Thomas, Percy and the dragon

  • 4 months ago
Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video.


00:00Thomas and Percy are good friends, but sometimes Percy teases Thomas about being frightened, and he doesn't like that at all.
00:08One evening, he was dozing happily in the shed, but Percy wanted to talk.
00:13Wake up, Thomas! Are you dreaming about the time you thought I was a ghost?
00:19Certainly not!
00:20Anyway, I was only pretending to be scared. I knew it was you, really.
00:25Percy went on teasing him.
00:27I hope the guard leaves the light on for you tonight.
00:30Why? asked Thomas.
00:32I quite like the dark.
00:33Oh, really! exclaimed Percy. I am surprised.
00:37I'd always thought you were afraid of the dark. I wonder why.
00:41Thomas decided to say nothing, and went to sleep instead.
00:45Next day, the Fat Controller arrived.
00:49I would like you to go to the harbour tonight to collect something rather unusual.
00:55What sort of something?
00:57Wait and see.
00:59Percy was moving trucks into a siding.
01:04Henry arrived with his goods train.
01:06The signalman switched the points, and Percy waited on the siding until Henry had steamed by.
01:14Then there was trouble.
01:17The points are jammed, called the signalman.
01:19I can't switch them back. The workmen will mend them in the morning.
01:24It's too late now.
01:26Hmm, said Percy's driver.
01:28I'm sorry, Percy, but you will have to stay here for the night.
01:32Where are you going? asked Percy.
01:35Home for tea, replied the fireman.
01:38Percy was speechless.
01:41He watched as the other engines went home to the shed.
01:45Nighttime came, and Percy began to feel very lonely.
01:50Oh dear, he murmured. It's very dark.
01:54Pshh! Pshh!
01:56Oh! Oh! What's that?
01:59It was only an owl, but Percy didn't realise this.
02:02I wish Thomas was here too, he sighed.
02:08Thomas was waiting for his mysterious load at the harbour.
02:13Suddenly, there it was.
02:18Cinders and ashes, cried Thomas. It's a dragon!
02:22Don't worry, laughed his driver. This dragon is made of paper.
02:25It's for the carnival tomorrow.
02:29Workmen lifted the dragon onto Thomas' low loader,
02:32and put lights all around it for protection.
02:36Then Thomas set off into the misty night.
02:45Percy was asleep in his sidings, and had no idea that Thomas was approaching him.
02:52Pshh! Pshh!
03:07Help! cried Percy. I'm not going to open my eyes until my driver comes.
03:14Next morning, the points were mended, and Percy puffed back to the junction.
03:20Gordon was just about to leave with the express.
03:23You'll never guess what I saw last night.
03:26Gordon was in no mood for puzzles.
03:28I'm a busy engine. I don't have time for your games.
03:32I've seen a huge dragon. It was covered in lights.
03:36Gordon snorted.
03:38You've been in the sun too long. Your dome has cracked.
03:44When the other engines heard the news, they laughed too.
03:48Look out Percy, chuckled James, or the dragon may gobble you up.
03:55No one believes me, puffed Percy.
03:58Maybe I did imagine the dragon after all.
04:02But Percy soon found out that he hadn't.
04:05Help! Save me! cried Percy.
04:10It's all right, whistled Thomas, and he explained about the carnival.
04:15By the way, how was your night out?
04:17Percy decided to tell Thomas the truth.
04:20Well, Percy, said Thomas, maybe we do get scared sometimes.
04:25But if we're not afraid to tell each other, then that means we're quite brave too.