped me to write the book.
32:31So you mentioned these habits.
32:33What do they look like, these habits?
32:37I'm not going to describe them, but if you look at this,
32:40this is like a map.
32:43You can see it on the website,
32:48If you can see, there's these different levels of heaven.
32:53And these lower levels of heaven, like the astral plane,
32:59is where many people have near-death experience.
33:02And it can be this brilliant light that has a subtle pink,
33:07and sometimes the sound of thunder.
33:10But it's the heaven of emotions.
33:12So when somebody has emotional serenity,
33:15they may be more mastered at the astral level,
33:18like more enlightened at the astral level.
33:21The causal plane has a brilliant white light,
33:25and it can be tinged subtle orange.
33:28My husband had an experience of the causal plane,
33:32where basically he saw the Akashic records
33:37as these three-dimensional holographic windows
33:41that he could peer into past lives,
33:45and make them fast-forward, freeze-frame, go back,
33:50and view countless lifetimes, like for millions of lifetimes.
33:57And then the mental plane,
34:00very few people reach this level.
34:02It's a heaven of pure white light that has a subtle blue,
34:06and it can be like the sound of running water.
34:09And then the etheric relates to the unconscious mind.
34:12But all of these planes down here,
34:15these levels of heaven are...
34:18Well, this is a physical plane, it has planets, galaxies, and so forth.
34:21All these levels are the domain of the negative power.
34:25And then above them is the pure positive God worlds,
34:31which are regions of magnificent, brilliant white light,
34:36and holy sound, because God...
34:40How can I put this?
34:42Because as soul, God can't descend into the worlds of density and matter.
34:49It's we, through out-of-body travel,
34:51that project as pure light and sound
34:53to return to it.
34:55And these higher levels of heaven,
34:58the pure positive God worlds,
35:00are not very often known by many people.
35:05But they're the heavens of self-realization on the soul plane,
35:09and God-realization, and mastership.
35:12And really the goal is to return to God.
35:17Because, like those experiences I shared,
35:22I was initially a visitor,
35:24like I visited...
35:26Where is this?
35:27The Asanami Lock.
35:29But then I had to work and study and practice for years
35:34to make my home at the different steps,
35:38the higher and higher levels of consciousness.
35:41But the main...
35:44The one which is most exciting is the home of God,
35:49which is the ocean of love and mercy.
35:52And it's like a magnificent...
35:56It's just magnificent.
35:59So when we die, where do we go?
36:02Which heaven do we go into?
36:04Well, one of the things that the spiritual travelers,
36:07the Vardmasters, say is that,
36:11and I say it too,
36:12is that we go to the level of heaven that we've earned
36:16while living in the body.
36:19So when people just wait until death,
36:22then it's sort of like they're not making the most
36:26of what they can do while living.
36:28So, yeah.
36:32So what can we do to get to the top level?
36:37In this life, what steps can we take
36:39so when we die we can get to that level?
36:43Well, that's what Alanji and I did for years.
36:47What we do is, we study with the teacher.
36:52In Vardhkar, we call them the Margatma,
36:55the living Vardhmaster.
36:57And what that is, is the reason we use the term living
37:01is because some people look to deceased
37:04or departed teachers.
37:08Or they replace the teacher with a book.
37:12And the problem with that is,
37:15just like Petr Zasko once said,
37:17that just the same way an infant needs its mother alive
37:23for nourishment,
37:25also the spiritual student needs a living master,
37:28a living teacher,
37:30in order to be connected on all the different levels
37:34so that he can learn.
37:36Because it's like this double standard with training
37:40that a person needs training for worldly things,
37:45like a career,
37:46but they don't need training for mastership.
37:49And with me, I had to train for many years,
37:52decades, just like my husband did,
37:55in out-of-body travel to different levels of heaven.
38:02And each student, I would progressively have
38:05out-of-body experiences, just like my students do.
38:08Each level of those heavens that I was showing you in that chart,
38:11there is a wisdom temple,
38:13which is like a palace of light,
38:16or a temple of light and sound,
38:19where students leave the body and they study there
38:22with these very wise beings,
38:25these ancient ones.
38:27And the student works with what's called
38:31the Mergatma Living Bard Master,
38:33which is an ancient one
38:35who has a lot of training
38:39to be this sort of conduit.
38:41He has what's called the Rod of Power,
38:43which is like a light,
38:45like pure light and sound.
38:47And what he does is,
38:49as the master,
38:51Fubi Kwan,
38:53some have referred to him as one of the
38:56Eight Holy Immortals of China,
38:59and he's the Living Bard Master, the Mergatma.
39:02I'm the outer master,
39:04bard master, or teacher.
39:06And Fubi Kwan's,
39:08basically the Mergatma,
39:10reconnects the individual with this sound current.
39:15Divine Spirit is this light and sound,
39:18this pure light and sound.
39:20And it is the voice of God.
39:23And when we go to higher levels of heaven,
39:26we'll actually hear a beautiful sound,
39:28and see a beautiful light.
