Edward, Trevor and the really useful party!

  • 2 months ago
Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video.
00:00Trevor the Traction Engine is old-fashioned, but he doesn't care.
00:05He knows that he is really useful, like his friend Edward, the Blue Engine.
00:14Early one morning, Trevor was chuffing about the Vicarage Orchard.
00:18He had important news for Edward.
00:22The vicar says that not all children are able to have holidays by the sea,
00:27so he's having a garden party to raise money for a seaside trip.
00:31I'm going to be the star attraction, chatted Trevor, giving rides to all the visitors.
00:36The vicar is putting up posters all about it.
00:39I'd like to help too, sighed Edward,
00:42but without my rails I wouldn't be much good at a garden party.
00:48It was a beautiful day, but Edward was worried.
00:53I wish there was something I could do for the party, he said.
00:57I'd like to be helpful like Trevor.
01:00Edward's driver laughed.
01:03You're helpful in your own way, and that's on the railway.
01:09Next day, it was Trevor's turn to look disappointed.
01:13He had bad news.
01:15The vicar's been so busy, he forgot to put up the posters.
01:19Now no one will know about the party.
01:22But Edward had an idea.
01:25Don't worry, he said, everything is going to be all right.
01:29Then he explained to his driver.
01:32The vicar can paste his posters on my cabin coaches,
01:35so wherever I go, they'll go too.
01:38Well done, Edward, said his driver.
01:42I'm sure the Fat Controller will agree.
01:45As indeed he did.
01:48Edward steamed happily through the stations, collecting his passengers.
01:53Look, they said, the vicar is holding a party.
01:56We must go to that.
02:00Later, Trevor was resting in the orchard shed when Bertie rolled by.
02:05Hello, Trevor.
02:07Why are you dozing there like an old stick in the mud?
02:10I'm not dozing, I'm resting, replied Trevor.
02:14Then he told Bertie about the vicar's party.
02:16I'll be there too, boasted Bertie.
02:19I'm not sure people will want to ride on an old traction engine
02:22after travelling in a smart red bus like me.
02:27The party day arrived.
02:30It had rained heavily during the night and the orchard ground was sodden.
02:35Rain and mud won't spoil my day, said Trevor.
02:38No indeed, agreed his driver.
02:41We'll stay on the road, then we won't get bogged down.
02:49Trevor was soon busy trundling up and down the quiet country lane,
02:54carrying lots of laughing children.
03:02He was just turning a corner when he heard Bertie.
03:06Hello, old-timer. I'm taking everyone to the party.
03:10Edward's idea is really working.
03:13Trevor gave Bertie a cheerful whistle and turned back toward the orchard.
03:22Then there was trouble.
03:24Help, I'm stuck, shouted Bertie.
03:28His wheels had sunk deep in the orchard mud.
03:32Terence the tractor arrived just in time.
03:35I'm the one who has to plough fields, laughed Terence.
03:39We'd better get you out.
03:43Using strong ropes, Terence and Trevor pulled Bertie clear of the mud.
03:49This will teach Bertie a thing or two, Trevor chuffered to himself.
03:54At last Bertie was on the road again.
03:57Thank you, Trevor, he laughed.
03:59You're not a stick in the mud at all.
04:01No, smiled Trevor, but you were, just for a little while.
04:06That evening, the vicar arrived to see Edward and his driver.
04:10Thanks to your good idea about the posters,
04:13hundreds of people paid to come to the party.
04:16We've raised lots of money for the children.
04:19Edward was very pleased, and Trevor fell happily asleep,
04:24thinking of all the children who would now get to the seaside at night.
04:29At last.