39:31And that's the voice of God,
39:33communicating with us.
39:36And what happens is that the master,
39:39the Mergatma,
39:41reconnects the individual with this sound current.
39:44And we call this sound current the returning wave.
39:48Kind of like riding this wave,
39:50home to God.
39:52The returning wave, home to God.
39:54And I know this from experience,
39:56because when I was brand new,
39:58like studying my first few years,
40:03I remember the master reconnecting me
40:06with this sound current.
40:08Where I was literally reconnected with this sound,
40:10and it never left me.
40:12I mean, I could tell the story about that if you want,
40:14but it was magnificent.
40:20Oh, you want me to tell it?
40:22Yes, I thought you could share the story.
40:28what happened was,
40:30at one point,
40:32oh God, part of this is funny,
40:35I had found this path,
40:37and I was following it by myself.
40:39I didn't know there was an outer teaching.
40:42And I went to a movie,
40:44terrible movie,
40:46called Get Shorty,
40:48when I was in my 20s.
40:51And while I was watching the movie,
40:54it was so horrible that I tuned it out completely,
40:56and then I inwardly heard my secret word.
40:59Well, then it was shortly after or before then,
41:02I was sitting in my room,
41:04and I put a tape recorder,
41:06and I was recording my voice.
41:08And I said,
41:10you know, I said some things,
41:12and then when I played it back,
41:14I heard this sound.
41:16Like this beautiful, beautiful sound.
41:18And I thought, oh, that's weird, that's not my voice.
41:20So I tried again,
41:22and it did the same thing.
41:24And then I started to get a little frightened,
41:26and I said, I hear my voice, I hear my voice.
41:28And then my voice played back.
41:30But then the next day,
41:32I go into the student center,
41:34and sit in this cubicle with carpeted walls.
41:37And then all of a sudden, out of nowhere,
41:41I hear this beautiful, beautiful, heavenly sound.
41:45It's like, it fills all my beingness
41:49with this beautiful sound.
41:52And I close my eyes,
41:54and it's like a symphony.
41:56Like the most beautiful symphony orchestra
41:59playing a holy melody of God.
42:02And it was so beautiful.
42:05And from that moment on,
42:07that sound of God never left me.
42:10It was always with me.
42:12It's like God's presence, God's voice,
42:16always with me.
42:18That returning wave.
42:20And some students will describe that,
42:23that they're like,
42:25oh, I didn't realize I'd been hearing that the whole time,
42:28and I didn't know it was there.
42:30Or they'll suddenly start hearing it
42:33a few years later after studying,
42:35because the Master will connect them,
42:37reconnect them with that sound current.
42:39Because there's a descending wave,
42:41which is this light and sound
42:43that comes from the Godhead,
42:45and when it hits the Grand Division,
42:47it splits into rays.
42:51You know, light, dark,
42:53different frequencies, and so forth.
42:56But that's the descending wave
42:58of souls coming down into reincarnation.
43:01But then you have the returning wave
43:04of the sound current,
43:06which is where soul, through out-of-body travel,
43:09is riding the sound and the light
43:11with the Master's help,
43:13and out-of-body travel to return to God.
43:15Super-physical level with Alan, the astral,
43:19but also the higher levels,
43:21such as the Anami lock, and so forth.
43:24And what happened was,
43:26all of the sudden, the letter,
43:29it just transformed.
43:31It became enormous,
43:33and it became like a portal,
43:35like an inter-dimensional portal.
43:38And in the next moment,
43:40as soul, as pure soul,
43:42flew through the letter
43:45into the future.
43:51I don't know if I'd call it time travel,
43:53but it was like the Vardhan Vidya opened up,
43:56and I could see my future.
43:59And in this future,
44:01I saw that some of those,
44:03many of those people
44:05that wanted so badly to find us
44:08had found us,
44:10and that there were many of them sitting,
44:13we were having a seminar,
44:15a worldwide seminar,
44:17and they were sitting there at the seminar,
44:19but then it zoomed in to one of the people
44:24and in his eyes there were tears,
44:27tears of joy,
44:29because his prayers were answered.
44:33He wanted to become closer to God,
44:36and he was using out-of-body travel
44:39and experiencing ways of,
44:41different ways of being closer to God.
44:44And he had tears of joy
44:46because he was very happy.
44:49And when I saw that, I was very happy,
44:52because I said,
44:54and at the event I said,
44:56Alan, you're not a failure.
44:59You gave them the love
45:01that they were looking for.
45:04He didn't die a failure,
45:06because he gave them the love
45:09that they were looking for.
45:11And all the hard work and suffering he went through
45:14was not in vain,
45:17because he put so much love,
45:20he gave the students so much divine love,
45:24and he was in so much pain,
45:26but he kept going no matter what.
45:29And he is just a magnificent, loving being.
45:34I'm sorry.
45:38You can take a moment now.
45:41I'll cut this part out.
45:48You don't have to cut it out.
45:54Sometimes, I shouldn't get emotional,
45:56it's just sometimes, you know.
45:58I think it happens.
46:00The feelings just come.
46:03But he put a tremendous amount of love.
46:07There were times when he was literally on his way
46:11to the hospital to get surgery,
46:14and he was writing discourses for the students
46:17because he wanted them to have what they needed.
46:20He didn't want them to be without it.
46:24And it's the divine love.
46:30It's really the love of God for the individual
46:35that comes through the Master, the Ancient One.
46:38So it's not just him.
46:42It's divine spirit, too.
46:47I just have a question.
46:50Why do some souls, like your husband,
46:54choose to go so early?
46:58That's a question I ask myself.
47:02I wanted him to stay a lot longer.
47:07We were married for a number of years,
47:10but I wanted him to stay longer.
47:13Well, what it is, is usually before we're born,
47:17everything is planned out.
47:20Divine spirit.
47:21I mean, some people, they plan things out with angels
47:24or Lords of Karma.
47:27In my path, we planned it out with the Ancient Ones
47:31and with God.
47:35There's a reason for everything.
47:38It's sort of like he was destined to leave at that...
47:41He knew when he was going to die,
47:42but since he had dyslexia, he saw his age in reverse.
47:46He thought it was ten years later.
47:50Because the numbers were in reverse.
47:53And that was also, I guess, to protect him.
47:57To not really know, but know, sort of.
48:03He was meant to translate at that time.
48:06But, you know, even when somebody dies,
48:12they're not gone.
48:14Because he's in heaven now.
48:16And he's with me all the time.
48:19And he's with our students all the time.
48:21You know, they're like,
48:22Hi, Alan!
48:26He's there when we give initiations.
48:29He's like, doing good.
48:35He's there.
48:37You know.
48:40So what has been the most important life lesson
48:43you've learned in this life?
48:47The most important...
48:48Wow, that's a big question.
48:51The most important life lesson was to...
48:55Every person has within them,
48:58their heart will call them to do something.
49:01The heart will call them.
49:02And other people and situations
49:04will pressure them not to.
49:06Will try to steer them in another direction.
49:09But when you follow that inner call,
49:12whatever it is, no matter how subtle it is,
49:15and you don't let all the noise and distractions
49:17of the lower worlds take you from it,
49:20it'll bring you places.
49:22Magnificent places you never imagined were possible.
49:27For me, that inner call was finding God.
49:30I was a God-seeker.
49:32And I had to follow that.
49:35And I had to pursue it.
49:37And I had to read.
49:38And I had to study.
49:40And it was worth it.
49:43So, yeah.
49:44Always follow your heart.
49:46Yeah, yeah.
49:47Your spirit heart.
49:50Any final message you want to give to the audience?
49:58Every individual, no matter who they are,
50:01is loved by God.
50:03And loved by spirit.
50:06In the case of people in the negative,
50:07loved by the negative power.
50:13Every person is loved by God.
50:15And no matter how imperfect we are in the body,
50:19no matter how many mistakes that we've made,
50:23no matter what path we practice,
50:27no matter what planetary race we're from,
50:32that God sees behind the costume,
50:36that divine essence, that amazing being
50:39that has extraordinary abilities
50:42that people are only beginning to understand.
50:44And the cycle that we're entering right now,
50:47that's going to be able to come out for people.
50:50But in order for them to do that,
50:52they have to pass certain tests
50:54that the negative power in God is giving.
50:56They have to prove that they're responsible
50:58with wielding this great power they have inside.
51:01Meaning, our thoughts, our actions, our creations,
51:06we will experience our own creations.
51:10And so, a lot of people don't grasp the fullness of that,
51:14the importance of that.
51:16And if people are going to be able to survive
51:19this time of spiritual testing,
51:21they have to become more spiritually mastered,
51:25and they have to become more spiritually responsible.
51:28Otherwise, they may not be able to make it through
51:32this difficult, as you could say,
51:36like the Earth is giving birth
51:38to a greater state of consciousness.
51:40For them to pass into that greater state,
51:43they have to pass certain tests
51:45and trials and tribulations.
51:47And that requires developing a finer inner ear
51:51and inner eyes of soul
51:53to see and hear what God is sharing with us.
51:57Like that.
51:59If anyone wants to find out more,
52:02they can see we have a YouTube channel,
52:05Barden Carr,
52:07and we also have a website.
52:10Although the membership part, we're still fixing it.
52:14It kind of had a snafu, but it's getting fixed now.
52:18So if they want to connect with you,
52:20they can do it through your website or your YouTube channel.
52:23In the website, there's an email.
52:25They can email through that or the YouTube channel, yes.
52:29Heather, thank you so much.
52:31Thank you.
52:32It was a pleasure having you on the podcast.
52:34Thank you.
52:35Thank you.
52:36It was wonderful talking to you.
52:37Blessings to you.
52:38It was a beautiful show.
52:39I appreciate your blessing.
52:45Recording stopped.
52:47Now I want to officially say thank you, Heather.
52:49I'm really close.
53:19Thank you.
